

单词 预租

See also:

lease out
rent out
land tax

External sources (not reviewed)

对仓储空间的需求增加及相对 较低的可用性将导致空置率的降低 预租 合 同 的 流行, 因为承租人需要在项目推出使用前确保其 可用空间。
Increasing demand for warehouse space and relatively low availability will result in
a decrease in the vacancy
[...] rate with pre-lease agreements being the most popular as tenants need [...]
to secure space before the project is put in use.
必须在 2013 年 3 月 29 日至 2013 年 4 月 30
[...] 日之间通过 united.com 提预订租车,且必须在 2013 年 7 [...]
月 31 日之前开始租车,方可享受此优惠。
Rentals must be booked in advance on [...]
united.com between March 29, 2013, and April 30, 2013, and rental must begin by July
31, 2013, in order to qualify.
新加坡,2013年4月8日---全球领先的现代物流设施提供商,中国、日本和巴西市场的领导者普洛斯今日宣布,已与中国领先的第三方物流公司百世物流签订在苏州和武汉约43,000平方米(约合463,000平方英尺) 预租 协 议 ,百世物流的主要业务包括B2C的物流配送和快递服务。
Singapore, 8 April 2013 – Global Logistic Properties Limited (“GLP”), one of the world’s leading providers of modern logistics facilities, with a market-leading position in China, Japan and Brazil, today announced that it has pre-leased approximately 43,000 square metres (“sqm”) (463,000 square feet (“sq ft”)) in Suzhou and Wuhan to Best Logistics, one of China’s leading providers of third-party logistics with a focus on Business-to-Consumer (“B2C”) distribution and last-mile deliveries.
新加坡,2013年3月25日---全球领先的现代物流设施提供商,中国、日本和巴西市场的领导者普洛斯今日宣布,已与中国最大的第三方物流供应商之一的德邦物流签订了约91,000平方米(约合977,000平方英尺) 预租 协 议
Singapore, 26 March 2013 — Global Logistic Properties Limited (“GLP”), one of the world¹s leading providers of modern logistics facilities, with a market-leading position in China, Japan and Brazil, today announced that it has pre-leased approximately 91,000 square metres (“sqm”) (977,000 square feet (“sq ft”)) to Deppon Logistics, one of China’s largest third-party logistics (“3PL”) providers.
[...] Shiohama开发项目尚未开建就已经顺利完成40%设施 预租 赁 , 这不仅说明日本主要商业集中地对现代化物流设施的旺盛需求,更说明普洛斯的项目作为该地区的配送港具有极大的吸引力。
We have already successfully pre-leased 40% of Ichikawa Shiohama [...]
development before construction has begun, underlining
not just the strong demand for modern logistics space in key locations across Japan but also our facility’s attractiveness as a distribution hub in the region.
已被使用的楼面面积,包括下列几项: (i) 出售/出租给最终使用者的办公室 (ii) 预售/预租给使 用者的开发项目 (iii)自用业主购买永久地权或长期租用地权 (特别注意:此项包括转租,但不包括续租。)
(ii) developments pre-let/sold to an occupier; (iii) owner occupier purchase of a freehold or long leasehold.
在租赁房屋、套房和公寓单间时,房东一般要求学 预 付 房 租 , 同 时交纳相当于一个月的房租作为押金。
When renting a house, apartment or bed sitter,
[...] landlords require rent to be paid in advance, and will require a security bond equal to one months’ rent.
带有残余价值预付费租赁计 算出现在租赁期满,租赁物尚有一 定的使用价值的情形。
Situations may arise where a
[...] transaction has advance payments and a residual [...]
value (salvage value) at the end of the normal term.
上(a) (iii)项下批准之预支薪金之收回,或在工作人 预 支 薪金 的 租 房 阶 段, 或在工作人员任职期满之前,以最短期限为准。
An advance granted under (a)(iii) shall be recovered over the rental period for which [...]
the salary is advanced, or the duration
of the staff member’s appointment, whichever is shorter.
带我回家" 帮预订一辆出租车并且提供到达您 预 订 的 住宿的指示 - 以多种语言
Take Me Home" books you a taxi and gets directions to your booking - in many languages!
收入第 2 款表 IS2.1
[...] 显示,2012-2013 两 年期估计数增加的主要原因是预计 房 地 租 金 收 入增加(12 417 900 美元),但增 加数额被银行利息预计减少额(387 [...]
300 美元)和杂项收入预计减少额(189 900 美 元)部分抵销。
As indicated in table IS2.1 of Income section 2, the estimated increase
for 2012-2013 is due mainly to the
[...] projected increase under rental of premises ($12,417,900), [...]
partially offset by projected
decreases under bank interest ($387,300) and miscellaneous income ($189,900).
例题1:一台复印机价值$22,000,租 用 48 个月, 租 人 同意 预付4个租金,在租期满时他可以优先以原始价的30%购买,计算 在15%的预期收益率下的租金?
The lessee has agreed to make 4 payments in advance, with a purchase option at the end of 48 months enabling him to buy the copier for 30% of the purchase price.
