

单词 预留

See also:


stay v
retain v
keep v

leave (a message etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

因此, 就要放弃这一工作预留的资 金将很快转拨 到其它优先领域,如教育为可持续发展服 务。
This activity will therefore be
[...] abandoned and funds reserved will be soon reallocated [...]
to other priority areas such as Education for Sustainable Development.
该法 案规定,半开放式设施可准许其囚犯享有与家人共处的时间,封闭式设施必预 留一间 单人牢房,供按有关条款安排的配偶定期探监时使用。
Under the bill, inmates in semi-open facilities may be given
permits to spend time with their families
[...] and a cell must be set aside in closed [...]
facilities for regular spousal visits
that are to be organized in accordance with the relevant regulations.
委员会请秘书处在委员会该届会议的议程草案 预留 充 足 时间, 以便于就这一重要议题进行详细讨论。
The Secretariat was
[...] requested to reserve sufficient time [...]
in the draft agenda for that session to allow for a detailed discussion of that important topic.
另一方面,有人也表达看法认为,仅仅依靠双边处理预留太大 的妥协空间,将损害公平性。
On the other, the view was expressed that bilateral
[...] treatment alone would leave too much room [...]
for compromise and would sacrifice equity.
为残疾预留了一 定比例的政府职位,在残疾人问题非政 府组织的支持下,颁布了相关法律,并且举办了大会和研讨会,以增强对残疾人 权利的认识,推动残疾人融入社会。
A certain proportion of Government positions are assigned to persons with disabilities, relevant legislation has been enacted, with the support of non-governmental organizations which work on disability issues, and conferences and workshops have been held to raise awareness of the rights of persons with disabilities and to promote their integration into society.
它包括几个专门的项目,涉及财务结账周期、供应商管理、总部外预付款的程序和资预 留、 开展总部外处理的部署、控制开支、简化流程和管理报告编制等问题。
It comprises several targeted projects addressing the issues of financial close cycle,
vendor management, field imprest
[...] processing and funds reservations, field processing [...]
rollout, expenditure control, process
simplification and management reporting.
取样方法预留容 积管的使用在 ASTM D1265 取样液化石油 (LP) 气的标准 方 法(手 动 法)等 的 技 术 出 版 物 中 有 叙 述 。
Sampling methods and the use of the outage tube are described in technical publications such as ASTM D1265, Standard Practice for Sampling Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases (Manual Method).
[...] 于技术或专业条件不具备,并未得以落实,其中,以大学 预留的 5%的法定份 额为例,当前并未落实。
The second example concerns the failure to meet quotas for persons with disabilities in education or employment owing to a lack of candidates having the necessary technical or professional qualifications;
for example, the 5 per cent quota of
[...] university places reserved by law for persons [...]
with disabilities is not being filled.
预 留容积管的长度决定蒸发空间的大小。
The length of the outage tube determines the amount of vapor space.
(h)由三个多国方案(东加勒比、太平洋岛屿和巴勒斯坦儿童和妇女地区方案) 涵盖的国家将继续获得一笔综合总付款项,足以用于开展切实可行的有效方案; (i) 此外,应预留方案 年度经常资源的 7%,供执行局灵活分配,支持国家方 案,特别是:鼓励在儿基会一个或多个工作领域和优先事项中取得优异业绩;灵 活应对正在出现的机会;避免突然改变对各个国家的经常资源分配水平。
(i) In addition, 7 per cent of the annual regular resources for programmes should be set aside for flexible allocation by the Executive Director in support of country programmes to, inter alia, encourage excellence in the quality of performance in one or more of the areas of work and priorities of UNICEF; provide flexibility to respond to emerging opportunities; and avoid sudden changes in the level of regular resources allocation to individual countries.
没有为该项负预留款项 ,但表二和说明 4.7(业务储备金)所示业务预算情况除外。
No provision is made for this liability, except that in the case of the operational budget, as reflected in Statement II and Note 4.7 (operating reserve).
