

单词 颜面扫地

See also:

颜面 n

face n



面颜 n

face n

External sources (not reviewed)

这样的要素可包括保护消费者健康的原材料质量、可感知的口味、气味 颜 色和 质地方面的规定,以及为防假冒而为最终产品制定的基本质量标准。
Such factors could include the quality of the raw material, with the object of
protecting the health of the
[...] consumer, provisions on taste, odour, colour and texture which [...]
may be apprehended by the senses,
and basic quality criteria for the finished products, with the object of preventing fraud.
清新,清晰的图像质量呈现在技术文档,草图 地 图 上 ,SD大 面扫 描 仪 给了企业一个简单而经济实惠的方式完成企业的扫描任务而节约时间。
Clean, sharp image quality on technical documents, sketches, and maps, SD large format scanners give companies an easy and affordable way to save time on in-house scanning activities.
可视化设计器以及自动格式化功能下的 面颜 色 控制 - 用户可以轻地调整所有控件的颜色。
Full control over color from a Visual Designer and Auto format — all the controls' colors can be easily adjusted.
借助高扫描、6 种颜色成 像和操作员助手 (OA) 检测功能,操作员可获得识别爆炸物、武器、毒品或未如实描述的货物所需的 面 信 息 和灵活控制。
With high-energy scanning, 6-color imaging and operator assist detection (OA) capabilities operators have the comprehensive information and flexible controls needed to identify explosives, [...]
drugs or misrepresented goods.
经过磋商,取得的成果是制定了“十年”后五年及以后的国际战略行动框架,现 在合作伙伴已将它视为促进国家地 区 和 全球 面扫 盲 的一个一致的总体机制加以使用(见 182 EX/INF.6 号文件)。
Developed as the outcome of this consultative process, the UNLD International Strategic Framework for Action for the second half of the Decade and
beyond is used today as a
[...] coherent, over-arching mechanism for partners to contribute to literacy at the national, [...]
regional and global levels (see 182 EX/INF.6).
在教科文组织的宣传工作面,现 在本组织新的扫盲门户网站(http//www.unesco.org/en/literacy/) 包含世界地扫盲计划的实例。
Within UNESCO’s work on advocacy, the Organization’s new Literacy Portal (http://www.unesco.org/en/literacy/) now contains examples of literacy programmes from around the world.
在审议期间,主要活动包括促进提高认识的政策和标准,以及监测在实现普遍获取信息 面的 进 展,特别是通过重点落实信息社会世界首脑会议(第一阶段,日内瓦,以及第二阶段,突尼斯) 的成果以及在全民信息计划及其三个战略重点——信 扫 盲 、 信息伦理和信息保护——的框架内, 通过实施具体活动巩固行动职能。
During the period under consideration, main activities included the promotion of policies and standards to raise awareness and monitoring progress towards universal access particularly by focusing on the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS, Phases I,
Geneva, and II, Tunis)
[...] and within the framework of the Information for All Programme (IFAP) and its three strategic priorities – information literacy, information ethics and information preservation – by consolidating its operational functions through the implementation [...]
of concrete activities.
尺寸大小、形状、地和颜色等赋予未来腕表理想 面 貌 与 造型。
Volume, shape, texture and colors give the future watch its ideal face and shape.
我们拥有最新的印前技术和设施,包括先进的印 颜 色 管 理系统 扫 描 分 色机、CTF、计算机直接制版(CTP)和数码打稿机,以及软程打样(Soft [...]
We have the latest prepress technology and equipment,
[...] including advanced color-management systems, scanners, CTF, CTP, [...]
digital and press proofing machines,
as well as Soft proofing capabilities which ensure the best possible results for under-one-roof service.
从连杯的外层导出的设计因素与其材料 颜 色 、 形式、 地 、 表 面 样 式 、装饰以及细节有关。
The design features derived from the outer level of the Linnak
