

单词 领洗

See also:

develop (photo)

External sources (not reviewed)

堂区要探访所有婴领洗的家 庭,了解家庭的状况,父母的信仰实践等,藉着这个好机会接触那些不经常到圣堂的教友。
Parishes should pay home visits to families
[...] asking for infant baptism, in order to understand [...]
the condition of these families,
the religious practices of parents, and make use of such occasions to contact those who do not go often to church.
领洗后, 代父母与代子女保持密切联系,在信仰的道路上同行。
After baptism, godparents should [...]
maintain close contacts with their godchildren, and become companions in their life of faith.
他们要意识到,应让子女在出生后尽 领洗 ; 他 们亦应以言以行来培育子女的信仰。
They should see to it that
[...] their children are baptized as soon as possible [...]
after birth; they should also, by word and deed,
bring up their children in the Christian faith.
堂区应藉婴领洗、婚 礼和丧礼的机会,了解教友的生活近况和需要,并邀请他们重新投入教会的生活。
The parish should try to understand the recent conditions and needs of the faithful in occasions of child baptism, weddings or funerals, and invite them to take part again in the life of the Church.
在慕道的过程中,应培育慕道者对信仰小团体的意识和经验,并鼓励他们 领洗 后 加 入堂区的信仰小团体,定时相聚,分享圣言,将信仰配合于生活经验和挑战中,或由新教友组成新的信仰小团体,延续在慕道过程中的经验和成长。
They should
[...] also let the newly baptized faithful to form [...]
new small communities of faith, and to continue their experience
found during the period of catechumenate, so as to mature in faith.
团体生活可以更有效地帮助教友的信仰,透过在生活中不断成长,因此应鼓励教友,特别是 领洗 的 教 友,选择一个适合自己的信仰小团体,透过团体的见证,活出信仰,以福传为使命。
Community life can more effectively assist the faithful to grow constantly
in faith. Therefore, the faithful,
[...] especially the newly baptized Christians should [...]
be encouraged to choose a small community
of faith that suits one's needs.
新加 坡否认为缅领导人洗钱》 ,法新社,2007 年 10 月 5 日;杨 荣文部长回答国会问题的文本,新加坡外交部,2007 [...]
年 10 月 22 日。
Singapore denies money laundering Myanmar leaders”, Agence France-Presse, [...]
5 October 2007; Transcript of Reply by Minister
George Yeo to Questions in Parliament, Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 22 October 2007.
该产品以其颠覆性的自由安装方式 领 先 的 洗 涤 科 技,生动诠释了博世 "自由厨房,无限可能"的厨房理念,彰显了博世在厨房电器领域的先驱地位。
Characterized by subversive free installation types and
[...] advanced washing technology, Bosch ActiveWater dishwasher gives a vivid [...]
explanation of the concept of "Infinite Kitchen".
(c) 为协助这领土打击贩毒洗钱和其他非法活动及犯罪活动而采取的方 式和手段
(c) Ways and means
[...] to assist the Territories to fight drug trafficking, moneylaundering and other illegal [...]
and criminal activities
每章专注描写穆斯林生活的一个特 领 域 , 如 洗 礼 、斋戒、朝觐、婚姻、惩罚和继承。
Each book is devoted to a particular area of
[...] Muslim life, such as ablution, fasting, the hajj, [...]
marriage, punishment, and inheritance.
(c) 如何协领土打击贩毒洗钱和 其他非法活动及犯罪活动
(c) Ways and means
[...] to assist the Territories to fight drug trafficking, moneylaundering and other illegal [...]
and criminal activities
阿塞拜疆作为一个受到邻国侵略、领土遭到外国 军事领和族裔清洗的国 家,认为会员国真诚履行 《联合国宪章》和国际法规定的义务对于维护国际和 [...]
As a country suffering aggression from a
neighbouring, State, foreign military
[...] occupation and the ethnic cleansing of its territories, Azerbaijan [...]
believes that the fulfilment
in good faith of the obligations assumed by States under the Charter of the United Nations and international law is of the greatest importance for the maintenance of international peace and security.
因此,很清楚,在阿塞拜疆被占领土上的侵略、 领 和 族洗行径 继续存在的背景下,在这些领土上安排的任何投票进程都不能作为法律上 [...]
Accordingly, it has been made clear that, against the background of
