

单词 领取失业救济金的人

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

领取失业救济金的失业者( 占失业人数的百分比)
Unemployed receiving unemployment benefits (percentage of total unemployed)
领取德国失业救济金的大约 30名转岗培 人 员 已 于2010年在农特里茨工厂得到了一份稳定的工作。
About 30 of these
[...] retrainees were living on unemployment benefits until they were taken on full time at [...]
the Nünchritz plant
in 2010, where about 100 new jobs were created.
第 2 款强调了公民获得养老 金、带薪产假、公共保健中心医疗护理服务 失业救济金 及 其他形式公共或人 社会保障的权利
Para. 2 underlines
[...] the right to pensions, paid maternity leave, medical care in public health centres, unemployment benefits and other forms [...]
of public or private social securities.
人临时与他母亲的姐夫住在一 起,然后失业救济金的一半 租了套小单元房。
The author temporarily lived with his
[...] mother‟s brother-in-law and then rented a small apartment, using half of his unemployment benefit.
国家为公司、非营利协会、基金会或独资机构领取无法工作养 金的 雇员,领取失业救济的人,为根据《劳动力市场服务和支助法》登记失业 的人,也为参加劳动力市场培训至少 80 个小时,根据《劳动力市场服务和 支助法》规定从事工作实习或工作相关活动的人,缴纳社会税。
The state pays social tax for an employee of a company, non-profit association, foundation or sole
proprietor if the employee
[...] receives a pension for incapacity for work, for a person receiving an unemployment benefit, for a person [...]
who is registered as
unemployed under the Labour Market Services and Support Act, and for a person who participates in labour market training of a duration of at least 80 hours, in work internship or work-related exercise under the Labour Market Services and Support Act.
此外,还分发了 生产和怀孕补助失业救济、无 法工作补助适用法律方 的 手 册 ;培训了 社会保险委员会、爱沙尼亚健康保险 金 及 劳动力市场委员 的 工 作人 员;采取了数据库必备的软件和硬件。
In addition, handbooks on sickness
[...] and pregnancy benefits, unemployment benefits, incapacity for work benefits and applicable law were distributed; staff of the Social Insurance Board, the Estonian Health Insurance Fund and the Labour Market [...]
Board were trained; and necessary software and hardware for databases was procured.
人员有资格领取失业保险补助的 时 间 长短,取决于他们的保险 期,即他们失业之前工作和交纳保 金 有 多 少个月。
The length of time when an unemployed person is entitled to receive an unemployment insurance benefit depends on their insurance period, i.e. how many months [...] [...]
they worked and paid the insurance premium before becoming unemployed.
19 然而,在西班牙有合法身的人,有 权在 其境内合法居留、工作 领取失业救济金 。 政 府当然强调“自愿”做出回返决定, 但这显然是从法律上巧妙地掩饰变相驱逐措施。
Of course, the Government insists that the decision to return is “voluntary”, but this is obviously a clever legal subterfuge to hide disguised expulsion measures.
已经到领取退休金年龄的人,如果遇到集体终止雇用合同的情况,也有 权利领取补助,因为这种补助支付不论被集体裁减的雇员是否交 失业 保险 金和交了多久。
Persons who have reached pensionable age also have the right to receive a benefit in the case of collective termination of employment contracts, because the benefit is paid regardless of whether and for how long the employees who are made collectively redundant have paid the unemployment insurance premiums.
到达领取退金年龄的雇员 ,如果雇主破产,当然 也有权领取破产救济。
Employees who are in pensionable age also have the right to an insolvency benefit in case of an [...]
insolvency of their employer.
这包括把重点放在快速的济 发展和创造业、营造有的投资环境以便吸引外国 直接投资、改革养恤金制度以及为养 金领取人 和其 他社会弱势群体扩大社会网络。
That has included
[...] focusing on rapid economic development and job creation, creating a favourable investment climate to attract foreign direct investment, reforming the pension system and expanding the social network for pensioners [...]
and other socially vulnerable groups.
