

单词 颖片

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小穗4.5-6(-7)毫米,玫瑰色或带紫色红色; 披针形颖片,近等长,下颖片1脉 , 3脉的上 颖片 , 粗糙的平滑或只沿着龙骨状,锐渐尖的先端; 胼胝体毛1/3-1/2段外稃; 外稃4-5毫米,膜,上半部分粗糙,先端钝的或具小齿; 芒生于或者一外稃的小的中间以下,直或者有点膝曲,5-6毫米; 大约3/4的倍于外稃的内稃; 显著具毛撮的小穗轴,1.5-2毫米,包括头发4-5毫米花粉囊2-2.5毫米。
Spikelets 4.5–6(–7) mm, rose or purplish red; glumes lanceolate, subequal, lower glume 1-veined, upper glume 3-veined, smooth or scabrid only along keel, apex sharply acuminate; callus hairs 1/3–1/2 length of lemma; lemma 4–5 mm, membranous, upper part scabrid, apex obtuse or denticulate; awn arising from or a little below middle of lemma, straight or slightly geniculate, 5–6 mm; palea ca. 3/4 as long as lemma; rachilla conspicuously penicillate, 1.5–2 mm, including hairs 4–5 mm.
小穗椭圆形,1.8-2毫米,无毛; 更低颖片通常无; 约的上颖片4/5的 倍于小穗,透明,半透明,无毛,3脉,宽钝; 略带紫色的下部外稃,倍于小穗,相近的5脉具3 中心脉和边缘的外部2,脉连结在顶部; 成熟时的上面外稃略带紫色的棕色。
Spikelets elliptic, 1.8–2 mm, glabrous; lower glume usually absent; upper glume ca. 4/5 as long as spikelet, hyaline, translucent, glabrous, 3-veined, broadly obtuse; lower lemma purplish, as long as spikelet, 5-veined with 3 central veins close together and outer 2 marginal, veins connected at tip; upper lemma purplish brown at maturity.
小穗3.5-6毫米; 大约一半个小穗长度颖片不等 长,低 颖片 , 1脉 ,上 颖片 一 小短于小穗,3脉; 雄蕊花的下部的小花,外稃约5毫米,在背面,边缘具缘毛,先端微缺上粗糙; 首先外稃awnless或短尖; 第二外稃具近尖端的芒可达4毫米; 两性的小花在背面,粗糙的近先端上类似于雄蕊花但是平滑; 内稃1(-2)脉; 花药2-3.5毫米。
Spikelets 3.5–6 mm; glumes unequal, lower glume about half spikelet length, 1-veined, upper glume a little shorter than spikelet, 3-veined; lower florets staminate, lemmas ca. 5 mm, scabrid on back, margins ciliate, apex emarginate; first lemma awnless or mucronate; second lemma with subapical awn up to 4 mm; bisexual floret similar to staminate but smooth on back, scabrid near apex; palea 1(–2)-veined; anthers 2–3.5 mm.
小穗3.5-4毫米,黄绿色orpurplish; 颖片无毛,滤波或粗糙; 更低颖片2.5-3.5毫米,3-5脉; 上颖片倍于小穗,5脉; 雄蕊花的下部的小花,倍于更低 颖片; 上 面小花2.5-3毫米,外稃先端具小齿,具芒; 用棕色的盘旋的柱子,2-5毫米膝曲的芒; 胼胝体毛1/4-1/3段外稃。
Spikelets 3.5–4 mm, yellowish green orpurplish; glumes glabrous, smooth or midvein scabrid; lower glume 2.5–3.5 mm, 3–5-veined; upper glume as long as spikelet, 5-veined; lower floret staminate, as long as lower glume; upper floret 2.5–3 mm, lemma apex 2-denticulate, awned; awn geniculate with brown twisted column, 2–5 mm; callus hairs 1/4–1/3 length of lemma.
