

单词 预期推理

See also:

预期 n

envisage n
prospect n



External sources (not reviewed)

会议热烈欢迎在注重结果的计划编制方法方面所取得的进展,不过,它应得当进一步 加强和深化,使数量和质量指标之间的比例更加 理 , 与《 中 期 战 略》 的 预期 结 果 相辅相 成,使期结果、预期成果及监督手段和汇报标准之间的协调一致。
The meeting strongly welcomed the advances in results-based programming which should, nonetheless, be further strengthened and refined with a view to achieving a better balance between qualitative and quantitative indicators, complementarity with the expected outcomes of the Medium-Term Strategy and coherence between expected outcomes, expected results, as well as monitoring instruments and reporting standards.
就本质上提供初级保健的其他服务,如家庭专业 理 、 助 产服务、健推 广工作和预防疾 病、单位和学校保健而言,没有同等发展的网络可以覆盖整个国 家,提供平等而良好的机会。
In the case of other services which in essence provide primary level care, such
as nursing care at
[...] home, midwife’s service, health promotion and prevention, health care at work [...]
and school, there is no
equally developed network which would cover the whole country and provide equal and good accessibility.
审计委员会建议难民署加强其全组织的《公共部门会计准则》变革管理 方案,为此应具体明确每个业务单位的高级 理 层 必须如何积极主动地承担责任 并在《公共部门会计准则》的实施期间及之 推 动 落 实 预期 惠 益 ”。
The Board recommends that UNHCR enhance its organization-wide change management programme for
IPSAS, by specifying
[...] how senior management in every business unit must take ownership of and drive the delivery of the intended benefits during and after IPSAS implementation.
泰国代表团还指出,亚太城市论坛所开展的讨论以及提出的行动 建议十分有用,应予切实执行, 期推 进 本 区域的可持续城市发展, 并为此特别请秘书处把以下三项工作列为优先重点:第一,着手制订 城市分类的标准和基准,诸如“可持续的城市”、“生态城市”、以 及“绿色工业城市”等,以便在区域和次区域两级为确定可持续城市 发展的基准提供准则;第二,在区域和次区域两级建立数据库和网 络,以便融入城市和农村人口统计数据、以及经济、社会和自然诸领 域的数据,包括环境和理-气候 方面的数据;第三,在各成员国之 间举办关于城市气候变化问题的座谈会,以便相互交流在努力实现可 持续的城市发展方面的经验和最佳做法。
The delegation of Thailand also noted that the discussions and recommendations for action from the Asia-Pacific Urban Forum
were very useful and
[...] should be implemented to promote sustainable urban development in the region, and particularly requested the secretariat to prioritize three areas of work: firstly, to develop criteria and standards for city classification, such as “sustainable city”, “eco-city”, and “green industrial city” to provide a guideline for benchmarking sustainable urban development at the regional and subregional levels; secondly, to develop databases and networks at the regional and subregional levels that would include urban and rural population statistics and economic, social and physical data, including environment and geo-climatic data; and [...]
thirdly, to hold a
symposium on urban climate change among member States in order to exchange experiences and best practices towards achieving sustainable city development.
理的预期是相 对少的浮游动物粉可作为水产饲料的生物活性配 料或引诱剂,或用于幼鱼饲料中。
It is more
[...] reasonable to expect that relatively [...]
minor amounts of zooplankton meal may be used as a bioactive ingredient,
or attractant, in aquafeed or in feed for fish larvae.
規劃署亦負責法定規劃工作,例如修訂 法定圖則;處理申述及公眾意見; 理 規 劃申請以確保能夠 期推出 用地;以及向各個與供應土地以作房屋及辦公室用途相關的委員會和 會議提供規劃意見。
It is also responsible for carrying out statutory planning work such as amendments to statutory plans; processing representations and public comments; processing planning applications to ensure timely delivery of sites; as well as providing planning inputs to committees and meetings related to land supply for housing and office use.