我们饶有兴趣地注意到余留事项处理机制规约第 29 条的规定,该条要求辩护律师在代表其被联合国法庭预留机制 起诉的委托人行事时,必须“尊重”允许 他们在其国家内履行公务国家的“法律和条例”。
We note with keen interest the provision in article 29 of the statute of the Residual Mechanism requiring defence counsel to “respect the laws and regulations” of the countries to which they are admitted to perform official duties while representing their clients who have been indicted by United Nations Tribunals or by the Residual Mechanism.
(c) 对于无需根据细则 2408(b)款凭承付款项记预留资金 的付款,相关付 款凭单的证明单据须由承付干事签字后,核查干事才能核准付款。
(c) For payments for which resources did
[...] not need to be reserved by the recording [...]
of a commitment in accordance with rule
2408, subparagraph (b), the documentation supporting the payment voucher must be signed by a committing officer before the payment may be approved by a verifying officer.
虽然墓园中的墓地分布密度已经很高,墓与墓之间的间隔只有10英寸,但人们依然可以在这里购买 预留 一 块 墓地。
Despite the site’s intense density, with just over 10 inches between graves, it is still
[...] possible to purchase and reserve plots.
[...] 特别是同值工作同等报酬的权利而采取的立法措施 通过第 027-2007-PCM 号最高敕令,将第 27050 号残疾人 基本法中关于各公共实体必须将其职位总数中的 3%预留 给残 疾劳动者这项规定确定为公共部门必须强制遵守的国 家政策。
The legislative measures taken to ensure protection against discrimination in all stages of employment and in any form of employment and to recognize the right of persons with disabilities to work on a basis of equality with others, in particular the right to equal pay for equal work Supreme Decree No. 027-2007-PCM establishes that the Omnibus Act on Persons with Disabilities (Act No. 27050) reflects a national policy and requires all
institutions within the public
[...] sector to abide by the provisions of that law under which at least 3 per cent of the total workforce [...]
of each public body
must be composed of workers with disabilities.
2011 年 11 月 21
[...] 日至 25 日这一期间已暂 时为亚洲和太平洋各国禁毒执法机构负责人第三十五次会 预留。
The period from 21 to 25 November 2011 has
[...] been tentatively reserved for the Thirty-fifth [...]
Meeting of HONLEA, Asia and the Pacific.
主流化过程要求所有相关政府机构的持续参与和支持、为政策规划过预留充足 的时间、设立适当的支持机构、国家工作组和技术能力,以及国际资 金支持和相关国际组织的参与。
The process requires the constant involvement and support of all relevant Government agencies, sufficient time for policy planning cycles, appropriate support structures, national working groups and technical capacity, as well as international funding and the involvement of relevant international organizations.
预留预算经 费,为整个贝宁的所有监狱开展活动提供资金; [...]
(s) 为拘押在整个贝宁女子监狱中的女性被拘留者以及女性被拘留者的子 女
(r) Budgetary provisions be [...]
set aside for providing activities in all prisons throughout Benin
[...] 准的可视示范、等于或低于商业利率的投入和适当的 争端解决机制,并应当允许农预留 部 分 土地种植粮 食作物,以满足其家庭和社区的需要。
A fair contract should include minimum price guarantees, a visual demonstration of quality standards, inputs at or below commercial rates, appropriate dispute
settlement mechanisms, and the possibility
[...] for farmers to reserve a portion of [...]
land for food crops to meet the needs of their families and communities.
电动机构必须安装在变压器油预 留的垂直位置上并能防止变压器的 震动。
The motor-drive unit must be attached vertically and free of vibration to the intended position on the transformer tank.
也有难得但短暂的好消息,英利(NYSE: YGE)、天合(NYSE:
[...] TSL)以及其他太阳能企业出现短暂提振,因为它们收回之 预留 出 以备遭遇美国反倾销调查攻击时使用的资金,将不再需要这些钱了。
And in a rare but fleeting piece of good news, Yingli (NYSE: YGE), Trina (NYSE: TSL) and others are
getting a temporary boost as they reclaim money
[...] they previously set aside but will [...]