小穗大,具对来说很多小花,不育的上面小花通常; 小穗轴脱节高颖片和在之间小花,粗糙或者短毛; 近等长颖片不等 长或,短于小穗,近卵形的披针形或,-)5-7-脉,先端锐尖的或更长渐尖或芒状; 无毛和两面稀疏有毛的小花结茧; 在对近革质龙骨状,5-9(-11)脉,草质的或压扁的背面或上圆形的外稃,边缘通常膜质,先端全缘或2齿; 芒末端或者生于外稃在牙齿之间稍微在顶,或者3具芒的awnless的很少下; 狭窄的内稃,短于外稃,纤毛或者粗糙的龙骨的通常。
Spikelets large, with 3 to many florets, upper florets often sterile; rachilla disarticulating above glumes and between florets, scabrid or shortly hairy; glumes unequal or subequal, shorter than spikelet, lanceolate or nearly ovate, (1–)5–7-veined, apex acute or long acuminate or aristiform; floret callus glabrous or both sides thinly hairy; lemmas rounded on back or compressed to keel, 5–9(–11)-veined, herbaceous or nearly leathery, margins often membranous, apex entire or 2-toothed; awn terminal or arising from lemma between teeth slightly under apex, rarely awnless or 3-awned; palea narrow, usually shorter than lemma, keels ciliate or scabrid.
球状小穗椭圆形,1-1.5毫米,带白色绿色; 小花相似,低的小花通常两性,上面的小花通常女性颖片草质 的具内折的干膜质边缘, 5-7(-9)脉,偶有,通常无毛具一些硬刚毛在中部以上,等于小穗的钝,下 颖片, 上 面,革质的更下部的外稃略长于,到椭圆形卵形,被微柔毛或近无毛,钝,上面外稃。
Spikelets elliptic-globose, 1–1.5 mm, whitish green; florets similar, lower floret usually
bisexual, upper floret
[...] usually female; glumes herbaceous with inflexed scarious margins, 5–7(–9)-veined, usually glabrous, occasionally with a few stiff bristles above middle, obtuse, lower glume equal [...]
to spikelet, upper glume
slightly shorter; lower lemma very slightly longer than upper, leathery, globose to elliptic-ovate, puberulous or subglabrous, obtuse, upper lemma hairier.
无梗小穗3.8-5毫米; 胼胝体金色具髯毛; 更低颖片宽长圆形, 革质,暗褐色具一浅淡黄干膜质条纹状在周围先端和上面边缘,,2 最外脉在每边在先端下面连结, 近相等的小颖片; 披针形的下部的外稃,先端钝到截形; 上面外稃先端截形,或,awnless 2,短尖对短。
Sessile spikelet 3.8–5 mm; callus golden bearded; lower glume broadly oblong, leathery, dark brown with a pale yellowish scarious band around apex and upper margins, glabrous, 2 outermost veins on each side connected below apex, connected vein minutely exserted, apex truncate, erose-denticulate, ciliolate; florets subequaling glumes; lower lemma lanceolate, apex obtuse to truncate; upper lemma apex truncate, awnless, or 2-denticulate, mucronate to shortly awned.
椭圆状长圆形的小穗plumply,2.5-3毫米; 更低颖片小,无脉; 宽卵形的上颖片,1/ 3的倍于小穗,3脉,近无毛,边缘膜质,先端宽钝; 更下部的外稃稍短于上面外稃,7脉具空间近等距离,无毛或边缘; 浅略带紫色灰色的上面外稃成熟时,从小穗那里具细尖,外露的先端突然。
Spikelets plumply elliptic-oblong, 2.5–3 mm; lower glume minute, veinless; upper glume broadly ovate, 1/3 as long as spikelet, 3-veined, subglabrous, margins membranous, apex broadly obtuse; lower lemma slightly shorter than upper lemma, 7-veined with intervein spaces nearly equidistant, glabrous or margins pilose; upper lemma pale purplish gray at maturity, apex abruptly apiculate, exserted from spikelet.