[...] deal with material, color, form, texture, surface pattern, decoration, [...]
and detail.
美帝国主义和南朝鲜叛国集团越是把这两起案件“归咎于”朝鲜民主主义人 民共和国,就越能明显揭示其丑面 目 , 即他们是一味与朝鲜民主主义人民共和 国进行对抗的狂热分子,并颜无耻 地 混 淆 是非。
The further the United States imperialists and the south Korean group of traitors “blame” the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for the two cases, the more
saliently it will reveal
[...] their ugly colours as anti-Democratic People’s Republic of Korea confrontational fanatics and their effrontery of confusing right and wrong.
增加了时颜色,显示地图上 ,并可以在控 面 板 选项 / 地 理 位置下打开/关闭。
It is displayed over the map and can be switched on/off in the console Options / Geo-Location
在泰国和日本政府的技术和财务支持下,正值泰国庆祝教育周活动以及国际成人教育 大会第五次会议中期审查会议开幕之际的国际扫盲日,亚 地 区 在 泰国的曼谷启动了“国际 扫盲十年”活动,活动上颁发了“教科文组织国际扫盲奖”,并召开了一次圆桌讨论会,主 题是:“亚洲的扫盲与性别问题—多 面扫 盲 的 背景”。
The UNESCO International Literacy Awards were presented and a round table discussion took place on “Literacy and Gender in Asia – the Context of the Plural Notion of Literacy”.
如果选择面,扫描站 将一次同时扫描文档的正面和背面。
If Two Sided is selected, the Scan Station [...]
will simultaneously scan the front and back of a document in a single pass.
科学家发现,覆盆子富含黄酮类化合物和维生素C,具有激活和修复肌肤的作用。在娇韵诗专利化合物 颜 美 白 系统(Lock-Around System ™ HP)中,娇韵诗将覆盆子与抗坏血酸酸-2-葡萄糖苷相结合,获得了新一代的维生素C,这种维生素C可以不 地 渗 透 到皮肤中,产生一种持久的抗自由基和抗黑色素形成的作用。
Scientists have found the Raspberry to have exceptional skin energizing and repairing properties thanks to its high content of flavonoids and Vitamin C. In its Lock-Around System ® HP, Clarins has combined it with Ascorbyl acid-2-glucoside, a new generation Vitamin C which continuously diffuses into the skin to provide a long-lasting, anti-free radical and anti-melanogenesis action.
地方官员制 定有利于缅甸当地人的政策,将非缅甸公民的中国商人 扫地出 门 ”,然后出售他们的企业或将特别经营权授予由政府官员指定 的人。
Local officials develop policies that favour local Burmese and drive non-citizen Chinese businessmen out of business, then sell these businesses or franchise them to people chosen by government officials.
Contex的大面扫描仪 和扫描解决方案是为通用型应用设计的,所以它们几乎能够用于所有的大型文档业务 - 包括那些高可靠地图扫描仪
Context’s Large Format Scanners and scanning solutions are designed for versatility so they can be used with almost any business working with large documents - including those who need reliable Map Scanners
面,标明墙的是仔细放置的扫帚的分支,这是用 扫地 的 树 脂灌丛。
Around the outside,
[...] defining the walls, were carefully placed branches of broom, a resiny shrub used for sweeping.
提供的展位图样比例不得少于 1:100,并需在设计平面图与设计面 图 上 清楚标 地 板 , 高度,设备 颜 色 , 物料,活动的展架,视听 器材,展品重量和运输材料等。
Drawings submitted must be to a reasonable scale of not less than 1:100, fully dimensioned and must contain information such as floor plan, stand elevation, fittings, colours and materials to be used, moving exhibits, audio-visual equipment, weights and point loading of exhibits.
如果是面扫描,背面影像将会自动以检测到的正面影像的相同方向 旋转。
For two-sided scans, the back side image is [...]
automatically rotated with the same orientation as the detected orientation for the front side image.
可以选 择一种颜色, 并从右边的表格中增 加或插入一种手颜色的代号, 以 便面板安装和颜色代号都是按 照字母顺序排列的。
For an optional color, add or insert a handle color designator from the table at right so that the panel-mounting and color designators are in alphabetical order.
