

单词 领悟力

领悟力 noun ()

feeling n

See also:

领悟 v

understand v
grasp v



become aware

External sources (not reviewed)

正是由于我们创新的产品、对于服务的重视、高素质的员工以及对客户工艺要求 领悟 能 力 , 让 我们成为钢结构制作、金属加工和锻造行业高科技设备制造及提供整体解决方案的领跑者。
Thanks to our innovative products, attention to
service, highly
[...] qualified staff and capability to understand [...]
the customer processes we are the leading manufacturer and supplier of
total solutions, providing a complete range of high technology systems for the structural steel construction, metal fabrication and forging industries.
美籍华裔大提琴家马友友:“我在音乐 领悟 到 的一点是,我们必须超越自我,向更大的目标共同 力。
Yo-Yo Ma, American Cellist: “One thing I've learned in music is that we must work toward something bigger than ourselves.
尽管货币估值是强力的传 达价值的方式,但是却 无法预料或控制人们在当地社区和政策辩论 领悟 和使用这种估算的方式。
While monetary estimates are a powerful means of communicating value, the way they are perceived and used in local communities and policy debates cannot be anticipated or controlled.
这就使领悟和利用这一机制的性质、基础和目标成为 可能。
This made it possible to grasp and appropriate the nature, foundations and goals of this mechanism.
这些措施甚至还可能鼓励采取举措,以有利于更 好领悟有效 裁军重要性的方式确定共同的安全利 益。
They may even encourage initiatives to identify shared security interests in a manner conducive to a better appreciation of the importance of effective disarmament.
这种做法也会帮助国家一级的业务,根据“一个联合国”试验项 目所得到领悟,把统一的最佳做法手段传达给联合国采购业务人员。
This will also support country-level operations by delivering uniform best-practice tools to United Nations procurement practitioners based on insights gained from the One United Nations pilots.
在教领域, 国家主要保证执行以下原则:教育的人道主义性质;民族和 普世价值、人的生命和健康的优先地位;人的自由和全面发展;文明 悟 的 重 要 性;尊重个人及其权利和自由;尊严;爱国; 力 工 作 ;责任心;容忍;培养环 境观念。
In the field of education the state guarantees, inter alia, the following principles: the humanitarian nature of education; priority of national and universal values, human life and health; free and comprehensive development of an individual; importance of civic consciousness; respect to an individual and for his or her rights and freedoms; dignity; patriotism; hard work; responsibility; tolerance; shaping an environmental outlook.
朗格思特卫浴秉承"至精至臻、至高至远"的企业精神,遵循“诚信立企、竞合双赢”的经营理念,Longest(朗格思特)面对中国客户,一如既往地秉承对艺术、生活、未来科技的深 领悟 , 创 意更具时尚艺术体验的经典卫浴产品,并 力 于 实 现“为中国设计”,带给中国客户有着欧洲、中国三十多项专利的卫浴体验产品,打造更多享誉国际顶级工业设计:IF、Red dot、IDEA大奖的创意作品,呈现给中国客户。
Lange Rest bathroom adhering to the "to the essence to attain, the highest to the far" spirit of enterprise, follow the "integrity of establishing enterprises, competing win-win" business philosophy, Longest (Lange Fest) in the face of Chinese
customers, as always,
[...] uphold the art, life, the future of technology deep insight, creative art experience a more classic style bathroom products, and committed "to the Chinese [...]
design", to the Chinese
customers with Europe, China, to experience thirty patents bathroom products, to create More internationally renowned top industrial design: IF, Red dot, IDEA-winning creative work, presented to the Chinese customers.
在贸易和生产力领域, 技术援助和能力建设措施将着力改善贸易政策和出 口能力,同时再次承诺放宽最不发达国家产品的市场准入。
In the area of trade and
[...] productive capacities, technical assistance and capacitybuilding [...]
measures will target improved
trade policies and export capacities complemented by a renewed commitment to improved market access for least developed country products.
生在南非,长在英国的jack深深领悟 到 用 歌曲和诗篇自由自在表达情感和经历带给他一种可以让人体会到生活微妙之处的特殊 力  。
Born in South Africa, and raised in England, Jack feels that the feeling that having the freedom to express his feelings, experiences and thoughts through song and poem, brings him a unique privilege that should be used to make people feel the many nuances of life.
教 科文组织的行动清楚地显示了本组织在国际水争议中的 力领 导 地 位。
UNESCO’s actions clearly underline the