无梗小穗4-5.5毫米; 更下部颖片狭披针形长圆形,深深具凹槽的背面,微糙或偶有具短硬毛,在以低于先端,先端近截形的细脉连结的龙骨状,脉之间的0-4-脉; 在龙骨状,渐尖上粗糙的上颖片; 更 低的小花退化至一不明显的线状披针形的鳞片或无; 披针形或长圆形的上面外稃,1-1.5毫米,锐尖或,或短具芒; 芒身体虚弱膝曲,经常在小穗,可达6(-9)毫米内包括; 上面内稃卵形,约1毫米。
Sessile spikelet 4–5.5 mm; lower glume narrowly lanceolate-oblong, back deeply grooved, puberulous-scaberulous or occasionally hispidulous, 0–4-veined between keels, veins connected by veinlets below apex, apex subtruncate; upper glume scabrid on keel, acuminate; [...]
lower floret reduced to an
inconspicuous linear-lanceolate scale or absent; upper lemma lanceolate or oblong, 1–1.5 mm, acute or bidenticulate, awnless or shortly awned; awn weakly geniculate, often included within spikelet, up to 6(–9) mm; upper palea ovate, ca. 1 mm.
小穗长圆形,3-4.5毫米,无毛或被短柔毛,通常微染紫色,钝的或锐尖,偶有从花梗的先端通过长毛超过; 宽卵形的下颖片,1/3-1/2段小穗,3脉,钝的或锐尖; 卵状长圆形的上颖片,倍 于小穗,5脉,锐尖; 雄蕊花的下部的小花,类似于上 颖片 , 内 稃发育良好的外稃; 上面小花薄革质,浅黄的或绿色,发亮,好横裂的微皱。
Spikelets oblong, 3–4.5 mm, glabrous or pubescent, often tinged purple, obtuse or acute, occasionally overtopped by
long hairs from apex of
[...] pedicel; lower glume broadly ovate, 1/3–1/2 length of spikelet, 3-veined, obtuse or acute; upper glume ovate-oblong, as long as spikelet, 5-veined, acute; lower floret staminate, lemma similar to upper glume, palea [...]
well developed; upper floret
thinly coriaceous, pale yellow or green, shiny, finely transverse rugulose.
披针形的小穗,3-3.5毫米,无毛,渐尖颖片宽卵 形,微糙的在脉上,渐尖的到骤尖; 更低颖片1/2-2 /3段小穗,5脉,在基部抱茎,被一节间分开; 上颖片倍于小穗,7-9脉; 无意义的下部的小花,类似于上 颖片 , 好 锐尖的外稃,内稃发育不良; 上面小花长圆形,3/4段小穗,浅黄的或橄榄绿色,发亮,钝。
[...] lanceolate, 3–3.5 mm, glabrous, acuminate; glumes broadly ovate, scaberulous on veins, acuminate to cuspidate; lower glume 1/2–2/3 length of spikelet, 5-veined, clasping at the base, separated by an internode; upper glume as long as spikelet, 7–9-veined; lower floret [...]
barren, lemma similar
to upper glume, finely acute, palea poorly developed; upper floret oblong, 3/4 length of spikelet, pale yellow or olive green, shiny, obtuse.
[...] 小花差不多相似,两性的或很少更低的男性和上层女性颖片等长 或近等长到小穗,7脉,具小乳突具短硬毛的特别是在中部以上,抑制; [...]
外稃革质,低的外稃无毛,平锤和稍长于上面; 上面外稃短柔毛。
Spikelets elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 1.3–1.9 mm, grayish green or purple tinged; florets nearly
similar, bisexual or rarely lower male and
[...] upper female; glumes equal or subequal [...]
to spikelet, 7-veined, papillose-hispidulous
especially above middle, obtuse; lemmas leathery, lower lemma glabrous, flatter and slightly longer than upper; upper lemma pubescent.
披针形的小穗,3.5-4.5(-6)毫米,一对的那些无毛的不同,下部的小穗,上面小穗具长柔毛; 更低颖片很小,无脉; 上颖片披针 形,1/2倍于兑一等长,3-5-脉; 更下部的外稃倍于小穗,接近7-11-脉,等距离的脉,厚,突出,空间; 上面小穗具排绢状毛,通常也具刚毛,象晕一样的毛开展成熟时; 上面外稃灰白色,渐尖。
Spikelets lanceolate, 3.5–4.5(–6) mm, those of a pair different, lower spikelet glabrous, upper spikelet villous; lower glume very small, veinless; upper glume lanceolate, 1/2 as long as to equaling spikelet, 3–5-veined; lower lemma as long as spikelet, closely 7–11-veined, veins equidistant, thick, prominent, interspaces slitlike; upper spikelet with rows of silky hairs, usually also setose, the hairs spreading halo-like at maturity; upper lemma pallid, acuminate.
