单词 | 颓靡 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 颓靡 —devastatedSee also:颓—decadent • dispirited • dejected • decay • crumble • balding 靡 adj —extravagant adj 靡—wasted • go with fashion
该系列是关于汤姆猫和杰瑞老鼠在他们的童年和他们的朋友 的 颓 丧 和 Dripple和钉和泰克。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The series is about Tom Cat and Jerry Mouse in their childhood and their friends [...] Droopy and Dripple and Spike and Tyke. seekcartoon.com |
但最有 可能出现的前景是日本式的长期低靡 , 他 在危机初 期就预测到了这种结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | The most likely prospect, however, was a long-term Japanesestyle malaise, a kind of outcome that he had already predicted at the beginning of the crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
继续加强旨在保护儿童免受暴力、虐待、剥削 、 颓 废 、 忽视和其 他形式虐待行为之害的行动( 摩尔多瓦共和国) daccess-ods.un.org | 90.83. Continue to reinforce actions aimed at protecting children against violence, cruelty, exploitation, demoralisation, neglect and other forms of maltreatment (Republic of Moldova) daccess-ods.un.org |
McWolf:McWolf是一个鬼鬼祟祟的小狼时 , 颓 丧 和 Dripple冒险,他在那里,以阻止他们做什么,他们所要做的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | McWolf: McWolf is a sneaky little wolf whenever Droopy and Dripple are on adventures, he is there to stop them from doing what they’ve got to do. seekcartoon.com |
接獲報告後,漁護署人員立即檢查該 雞場,發現附近一個禽舍(9 號禽舍)的兩批雞隻中,有部分 哨兵雞及少量疫苗雞亦已死亡或處於垂死狀態(死亡雞隻的分 布情況見圖 1),而有關雞隻的主要徵狀為精神萎 靡 、 呼吸困 難、雞冠和肉垂紅腫,以及有黃色濃稠的鼻分泌物。 legco.gov.hk | In response to the report, a team of AFCD staff immediately conducted an inspection at the farm and found other sentinel chickens from two batches in a nearby chicken shed (shed no. 9) were also dead or dying along with smaller numbers of vaccinated poultry (see distribution of dead chickens in Figure 1). legco.gov.hk |
當然,建築物效能低落的衝擊,在文獻裡亦鉅 細 靡 遺 ,「環境暨能源研究院」提到,建築物占美國三分之一碳排放量,IBM公司類似研究顯示,商業建築使用全球42%電力,亦浪費其中半數,相當於數千億美元。 thisbigcity.net | According to the Environmental and Energy Study Institute, buildings are responsible for one-third of carbon emissions in the United States; a similar study by IBM reveals that commercial buildings utilize roughly 42% of the electricity produced worldwide – and still manage to waste half of it. thisbigcity.net |
他许诺要重建倾颓的政府,打击腐败,规划了重建刚果(金)计划的五个侧重点——基础设施、医疗卫生、教育、住房和就业,并承诺深化民主,尤其是尊重法制,开展地方选举。 crisisgroup.org | He promised to fix a collapsed state and fight corruption; elaborated a program to rebuild the Congo through five strategic priorities – infrastructure, health, education, housing and employment; and pledged further democratisation, notably by respecting the rule of law and holding local elections. crisisgroup.org |
(m) 作为改变某些国家联络会员会萎靡状 态 的措施,评估人建议鼓励其吸收更年轻的 研究人员,会员国应确保各国联络委员会委员和领导的定期轮换。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (m) As a measure to reverse the inactivity of some NLCs, the evaluators proposed that they be encouraged to involve younger researchers and Member States should ensure regular rotation of the NLC membership and leadership. unesdoc.unesco.org |
從康丁斯基(Kandinsky) 以降,抽象藝術成為二十世紀中葉一個重大的美術現象,而表現主義起源自塞尚、梵谷的繪畫,此時更因戰爭的衝擊而重新崛起,兩股藝術匯聚成一 風 靡 紐 約 的潮流,成員間彼此風格儘管分歧,但仍各領風騷。 ravenelart.com | Starting from Kandinsky onwards, abstract art turned into an important art phenomenon during the mid twentieth century, while Expressionism, which began from the paintings of Cézanne and Van Gogh, reemerged again during this time due to the impact of war. ravenelart.com |
Grandmaster Flash、Chuckie、Mos Def 的精彩演出,並舉辦由香港及台灣頂級歌手演出的「C-POP 拉闊演唱會」,要數國際娛樂鉅獻,必定為熱爆全球的韓國歌手 PSY (朴載相) 於新濠天地「嬌比」作大中華區的首度現場演出,帶來 風 靡 全 球 的《江南 Style》騎馬舞。 yp.mo | Fatman Scoop, Grandmaster Flash, Chuckie, Mos Def & the C-POP series, among all the entertainment spectaculars, the most scintillating was the debut of PSY’s international sensation dance hit “Gangnam Style” in Greater China Region. yp.mo |
Rodrigo Otazu 的五大系列作品分别是:以深色调打 造 颓 废 美 感的 Midnight Queen系列 项链﹔别出心裁、晶莹剔透的 Comet系列 项链﹔展现华丽歌特风的 Gala系列 手镯和项链﹔镶嵌了红宝石色、海军蓝和大地色仿水晶元素的Precious Flower系列 耳环、戒指和项链,以时尚的手法演绎了大自然与花朵的魅力,﹔Rock Star系列 项链、戒指和手链,将大量的金属元素与棕褐色褶襉皮革相互交织,而大颗仿水晶元素的镶嵌则营造出作品的中性色调,别有一番韵味在其中。 brand.swarovski.com | Rodrigo Otazu presents five stories: two necklaces – the darkly decadent Midnight Queen necklace and the intricately clear-crystal Comet necklace; the gothic splendor of his Gala cuff and necklace; Precious Flower’s nature-inspired floral tribute of stylish earrings, ring and necklace in ruby, navy and earth-toned crystals; and the aptly named Rock Star necklace, ring and bracelet in heavy gold interwoven with plaited tan leather and studded with statement crystals in neutral tones. brand.swarovski.com |