管理 这种风的办法是,在近救济工程 处主 业 务 领 域 (教 育、保健 救济 和 社会 服务)中,进行适的规划、控制、业绩审查和评价。
This risk is managed through proper planning, control and performance reviews and evaluations in the Agency’s main areas of operation (education, health, and relief and social services).
根据该法案,政府向每位就业协议已被终止并已加入工 作福利方的工人提供过渡时 失业救济 ; 这 项救济最低 领取 1 个月,最高可 领取 12 个月。
Under the Act, the Government grants a transition unemployment benefit to every worker whose agreement has been terminated and who has joined the Workfare Programme; this benefit is paid for a minimum period of 1 month and a maximum period of 12 months.
1997年11月14日, “工业就业协会 ”再次致函指出,提 人 必 须在一个月的期限内偿还过去20 个领取的所有救济金。
On 14 November 1997,
[...] ASSEDIC wrote again stating that the author was obliged to pay back all the benefits he had received over the past 20 months within 30 days.
该条的 范围 包括无工作能力救济、老年和遗属养恤金、健康保障福利、死亡抚 金 、失 业救济及家属补助。
The scope of the Regulation includes
[...] incapacity for work benefits, old-age and survivor’s benefits, health insurance benefits, death grants, unemployment benefits, and family benefits.
第 34 条进一步规定法院可以发出命令“(a) [禁止]该人在一年之内从事本 法规定的任何活动;(b) [责令]该人提金钱或 其他形式的补偿,以便 取 任 何补 救行动或补偿因其犯罪行为而受 失的人 ; (c) [责令]该人竭力协助修复因其犯罪 行为而对环境造成的任何损害;或(d) [责令 ]该人开展技术研究和调查方案,以发 [...]
Section 34 further outlines court orders which may “(a) [prohibit] the person for a period of not more than one year from engaging in any activity regulated under
this Act; (b)
[...] [require] the person to provide compensation, whether monetary or otherwise, for any remedial action taken or damage suffered by another person arising [...]
out of the commission
of the offence; (c) [require] the person to do anything that will assist in repairing any damage to the environment arising out of the commission of the offence; or (d) [require] the person to conduct programs of technical research and investigation into the development and improvement of safety marks, safety requirements and safety standards, or to pay an amount in the manner prescribed to be used to conduct the research”.
各风险群体包括失业的残疾人;失业青年(16-24 岁);失业登记之前 12 个月中从拘留设施中释放出来的业 人 员 ;55 岁至老年养金领取年龄的人; 失业登记 前收到照顾者津贴并且在失业登记之前 12 个中没有就业或没有从事被 认为等于就业的活动的人;长期失业人员(失业 [...]
12 个月以上,16-24 岁的青年失 业 6 个月以上);不讲爱沙尼亚语,因些就业受阻的失业者。
The respective risk groups include unemployed persons with disabilities; young unemployed (aged 16–24); unemployed persons who have been released from detention facilities during the
12 months preceding
[...] registration as unemployed; people between 55 and the age of old-age pension; unemployed persons who have received [...]
a caregiver’s allowance prior to being registered as unemployed and have not been employed or
engaged in activities considered equal to employment during the 12 months preceding registration as unemployed; long-term unemployed (unemployed for over 12 months, over 6 months in the case of young people aged 16–24); the unemployed who do not speak Estonian and whose employment is therefore hampered.
政府已经开始处理一些关键问题,例如:实行缅元 浮动汇率制,以废除复汇率制及其所造成的扭曲情 况;打破垄断(如食用油、燃油和汽车领域,以及 可能即将涉及的通讯领域);推动外国投资,39 并 宣布要把重点放在能为缅甸的原材料增加附加值的业领域以及能创造业机会的其他 领 域 ;发 展人 力资源,让失的熟练 工人回归;提高发电能力; 升级以出口为导向的交通基础设施;增强税收筹 划,通过全面税收改革来推动济增 长 ;改造银行 业部门,进行更广泛金融部门改革。
The government has begun to address key issues such as the float of the kyat to eliminate the multiple exchange rate system and the distortions it introduces; dismantling of monopolies (such as in edible oils, fuel, vehicles and possibly soon telecommunications); promotion of foreign investment,39 with a stated emphasis on industries that add value to Myanmar’s raw materials and those that
promote job creation; human
[...] resources development and the return of skilled workers from the diaspora; boosting electricity generation; improving export-oriented transport infrastructure; boosting tax mobilisation and promoting growth through comprehensive tax reform; rehabilitating the banking sector and implementing broader financial sector reform.