倒卵形的小穗,约3毫米; 近等长颖片,绿色龙骨状,3脉的卵形,浅具,稀疏刚毛,先端锐尖; 更低的小花倍颖片,不 育,只由外稃组成,在背面上具柔毛浓密贴伏,先端2裂; 外稃具芒生于中间,直的芒,等长外稃身体的首先; 从凹缺那里深深2裂,具芒的第二外稃,直线; 两性的小花少于1/2段颖片,平 滑,发亮; 花药长约3毫米。
Spikelets obovate,
[...] ca. 3 mm; glumes subequal, ovate, pale with green keel, 3-veined, sparsely setose, apex acute; lower florets as long as glumes, sterile, composed only of lemmas, densely appressed-pilose on back, apex 2-lobed; first lemma with awn arising from middle, awn straight, equaling lemma body; second lemma deeply bifid, awned from sinus, awn straight; bisexual floret less than 1/2 length of glumes, smooth, shiny; [...]
anthers ca. 3 mm.
绿色,披针形的小穗绿色的或带紫色,侧面压扁,2-2.8毫米,无毛具糙硬毛或具小乳突,钝; 卵形颖片,草 质具宽透明边缘和先端,下 颖片 1 / 3 -1 /2小穗长度,3-7脉; 上颖片7-11脉; 更低的外稃倍于上颖片; 内 稃小和透明; 淡黄的上面外稃,狭卵形,1/2的小穗长度。
Spikelets green or purplish
[...] green, lanceolate, laterally compressed, 2–2.8 mm, glabrous or papillose-hispid, obtuse; glumes ovate, herbaceous with broad hyaline margins and apex, lower glume 1/3–1/2 spikelet [...]
length, 3–7-veined;
upper glume 7–11-veined; lower lemma as long as upper glume; palea small and hyaline; upper lemma yellowish, narrowly ovate, 1/2 spikelet length.
穗状的圆锥花序,10-30 厘米小穗淡绿,不对称的的长圆形,轻而易举背压扁,3.3-5毫米,无毛,锐尖到近尖; 宽卵形的下颖片,1/ 4-1/3小穗长度,3-5脉; 上颖片卵形,稍囊状,脉,锐尖; 很少发生雄蕊花的更下部的小花中性或,外稃倍于上 颖片 , 卵 形,7; 更低的内稃宿存,通常非常退化; 淡黄的上面外稃,狭卵形,2/3-3/4小穗长度,锐尖。
Spikelets light green, asymmetrically oblong, lightly dorsally compressed, 3.3–5 mm, glabrous, acute to subacute; lower glume broadly ovate, 1/4–1/3 spikelet length, 3–5-veined; upper glume ovate, slightly gibbous, 9-veined, acute; lower floret neuter or infrequently staminate, lemma as long as upper glume, ovate, 7-veined; lower palea present, often much reduced; upper lemma yellowish, narrowly ovate, 2/3–3/4 spikelet length, acute.
无梗小穗约7毫米; 近尖的胼胝体,1.3-1.7毫米,具髯毛具金色毛,斜着生分枝先端; 更低颖片狭长圆形,沿着inturned 侧面具刺具瘤,有时具短硬毛在先端,先端截形或2齿; 在龙骨状向先端,awnless,短尖或具上具糙硬毛的上 颖片 一 可达10毫米; 上面外稃微小的2齿,具芒; 膝曲的芒,1.2-3.5厘米,被微柔毛的柱子。
Sessile spikelet ca. 7 mm; callus subacute, 1.3–1.7 mm, bearded
with golden hairs,
[...] obliquely attached to branch apex; lower glume narrowly oblong, tuberculate-spinose along inturned flanks, sometimes hispidulous at apex, apex truncate or 2-toothed; upper glume hispid on keel toward apex, awnless, mucronate [...]
or with an
awn up to 10 mm; upper lemma minutely 2-toothed, awned; awn geniculate, 1.2–3.5 cm, column puberulous.
