

单词 颓萎

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External sources (not reviewed)

该系列是关于汤姆猫和杰瑞老鼠在他们的童年和他们的朋友 颓 丧 和 Dripple和钉和泰克。
The series is about Tom Cat and Jerry Mouse in their childhood and their friends
[...] Droopy and Dripple and Spike and Tyke.
隨着電影市萎縮, 本地製作的電影數目不斷減 少,加上缺乏人才及其他相關問題,香港電影業正處於非常艱難的時 期。
With a shrinking film market and [...]
decreasing number of local productions, the Hong Kong film industry is facing a very difficult
time, plagued with talent drought and related problems.
McWolf:McWolf是一个鬼鬼祟祟的小狼时 颓 丧 和 Dripple冒险,他在那里,以阻止他们做什么,他们所要做的。
McWolf: McWolf is a sneaky little wolf whenever Droopy and Dripple are on adventures, he is there to stop them from doing what they’ve got to do.
以上因素部分被股票業務收入下 跌所抵銷,原因是客戶活動因市場交 萎 縮 而減 少,特別是在歐洲。
The above movements were offset in part by a reduction in Equities revenues, mainly in Europe, driven by lower client activity as market volumes declined.
继续加强旨在保护儿童免受暴力、虐待、剥削 颓 废 、 忽视和其 他形式虐待行为之害的行动( 摩尔多瓦共和国)
90.83. Continue to reinforce actions aimed at protecting children against violence, cruelty, exploitation, demoralisation, neglect and other forms of maltreatment (Republic of Moldova)
对于后者来说, 近来从美国和欧洲汇往一些拉丁美洲国家的汇萎 缩就是明证。
The latter was evidenced by the recent shrinkage of remittances from the United States and Europe to some Latin American countries.
He promised to fix a collapsed state and fight corruption; elaborated a program to rebuild the Congo through five strategic priorities – infrastructure, health, education, housing and employment; and pledged further democratisation, notably by respecting the rule of law and holding local elections.
报告认为,解 决部长们极为重视的学校教学大纲中体育和运动内容的重要性与它们在实际中无论在时间还 是空间分配上日萎缩的现实间的矛盾,已是一个刻不容缓的问题。
It suggests that there is an urgent need to address the contradiction between the high importance that ministers attach to physical education and sport in the curriculum and the decreasing time and space being made available for it.
除国际商品出口需求疲软外,金融危机的第二轮影响 可能包括生产减缓、旅游萎缩以 及外国直接投资与官方发展援助的下降。
Beyond weak international demand for commodity exports, the second round effects of the crisis may include slowdowns in production, decrease in tourism and decline in foreign direct investment (FDI) and official development assistance (ODA).
Rodrigo Otazu 的五大系列作品分别是:以深色调打 颓 废 美 感的 Midnight Queen系列 项链﹔别出心裁、晶莹剔透的 Comet系列 项链﹔展现华丽歌特风的 Gala系列 手镯和项链﹔镶嵌了红宝石色、海军蓝和大地色仿水晶元素的Precious Flower系列 耳环、戒指和项链,以时尚的手法演绎了大自然与花朵的魅力,﹔Rock Star系列 项链、戒指和手链,将大量的金属元素与棕褐色褶襉皮革相互交织,而大颗仿水晶元素的镶嵌则营造出作品的中性色调,别有一番韵味在其中。
Rodrigo Otazu presents five stories: two necklaces – the darkly decadent Midnight Queen necklace and the intricately clear-crystal Comet necklace; the gothic splendor of his Gala cuff and necklace; Precious Flower’s nature-inspired floral tribute of stylish earrings, ring and necklace in ruby, navy and earth-toned crystals; and the aptly named Rock Star necklace, ring and bracelet in heavy gold interwoven with plaited tan leather and studded with statement crystals in neutral tones.
因此,国家,甚至党的机萎缩了,权力和资源日益集 中到了少数个人手中,在很大程度上是在政府以外的机构和渠道管理。
As a result, State and even party institutions
[...] have been left to atrophy, while power and [...]
resources have become increasingly concentrated
in the hands of a small number of individuals and are largely managed outside Government institutions and channels.
其次,當大家把資源投入中央資源這個“ 大水塘” 以供競 逐,會否出現一些院校提出增加工商管理或精算、工程等專業訓練學
[...] 位的建議,便可以把這些資源全取去,以致社會中最基本的博雅教 育、文史哲學科到最後越來萎縮呢
Second, when all the universities have injected resources into this "big reservoir" of the central pool of resources, will some institutions submit proposals to increase professional places in business administration or actuarial science or engineering and then take away all the resources, causing the most
fundamental liberal arts education and the disciplines of literature, history and
[...] philosophy to shrink further and further?
美国前大使托马斯·彼格令(Thomas Pickering),威 廉·卢尔斯(William Luers )及国际安全问题专家吉 米·沃尔斯(Jim Walsh)说用制裁解决伊朗核问题尤其 困难,原因如下:首先,伊朗是地区大国而且是产油 国,在全球石油供给逐萎缩的情况下,各国会继续购 买伊朗原油;第二,伊朗政府已经公开承诺继续核研 发,而且就此前经验来看,伊朗可以在制裁生效之前装 好离心机;第三,伊朗民族自豪感强烈,而且憎恨外部 干涉;最后,制裁虽然有惩罚效果,但过于嚣张且自以 为是,因此容易导致反抗而不是服从。
Former U.S. Ambassadors Thomas Pickering and William Luers, along with international security expert Jim Walsh, argue that the Iranian nuclear case presents a particularly tough challenge for sanctions for several reasons: Iran is a regional power and an oil supplier likely to continue to sell to various countries given declining global supply; its government has made a very public commitment to the nuclear program, and experience has shown it can build centrifuges faster than others can impose sanctions; it is a proud country with a cultivated abhorrence of outside interference; sanctions can impose costs, but their loud and accusatory character make them as likely to induce resistance as compliance.
最近的研究证明,一组痴呆性疾病及一种叫做 萎 缩 性 脊髓侧索硬化症或ALS的肌肉疾病有着类似的遗传学特征,其中包括一个特定的蛋白质序列的重复和扩展。
Recent work has shown that a group of dementia disorders and a muscle disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS share similar genetic characteristics, including the repeat and expansion of a specific protein sequence.
金融全球化削弱 了一国短期内在有大量资本撤出时控制快速私人资本逆向流动的能力,也削弱 了应对由此产生的金融动荡和经萎 缩 以 及实施反周期金融和宏观经济政策的 能力。
Financial globalization lessened the ability to control rapid private capital flow reversals, when substantial amounts of capital can be withdrawn from a country in short periods, or to counter the resulting financial turmoil and economic contraction and implement countercyclical financial and macroeconomic policies.
定居者的存在将 导致巴勒斯坦领土四分五裂,并使领土变成相互分 离的孤立飞地,原因在于以色列实施限制和关闭政 策,这导致巴勒斯坦经萎缩和 居民失业及普遍贫 穷。
The presence of the settlers would have the effect of fragmenting the territory and turning it into isolated enclaves separated from each other as a result of the restrictions imposed and the policy of closure, which had led to the contraction of the Palestinian economy and to unemployment and widespread poverty among the population.




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