

单词 额尔齐斯河


External sources (not reviewed)

额尔齐斯河的照 片由美国摄影家兼俄罗斯建筑历史学家威廉·布鲁姆费尔德于 1999 [...]
This photograph of the Irtysh River at Bol'sherech'e [...]
was taken in 1999 by Dr. William Brumfield, American photographer and
historian of Russian architecture, as part of the "Meeting of Frontiers" project at the Library of Congress.
额尔齐斯河作为 西伯利亚较大的河流之一,实际上是目前仍然属于更大河流的鄂毕河的一条支流。
The Irtysh, one of Siberia's mighty rivers, is in fact [...]
a tributary of the still greater Ob' River.
额尔齐斯河发源 于中国的最西北部,此地靠近蒙古阿尔泰山。
The Irtysh originates in the extreme northwest part of China, near the Mongolian Altai Mountains.
围绕着它是后现代的电影主题公园Futuroscope主题公园,一些有吸引力的小村庄像CHAUVIGNY和帕尔特奈, 河 边 尼 奥 尔 的 石 额 和 中 世纪的半木结构房屋。
Surrounding it is the post-modern cinema theme park Futuroscope, some attractive, small
villages like Chauvigny and
[...] Parthenay and larger riverside Niort containing stone-fronted and half-timbered [...]
medieval houses.
同样,如文件 A/64/805 所示,在按照联合检查 组《章程》第 3 条第 2 款规定进行了协商,包括与经 济及社会理事会主席和秘书长(作为联合国系统行政
[...] 提出候选人——热拉尔·比罗先生(法国)、伊什特 万·波斯塔先生(匈牙利)、帕帕·路 斯 · 法 尔 先生 (塞内加尔)、吉汗·特尔齐先生(土耳其)——以供任 命为联合检查组成员,任期五年,从 [...]
2011 年 1 月 1 日开始,至 2015 年 12 月 31 日结束。
As further indicated in document A/64/805, as a result of the consultations held in accordance with article 3, paragraph 2, of the statute of the Joint Inspection Unit, including consultations with the President of the Economic and Social Council and with the Secretary-General in his capacity as Chairman of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination, I submit to the Assembly the candidatures of Mr. Gérard Biraud
(France), Mr. István
[...] Posta (Hungary), Mr. Papa Louis Fall (Senegal) and Mr. Cihan Terzi (Turkey) for appointment [...]
as members of
the Joint Inspection Unit for a five-year term of office beginning on 1 January 2011 and expiring on 31 December 2015.
在第二场会议第二节期间,各国议会联盟经济及社会事务高级顾问亚历山德 罗·莫特、最不发达等国家高代办代理主任兼会议执行秘书桑达格道 里 · 额尔敦 别列格、以及孟加拉国议会成员撒贝尔·乔杜里详细介绍了各国议会联盟和高级 代表处旨在推动议会今后积极参与执行《 斯 坦 布 尔行动纲领》的联合项目议案 及随附议会行动计划。
In session II.2 Alessandro Motter, IPU
Senior Adviser for Economic and Social Affairs, Sandagdorj Erdenebileg, Acting Director of OHRLLS and Executive Secretary of the Conference, and Saber Chowdhury, Member of Parliament (Bangladesh), elaborated on a joint IPU/OHRLLS project proposal and accompanying parliamentary action plan to get parliaments actively involved in the future implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action.
目前, 主办天基信息平台各区域支助办事处的有八个国家机构( 尔 及 利 亚空间局、 哥伦比亚奥斯丁 ·齐地理 研究所、匈牙利卡罗伊 · 罗伯特大学、伊朗空间 局、尼日利亚国家空间研究和发展局、巴基斯坦空间和高层大气研究委员会、 [...]
减灾中心、位于内罗毕的资源测绘促进发展区域中心、位于特立尼达和多巴哥 圣奥古斯丁的西印度群岛大学和位于巴拿马城的拉丁美洲和加勒比潮湿热带地 区水中心)。
Currently, UN-SPIDER regional support
offices are being hosted
[...] by eight national organizations: Algerian Space Agency, Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute [...]
of Colombia, Károly
Róbert University of Hungary, Iranian Space Agency, Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency, Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission, Romanian Space Agency and National Space Agency of Ukraine; and by four regional organizations: ADRC, based in Kobe, Japan; Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD), based in Nairobi; University of the West Indies, based in Saint Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago; and Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean (CATHALAC) based in Panama City.
