单词 | 颇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 颇—quiteratherless common: inclined surname Po 颇adjective—obliqueadjExamples:颇具—have much quite rather 颇为—quite rather 偏颇—biased partial
提倡科技中立:BSA鼓励科技之间公平竞 争,因此提倡国际认可的标准以及不偏颇的政府IT采购政策。 globalstudy.bsa.org | Promoting Technology Neutrality: BSA encourages fair competition among technologies by promoting internationally recognized standards and unbiased ITprocurement policies for governments. bsa.nl |
有意攻读东京高等教育的人,东京大学是一所顶尖的国立大学,早稻田大学与庆应义塾大学则是两所颇负盛名的私立大学。 seagate.com | And for those interested in pursuing higher education in Tokyo, the University of Tokyo is the most respected state university, while Waseda and Keio are two private universities held in high regard. seagate.com |
经济规管机制的差異–在不同的经济规管机制 下,实际回报与准许回报可以有颇大的分别。 forum.gov.hk | different economic regulatory regime, as permitted return and the actual return could be quite different for different regimes. forum.gov.hk |
投资涉及风险,由於投资组合颇多元化的一 般性质,加上汇率及利率可出现的浮动及任何市场的波动,投资价值及其收益回报 可升亦可跌。 aia.com.hk | As a consequence of the general nature of varied investments and possible exchange or interest rate fluctuations and any market movements, the value of investments and their yields may go down as well as up. aia.com.hk |
经测试的各款食品中,个别样本检出的氨基甲酸乙酯含量范围颇阔,差異很大,这可能是由於所用的前体、发酵方法或贮存环境不同所 致。 cfs.gov.hk | The wide variation could be the result of difference in precursors used, fermentation methods employed or storage conditions. cfs.gov.hk |
我们的解决方案也多次赢得颇具声望的国际大奖。 acronis.com.tw | And our solutions have won many prestigious international awards. acronis.eu |
人民币并非一种自由兑换的货币,本基金 的单位价值可能因人民币与美元/港币的兑换波动所产生在汇率上的盈利或亏损而有颇大的变化。 htisec.com | Renminbi is not a freely convertible currency. The value of the units may change significantly as a result of movements in the rates of exchange between Renminbi and the US dollar/HK dollar creating foreign exchange losses of gains. htisec.com |
请说明在基础建设方面的预算政府开支因何出现颇大减幅,以及有关减幅对公共工程项目进度的影响。 devb.gov.hk | Please explain the reasons for the substantial decrease in the estimated Government expenditure on infrastructure and the impact of the decrease on the progress of public works projects? devb.gov.hk |
至於政府建议的其余四条题目,我们虽然认为政府有关选举『路线图及时间表』的两条题目有偏颇之处,但亦差不多照单全收作为初步测试。 hkupop.hku.hk | As for the remaining four questions posted by the government, although we consider the two questions on 'roadmap and timetable' to be error-prone, we have nevertheless used them almost word-by-word in this survey to test the water. hkupop.hku.hk |
需 经 一段颇长时间 始 能 投 入 作 原 定 用 途 或 出 售 之 未 完 成 资 产 在 购 入、兴 建 或 生 产 过 程 中 直 接 产 生 之 借 贷 成 本,均 列 入 该 等 资 产 之 成 本,直 至该 等 资产 大致 上已完 成 可作其拟定 用途 或出售。 evoc.com.cn | Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying assets, which are assets that necessarily take a substantial period of time to get ready for their intended use or sale, are added to the cost of those assets, until such time as the assets are substantially ready for their intended use or sale. evoc.cn |
因此,本集团考虑物业所得现金流量是否在颇大程度上独立於本集团持 有的其他资产。 wqfz.com | Therefore, the Group considers whether a property generates cash flows largely independently of the other assets held by the Group. wqfz.com |
多年来,根据笔者的观测,台湾的学者专家对有关禁制其实颇不以为然,但慑於各种压力,和有关民调实在亦有不足之处,因此都没有提出反对。 hkupop.hku.hk | Over the past years, according to the observations of the author, the academic experts have in fact shown disapproval of the restrictions. hkupop.hku.hk |
撞击式打桩工程所发出的水底 声音可以使用气泡套罩/围幕加以消减,但由於打桩工程需时颇长,规模亦很大,而且大屿山西面水域亦是这些海豚的重要生 境,因此,预测打桩工程可能会对中华白海豚造成不良影响。 logisticshk.gov.hk | The underwater sounds emanating from the percussive piling works may be dampened through the use of a bubble jacket/ curtain but impacts to Chinese White Dolphins are predicted to be potentially adverse due to the prolonged duration and large scale of the piling activities, and taking into account the importance of West Lantau waters to dolphins. logisticshk.gov.hk |
收 购、建 筑 或 生 产 合 资 格 资 产(需要颇长时间 准 备 以 供 使 用 或 出 售)直 接 产 生 的 借 贷 成 本 会 拨 作 该 资 产成 本 的 一 部份。 vindapaper.com | Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of any qualifying asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sales are capitalised as part of the cost of that asset. vindapaper.com |