预期在本 议程项目下取得的各项成果包括:(a) 明确那些需要基 于政策导向予以关注的各种新出现的议题;(b) 明确在执行经社会各 项法定任务方面所取得的进展和需要予以优先关注的差距;(c) 各次 重大全球会议的后续跟进行动;(d) 针对那些将在 2011 年期间的各次 重大全球论坛上予以讨论的议题阐明亚洲及太平洋区域的看法和观 点;(e) 核可自经社会第六十六届会议结束以来举行的各下属机构会 议的报告;(f) 明确拟由各下属机构在 2011 年期间举行的会议上加以理的各项主要议题。
The expected outcomes under this agenda item include: (a) the identification of emerging issues that merit policy-oriented attention; (b) the identification of progress achieved and gaps requiring priority attention with regard to the implementation of Commission mandates; (c) follow-up actions to major global conferences; (d) the articulation of Asian and Pacific perspectives on issues that will be addressed in major global forums in 2011; (e) the endorsement of the reports of the subsidiary bodies which have been held since the sixty-sixth session of the Commission; and (f) the identification of key issues to be taken up in meetings [...]
of subsidiary bodies in 2011.
会上提出的意见包 括:由于《规则》不仅对仲裁作出规定,而且也对谈判和协助下调解作出规 定,应当注意不使《规则》的这些方面无法适用,特别是如果绝大多数案件是 在仲裁前的阶段理的话 ;就该提案意在提出一条实体法规则而言,在一套合 同规则中放入这样一条规则有可能造成问题;不妨考虑作为协助下调解规则而 不是作为仲裁规则来重塑《规则》,以此避免该提案意在解决的问题;借用 《贸易法委员会电子商务示范法》第 1 条的说明中的措词似可达预期结果 , 大意是,其规定并非意在减损旨在保护消费者的法律规范。
These included the following observations: that since the Rules provide not only for arbitration but for negotiation and facilitated settlement as well, care should be taken not to render those aspects of the Rules inapplicable, particularly where the vast majority of cases are disposed of at the stages prior to arbitration; that to the extent the proposal purports to state a rule of substantive law its presence in a set of contractual rules may be problematic; that consideration could be given to re-casting the Rules as facilitated settlement rules rather than arbitration rules and thus avoiding the problem that the proposal is intended to address; and that the intended result might be achieved by using wording found in a note to Article 1 of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce to the effect that its provisions are not intended to derogate from legal norms aimed at consumer protection.
另外,尽管审判判预期略有推迟, 但是所有上诉判决将如期于 2014 年底完成。
Moreover, despite minor setbacks in
[...] trial judgement projections, all appeal judgements [...]
remain on track for completion by the end of 2014.
为实现上述目标,应采取各种行动,如:对现行法律进 行修正,并加入《儿童权利公约》的各项基本原则;对西班牙儿童和未成年人因 未受到足够的保护而面临的风险进行调研,并提出相应 预 防 措施 ; 推 动 和 加强 未成年人保护和维权机构的理机 制和 管 理 水 平
This objective comprises, for instance, a review of the legislation currently in force with a view to incorporating within it the general principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, promotion of investigations to prevent risk situations and lack of protection among children and adolescents
in Spain
[...] and the development and consolidation of management systems of a high standard in the specialist services for the [...]
protection of minors.
第三项举措是支持在因冲突而造成四分五裂的斯里兰卡东北部推行“斯里兰卡和平建 设进程”,具体方法是制订有助于提高机构能力 预 算 外 项目 推 动 建 立一个自由传媒中 心,对曾在冲突中失火的 Jaffna 图书馆实行计算机化和联网以及通过教科文组织“文化间对 话”计划倡导和平生理念。
The third initiative was to support the
“Peace-building process in
[...] Sri Lanka”, in the strifetorn North East of the country, through developing extrabudgetary projects in building capacities of institutions, promotion of a free media centre, computerization and networking of the Jaffna library which was burnt during conflict and promotion of concepts for [...]
peaceful living through
UNESCO’s “intercultural dialogue” programme.
