

单词 预期增长

See also:

预期 n

envisage n
prospect n

增长 v

increases v
grow v
enhance v


long term
long time
long range (of a forecast)

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,航运的总排放量,在一定程度上取决于从现在到 2050 年世界经济(和人口) 的预期增长。
The total emissions from shipping are thus determined to
[...] some extent by the expected growth of the world economy [...]
(and population) between now and 2050.
第 25 段表明,未来
[...] 离职后健康保险福利数值是由专业精算人员估算的,其中考虑到多种因 素,包括预期寿命和医疗费用 预期增长。
It is indicated in paragraph 25 that the value of future afterservice health insurance benefits is determined by
professional actuaries, taking into account multiple factors, including
[...] life expectancy and forecasted escalation in [...]
medical costs.
如果一个公司的股票股价高于其VPA意味着市场 预期增长 , 结 果和随之而来的好接受它作为股息证明这种定价过高,是一个很好的赌注的赔率,例如。
If a company's shares are trading
above their VPA means that the market
[...] accepts it as the expected growth, results and [...]
consequent gooddividendsjustify this overpricing,
like a good bet with odds of, for example.
高收入国家增长率2012年应当为1.4%,2013年为2.0%,而发展中国家 预期 增长2012年为5.4%,2013年为6.0%。
The growth rate for high-income countries should be 1.4 percent in
2012 and 2.0 percent in
[...] 2013, while growth for developing countries is projected at 5.4 percent and [...]
6.0 percent in 2012 and 2013, respectively.
当一个公司的股价高于其VPA意味着市场的接受支付“善意”的动作,因 预期增长 , 结果和随之而来的好 股息 证明这种定价过高。
When a company is trading above its VPA means that the market
accepts pay a "goodwill" by the
[...] action, because the expected growth, results and [...]
consequent good dividends justify this overpricing.
0.455%的预期增长率计 算的,而这一增长率是根据当时所能得到的国际货币基金组 [...]
These elements entail additional costs
[...] for the 2010-2011 biennium, as staff costs [...]
in document 35 C/5 were calculated based
on an anticipated increase rate of 0.455%, which corresponded to the latest 2009 IMF inflation estimate for France available at that time.
我们强调必须使更多大都会地区和市镇实施可持续城市规划和设计政策, 以有效应对未来数十年城市人口 预期增长。
We emphasize the importance of increasing the number of metropolitan regions, cities and towns that are implementing policies for sustainable
urban planning and design in order to respond
[...] effectively to the expected growth of urban populations [...]
in the coming decades.
氟氯烃淘汰管理计划技术工作组和印度尼西亚政府对今后 HCFC-22
的需求进行了 详细分析和建模,并得出结论,为了确保持续供应
[...] HCFC-22 以维修现有设备以及应对 2015 年前设备预期增长,有 必要允许维修行业消费 HCFC-22,使其以受控方式增长, [...]
在 2015 年前年平均增加 6.7%,同时考虑到 2011
至 2015 年间部分现有设备退役以及新设 备进入。
The HPMP technical working groups and the Indonesian government carried out a detailed analysis and modeling of future HCFC-22 demand, and concluded that in order to ensure continued availability of HCFC-22 for servicing the
existing population as well as
[...] cater to the expected population increase until 2015, it would [...]
be necessary to allow the
HCFC-22 consumption in the Servicing Sector to increase in a controlled manner, by an average level of 6.7% annually until 2015, taking into account retirement of portions of the existing population and ingress of new population during 2011 to 2015.
排除商誉减值的因素,息税前利润 预期增长 10 至 20 个基点[3],这将促使每股收益从 2012 财年的 3.39 美元实现中高位的单位数增长。
Excluding the goodwill impairment,
[...] EBIT margin is expected to improve 10 to 20 basis points [3], which would result in earnings per share growth in the mid-to-high [...]
single digits from $3.39 in 2012.