continuing aggression, occupation and ethnic
[...] cleansing of the captured territories of Azerbaijan, [...]
the arranging of any kind of
voting process in these territories cannot be recognized as legally valid and in no way can impose a unilateral solution.
此外,该办公室 在打击有组织犯罪、贩运、腐败洗 钱 和毒 品 领 域 培 训了估计 1 000 名政府和机 构官员。
In addition, the Office trained an estimated 1,000 officials of
government and institutions in the areas of combating organized crime,
[...] trafficking, corruption, money-laundering and drugs.
因 此,在被占领阿塞拜疆领土持续遭受侵略、 领 和 种族 清 洗 的 背 景下,在那里安 排任何投票进程都不能视为具有法律效力,都不能影响这些领土在国际法上仍然 属于阿塞拜疆的现有法律地位。
Therefore, against the background of continuing aggression, occupation and ethnic cleansing of the captured territories of Azerbaijan, the arranging of any kind of voting process there cannot be recognized as legally valid and cannot affect the pre-existing legal status of these territories, which remain Azerbaijani in international law.
巴林还 重申了 A/63/173
[...] 号文件(第 17 至 22 段)中关于在反恐和洗钱领域通 过的几项 国家法律的信息。
It also reiterated the information on the enactment of several pieces
of national legislation in the areas of
[...] counter-terrorism and anti-moneylaundering in document A/63/173 [...]
(paras. 17-22).
世 界在某些情况中异常沉默,特别是在发生侵略战争、 外国领和族裔清洗的时 候,从而造成了相互不信 任,并使人们更加感到国际关系中普遍存在双重标准 和诉诸军事力量做法。
The world’s conspicuous silence in certain instances, particularly with regard to wars of aggression, foreign occupations and ethnic cleansing, has served to generate mutual mistrust and to reinforce the sense that double standards and resort to military strength are prevalent in international relations.
如前次报 告所述领土已实施洗钱法 规,包括《2000 年犯罪行为所得收益法》、《2000 年洗钱报告授权法》、《反洗钱条例》、《防止洗钱准则说明》以及《刑事司法法》。
As previously
[...] reported, the Territory has in place anti-money-laundering legislation, [...]
including the Proceeds of Criminal
Conduct Act, 2000; the Money Laundering Reporting Authority Act, 2000; the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations; the Guidance Notes on the Prevention of Money Laundering; and the Criminal Justice Act.
亚美尼亚一贯坚持拒绝承认其兼领 土 和 种族洗的毁灭性政策所造成的悲剧性后果,再次表明该国从始至终不愿尊重其在《联 合国宪章》和国际法下的义务,并不断试图诋毁正在进行的冲突解决进程。
By traditional and constant refusal to admit the tragic results of its destructive policy of annexation and ethnic cleansing, Armenia once again demonstrates its persistent reluctance to respect its obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and international law and makes continuous attempts to discredit the ongoing conflict settlement process.
在平板电视、音视频产品、手机、空调 洗 衣 机 领 域 , LG电子都是全球领先的的生产商。
LG is one of the world's leading producers of flat panel TVs, audio and video products, mobile
[...] handsets, air conditioners and washing machines.
在 2011 年 1 月 27
[...] 日的一次访谈中,总统萨尔基相再次证实,亚美尼亚方面 认为冲突解决进程只不过是实现其吞并已经通过军事力量 领 和 进 行了种族洗的阿塞拜领土的一种手段。
In an interview on 27 January 2011, President Sargsyan confirmed once again that the Armenian side considers the conflict settlement process only as a means
[...] achieving the annexation of Azerbaijani territories that it has captured through military [...]
force and in which it has carried out ethnic cleansing.
阿塞拜疆共和国外交部特此重申,亚美尼亚共和国在占领阿塞拜疆领土并对 当地阿塞拜疆民众进行族裔洗之后 ,在被 领 土 上 建立了非法权力机构。
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan reiterates in this regard that the Republic of Armenia, having occupied the Azerbaijani