[...] Organization’s intellectual leadership in the international [...]
water debate.
预算文 件第 29C.35
[...] 段列出这一构成部分下将交付的产出,其中包括:提供范围广泛的 旨在建立和维持本组领导及管理 力 的 培 训方案;增进方案管理人员和负有行 政管理职责的工作人员的人力和财政资源管理专门知识;提高秘书处工作人员的 [...]
The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a wide array of training programmes
designed to build and sustain
[...] the Organization’s leadership and managerial capacity; [...]
improve the human and financial resources
management expertise of programme managers and staff with administrative responsibilities; upgrade the information technology skills of Secretariat staff; build and strengthen linguistic capabilities; and support career development and upgrade substantive skills.
大家也知道,幼兒教育的啟發性絕對能決 定少年人或青年人將來的悟力。
We all know that how inspiring ECE is definitely
[...] dictates the aptitudes of adolescents [...]
or young people in the future.
巴伐利亚州政府和巴伐利亚工商会指示政府采购部门在订单开标时可以 考虑投标单位的环境管理制度是否合格,并告诉采购部门具体的权衡办 法,以便提高启用或继续使用类似 EMAS 或其它可以认证的环境管理制 度的力 (如“环境悟型手工业企业质量大联合”QuH)。
The Bavarian State Government will step up incentives to introduce and maintain environmental management systems (EMS) in compliance with EMAS and other systems eligible for certification (QuH and others), by informing public tendering departments that and how preference can be awarded to environmental management systems in public tendering procedures.
请记住:对他人进行门徒训练不仅仅需要教导; 而且也需要领悟和掌握。
Remember, discipling others is something that is not only taught; it is caught.
从他们那里,我完领悟到, 如果 科特迪瓦难民人数进一步激增或不以交通和通信的 形式向利比里亚当局提供援助以应对当前存在的微 妙局势,就会导致安全局势迅速恶化。
From all of them, I grasped fully just how quickly the security situation could degenerate either as a result of any further swelling in the number of Ivorian refugees or if no assistance were given to the Liberian authorities — in the form of transportation and communications — to manage this delicate situation as it exists now.
它也使我们豁领悟到:我们面 对的不是一系列毫不相关的危机。
It has also given us a remarkable insight: that it is not an array of disparate crises that is confronting us.
它表 明了国际社会对加强国际不扩散制度的共同承诺,见 证了其对《不扩散条约》这个保障我们集体安全的无 可取代的文书的深领悟。
It demonstrated the shared commitment of the international community to strengthening the international non-proliferation regime, and is testament to its deep appreciation for the NPT, an irreplaceable instrument of our collective security.
提高公众悟、国家能力建设 、创建一个尊重儿童的文化以及支持家庭都 能够有助于促进和保护儿童的权利。
Public awareness-raising, national capacity-building, creating [...]
a culture of respect for children, and supporting the family
could contribute to the promotion and protection of the rights of the child.
[...] 包括形成了为青年领域的政策和计划提供依据的知识体系,促进拉丁美洲和加勒 比国家及非洲国家在预防青年力领 域 的 南南合作,增强对青年发展问题和青年 [...]
Achievements include the production of a body of knowledge to inform policies and programmes in the field of youth, promotion of South-South cooperation between Latin America and the
Caribbean States and African countries in the
[...] area of youth violence prevention, [...]
and raising awareness of youth development
issues and the role of youth as agents for constructive change.
同样,尽管很 少妇女目前担任公职,但面前正在实施新的政策框 架,以解决在两性平等和赋予妇女 力领 域 里 的关键 问题。
Equally, although few women currently hold political office, the implementation of a new policy framework is poised to address critical issues in the area of gender equality and the empowerment of women.
[...] 但仍需要表明自身有决心、有毅力和有 力领 导 国 家走出冲突,实现和平、和解 和复苏。
Despite the Government’s limited resources and capacity, there is a need
for it to demonstrate that it is nevertheless
[...] determined, committed and able to [...]
lead the country out of the conflict and bring
peace, reconciliation and recovery.
虽然私营部门行为体普遍自己调动财政资源,用于具体兴趣和 力领 域 的 行 动,但是公共部门须提供预付投资用于下列方面:众多的可持续森林管理活动; [...]
政策、法律和体制支持(包括研究、推广服务和提供直接和间接奖励); 以及确 保持续提供出自森林的公益(包括减少排放、清洁用水、保护土壤、野生生物和