如果是出于其他所有理由而终止雇用或服务关系,包括雇用或服务关系 期满,或在终止义务法规的合同时 , 人 们 都 有资 领取失业 保 险 补助。
In the case of all the other reasons for termination of an employment or service relationship, incl. in the case of an expiry of the term of an employment or service relationship
or upon termination of
[...] a contract under the law of obligations, persons are entitled to unemployment insurance benefit.
有鉴于此,肯尼亚在与摩加迪沙过渡联邦政府直接协商和联络后,针对青年 军恐怖分子最近对肯尼领土的 直接攻击,及造成肯尼 人 和 外 国国民生命失 和遭到绑的事实,决定取补救和 预 防性行动。
In the light of the foregoing, Kenya, in direct consultations and liaison with the Transitional Federal Government in Mogadishu, has, after
the latest direct
[...] attacks on Kenyan territory and the accompanying loss of life and kidnappings of Kenyans and foreign nationals by the Al-Shabaab terrorists, decided to undertake remedial and pre-emptive action.
一边是受到失业压 力,一边是决定返回原籍国可得到补贴(是其留在西班牙本应得 的失业救济 金),这种情况下当人的意 愿能是自由的吗?
Can the will of the persons in question be free in such a case, when
they are caught between
[...] the pressure of unemployment and the prospect of receiving compensation (which they could have received in the form of unemployment benefits had they [...]
remained in Spain) if
they decide to return to their countries of origin?
2006 年,亚太经合组领导人和部长回顾 2003 年消除扩散威胁的承诺,并 “承认需要取适当与各济体的具 体 情况相符的个别和联合行动,以促进这些 承诺的履行,包括需要保护合金融 和 商 业 系 统 不被滥用”。
In 2006, APEC Leaders and Ministers recalled the 2003 commitments to eliminate the threat of proliferation, and “acknowledged the need to take appropriate individual and joint actions, consistent with each economy’s circumstances, to further those commitments, including the need to protect legitimate financial and commercial systems [...]
from abuse”.
评估团的任务是收集以下信息:(a) 失业回归者,包括移徙工人和离开利 比的前战 斗员以及图阿雷格和图布武装分子大量涌入这些国家,他们的回归 正对东道国社区的社会济和政治稳定产生影响;(b)大量武器流入该区域,小 武器和轻武器以及地对空导弹和爆炸物扩散;(c) 这些国家犯罪活动和恐怖主 义活动的性质及程度,为对付这些活动正在 取 的 区域举措;(d) 对安全部门 产生的影响;(e) 国家安全部门的行动能力;(f) 司法改革;(g) 为消除经常发 生的粮食无保障和营养不良的根源以及处理其他人道主义问题而需要作 的更 多努力;(h) 青人失业;(i) 灾害风险评估。
The mission was mandated to collect information on (a) the influx of unemployed returnees, including migrant workers, former combatants from Libya and armed Tuareg and Toubou elements into these countries, as well as the
impact that their return is
[...] having on the socio-economic and political stability in the host communities; (b) the inflow of weapons into the region and the proliferation of small arms and light weapons, surface-to-air missiles and explosives; (c) the nature and the extent of criminal and terrorist activities in these countries and ongoing regional initiatives to address them; (d) the impact on the security sector; (e) the national operational capacity of the security sector; (f) judicial reform; (g) additional efforts needed to address the root causes of recurrent food insecurity and malnutrition, as well as other humanitarian issues; (h) youth unemployment; and (i) disaster risk evaluation.