因此,世界上的城市地区预计将在未来四十年吸 预期增 长的所 有人口的同时,通过移民和农村住区重新归入城市的方式吸引一些农村人 口。
Thus, the urban areas of the world
[...] are expected to absorb all the population growth expected over the [...]
next four decades, while
at the same time drawing in some of the rural population through both migration and the reclassification of rural settlements as cities.
2011 年预期增长率低于 2010 年达到的 8.8%,原因是基数效应导致 2010 [...]
年出现危机后的高增长、撤消财政刺激政策以及采取从紧的货币政策,另一部分 原因是发达经济体复苏乏力。
The projected 2011 growth rate is lower, [...]
compared with 8.8 per cent achieved in 2010, due to high postcrisis growth in 2010
as a result of the base effect, the withdrawal of fiscal stimulus policies and the adoption of tight money policies, and partly due to sluggish recovery in the advanced economies.
倾向 积极的经济增长,一个巨大的,不断增长的人口和可支配收入增加的基础上,在巴西的零售销售 预期增长 背 后 的关键因素。
Tendencies positive on the basis of economic growth, an enormous and
growing population and increasing disposable income are key
[...] factors behind the forecast growth in retail sales [...]
in Brazil.
非洲的汇款流入的下跌幅度小于预期,但 2010-2011 年期间 5%的预期增长率 大大低于危机前的增长率。
The flow of remittances to Africa did
not drop as much as
[...] expected but its projected growth of 5 per cent over the period 2010-2011 [...]
is much lower than the pre-crisis growth rates.
为实现其立法要求并适应方案资 预期增长 的 速 度,包括多 方捐助信托基金和其他复杂的融资安排,必须加强财务管理和问责制,以优化现 [...]
有和预期资源的利用,确保健全的成果预算编制以及对资源使用情况的跟踪和报 告。
To deliver on its legislative requirements and
[...] keep pace with the expected growth in programme resources, [...]
including multi-donor trust
funds and other complex funding arrangements, it is critical to strengthen financial management and accountability to optimize use of available and expected resources; ensure robust results-based budgeting, and tracking and reporting on resource use.
内玛斯卡计划在2014年前投产氢氧化锂,及时满 预期增长 的 氢 氧化锂需求。
Nemaska intends to produce lithium hydroxide by 2014, in
[...] time to meet the predicted ramp up in demand [...]
for lithium hydroxide.
估计,不产生净费用的降低需求措施,几乎可以把 全球电力需求预期增长减半(见方框 15)。
A study by McKinsey38 estimated that
demand reduction measures with no net cost
[...] could almost halve expected growth in global electricity [...]
demand (see box 15).
科特迪瓦经济在继续恢复,2008 年实际国内总产预期增长 2.9%,主要是 由石油产出和外国投资增长所驱动。
The economy of Côte d’Ivoire continued to recover,
with real gross
[...] domestic product (GDP) projected to increase by 2.9 per cent in 2008, driven mainly by an increase in oil output [...]
and foreign investments.
城市人口预期增长 超出了同一时期世界总人口 预期增长 ( 25 亿 ),这意味着城市地区预期不仅将吸 收今后 40 年内预期出现的所有人口增长,而且还要通过农村向城市的移徙或通 过把农村居住区改造为城市中心等形式吸收一些农村人口。
The expected rise in the urban population surpasses that for the whole world population over the same period (2.5 billion), [...]
implying that urban
areas are expected to absorb not only all the population growth expected over the next four decades but also some of the rural population through rural-urban migration or through the transformation of rural settlements into urban centres.
通过制定和推广能效标准、实施能效标识, 中国未来 20 年城乡居民生活用电量预期增长可 以 减少近 85%。
Through developing and promoting energy-efficiency standards and implementing energy label, the expected use of electricity by urban and rural residents’ in their life in the future 20 years will be reduced by nearly 85%.
预期近期增长将会 持续,亚洲及美国住宅终端市场的前景将会趋稳,而欧洲市场则有望持续改善。
Growth is expected to continue in the near term with an outlook [...]