小穗3-4毫米,绿色的或紫色颖片长圆状披针形,下颖片稍长 于上 颖片 , 龙 骨状显著具短硬毛,关于龙骨状,先端锐尖向上先端渐尖,粗糙的上 颖片; 胼 胝体毛0.4-0.5毫米; 外稃大约2/3小穗长度,具长柔毛的背面除了在下面顶,在更低的1/3上或附近具芒,先端截形,啮蚀状; 膝曲的芒,3-4毫米; 通常大约1/3段外稃的内稃。
Spikelets 3–4 mm, green or purple; glumes oblong-lanceolate, lower glume slightly longer than upper glume, keel conspicuously scabrid-hispidulous, apex acuminate, upper glume scabrid upward on keel, apex acute; callus hairs 0.4–0.5 mm; lemma ca. 2/3 spikelet length, back villous except below apex, awned at or near lower 1/3, apex truncate, erose; awn geniculate, 3–4 mm; palea usually ca. 1/3 length of lemma.
1小花的小穗具,侧面压扁,高颖片 , 短延长的小穗轴脱节在以外,无毛; 有时不等长,下颖片,颖片远短于小花残迹,上面的很小或披针形,宽透明的边缘,先端渐尖; 短的小花的胼胝体和不明显有毛,侧的毛长; 在边意见里披针形的外稃,翻转,似皮革,粗糙,强烈5脉,厉害的或很少具短尖; [...]
Spikelets with 1 floret, laterally
[...] compressed, disarticulating above glumes, rachilla shortly extended beyond floret, glabrous; glumes much shorter than floret, [...]
unequal, lower glume
sometimes very small or vestigial, upper glume lanceolate, margins broadly hyaline, apex acuminate; callus of floret shortly and inconspicuously hairy, lateral hairs longest; lemma lanceolate in side view, keeled, leathery, scabrid, strongly 5-veined, acute or rarely mucronate; palea subequaling and almost enclosed by lemma, keels close together, prominent, scabrid, depressed between keels.
一种颖的多色光片荧光 显微成像(LSFM)方法已被用于解密大型组织样本三维单细胞水平上的免疫过程。
A novel multicolor light sheet fluorescence microscopy [...]
(LSFM) approach has been used for deciphering immune processes in
large tissue specimens on a single-cell level in three dimensions.
这 是一项力求推动在全国委员会及其合作伙伴之间建立 颖 联 盟 的行动,它也可以作为教科文 组织秘书处一个补充项目。
This requires action to stimulate new and innovative alliances between National Commissions and these partners, which may also have complementary projects with the UNESCO Secretariat.
[...] 登记的内容应包括批号、类型、口径、材料、数量、弹壳上和包装上的标识,包 括弹壳和包装的详细片及描述。
For ammunition, such inspections sheets should include the lot number, type, calibre, material, quantity, markings
on the cartridge and on the packaging,
[...] including detailed pictures and descriptions [...]
of the cartridge and the packaging.
同样,表达自由受《宪法》保护, 记者和片人在其各自职业中享有最大限度的自由。
Likewise, freedom of expression was protected by the Constitution, and reporters and film makers enjoyed maximum freedom in the exercise of their respective professions.
可选购的圆形带锁尼龙或不锈钢手柄成套件内包含一个手柄, 锁罩, 扣环, 标签, 垫片, 锁紧螺母和说明书。
Optional round lockable nylon or stainless steel handle kits contains a handle, lock shield, retaining ring, label, washer, lock nut, and instructions.
他们提出的建议包括在分配官方发展援助时优先考虑最不发达国 家;落实颖和创 新的资金来源;探讨并酌情试验新型金融协作以及特别是非金 融协作;通过补贴最不发达国家优先领域的国际私营部门参与,特别是外国直接 投资,发挥资源的杠杆作用;通过提高协议透明度和推动政府特别是议会审查, 加强最不发达国家的商业订约能力;让最不发达国家更多地参与援助架构的治 理。
Recommendations proposed included prioritizing least developed countries in allocations of official development assistance; implementing new and innovative sources of financing; exploring and, where possible, experimenting with new types of financial and, especially, non-financial collaboration; leveraging resources through subsidies for international private sector engagement, especially foreign direct investment, in areas of least developed country priority; strengthening least developed country capacities for commercial contracting through greater transparency in agreements and by fostering governmental, especially parliamentary, review; increasing the participation of least developed countries in governance of the aid architecture.
