单词 | 领导人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 领导pl—leaderspl 导v—leadv 领v—receivev 人n—peoplen humann mann
即使在 以习近平主席为首的新一代中国领导人带领下,中国未来增长的准 确 道 路 仍 有 待 明 朗。 glencore.com | Under the new generation of leaders in China, led by President Xi Jinping, the precise future growth path of China is still to be clarified. glencore.com |
担任专业或工作相关的非营利性组织董事会成员必须事先获得你的部门或职务领导人批准。 colgate.com | Serving on the Board of Directors for a professional or work-related nonprofit organization must be approved in advance by your Division or Function head. colgate.com |
乐队天使和天使按照神圣领导人,而部队的恶魔和archfiends加速後的邪恶主。 mb-soft.com | Bands of angels and archangels follow the divine leader, while troops of demons and archfiends hasten after the evil lord. mb-soft.com |
这项法案基本是象徵性的﹐因为白宫此前已暗示明确反对﹐参议院民主党领导人坚称参议院不会对该法案进行投票。 htisec.com | The bill was largely symbolic as the White House had signaled its clear opposition and Senate Democratic leaders had insisted they wouldn't bring the legislation up for a vote in that chamber. htisec.com |
除了选择性地绕过本地的法律意见以外,其中一个论点,是基於《基本法》是在内地通过,所以就算要弃用「普通法中的法例解释原则」,也要符合国内的法律原则,和跟从国家领导人补选的原则,去厘定特首任期。 hkupop.hku.hk | Apart from getting around the local legal opinions selectively, one of her points was that since Basic Law was passed in mainland, in order to determine the CE's term, even the Common Law legislations' interpretation principles were given up, we still needed to follow the mainland legal principles and the principles of Chinese leaders' by-elections. hkupop.hku.hk |
该seljuks人一组游牧土耳其勇士领导人从中亚,他们建立了自己在中东地区,在11世纪,作为监护人的下降阿巴斯哈里发,并经过1055年成立了伟大的seljuk阿曼苏丹国,是一个帝国的中心位置在巴格达和包括伊朗,伊拉克和叙利亚。 mb-soft.com | The Seljuks were a group of nomadic [...] Turkish warrior leaders fromCentral Asia [...]who established themselves in the Middle East [...]during the 11th century as guardians of the declining Abbasid caliphate, and after 1055 founded the Great Seljuk sultanate, an empire centered in Baghdad and including Iran, Iraq, and Syria. mb-soft.com |
我们将持续 与消费者分享有关环境政策及方案的资讯,并与社区领导人和与我们分享为未来世代保护环境承 诺的其他人士密切合作。 colgate.com | We will continue to share information with consumers about our environmental policy and programs and work with community leaders and all others who share our commitment to protect our environment for future generations. colgate.com |
让那些什麽都有提供,是不能出售的,这是某种方式的品牌:“我们提供了一个独特的服务,所有类别的产品,书写工具手表,珠宝及皮革配件,解释其领导人。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Allow those who have everything to offer that is not for sale, this is somehow about the brand: "We offer a unique [...] service for all categories of products, writing instruments watches, [...] jewelery andleather accessories, explainits leaders. en.horloger-paris.com |
对於最近大学毕业的学生,Seagate 提供多样性的才能环境,让他们可以在发挥创意的同时,学习顶尖技术的知识,并准备成为将来的领导人才。 seagate.com | For recent university graduates, Seagate offers a diverse environment , enabling them to be productive while securing knowledge in leading-edge technologies and preparing them for future leadership. seagate.com |
晚宴上﹐柬埔寨社区联合会向很 多新领导人及机构介绍 “更健 康生活”讲座﹐让他们可以联络 更多柬埔寨社群以便支持慢性疾 病自我管理计划。 napca.org | During the dinner, UCC gave a presentation about the Healthier Living workshop to many new leaders and organizations, enabling them to reach out to more Cambodian groups to support the CDSMP. napca.org |
但在没有两全其美的情况下,我们希望确保香港最高领导人的评分,不论是以前的港督或现在的特首,都可以在简单稳固的基础上作出长期的比较,其他分析须要让路。 hkupop.hku.hk | But since there is no perfect solution under this circumstance, we would like to ensure the scores received by the chief leader of Hong Kong, no matter the Governors in the past or the current Chief Executive, can be comparable in the long run on a simple but secure basis. hkupop.hku.hk |