由于最不发达国家通常仍要依赖援助(尽管有时不能获得公平的援助 额 ), 《伊斯坦布尔行动 纲领》必须解决这些国家影响援助实效的基本限制因素。
Because least developed countries remain generally aid-dependent (though not always getting their fair share of aid), it is important that the Istanbul Programme of Action address the basic constraints that affect aid effectiveness in those countries.
我们希望国际社会增加对巴勒斯坦人民的经 济、财政和人道主义援助,我们敦促捐助国按照向 巴勒斯坦人民提供国际援助协调问题特设联络委员 会 3 月在布鲁尔举行 会议时所计算的结果,履行 其所承诺向巴斯坦权力机构 2012 年度预算捐款 10 亿美元的额,以便巴斯坦权 力机构能够控制 其不断增加的财政赤字,并履行其对巴勒斯坦人民 的职责。
We hope that the international community will increase its economic, financial and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people, and we urge donor countries to fulfil their share of the commitments to contribute $1 billion to the annual budget of the Palestinian Authority for 2012, based on the calculations made by the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee for the Coordination of the International Assistance to Palestinians at its March meeting in Brussels, in order to enable the Palestinian Authority to bring its growing fiscal deficit under control and fulfil its responsibilities to the Palestinian people.
我是否可以认为大会希望任命热拉尔·比罗先生 (法国)、伊什特万·波斯塔先生(匈牙利)、帕帕·路斯·法尔先生(塞内加尔)、吉汗·特 尔齐 先 生 (土 耳其)为联合检查组成员,任期五年,从 2011 年 [...]
1 月 1 日开始,至 2015 年 12 月 31 日结束?
May I take it that it is the wish of the Assembly to appoint Mr.
Gérard Biraud (France), Mr. István
[...] Posta (Hungary), Mr. Papa Louis Fall (Senegal) and Mr. Cihan Terzi (Turkey) as members [...]
the Joint Inspection Unit for a five-year term of office beginning on 1 January 2011 and expiring on 31 December 2015?
在8月12 日委员会第8 次会议上,佐勒菲卡尔女士介绍了案文草案 A/HRC/AC/7/L.4, 提案人为:何塞·安东尼奥·本戈·卡韦略先生、劳 斯 ·布 瓦松·德·沙祖尔内女士、陈士球先生、郑镇星女士、沃尔夫冈·海因茨先生、 艾尔弗雷德·恩通杜古鲁·卡罗科拉先生、弗拉基米尔·卡尔塔什金先生、奥比 奥拉·希内杜·奥卡福尔先生、阿南托尼亚·雷 斯 · 普 拉 多女士、坂本茂树先 生、迪鲁杰拉尔·西图辛格先生、阿赫马尔·比拉勒·苏菲先生、哈利玛·恩巴 雷克·瓦尔扎齐女士 、莫娜·佐勒菲卡尔女士。
At the Committee’s 8th meeting, on 12 August, Ms. Zulficar introduced draft text A/HRC/AC/7/L.4, sponsored by Mr. José Antonio Bengoa Cabello, Ms. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Mr. Shiqiu Chen, Ms. Chisung Chung, Mr. Wolfgang Heinz, Mr. Alfred Ntunduguru Karokora, Mr. Vladimir Kartashkin, Mr. Obiora Chinedu Okafor, Ms. Anantonia Reyes Prado, Mr. Shigeki Sakamoto, Mr. Dheerujlall Seetulsingh, Mr. Ahmer Bilal Soofi, Ms. Halima Embarek Warzazi and Ms. Mona Zulficar.
大约5000年前,一个游牧部落越过喜马拉雅山从苏 尔 ( 今 天的伊朗)进入印度西北部。他们在今日的卡拉奇附近定居下来,那里由于受印度河、拉维河、比 斯河 、 齐 纳 布 河以及萨特黑季河水系的影响而土地肥沃。
Approximately 5000 years ago, a nomadic people crossed the Himalayas and made their way into northwest India from Sumeria, (modern day Iran.) They settled near modern day Karachi, a rich land fertilized by the river systems of the Indus, Ravi, Beas, Chenab, and Sutlej.
收到巴斯坦政 府上述请求后,经与巴 斯 坦 当 局以及安全理事会成员广泛 讨论,一致认为该国际委员会应属于实况调查性质,其任务是确定前总理莫赫塔 马·贝齐尔·布托遇刺事件的基本事实和具体案情。
Following receipt of the request from the
[...] Government of Pakistan, and after extensive discussions with the Pakistani authorities as well as with members of the Security Council, it has been agreed that the international commission should be fact-finding in nature and that its mandate would be to determine the facts and circumstances of the assassination of former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.