no longer need to use as provisions in the
US anti-dumping investigation against them.
秘书处的一名代表向与会者通报说 2011 年 10 月
[...] 3 日至 7 日这一期间已为第 二十一次会预留,秘 书处将与智利政府接洽以做出必要安排。
A representative of the Secretariat informed the
participants that the period from 3 to 7
[...] October 2011 had been reserved for the Twenty-first [...]
Meeting and that the Secretariat would
communicate with the Government of Chile to make the necessary arrangements.
为了确保社会保护、家庭和儿童部下属社会援助机构的功能和确保 2007 年拟议措施的落实,已预留了 1.4335 亿列伊的预算拨款,其中筹资总额为 1.4149 亿列伊(占 98.7%)。
In order to ensure the functionality of the social assistance bodies subordinated to the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child (MSPFC) and to ensure the implementation
of the proposed
[...] measures for 2007, budgetary allocations of 143.35 million lei have been reserved, the total amount [...]
of financing being of 141.49 million lei or 98.7%.
在这方面,小 组委员会欢迎
[...] Akpro-Missérété 监狱当局的积极态度,并建预留预 算 经 费,为 整个贝宁的所有监狱开展活动提供资金。
In this regard, the SPT welcomes the Akpro-Missérété
Prison authorities’ proactive approach, and
[...] recommends that budgetary provisions be [...]
set aside for providing activities in all prisons throughout Benin.
司法和惩戒借调人员最初将安置在已经为惩戒专 预留的 100 个地方内,不 超过安全理事会第 1908(2010)号决议核定的总人数。
Both justice and corrections seconded personnel would initially be accommodated within the 100 slots already earmarked for corrections experts, within the total police strength authorized by the Security Council in its resolution 1908 (2010).
我们承担规划和施工图设计工作,为这条交通走廊提供了全方位、多种交通模式的解决方案,其中包括:拓宽I-580东线至五车道;在道路中 预留 B A R T列 车通行空间;创建高乘载车道及辅道;增设一条高乘载车收费车道。
T.Y. Lin International’s planning and detailed design services for a full multi-modal solution for this corridor have
included widening eastbound I-580 to five
[...] lanes; providing for BART trains in [...]
the corridor median; creating high occupancy
vehicle (HOV) and auxiliary lanes; and adding a high occupancy toll lane.
但是,对于 由组织间安排以外技术合作资源和某些信托基金提供经费的工作人员,已按《工作人员细则》附录 D 的规定,为回国补助金和潜在补偿金支付义 预留 了 款 项,分别按底薪净额的 8%和 1%计算(参见说 明 2.32)。
However, provision is made to meet repatriation grant entitlements and potential liabilities for compensation payments under appendix D to the Staff Rules for personnel financed by technical cooperation resources other than inter-organization arrangements and certain trust funds and are calculated on the basis of eight per cent and one per cent of net base pay, respectively (Note 2.32 refers).
此外,出于规章方面原预留的特 定 现金余额,例如业务准备金,被指定专门用于管理未来的负债(例如离职后医疗 [...]
In addition, specific cash balances
set aside for regulatory reasons – such as
[...] the operational reserve – are earmarked [...]
for the management of future liabilities
(such as after-service health insurance) or are held to meet the requirements of routine operations, such as to settle current liabilities.
据报告,这个框架要求南非在执行优先采购 政策时只能通过招标审评标准,这样就排除了其它一切形式的优惠待遇,预 留、资格标准、候选名单阶段的倾斜或返还,30 从而提供了投标人可以在价格 和社会目标的平衡基础上加以竞争的方式。
It is reported that this framework requires that South Africa’s preferential procurement policy be implemented solely by means of tender adjudication criteria and as such excludes all other forms of preferential treatment e.g. set asides, qualification criteria, preferences at the short listing stage or offering back,30 thus providing a means by which bidders can compete on a balance between price and social objectives.




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