然 而 , 美 国 最 老 的 私 立 学 校,却是精英寄宿学校,成立时 间在18世纪,迄今教育过许多美 国知识和政治界的领导人。 americancorner.org.tw | The country’s oldest private schools, however, are elite boarding schools, founded in the 18th century, which have had a record of educating many of the country’s intellectual and political leaders. americancorner.org.tw |
Mosley 自 1996 年起加入 Seagate 以来担任过多项职务,包括:销售与行销部门副总裁、研发工程设计部资深总监、担任公司在科罗拉多州朗蒙特 (Longmont) 营运部的副总裁与现场管理团队领导人,此外还领导公司的新兴产品开发团队。 seagate.com | Since joining Seagate in 1996, Mosley has held a variety of posts, including: executive vice president of sales and marketing; senior director for R&D engineering; vice president and site management team leader for the company’s Longmont, Colorado, operation; and he’s led the company's emerging products development team. seagate.com |
请注意 请注意 请注意 请注意:在两团队中保持领导人等级,意味着即便一个品牌合作夥伴可能会达到合格的小要求,如果在每月的基础上合格的层级不能保持 保持 保持 保持的话, 品牌合作夥伴将被视为,好像没有达到层级并丧失循环奖金收入的相对部分,直到它又变成合格为止。 vemmaasia.com | PLEASE NOTE: Maintaining theleader ranks in both teams means that although a Brand Partner may meet the highest achieved pin rank requirement, if the qualified “Paid As” rank is not MAINTAINED on a monthly basis, the Brand Partner will be treated as if the level was not attained and forfeit the corresponding portion of their cycle bonus income until it becomes qualified again. vemmaasia.com |
行政长官曾荫权2010年11月11日至14日在日本,出席第18届亚太区经济合作组织经济领导人会议。 news.gov.hk | See highlights of Chief Executive Donald Tsang's visit to Japan from November [...] 11 to 14, including his [...] attendance at the 18th Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Economic Leaders' Meeting [...]in Yokohama. news.gov.hk |
塞普里阿诺是夏威夷当代音乐工业的传奇领导人物,拥有美绝的歌喉,亦精於作曲及钢琴演奏,曾四度获得被称为夏威夷格林美奖的最高殊荣Na Hoku Hanohano Awards。 hkiac.gov.hk | Singer, pianist and composer Nohelani Cypriano is a leading figure in the Hawaiian music scene, whose celestial yet powerful vocals have seen her become a four-time winner of the Na Hoku Hanohano Award (Hawaiian Grammy). hkiac.gov.hk |
在前次联合国气候会议上,托克劳前领导人托洛亚(Foua Toloa)承诺,要摆脱仰赖化石燃料的情况,向全世界「传达重要讯息」。 thisbigcity.net | Former ulu (leader) Foua Toloa pledged to make the shift from fossil fuel dependency at the last UN climate conference, announcing that Tokelau would send “a message to the world”. thisbigcity.net |
王先生在1995年加入中远集团,曾任中国远洋运输(集团)总公司组织部/人事部企业领导处副处长、组织部/人力资源部领导人员管理室经理、组织部/人力资源部副总经理、中国远洋控股股份有限公司组织部副部长、人力资源部副总经理。 coscopac.com.hk | Mr. WANG joined COSCO group in 1995. He had been the Deputy Manager of Executives Management Department of Organisation Division/Human Resources Division, the Manager of Executives Management Department of Organisation Division/Human Resources Division and the Deputy General Manager of Organisation Division/Human Resources Division of China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company, the Deputy General Manager of Organisation Division/Human Resources Division of China COSCO Holdings Company Limited. coscopac.com.hk |
共和党领导人在美东时间下午7:45前後在一个简短的会议上告知议员称﹐投票表决推迟﹐待圣诞节过後再议。 htisec.com | GOP leaders informed members in a brief meeting around 7:45 p.m. EST that the vote had been pulled and told lawmakers they could go home until after Christmas. htisec.com |
托克托萨佩夫校长在致词中谈及,能够颁授池田会长该大学名誉教授称号深感荣幸,也提到池田会长与各界领导人、思想家出版了为数众多的对谈集,其中包括吉尔吉斯文豪艾特马托夫(Chingiz Aitmatov)。 daisakuikeda.org | In his conferral speech, Rector Toktosapiev welcomed Mr. Ikeda to the IKSU faculty and called attention to the numerous dialogues Mr. Ikeda has engaged in with leaders andthinkers of various fields, including Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aitmatov. daisakuikeda.org |