开发署社会层面的工作将为下列事项提供支持:将增进社 会和谐作预防冲突和推动早期恢复 的手段;促进多方行为体的对话进程;进行 风险评估和分析,旨在尽早发现社区一级的紧张局势;建设能力,在紧张局势发 [...]
The social dimension of UNDP’s work will provide support to
enhancing social cohesion as a means
[...] to prevent conflict and promote early recovery, promoting [...]
multi-actor dialogue processes,
conducting risk assessments and analyses aimed at early detection of tensions at community level, and building capacities to address the root causes of tensions before they lead to violence.
一名发言者代表10个代表团发言,指出这 一格式实现了若干成果:(a) 对资源计划,包预期捐款 和资源使用情况,有了 明确的认识;(b) 在资源和战略计划的理结果 之间建立了更加透明的联系,并 精简了成果框架;(c) 关于每个费用类别和职能组群的所有核心和非核心收入来 源的使用信息更加透明;(d) [...]
相对于预测支出的实际支出信息得到改进;(e) 提 高了各种预算之间的协调,同时尊重各机构的具体业务模型。
Speaking on behalf of 10 delegations, one speaker noted that the format achieved several results: (a) a clear understanding
of the resource plan,
[...] including the expected contributions and resources used; (b) a more transparent linkage between resources and management results from the [...]
strategic plans, as well
as a streamlining of results frameworks; (c) more transparent information on the use of all sources of income, core and non-core, for each costs category and functional cluster; (d) improved information on actual expenditures against projections; and (f) greater harmonization of the budgets, while respecting the specific business models of the agencies.
他又谈到秘书长关于前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭 2010-2011 两期预算订正估计数的报告(A/65/183), 并回顾说,秘书长在关于该法庭 2010-2011 两年期资 金筹措情况的报告(A/64/476)第 5 段中表示,由于该 法庭无法控制的因素,审判的完成工作日期将受到影 响,如果审判时间表相差很大,则将会重新摊派经费, 并在编制订正估计数时理有关变化。
Turning to the report of the Secretary-General on the revised estimates for the International
Tribunal for the Former
[...] Yugoslavia for the biennium 2010-2011 (A/65/183), he recalled that, in paragraph 5 of the report on the financing of the Tribunal for the biennium 2010-2011 (A/64/476), the Secretary-General had indicated that factors beyond the Tribunal’s control would affect the completion dates of trials and that, should the trial schedule vary significantly, the requirements would be reassessed and relevant changes would be addressed in the context [...]
of revised estimates.
该 P-3 职位的续设将使对合同的管理和理 2011/12 期间预计为 支持外 地特派团申购车辆工作更为准确和有效,届时全球系统合同将全部到位并且外地 特派团将使用这些合同进行其车队车辆更换申购。
The continuation of the P-3 position will allow for
[...] the accurate and efficient management of contracts and the processing of the expected number of requisitions [...]
for vehicles
in support of field missions during the 2011/12 period, when all global system contracts will be in place and utilized by all field missions to place requisitions in their fleet vehicle replacements.
一些代表团认为,法律小组委员会应当与科学和技术小组委员会更紧密地 合作,以理外层 空间先进科学技术发展在法律方面的问题, 期推 动 针 对诸 如空间碎片和在外层空间使用核动源等紧要问题制定有约束力的国际规范。
Some delegations expressed the view that the Legal Subcommittee should cooperate more closely with the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee in order to address legal aspects of the
advanced scientific
[...] and technological developments in outer space, with a view to promoting the development of binding international [...]
norms addressing
critical issues such as space debris and the use of nuclear power sources in outer space.
镍的全球市场 需求主要是由新兴经济推动的。可 预期 , 随着这些经济体走出经济衰退,对 镍的需求将迅速增长。
The global market for nickel is driven
primarily by demand in emerging
[...] economies, which can be expected to increase rapidly once [...]
these economies move out of recession.