谁是其中提到的其他可能齐里尔斯 , Th eodoret,两个教皇利奥我和格里高利一世,并于教父期间大马士革和塞维利亚伊西多尔约翰到底。
Among others who may be mentioned are the Cyrils, Theodoret, the two popes Leo I and Gregory I, and at the very end of the patristic period John of Damascus and Isidore of Seville.
秘书处开始了高级监测和评价干事的空缺 额 在 联 合国 河 系统 上的广告程序,并很快在该系统上宣布员额的空缺,并在专业刊物上予以登载,以确保申 请人拥有适当的评价方面的资格。
The Secretariat had initiated the advertisement process for the post of Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in the United Nations (UN) galaxy system and the vacancy announcement would shortly be launched in the UN system and would also be advertised in specialized journals to secure applicants with appropriate evaluation qualifications.
正如我们在 2010 年 的利姆尼斯/耶希尔河过境 点和 2008 年的尼科西亚的莱德拉街/Lokmaçı 过境点 所看到的那样,这种举措可以改善两族之间的总体信任。
As we saw at Limnitis/Yeşilırmak in 2010 and Ledra Street/ Lokmaçı, Nicosia, in 2008, such initiatives can improve overall confidence between the communities.
这些案例调查涉及到:西非的塞内 尔河流 域,斯里兰 卡的鲁胡努河流域,泰国的昭披耶河流域,日本的大东京河流域,俄罗斯和爱沙 尼亚共有的佩普西湖,南美的的的喀喀湖和法国的塞纳河诺曼底流域。
These case studies
[...] involve: Senegal River Basin in West Africa, Ruhunu River Basin in Sri Lanka, Chao Phrya [...]
River Basin in Thailand,
Greater Tokyo River Basin in Japan, Peipsi Lake jointly shared by Russia and Estonia, Lake Titicaca in South America and Seine-Normandy River Basin in France.
在大河流域内收额外数 据的目的是为了对朝阳试点区的水质模型进行扩展。
The purpose of
[...] collecting additional data within the Daling River Basin was to allow [...]
the extension of the water quality
model created as a pilot study in the Chaoyang area.
适当的话,划额外的 河岸保 留区,平均再增加45米,进行管 理,以保持鱼类或野生动植物栖息地及/ [...]
Additional riparian reserves are applied [...]
as appropriate, averaging an additional 45 metres, and managed to maintain fish
or wildlife habitat and/or cultural and recreational values.
联合国食物权特别报告员奥利维尔.德.舒特(Olivier De Schutter)、救助非洲之角的共同创始人和执行董事法蒂玛.基布瑞尔(Fatima Jibrell)、《饥荒理论》和《撒哈拉以南非洲的食品安全》的作者斯蒂芬.德弗罗博士、联合国儿童基金会东部和南部非洲区域负责 额 哈 吉. 艾 斯.斯 ( E l ha dj As Sy)、印度“绿色革命之父”M.S.斯瓦米 纳坦教授(M.S. Swaminathan)、康尔大学 的食品、营养与公共政策教授珀.平思储波.安德森(Per Pinstrup-Andersen)均参与了此次“避免饥荒,及早行动”的辩论。
Averting Famine, Acting Early includes discussion from the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter; the co-founder and Executive Director of Horn of Africa Relief, Fatima Jibrell; author of 'Theories of Famine' and 'Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa', Dr. Stephen Devereux; UNICEF Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa Elhadj As Sy; the ’Father of the Green Revolution in India‘, Professor M.S. Swaminathan; and Professor of Food, Nutrition and Public Policy at Cornell University, Per Pinstrup-Andersen.
下列小组 成员也发了言:孟加拉国财政部长 齐 祖 尔 · 伊 斯 拉 姆、国际劳工组织社会保护 科执行主任阿桑·迪奥普、经合组织秘书长安赫尔·古里亚、非洲进步小组主任 [...]
迈克尔·基廷、荷兰马克西马公主殿下,以及意大利前经济和财政部次长维托·坦 齐。
Statements were also made by the
[...] panellists: Azizul Islam, Minister of Finance, Bangladesh; Assane Diop, Executive [...]
Director, Social Protection
Section, International Labour Organization; Ángel Gurría, Secretary-General of OECD; Michael Keating, Director, Africa Progress Panel; Her Royal Highness Princess Máxima of the Netherlands; Vito Tanzi, former State Under-Secretary for Economy and Finance, Italy.