for steady demand in residential end markets in Asia and
the U.S., and potentially continued improvement in Europe.
未来十年在所有区域和 大洲预期世界人口增长放缓 ,而发展中国家将继续经历人口最快速的增长。
World population growth is expected to slow in the next [...]
decade, in all regions and continents, with developing countries
continuing to experience the most rapid population increases.
预期的经 济迅增长将提 供更好的手段,消除贫穷,创造新的就业机会。
The expected rapid economic growth would provide [...]
better means to address poverty and create new job opportunities.
增长预期以互 联网视频整体收入为基础,将随着美国互联网视频观众数量的增加而增长。
This increase is expected based on the [...]
fact that overall online video revenue will grow as the number of U.S. online video viewers continues to expand.
咨询委员会获悉,出现这种增长的部分原因是更多办事处搬到联 合国建筑群里预期下一个两期提 供 的公共服务 增长 高达 20%。
The Committee was informed that this increase was partly due to the move of additional offices into the United Nations complex
and that an increase of up
[...] to 20 per cent in the level of common services provided was anticipated for the next biennium.
摩尔多瓦 科学院认为,国家领导层在最近三年(2005-2007 年)做出的关于增加科学技术发 展预算拨款的决策是非常正确的;事实表明,科技创新成果在摩尔多瓦共和国实 体经济部门的大规模应用预期经济 增长 的 有 力保证。
The Moldovan Science Academy find that the decision of the leadership of the country to increase budgetary allocation for science and innovation development in the last three years (2005–2007) was a correct one and clearly demonstrates the perspective economic growth will be ensured through large
scale implementation
[...] of the results of the scientific and innovatory activities in the real sector of the economy of the Republic [...]
of Moldova.
这要归功于多种原因,最 重要的是在2009年,波兰仍致力于GDP的 增长,预期在未 来几年还会有一个乐观的前 景。
There are multiple reasons for this, the most
important of which is that Poland is still
[...] targeting a GDP growth for 2009 with a positive outlook for the upcoming years.
台湾医疗设备行业2011年产值接近100亿元新台币,尽管全球经 增长 乏 力 , 预期 2 0 1 2年 产值仍有望增长7%,部分原因是台湾经济部(MOEA)力促台湾医疗设备骨干企业发展。
Taiwan's medical devices industry in 2011 generated output of nearly
NT$100 billion, and despite weak global
[...] economic growth, output is expected to expand 7% [...]
in 2012, in part from an initiative
by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) to promote backbone enterprises in the industry.
根据这一模式,投资者增长预期的 微 小变化对估值会产生重大影响;准确的说,期 EPS 增长预期的仅 五个百分点的变化,意味着 15.1 倍市盈率的增加或减少(视情况而定)。
According to this model, small
[...] changes in investor growth expectations have big implications for valuation; precisely, a change in long-term EPS growth expectations of only five [...]
percentage points implies an increase or decrease, as the case may
be, in the P/E ratio of 15.1x.
[...] 及其他发达经济体的复苏缓慢,这导致了本区 增长 前 景 预期 下 降 以及在获 得流动资金方面的机会可能减少。
The Commission noted the challenges facing the region, including the continuing debt crisis in the euro zone and slow recovery
in other developed economies, which
[...] were leading to lower growth prospects in the region [...]
as well as the potential reduction in access to liquidity.
此 外,该部份还载有关于从预算第 IV 篇预计费用增长”转 帐,用以支付由于法定的工作人员工资期增长而产生的额外费用的建议并请求执行局批准。
Further it also submits a proposal for
[...] transfers of budget from Part IV “Anticipated Cost Increases” to finance additional costs arising from the periodical statutory increases in staff salary, [...]
on which approval of
the Executive Board is requested.




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