While private sector actors generally mobilize financial resources on their own
for operations specific to their areas of
[...] interest and competence, the public sector [...]
has to provide upfront investments
for many activities of sustainable forest management; for policy, legal and institutional support (including research, extension services and provision of direct and indirect incentives); and for ensuring sustained delivery of public goods from forests (including emission reduction, clean water, conservation of soil, wildlife and other forest ecosystem services, recreation, etc.).
在与SGS审核专家的合作中,硕贝德科技分享到了来自国际一流认证机构带给我们的理念与文化,深深地体验到认证专家专业、严谨、恪守职责的职业素养,这使得我们对标准核心 领悟 有 了 质的提升,更重要的是让我们掌握了运用标准来持续改善企业经营管理的有效方法。
In the cooperation with SGS audit experts, Speed technology shared the international first-class certification bodies brion us philosophy and culture, deeply experience the certified expert professional, rigorous, abide by the duties of the occupation accomplishment, this make us to understand the standard core have qualitative improved, more important for us is mastered the use of standard continued, to improve enterprise management effective method.
比如:一个品种从收集到推广需经过两个阶段,约四、五年时间的栽培观察,一是定植二至三年才能看出品种的质量;二是四至五年才能看出品种的稳定性及高产性,在此基础上才能进行规模繁殖推广,而盲目繁殖推广只能砸了自己的饭碗,从实践中 领悟 到 没有耐心和恒心将会一事无成,而耐心和恒心却是兴趣和追求的结果,说到底就是汗水和时间的付出,因此每一个甜蜜荔枝品种出现都经过汗水和时间的反复锤炼。
For example: the promotion of a variety of needs from collection to two stages, about four or five years of cultivation observation, one can see two to three years planting varieties of quality; the second is four to five years to see the stability of species and high resistance, on this basis in order to reproduce the scale of the promotion, breeding blindly promote their jobs only to drop it, I have learned from the practice to not have the patience and perseverance will accomplish nothing, but patience and perseverance are the interest and the pursuit of result, the final analysis, sweat and time to pay, so each variety of sweet litchi time there have been repeated sweat and temper.
凯恩女士介绍了联合国预算程序,Ramkumar 先生概述 了民间社会的意见,McLay 大使分享了以律师、政治家、投资银行家和最近以外 交官的不同身份参与预算问题获得 领悟。
Ms. Kane described the budget process at the United Nations, Mr. Ramkumar outlined the views of civil society and Ambassador McLay shared insights gained from his involvement in budget issues in his different capacities as a lawyer, a politician, an investment banker and, most recently, a diplomat.
破坏该地区的稳定局势,目的是为其在解决纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫冲突方面的破坏 性立场开脱。要解决这一冲突,就应根据 2009 年 12
[...] 月 2 日欧安组织雅典部长声 明中重申的不使用武力或威胁使用 力 、 领 土 完整以及各民族享有平等权利与自 决权的原则达成公正和平衡的协定。
As it becomes obvious from the information on the ceasefire violations annexed to this letter, there is a continuous effort from the Azerbaijani side to destabilize the situation in the region with the aim of justifying its destructive stance with regard to the resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, which should be achieved through a just and balanced agreement
based on the principles of
[...] non-use of force or threat of force, territorial integrity, and [...]
the equal rights and selfdetermination
of peoples, as reiterated in the OSCE Ministerial Statement in Athens on 2 December 2009.
拉丁美洲 和加勒比、非洲和亚洲在刑法改革和非监禁刑罚领域、中东和北非在少年司法
[...] 领域、非洲在诉诸司法和法律援助领域;东非在警察改革领域;拉丁美洲和加 勒比在预防犯罪和力领域都 取得了显著进展。
Notable developments occurred in the areas of penal reform and alternatives to imprisonment in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and Asia; juvenile justice in the Middle East and North Africa; access to justice and
legal aid in Africa; police reform in East Africa;
[...] and crime and violence prevention in [...]
Latin America and the Caribbean.




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