投资理由文件将与 “尔斯河”交 易订单管理系统中的每项投资进行电子链接。
The investment rationale document will be electronically linked with each
[...] investment in the Charles River trade order management system.
继来自格鲁吉亚常驻联合国代表团的伊拉克利·奇科瓦尼(格鲁吉亚)(副主 席)离任后,尔瓦·齐斯卡拉什维里(格鲁吉亚)当选为副主席,接替 2009 至 2010 年余下的任期。
Following the departure of Irakli Chikovani (Georgia), Vice-Chair, from the Permanent Mission of Georgia to the United Nations, Shalva Tsiskarashvili (Georgia) was elected to serve as a Vice-Chair for the remainder of the 2009-2010 term.
委员会下列委员参加了本来文的审议:阿卜杜勒法塔赫·奥 尔 先 生 、莱兹赫里 · 布 齐 德先 生、克斯蒂娜 ·沙内女士、马哈吉卜 · 埃 尔 · 哈 伊 巴先生、艾哈迈德·阿明·法萨拉先 生、岩泽雄司先生、海伦·凯勒女士、拉杰苏默·拉拉赫先生、赞克·扎内莱·马约迪纳女 士、尤利亚·安托阿尼拉·莫托科女士、迈克尔·奥弗莱厄蒂先生、何塞·路易斯·佩雷 斯·桑切斯-塞罗先生、拉斐尔·里瓦斯·波萨达先生、奈杰尔·罗德利勋爵、费边·萨尔 维奥利先生和克里斯特·特林先生。
The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the present communication: Mr Abdelfattah Amor, Mr. Lazhari Bouzid, Ms. Christine Chanet, Mr. Mahjoub El Haiba, Mr. Ahmad Amin Fathalla, Mr. Yuji Iwasawa, Mrs. Hellen Keller, Mr. Rajsoomer Lallah, Ms. Zonke Zanele Majodina, Ms. Iulia Antoanella Motoc, Mr. Michael O’Flaherty, Mr. José Luis Pérez Sanchez-Cerro, Mr. Rafael Rivas Posada, Sir Nigel Rodley, Mr. Fabián Salvioli and Mr. Krister Thelin.
故未根据理事会第 5/1 号决议第 70 段进行无记名投票,哈利玛·恩巴雷克 · 瓦 尔 扎 齐 、 陈 士球、米尔·阿方索·马丁斯和让·齐格勒 以协商一致方式当选为咨询委员会委员。
The practice of holding a secret ballot pursuant to Paragraph 70 of Council resolution 5/1 was dispensed with and Halima Embarek Warzazi, Shiqiu Chen, Miguel Alfonso Martinez and Jean Ziegler were elected as members of the Advisory Committee by consensus.
在 11 月 29 日第 2 次会议上,国际会议听取了下列人士的发言:经济及社会 理事会主席莱奥·梅罗雷(海地)、秘书长会议特使海德马里·维乔雷克-措伊尔、 秘书长会议特使特雷弗·曼尔、秘 书长开拓发展筹资新渠道问题特别顾问菲利 普·杜斯特-布拉齐和作 为联合国发展集团主席的联合国开发计划署署长凯尔·德尔维什
At its 2nd meeting, on 29 November, the Conference heard statements by Léo Mérorès (Haiti), President of the Economic and Social Council; Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General to the Conference; Trevor Manuel, Special
Envoy of the
[...] Secretary-General to the Conference; Philippe Douste-Blazy, Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on Innovative Financing for Development; and Kemal Derviş, Administrator of the United Nations Development [...]
in his capacity as the Chairman of the United Nations Development Group.
有 15 个原为低于限额的国家(芬兰、德国、前南斯拉夫共和国的马其顿、马来西
[...] 亚、萨摩亚、阿拉伯利比亚民众国和赞比亚),或超限额国家(喀麦隆、埃塞俄比 亚、几内亚、马里、毛里塔尼亚和多哥),或未占 额 国 家( 波 斯 尼 亚 、黑塞哥维 那和尔吉斯斯坦) 已经进入了这一类别
fifteen countries previously under-represented (Finland, Germany, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malaysia, Samoa, The former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia and Zambia),
[...] overrepresented (Cameroon, Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania and Togo) and nonrepresented (Bosnia and [...]
Herzegovina and Kyrgyzstan) have entered this category




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