第一笔 7 欧元预交月租费必 须在激活套餐时缴纳,后续月租费可以使用信用卡信用余额缴纳,但仅限 VISA、MASTERCARD、AMEX 和 Aura 连锁卡,不接受预付费卡。
The cost of the first
[...] advance monthly instalment of 7€ must be paid when activating the offer while the [...]
subsequent ones may
be paid using your remaining credit of by credit cards but only on the VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX and Aura circuits, Prepaid Cards are not accepted.
这种形式的一个明显的优势是租人 的 租 金已 经提预算出 来,而不用担心今后物业维修费用的增长。
A definite advantage
[...] accrues to the tenant in that the predetermined rent can be budgeted without worrying [...]
about increases
in building maintenance costs.
向 FIPOI 支付租金 由 UNHCR预 算 中的志愿捐款提供。
The rental paid to the FIPOI is financed through voluntary contributions to UNHCR’s annual budget.
靓职橥观蚊翻译导挲、国桠臻领队(TC)、臻掬办碗职朽国内、国桠亡碗奚、邀页惬务员、桠国LAND碗奚、冼观蚊莼、韩国观蚊碗奚、观蚊哂关协会、观蚊裥锪、伢税锪、观蚊哂关网呔创业(皤完臻汜阌、铒幡停裥 预 订 、 谂庵 租 怎 ) 、贸娑碗奚、国际会议运营嘘业(PCO)、观蚊区设憧嘘业、动专门嘘业怎引种牦关观蚊嘘业,并螃属橥经呗艇知,熳螽濂师欷靓职橥哂关嘘业既蜒胱硝关证劵碗奚钴硝会。
The Student can work at diverse tourism-related companies such as tour guide, overseas tour conductor (TC), office work for travel agencies, domestic and foreign airlines male and female flight crews, foreign land companies, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Tourism-related associations, Tourism hotels, duty-free shop, tourism-related internet
opening (providing travel
[...] information, worldwide hotel reservation, introduction of homestay, [...]
etc), trading companies, International
conference operation company (PCO), tourism resorts complex construction companies, event specialist company, etc and also, since it is classified as category of economy and commerce , qualification to be employed by related companies such as financial institutions or securities companies and students can advance to school as teacher by completing teacher’s courses.
我们十分兴奋于这一在柏林的增长机会,柏林是我们最大的超核心区域,也就是有着最具活力的市场以及强势 租 金 增 长 预 期 的 地区。
We are excited about this growth
opportunity in Berlin, our largest core+ region, i.e. regions with the most dynamic
[...] markets and strong rental growth expectations.
车辆预订: A. 网上预订 登录 www.zuche.com ,按网页提示进预订; B. 电预订 致电神租车24小时客户服务中心400-616-6666,由客服人员协 预 订; C. 门预订 光临神租车门店,由门店人员协 预 订 , 或直接 租 车 辆
Vehicle Reservation : A. online booking Login www.zuche.com, book by page
prompts ; B. Phone Book
[...] Call the China Auto Rental 400-616-6666 24-hour customer service center , the customer service staff to help book ; C. Book Stores China Auto Rental stores to visit , by the store staff to assist in reservations, rent cars or direct elections .
租汽车过境预先通 知,并可能产生附加费.
Ryanair: Stansted to Klagenfurt, Austria, 65 [...]
miles including a trip under the Karavanke mountains. Border crossings in hire-cars
should be pre-notified and may incur surcharges.
监督厅提出关于审计适用于总部间接费用的标准费用的报告(A/60/682)后, 秘书处审查了这些标准费用,并尽量根据订正费率拟订 2011/12 年预算拟 议新 设员额的经常性费用项下所需资源,如房 租 金 、 办公室用品和设备、商营通信 费用(传真费和电话费)和信息技术维护服务级协议和基础设施费用的所需资源, [...]
Following the report of OIOS on the audit of the standard costs applied to Headquarters overhead (A/60/682), the Secretariat has reviewed the standard costs and, to the extent possible, has applied the revised rates in the
formulation of the
[...] requirements under recurrent costs, such as those for the rental of premises, office supplies and equipment, commercial [...]
costs (fax and telephone charges) and service-level agreements and infrastructure costs for information technology maintenance and repair; and under non-recurrent costs, such as those for the purchase of furniture and office equipment, including computers and telephones, and alterations or improvements, for newly proposed posts in the 2011/12 budget.
此外,dynaTrace 还可轻松配置专门针对您的业务范围的业务事务,例如,“按目的地 租 户 预 订 收 入”。
In addition, dynaTrace allows easy
configuration of business transactions specific to your line of business, for
[...] example, “Booking Revenue per Destination and Tenant.
租人预先书 面通知房主后,可以在房内进行一些必要的施工,以便使房屋适合 [...]