[...] 1540 委员会为促进全面执 行第 1540(2004)号决议所做大力努力,并欢迎提交关 于 2009 年全面审查安理事会第 1540(2004)号决议 执行情况的最后文件(见 S/2010/52),期推动报告 中的重要结论和建议。
Japan expresses its appreciation for the strenuous efforts of the 1540 Committee to promote full implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) and welcomes the submission of the final document on the 2009 comprehensive review of the status of
implementation of Security Council
[...] resolution 1540 (2004) (see S/2010/52), with a view to taking forward action on the key findings and recommendations in the report.
这种汇款 不应超过在一段理期间内 满足与执行儿基会核准活动有关 预 计 现 金需 求的所需数额。
Such remittances shall not exceed
[...] the amount needed to cover a reasonable period of foreseen cash requirements related to the [...]
implementation of
such UNICEF-approved activities.
期预算: 从事以下职能的各组织单位(国家办事处和总部)所产生的 开支:行政指导和领导;核心任务的宣传 推 动 ; 机构政策和战略的制订、规划 和指导;方案指导、管理和监督;采购和供应 理 ; 预 防 危 机、复原和应急管理; 对外关系和伙伴关系;内部和外部沟通:媒体和公共关系;资源调动;财务管理; 信息和通信技术管理;人力资源管理;一般行政管理;内部审计和调查;整体评 价;工作人员安全
(i) Biennial budget: expenditure incurred by organizational units (country offices and headquarters) for the following functions: executive direction and leadership; representation and advancement of the core mandate; corporate policy and strategy development, planning and guidance; programme guidance, management and oversight; procurement and supply management; crisis prevention, recovery [...]
and emergency management;
external relations and partnerships; internal/external communications with media and public relations; resources mobilization; financial, information and communications technology, human resources and general administrative management; internal audit and investigations; corporate evaluation; and staff security
一些代表团说,正在制订或颁布反歧视法, 推 动 艾 滋病预 防、治疗、理和支持服务的普及,并保护艾滋病毒感染者在工作场 所不受歧视。
Several delegations reported that anti-discrimination legislation was being developed or being promulgated to strengthen universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support, as well as to protect people living with HIV from discrimination in the workplace.
另一个例子是 Nsamenang(2009:31)对少数世界了解多数世界中“ 期 保育 和教育”项目的讨论;这些做法在一些文化中被认为是教条的和过于僵化的,而且儿童是被 “通过预推进学 习”而不是经历“自我引发的活动,在参加一般性游戏和自我动机中。
Another is Nsamenang’s ( 2009: 31 ) discussion
of minority
[...] world-informed ‘Early Childcare and Education’ programmes in majority worlds; these are experienced as didactic and overly rigid in some cultures, and children are ‘prodded into learning by intervention’ rather than [...]
undertaking ‘self-generated
activities, therein engaging in generous play and self-motivation’.
(g) 为了达到更好的行政管理,在正常情况下应该采用一个同方 预 算 周期 相一致的两年期会议期(理事会第 281(LXIII)号决定,(b)段)
(g) To adopt, on a regular basis, a biennial cycle of meetings that would correspond to the programme budget cycle, for better administrative control (Council [...]
decision 281 (LXIII), para.
确认研究工作推动艾滋病预防、 治疗、 理 和 支 持的进展方面发挥关键 作用,欣见在有关艾滋病毒及其防治的科学知识领域取得非凡进步;但关切地注 意到,低收入和中等收入国家无法获得或无法利用大多数新治疗方法,即使在发 [...]