它是在民族精神的重要,在企业的任何未来的领导人采取某种形式的慈善机构或社区工作中的积极作用和业务的做法是非常道德。 zh-tw.recruiterz.co.uk | It is important within the ethos that any future leaders in the business take an active role in some form of charity or community work and the approach of the business is highly ethical. recruiterz.co.uk |
过去 10 年,国家政策更朝着推动创业的方向转变,中国领 导人甚至意识到,过去 30 年的发展,很大程度上体现了自主创业;不过,虽然中国目前的创业氛围 非常浓厚,但如果这种创业文化失去刺激,便有可能因为人口、教育制度和主流文化等因素而受到 冲击。 gemconsortium.org | In the last decade there has been a shift of state policy towards the promotion of entrepreneurship. Particularly, Chinese leaders have realized that much of the progress of the last 30 years has come through spontaneous entrepreneurship, but that demographics, the education system and the prevailing culture may undermine China’s current remarkable entrepreneurial culture unless that culture is stimulated. gemconsortium.org |
这个利基顾问loking支持广泛的全球经济增长的领导人,他们正在经历,我们正在寻找的候选人谁想要成为未来的全球性组织,领导权和所有权的部分。 zh-tw.recruiterz.co.uk | This niche consultancy is loking for leaders to support the extensive global growth that they are experiencing and we are looking for candidates who want to be part of a future global organisation in leadership and ownership. recruiterz.co.uk |
2012年3月,举行的达沃斯世界经济论坛上特别开辟了非 洲专题会议;同一个月,在伦敦举行了一次由英国泰晤士 报赞助的非洲行政总裁会议,有200多位来自非洲的企业领导人参加,这凸显了非洲如今从经济角度来看的重要 地位。 alquity.com | The region had its own sessions at the World Economic Forum in Davos in March 2012 and in the same month, a CEO Conference on the region held in London, had over 200 leaders from Africa and was sponsored by the UK Times, a measure of the importance with which the region is now viewed from an economic perspective. alquity.com |
许多人因此将焦点转向於创造领袖,以克服种种障碍,伦敦与拉哥斯都面临同一难题,必须思考如何改善创新环境,领导人必须学习解释经济成果、衡量经济变迁引力,并从他山之石汲取教训,以免重蹈覆辙。 thisbigcity.net | In this case, London and Lagos alike have to address the same thing: how to enhance spaces for innovation. Leadership comes from learning how to read the economic output, measuring the shifting centres of economic gravitational pull and being able to learn from others in order to avoid repeating mistakes. thisbigcity.net |
透过与过去的美籍亚裔人士癌症计画、郡长、郡议会、蒙哥马利郡卫生部及社区领导人的共同努力,AAHI成为本郡第一个专为此多样化社区健康需求而设计的健康相关计画。 chinese.aahiinfo.org | Through a joint effort of the former Asian American Cancer Program, the County Executive, County [...] Council, Montgomery County Department of [...] Health and Human Services, andcommunity [...]leaders, AAHI was the County’s first health-related [...]program to specifically deal with the health needs of this diverse community. aahiinfo.org |
世界第一个专业指挥应是德国人Hans von Bulow,是Wagner的学生,他不但将指挥视为推动节奏前进、向乐团发出信号的领导人物,而且更通过对音乐独有的诠释能力,确立了指挥作为乐团演奏中心角色的地位。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The first person to become a professional conductor was a German who studied under Wagner, Hans von Bulow. He saw the conductor as more than just a tool for setting the tempo and sending signals to the orchestra, and established the role of the conductor as a central figure in the performance by virtue of his interpretation of the music. tomleemusic.com.hk |
为达成政府推动『数位新 矽岛』目标,行政院经济部及惠普科技与天下杂志合作,共同邀请世界级IT领导人卡莉•菲奥莉娜 (Carly Fiorina ) 女士来台就『创新卓越•纵横全球』主题为产业精英介绍并分享数位科技及网路经济对未来的影响及发展趋势。 eraogilvy.com | To align with government’s goal portraying Taiwan as “New Digital Silicon Island”, Executive Yuan, Common Wealth worked with HP to invite IT leader HP CEO Carly Fiorina in presencefor industry elites on the trends and impact of digital technology and Internet economy entitle “Innovative Excellence, Compassing Worldwide. eraogilvy.com |