工发组织指出,为了扩大其以信息和通信技术为基础的技术援助方案的范 围,并向发展中国家的中小企业推广负担得起、 颖 和 相关的解决方案,应巩固 国际组织、公共和私营部门以及所有利益攸关方之间的伙伴关系。
UNIDO observes that in order to increase the outreach of its ICT-based technical assistance programmes and to promote affordable, innovative and relevant solutions to SMEs in developing countries, partnerships between international organizations, public and private sectors and all relevant stakeholders should be consolidated.
至于项目提案,好几位成员赞扬项目设计 颖 , 但是要求澄清几个问题,包括如何 实现可持续性,各种成果的信息如何传播给中国的相关设施,试点项目下拟议的一些支助 [...]
活动是否符合供资条件,销毁成本高于核准的其他国家的类似项目,还有试点示范项目的 销毁和废物管理办法如何扩大到家用制冷以外的行业。
Regarding the project proposal, several members praised the
innovative design of the project, but sought
[...] clarification on a number of issues, including [...]
how sustainability would be achieved,
how the information on the various outcomes would be disseminated to relevant facilities in China, the eligibility of some of the proposed supporting activities under a pilot project, the high costs of destruction compared to similar projects approved for other countries, and how the destruction and waste management approaches used in the pilot demonstration projects would be extended to sectors other than domestic refrigeration.
本着这一思路,发言者强调必须将提高农业部门生产力作为重中之重,但 为了行之有效,还要同时作出配套努力,包括提供必要的有形和通信基础设施; 加强农业部门对技术改良的吸纳能力,特别是为高产及 颖 和 创 新农作物提供必 要支持;重振农业推广服务,确保包容性接入和可持续能力;以及改善特别是妇 女的金融准入和合法使用权。
In this vein, speakers stressed that increasing productivity in the agriculture sector had to be a top priority, but that, for it to be effective, complementary efforts needed to be simultaneously implemented. These included providing necessary physical and communications infrastructure; strengthening absorptive capacity of the farming sector for technological improvement, especially in providing the necessary support for both higher yields and new and innovative crops; reviving agricultural extension services to assure inclusive access and sustainability; and improving financial access and legal tenure rights, especially for women.
在这方面,通过国家司法机构的 努力并在美洲国家组织的协助下,巴拿马实行了一项 颖 的 全 国社区司法助理员 制度,由社区负责人向本社区的居民讲解关于权利和义务方面的知识,宣扬和平 文化并进行社区调解工作。
This system relies on community leaders to inform people in remote areas about their rights and duties with a view to promoting a culture of peace and the implementation of community mediation arrangements.
(18) 經營作為書商、書籍製造商、釘裝商、印刷商、出版社以及各類報章、雜誌、 書籍、期刊、門票、場刊、簡介、宣傳單張及其他刊物、機器、凸版印刷機 東主、雕刻師、製模工、設計員、繪圖員、報販、報章代理、新聞從業員、 文學代理、文具店店主與版畫、圖畫、 片 及 繪 圖生產商及交易商、製圖員、 廣告代理及承辦商、藝術家、雕塑家、設計師、裝飾師、插畫師、攝影師、 錄像師、各類攝影及錄像用品及器材交易商、菲林沖曬公司、電影製作人、 監製及發行商、宣傳代理、佈置專業人員之所有或任何業務,以及任何其他 [...]
(18) To carry on all or any of the business of book-sellers, book manufacturers, bookbinders, printers, publishers and proprietors of newspapers, magazines, books, periodicals, tickets, programmes, brochures, promotional literature and other publications whatsoever of all
description, machine,
[...] letterpress, engravers, diesinkers, designers, draughtsmen, news agents, press agents, journalists, literary agents, stationers, manufacturers of and dealers in engravings, prints, pictures, and drawings, [...]
cartographers, advertising
agents and contractors, artists, sculptors, designers, decorators, illustrators, photographers, videographers and dealers in photographic and videography supplies and equipment of all kinds, film-processors, film makers, producers and distributors, publicity agents, display specialists and any other business which may seem to the Company capable of being carried on in connection with any of the foregoing.




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