territories and
[...] conducted ethnic cleansing against the local Azerbaijani population, has established illegal authorities in the occupied territories.
驻格鲁吉亚维和部队的一项主要任务是,为被 从阿布哈领土上种族洗出去 的几十万国内流离 失所人员和难民安全、有尊严地返回创造适当条件; 但是,没有一个人在有安全保障的情况下回到他们 出生的土地。
One of the main tasks of the peacekeeping forces in Georgia had been to create the appropriate conditions for the secure, dignified return of hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons and refugees, ethnically cleansed from Abkhazian territory; yet none of them had returned to their native land with any guarantees of safety and protection.
自 2000
[...] 年起建立的打击洗钱、犯罪所得和资助恐怖主义全球方案导师方 案,协助会员国建设检察官洗钱领 域 和 侦查犯罪所得的能力。
The Global Programme against Money-Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism Mentor Programme, which has been in place since 2000,
assists Member States in building prosecutors’ capacity in
[...] the areas of moneylaundering and detecting [...]
proceeds of crime.
上述事实是俄罗斯联邦对格鲁吉亚实行侵略政策的又一个证明,具体表现为 族裔洗和占领一个主权国家的部分领土,目前已威胁到格鲁吉亚及其不可分割 部分阿布哈兹、以及高加索和整个黑海区域的独特生态系统。
The aforementioned fact is yet another confirmation of the aggressive policy of the Russian Federation carried out
against Georgia, expressed
[...] in ethnic cleansings and occupation of parts of the territory of a sovereign [...]
State, which currently
threatens the unique ecosystem of Georgia and its inseparable part, Abkhazia, as well as the Caucasus and the whole Black Sea region.
从消毒喷雾剂到衣物洗涤剂,Novethix L-10聚合物都是一种便于使用且高效的液状流变修饰剂,专用于在各种家居护理及工业 洗领 域 应用中进行增稠和提高流动特性。
From disinfecting sprays to laundry detergents, Novethix L-10 polymer is an easy-to-use, highly efficient liquid rheology modifier designed to thicken and improve flow properties in a broad range of HI&I applications.
安全理 事会曾对波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那持续实施武器禁运, 增强了米洛舍维奇政权压倒性的军事优势,其目的是 不顾人的死活,通过灭绝种族和种族 洗 来 扩 张本领土,牺牲周边国家。
By imposing and maintaining the arms embargo on Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Security Council added to the overwhelming military advantage of Milošević’s regime,
which intended to
[...] expand his country’s territories, at the expense of the surrounding States, through genocide and ethnic cleansing, regardless of human cost.
为将方案普及到金属洗领域的 各使用商,已印刷了介绍成功替代品详情的传单并 [...]
In order to reach out to the diverse users in the
[...] metal cleaning fields, pamphlets with [...]
details of the successful substitutes have
been published and distributed to the potential users to create awareness for changing the use from CTC as a solvent to its alternatives.
此外,威胁、挑战和改革问题高级别小组的报告(A/59/565)以及秘书长题 为“大自由:实现人人共享的发展、安全和人权”的报告(A/59/2005)向冲突 地区和冲突后地区的千百万妇女和女孩提出了一些至关重要的倡议,包括:设立 建设和平委员会;加强对预防冲突的重视;负责保护民众免遭灭绝种族罪、战争 罪、族裔洗和危 害人类罪;更加有效地保护人权以及加强法治。
Furthermore, the report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change (A/59/565) and the report of the Secretary-General “In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all” (A/59/2005) proposed a number of initiatives of vital importance to millions of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict areas, including: the creation of a Peacebuilding Commission; increased focus on conflict prevention; the responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity; more effective protection of human rights; and enhanced rule of law.




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