由于境内流离失所人数居高不下(16 ,0 00 人),斯 洛 文尼亚赞扬黑山在 2005 年通过了解决难民和境内流离失所者问题的战略,并要求 提 供 进一步 的资料,说 明境内 流离失所者的法律地位,并 说 明有关他们 获得社会 福 利、教 育 、 就业失业救济 金 的政策 和 措施。
With the number of internally displaced persons
still high (16,000),
[...] Slovenia commended the adoption of the strategy for resolving the issues of refugees and internally displaced persons in 2005 and requested further information about the legal status of internally displaced persons and the policies and measures provided for their access to social benefits, education, employment and unemployment benefits.
巴西不仅延长失业救助金的领取期限 ,而且增加了对基础设施 和其他劳动密集型部门的投资,并且向 5 000 多人 口提供现金援助。
Brazil had extended the existing unemployment benefits and enhanced public investment in infrastructure and other labour-intensive sectors, in addition to strengthening [...]
a cash transfer scheme which benefited over 50 million people, thereby reducing its Gini coefficient by 21 per cent and reviving its economy.
人员,如果收入少于失业津金 额 , 如果在登记失业之 的 十二 个月期间已经就业,从事工作或从事等于工作的活动至少 180 天,就有权领取失业津贴
Unemployed persons whose income is less
[...] than the amount of the unemployment allowance and who have been employed or engaged in work or an activity equal to work for at least 180 days during the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed have the right to receive unemployment allowance.
在紧救济协调员的领导下,包 括非政府组织合作伙伴在内的机构间常设委员会负 人 已 开 始制订一项新战略, 重点改人道主 义领导和协调,确保部署足 人 员 和 资 金 处 理 大规模紧急情况, 尤其是在其关键的早期阶段,并改进对会员国和受影响民众两方面承担问责的制 度。
Under the leadership of the Emergency Relief Coordinator, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee principals, including non-governmental partners, began developing a new strategy, focusing on improving humanitarian leadership and coordination; ensuring that adequate staff and funds are deployed to address [...]
large emergencies,
especially in their crucial early stages; and improving accountability to both Member States and affected peoples.
各省和地区政府开展的举措包括,为实施 就 业福利以及培训和 找 工 援 助 等 支 助措施提 供金 , 帮 助 那 些已失 业 、领取“就 业 保 险 ”收入支 助福的工 人 ; 根 据 《 劳 工市场 协定》向“就 业 保 险 ” 制度下不符合补贴资格者提 [...]
供 培训资 金(包括识字和基本技能支助);同时提供有 针对性的投资,帮助加拿大原住民、新
Initiatives of the provincial and territorial governments include funding the delivery of
employment benefits and support measures, such as
[...] training and job search assistance, to workers who become unemployed and are beneficiaries of Employment Insurance income support [...] [...]
benefits; Labour Market Agreements funding for training (including literacy and essential skills support) to individuals not eligible for assistance under the Employment Insurance system; and targeted investments to help Aboriginal Canadians, new immigrants, persons with disabilities and older workers overcome barriers to participation in the labour market.
最后,救济和恢复领域, 该报告指出,在过的冲突需求评估、基本服务方案设计和提供、提供 临时业以及 执行包括补偿方案在内的过渡司法方 案中,对妇女和女童需求的认识和 取 的 顺 应措施已 有所改进。
Finally, in the area of relief and recovery, the report notes improved awareness and responses to the needs of women and girls in past conflict-needs assessments, basic service design and delivery, the provision of temporary employment, and transitional justice programmes, [...]
including reparations programmes.
委员会注意到,议会正在讨论的“将犯罪的外国人遣回”为题的公民立法 提案规定,如外国人因谋杀、强奸或其他严重的性犯罪行为、诸如抢劫的各种性的暴力行为、贩人口、贩运毒品或撬锁窃盗,或 领 社 会 保险金或社 救济 金等行 为经判决生效,不论身份如何,均 取 消 其 居留许可及一切在瑞士居留的 权利。
(11) The Committee notes that the people’s initiative on the expulsion of foreign criminals under discussion in Parliament calls for foreigners to be deprived of their residence permit and any further right to reside in Switzerland, regardless of their status, if they are convicted by final judgement of murder, rape or other serious sexual offences, or of other acts of violence such as armed robbery, trafficking in human beings, drug trafficking or breaking and entering, or if they have improperly claimed social security or welfare benefits.




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