自己或者与其共居的配偶、事实夫妻或家人的残疾状况,合同结束时,如果出租人 提出要求,承租人应将房屋恢复到原始状态。
The lessee, previous notification [...]
in writing to the owner, will be able to realize in the housing those necessary and indispensable
works to adapt the housing to his handicapped person’s condition or to that of his spouse, unmarried couple or relatives who live with him.
通过您的电子邮件地址,我们可以发 租 碟 收据 , 预 订 确认,以及最新的电影通信给您。
We sent receipts, reservation confirmation, and [...]
latest movie release newsletter to your email address.
咨询委员会指 出,计划 2011 年在基尔库克和巴士拉进行的建筑和 翻新项目在 2012 年改租用房舍;由预算文件没 有提供说明,因此不清楚哪些因素导致 2012 年的拟 议需求。
The Advisory Committee noted that the construction and renovation planned for 2011
in Kirkuk and Basra
[...] had been changed to rented accommodation for 2012; because no explanation had been provided in the budget document, the [...]
factors contributing
to the proposed requirements for 2012 were unclear.
总体的 减少包括:(a) 国际工作人员减少 1 993 100
[...] 美元,即减少 14.9%,这主要由于 2011/12 年期间拟租户单位的预算所 需经费转到支助账户,但因拟新设 2 个 P-4 员额、拟将 [...]
6 个员额从总部调到后勤基地、以及拟将
7 个一般临时职位改划为员 额,减少额被部分抵消;(b) 本国工作人员增加 1 759 400 美元,即增加 9.4%, 主要是由于薪资所需经费增加以及拟将 10 个临时职位改划为员额、拟设 3 个一 般事务员额、拟改派 2 个员额、拟调动 1 个员额相关的费用。
The overall reduction is composed of (a) a decrease of $1,993,100, or 14.9 per cent, for international staff,
largely owing to the proposed
[...] transfer of the budgetary requirements for the tenant units to the support [...]
account for the 2011/12
period, offset in part by the proposed establishment of 2 new P-4 posts, the proposed redeployment of 6 posts from Headquarters to UNLB and the proposed conversion of 7 general temporary assistance positions to posts; and (b) an increase of $1,759,400, or 9.4 per cent, for national staff, primarily attributable to increased requirements for salaries and related costs for the proposed conversion of 10 temporary positions to posts, the proposed establishment of 3 General Service posts, the proposed reassignment of 2 posts and the proposed redeployment of 1 post.
根據營租約 而需支付租金(扣除自租人收取之任何獎勵金後)於全面收益表中入賬,並按有租約年期以直線法計算。
Payments made
[...] under operating leases (net of any incentives received from the lessor) are expensed in the statement of comprehensive income on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.
z ILFC若干飞行器的减值费用(由于管理层对航空业未来的复苏持不乐观态度,未租 赁率预期偏 低)以及与已出售及可能出售的飞行器相关的减值费用,共计4.65亿美元。
465 million in impairment charges on certain aircraft in ILFC’s fleet, reflecting management’s outlook related to the future recovery of the
airline industry which resulted in lower
[...] estimated future lease rates, as well as [...]
impairments related to sales and potential sales of aircraft.
让我们再回顾一下SYNC服务的拓展历程,Version1售价395美金,仅提供蓝牙和音乐播放;Version2价格不变,新增汽车诊断报告和紧急求援;Version3价格不变新增TBT导航、交通信息、生活资讯等服务;Version4价格不变,新增Applink功能,可使用Pandora和Twitter等应用;一直到现在的Gen2硬件,新增呼叫中心 租 车 及酒 店 预 订 等服务,价格不但不涨,反而还降到295美金了。
Version1 of SYNC is priced at $395 and provides Bluetooth connecting and music playing only; version2 keeps the same price but adds vehicle diagnostics report and emergency assistance; version3 adds TBT, traffic, and living information services based on the same price; version4 also keeps the price fixed but adds Applink, Pandora and Twitter
applications; now the Gen2 adds
[...] call center, car rental and hotel reservation services but [...]
reduces the price to US $295.
(c) 條例草案不應該不公平地以中小企為打擊
[...] 對象,因為現行法例已能夠打擊中小企或 會採用的不當營商手法,例如與新 租住 公 屋裝修工程有關的不良營商手法或競投 舊樓修葺工程時所採用的圍標手法,而中 [...]
小企在市場上亦非處於可讓他們從事掠奪 式定價行為的優勢。
(c) SMEs should not be unfairly targeted by the Bill because illegal trade practices which they might commit,
such as those related to decoration
[...] works at new public rental housing (PRH), or [...]
bid-rigging for repair works for old buildings,
could already be tackled by existing laws, and SMEs were not in a dominant position in the market to enable them to engage in predatory pricing.




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