重拖延;申明社会研究和业务研究对于我们进一步了解影响该流行病的因素和防 治该病的行动具有重要性意义
Recognize the pivotal role of research in underpinning progress in HIV prevention, treatment, [...]
care and support, and welcome
the extraordinary advances in scientific knowledge about HIV and its prevention and treatment, but note with concern that most new treatments are not available or accessible in low- and middleincome countries and that even in developed countries there are often significant delays in accessing new HIV treatments for people not responding to currently available treatment, and affirm the importance of social and operational research in improving our understanding of factors that influence the epidemic and actions that address it
在加勒比区域,毒品和犯罪问题办公室与民间社会的参与者开展 协商进程,期推动制 定加勒比共同体(加共体 预 防 犯 罪行动计划,该计划 特别重视作为受害者和罪犯的儿童和青年人。
In the Caribbean region, UNODC implemented a consultative process with civil society participation in order to further develop the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) crime prevention action plan, which has a strong focus on children and youth, both as victims and offenders.
行预咨委会建推 迟审议若干提案,待后勤基地重新定位提案提交后再 进行讨论,包括设立一个 D-1 级副主任员额的请求; 外地中央审理事会秘书处搬迁;以及把四个租户单 位并在后勤基地的行政结构内;预 咨 委 会 推 迟 审 议 对租户单位结构和职能进行调整的提案,包括加强常 备警察能力,设立司法和惩戒常备能力,待大会就此 事作出决定,以及秘书长随后提出的各项提案。
The Advisory Committee recommended that
a number of proposals
[...] should be deferred until a detailed proposal was made on the reprofiling of the Logistics Base, including the request for a D-1 post of Deputy Director, the relocation of the Field Central Review Board secretariat and the amalgamation of four tenant units into the Logistics Base’s existing functions. The Advisory Committee had deferred its consideration [...]
of the proposed
changes to the structure and functions of the tenant units, including strengthening of the Standing Police Capacity and establishing a Justice and Corrections Standing Capacity, pending a decision by the General Assembly on the matter and any subsequent proposals of the Secretary-General.
道德操守办公室的网站搬到了为开发署内联网开发的新平台和内容 理系 统 :https://intranet.undp.org/unit/office/ethics/。信息与系统技术预 计将在 2011 年推出调整后的内联网。
The Ethics Office moved its website to the new UNDP
platform and content
[...] management system for the Intranet: https://intranet.undp.org/unit/office/ethics/. The revamped Intranet is slated to be launched by the Office [...]
of Information and System Technology in 2011.
另一方面,由於越南中部樹脂的年度稅務登記 經由越南稅務主管機關同意,且根據本集團管理層的意見,截至本函件 期 , 有 關年 度稅務登記不曾遭到質疑,因此可 理推 定 越 南中部樹脂所採納的轉讓定價政策已獲 越南稅務機關接受。
On the other hand, the fact that Vietnam Centresin’s annual tax filings were agreed by the Vietnam tax authorities in charge, and according to the Group’s management no challenge has been
raised on the relevant
[...] annual tax filings up to the date of this letter, it can be presumed on reasonable grounds that the [...]
transfer pricing policy
adopted by Vietnam Centresin has been accepted by the Vietnam tax authorities.
第四十三条 接受交货的义务 当货物到达目的地时,要求交付货物的收货人应在运输合同约定的时间或期 限内,在运输合同约定的地点接受交货,无此种约定的,应在考虑到合同条款和
[...] 行业习惯、惯例或做法以及运输情形,能够 理预期 的 交 货时间和地点接受交货。
When the goods have arrived at their destination, the consignee that demands delivery of the goods under the contract of carriage shall accept delivery of the goods at the time or within the time period and at the location agreed in the contract of carriage or, failing such agreement, at the time and location at which, having regard to the terms of the contract, the
customs, usages or practices of the trade and the circumstances of the carriage,
[...] delivery could reasonably be expected.
虽然人们可以主张,应该维持原定的 90 天期限,但我们怀疑国会 1996 年把拘留期限限制为 90 天的时候,它是深信所有理预期的 驱 逐都可在这 一期限内执行。
While an argument can be made for confining any presumption to 90 days, we doubt that when
Congress shortened
[...] the removal period to 90 days in 1996 it believed that all reasonably foreseeable removals could [...]
be accomplished in that time.




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