拥有一个集成的光泽测量计,业内最佳的重复性,无与伦比的仪器台间差一致性和包含在内的Datacolor TOOLS 桌面软件 , 45G®具有在一条复杂的制造供应链中有 地 控 制 颜 色 和 外观的性能。
With an integrated gloss meter, the industry’s best repeatability, unrivaled inter-instrument
agreement and the included
[...] Datacolor TOOLS desktop software, the 45G® has the performance needed to effectively control color and appearance [...]
in a complex manufacturing supply chain.
Select Preview to
[...] perform a preview scan and add the color.
除设计和发行软件外,从技术角度来说,Firebird还一直关注用于整合VoIP(网络电话)、电信和IP技术的产品、互联网安全和反病毒软件、NFC(近场通信)和基于位置的系统、WiMax和IP技术、在线金融交易和银行软件,以及包括3D影像、全息图技术、多点触控 面 、 视网 膜 扫 描 仪 及所有走在我们时代前沿的创新产品的“新时代”产品。
In terms of technologies, in addition to design and publishing software, Firebird is on the lookout for products meant for integration with VoIP, telecom, and IP technologies, Internet security and anti-virus software, NFC and location-based systems, WiMax and IP technologies, on-line financial transaction and banking software, and "new-age" products,
including 3-D imaging, hologram
[...] technologies, multi-touch interfaces, retina scanners, and all innovations [...]
ahead of our time.
威泰 ] WT36 MFS 是三合一多功能系统是市场上占地最小的,只需以WT-36 扫描仪和机架,操作员就可以不 地扫 描 复 印,透过 'Scan2iPF' 软件直接从[佳能] 的 imagePROGRAF 大面彩色打印机自动复印。
Using only a WideTEK 36 scanner and floorstand with the Scan2iPF software option, the
WideTEK 36 MFS enables
[...] operators to continue scanning while the printer is still printing -- and WideTEK 36's fast scanning speeds are a [...]
good match for the
Canon imagePROGRAF** series printer output speeds.
过去三年中,联合国系统各机构承认我们为确保 我国人民的人的安全所作的努力,它们认识到尼加拉 瓜政府为保护土著人口和恢复他们的权利所发挥的
[...] 作用,认识到我们确保粮食和营养主权与安全的政 策,我们的减贫政策,以及最后,我国 面扫 除 文盲 的状况。
Our efforts to ensure the human security of our people are reflected in the acknowledgements we have received over the past three years from agencies of the United Nations system, which have recognized the role of the Government of Nicaragua in protecting native populations and restoring their rights, as well as our policies to ensure food and
nutrition sovereignty and security, our poverty-reduction policies and, lastly, our
[...] status as a country of full literacy.
法院也驳回了这一说法,理由是,这与诉讼程序无关,因为证明货物 在原地时就存在颜色瑕疵的举证责任在于买方,买方本能够(且本应该)在 收到货物时检查,而不是到了目的地才检查货物,因为买方完全了解,或者说 [...]
The Court rejected that claim also, on the
[...] grounds that it was not relevant to the proceedings as the burden of proof that the colour of [...]
the goods was defective
at their point of origin was on the buyer, which could (and ought to) have checked the goods on collection rather than at their destination, given that the buyer was perfectly aware of, or at least could not be unaware of, the effect of time and transportation on the colour of the must.
但就在一周以后,完全妄自尊大的占领国,全然无视国际法和国际社会对 以色列发出的停止非法定居活动的呼吁,今天 颜 无 耻 地 宣 布 在被占领的东耶路 撒冷所谓“拉马特什洛莫”定居点批准新建 1 600 个定居单位。
Only one week later, with total arrogance and total disregard for international law and the calls made by the international community on Israel to end its illegal settlement campaign, the occupying Power shamefully announced today the approval of 1,600 more settlement units in the so-called settlement of “Ramat Shlomo” in Occupied East Jerusalem.




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