中国录得2009 年第二季以来最大的产出价格降幅(制造业和服务业皆如是);但在印度,价格压力却仍然颇为严峻。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | The rate of decline in China is the sharpest since the second quarter of 2009, which is true for both the manufacturing and services business lines. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
2.2.2 大部分人认为,生日是要把某人岁數加上一年的时候,但习 惯法所采用的假定颇为奇特,是指一名人士在生日前一天的第一刻开 始,即已届某一年龄。 hkreform.gov.hk | To most people a birthday marks the time to add another year to one's age but the common law adopts the rather strange fiction that a person attains a certain age at the first moment of the day preceding his birthday. hkreform.gov.hk |
士乃是一座位於柔佛州的转运城,邻近柔佛首府新山,新山则是一处颇受欢迎的购物、饮食及休闲娱乐景点。 seagate.com | Senai is a transit town located in the state of Johore near the capital city of Johore Bahru, a popular spot for shopping, dining and entertainment. seagate.com |
在十年前几乎没有 此类公司的存在,但现在是一个颇大的行业。 familyvoicesofca.org | Almost none existed 10 years ago, but they are now a large industry. familyvoicesofca.org |
要到达在€1,200个平均,他没有犹豫,低利润的20%“真正的好战行为,”他说,颇有些部分是中国制造的,有时被批评他不犹豫,让“技能的工匠。 zh.horloger-paris.com | To arrive at an average of € 1,200, he does not hesitate to lower margins of 20% "a true militant act," said he, taking quite some parts are made in China, sometimes criticized which he does not hesitate to let "the skill of the craftsmen. en.horloger-paris.com |
一名加入加州医疗保险有哮喘病儿童的家长 很多家长说他们对医疗计划颇为或十分满意。 familyvoicesofca.org | Parent of a child with asthma enrolled in Medi-cal fee-for-service Most parents said they were somewhat or very satisfied with their plan. familyvoicesofca.org |
(k) 估计的每年基本电费率的调整,计算的方 法务求能令调整颇平均地分布在上文第 (2)(a)分段提及的整个期间 hkelectric.com | (k) projected annual Basic Tariff Rate adjustments, to be so calculated that they are spread fairly evenly over the whole period referred to in paragraph (2)(a) hkelectric.com |
不过驾驶朋友请注意,政府其实给各位的补助也没少,各位或许觉得开车族每月花费颇高,但其实成本早已是刻意压低的结果,形同获得补助,因为相较於调涨大众运输票价,政坛更不愿触碰联邦汽油税。 thisbigcity.net | You may consider the amount you shell out every month for driving to be exorbitant but the costs of driving are so artificially depressed that you are receiving an effective subsidy simply because there is no political will to hike the Federal gas tax like we hike transit fares. thisbigcity.net |
虽说断言言之过早,但迄今中国政权过渡及美国选举结果颇为顺利并在意料之内。 glencore.com | Although too early to tell definitively, the regime transition in China and the election result in the US have so far been reasonably smooth and predictable. glencore.com |
将价格推升至此一水准的出价者,显然知道两颗形状相似、色彩鲜艳的蓝钻与粉红钻不易购得,更何况这两颗彩钻的净度颇高,分别达到内部无瑕与VVS1的水准。 ravenelart.com | Certainly, the bidders who helped realize this price appreciated the fact that it is not easy to have 2 similar shapes of such high color blue and pink as a match, especially considering the 2 stones have high clarity grades of Internally Flawless and VVS1, respectively. ravenelart.com |
一项研究 发现,用粟米油以传统方法煎熟或翻热的牛肉,PAHs 含量颇高,但以微 波烹煮或翻热的牛肉只含微量 PAHs1。 cfs.gov.hk | A study found that significant amount of PAHs was formed when beef cooked in corn oil by conventional frying and reheating whereas negligible amount was formed when cooked by microwave cooking and reheating1 . cfs.gov.hk |
除此之外,全球气候变迁也掀起社会运动,改变都会结构整体面貌,哥伦比亚首都波哥大推行「Ciclovia」计画之初,许多人都觉得将街道做为公共空间相当奇怪,但因为人们想要对抗全球暖化,且内容相当创新,故推展颇为顺利,世界许多城市也纷纷起而效尤。 thisbigcity.net | When Bogotá, [...] Colombia, firstbegan its “Ciclovia” programme, [...]many found the concept of using streets as public space to be strange. thisbigcity.net |
倘本公司为筹措资金来支付任何工程或楼宇建设的开支或提供於一段颇长期间内无利可图的任何厂房而发行股份,则本公司可按犹如当时该期内已缴足 的有关股本支付有关数额的利息,并根据条例所述的条件及限制,可自股本 扣除透过利息所支付的金额,作为工程或楼宇建设或提供厂房的成本一部分。 pccw.com | If any shares in the Company are issued for the purpose of raising money to defray the expenses of the construction of any works or buildings, or the provision of any plant which cannot be made profitable for a lengthened period, the Company may pay interest on so much of such share capital as is for the time being paid up for the period and subject to the conditions and restrictions mentioned in the Ordinance, may charge the sum so paid by way of interest to capital as part of the cost of construction of the works or buildings, or the provision of plant. pccw.com |