

单词 预支

预支 ()

pay in advance
get payment in advance

External sources (not reviewed)

在黎巴嫩外地办事处第 2009-153 号案件中,发现一名工作人员预支 账户 存在小额现金不符和可能的贪污情况。
In case number 2009-153 in the Lebanon field office, discrepancies in the imprest fund for petty cash and possible embezzlement on the part of a staff member were found.
(a) 现金管理包括收取、存入预支、投 资和支付现金的所有必要行动,其 中又包括指定银行及开立和关闭银行账户。
(a) Cash management includes all actions necessary for receipt, deposit, advance, investment and disbursement of cash, including the designation of banks and opening and closing of bank accounts.
由法定 和自愿部门机构提供的这些服务涉及评估、诊断以及持续治疗和 预支 助 , 包括 提供家庭支助服务、缓解服务和多学科团队支助服务。
These services, provided by both statutory and voluntary sector agencies, cover
assessment, diagnosis and ongoing
[...] treatment and intervention supports, including home support services, [...]
respite services and multidisciplinary team supports.
主计长应确定每预支款的 数额和用途,其 数额应保持在与业务需求相符合的最低水平。
The amount and purpose of each advance shall be defined by the Comptroller, the amount being held to the minimum compatible with working requirements.
预支零用 金的数额和用途应由行政和管理事务司司长规 定预支金额 应为按照工作需要所订的最低数额。
The amount and purposes of each advance shall be defined by the Director, Division for Administration and Management, and limited to the minimum compatible with working requirements.
报表二其他资产项下余额 2,228,664 美元,包括未来年份将发生费用预支 款和投资应计利息。
The balance of other assets reported in
Statement II of $2,228,664 includes payments
[...] made in advance for costs to be incurred against future [...]
years, and accrued interest on investments.
Visa 和 MasterCard 等信用卡也广为接受,包括在银行柜台和自动提款机 预支 现 金
Credit cards such as Visa and MasterCard are widely accepted for everything, including getting cash advances over the counter at banks and from many ATMs.
(e) 总干事有权在 2004--2005 年内每预支不超 过 50 万美元的款额,以垫付自动清 偿的开支,包括信托基金和特别帐户项下的支出;这笔款额可在尚未收到来自信 托基金、特别帐户、国际机构及其他预算外财源的足够收入之 预支 ; 一 俟可 能预支款额即应偿还。
(e) that the Director-General is
[...] authorized to advance during 2004-2005 sums not exceeding in total $500,000 at any one time, to finance self-liquidating expenditures, including those arising in connection with Trust Funds and Special Accounts; these sums are advanced pending availability of sufficient receipts from Trust Funds and Special Accounts, international bodies and other extrabudgetary sources; sums [...]
so advanced shall be
reimbursed as rapidly as possible.
您的雇主不能要求您支付业务开支的任何部分,但是,如果您提供了书面的 授权,他/她可以从工资中扣预支和 超 付给您的钱。
Your employer can’t ask you to pay any portion of a business cost, but he/she may deduct advances and overpayments from wages if you give written authorization.
根据环境署财务报表的附注 2(m)㈥,“为了资产负债表的目的,仅将假定与 截至财务报表日已结束的学年有关的那部 预支 教 育 补助金记作递延费用。
As per note 2 (m) (vi) to the financial statements of UNEP, “For the purposes of the balance sheet statements, only those portions of education grant advances that are assumed to pertain to the scholastic years completed as at the date of the financial statement are shown as deferred charges.
(c) 上文(a)㈠、㈡、㈢项以外预支薪金 ,应依照核 预支 时 确 定的固定 数额,在连续的发薪期清偿,最迟 预支 日 期 以后的第一个发薪期开始。
(c) Salary advances other than those referred to in subparagraphs (a) (i), (ii) and (iii) above shall be liquidated at a
constant rate as
[...] determined at the time the advance is authorized, in consecutive pay periods, commencing not later than the period following that in which the advance is made.
在资金流动有问题时,排雷中心可以帮助为执行支助股的运 预支 资 金
The GICHD can serve to advance funds to the ISU’s operations in periods of cash flow problems.
他们呼吁联合国进行预,支持防止该国出现社会不 稳定的情况。
They called for
[...] the intervention of the United Nations in support of preventing [...]
social instability in the country.
此外,在 涉及财务事项的各单独进度报告中也提到几个问题, 其中包括可能出现的超支、利用项目编制经费支持国家臭氧机构的协调、 预支 作 为付款 处理和利用资金冲抵下落不明资金造成的损失等。
Moreover, several issues were noted in the individual progress reports dealing with financial matters, including possible project overruns, use of project preparation funds to support NOU coordination, advances accounted for as disbursements, and offsetting funds for the loss of unaccounted funds.
(b) 在例外和迫切的情况下,经工作人员以书面提出请 预支 的 详细理由, 除上述理由外,秘书长可按任何其他理由核 预支 薪 金
(b) The Secretary-General may, in exceptional and compelling circumstances, and
if the
[...] request of the staff member is supported by a detailed justification in writing, authorize an advance for any reason [...]
other than those enumerated above.
其他类别工作人员不享受的工预支 、 权益或薪酬,管理层主要人员也不 享受。
There were no salary advances, entitlements or remuneration to key management personnel which were not available to other categories of staff.
提领现金的交 易一般称为现预支。
Such transactions are known as cash advances.
技转中心为秘书处提供所有项目 的每预支账目报表。
APCTT provides the secretariat
[...] with monthly imprest account statements [...]
for all projects.
农业机械化,农村向城市移民和劳动密集型出口工业的发展,加之传统债 役劳动之外对工人权利的侵蚀导致“新奴役”模式的出现,根据这个模式,手无 分文的人们不得不通过劳动来抵偿从雇主那得到的贷款或者工 预支 , 并 且特别 害怕法外执行,而不敢拖延这笔债务。
The mechanization of agriculture, rural-urban migration and the development of labour-intensive export industries, coupled with the erosion of workers’ rights outside the traditional bonded labour context, have led to the emergence of patterns of “neo-bondage”, whereby destitute people commit themselves to working off loans or wage advances obtained from their employer and cannot default on this debt, not least due to a fear of extrajudicial enforcement.
为了避免因等待第四次增资生效而造成环境基金作出资助承诺的能力出现中断,如果托管人 已收到合计出资不少于3.10
[...] 亿特别提款权的认缴参加国向托管人交存的《承诺书》或《有附 加条件承诺书》2 ,托管人在生效日期之前,可将已为其交存《承诺书》或《有附加条件承诺 书》的每笔出资的总金额的四分之一视 预支 出 资 ,除非认缴参加国在其《承诺书》或《有 附加条件承诺书》中另有规定。
(a) In order to avoid an interruption in the GEF’s ability to make financing commitments pending the effectiveness of the Fourth Replenishment, and if the Trustee shall have received Instruments of Commitment or Qualified Instruments of Commitment from Contributing Participants whose contributions aggregate not less than SDR 310 million2, the Trustee may deem, prior to the Effective Date, one quarter of the total amount of each contribution for which an Instrument of Commitment or Qualified Instrument of Commitment has been
deposited with the
[...] Trustee as an advance contribution, unless the Contributing Participant specifies otherwise in its Instrument [...]
of Commitment or Qualified Instrument of Commitment.
建议执行委员 会考虑要求向执行机预支存入 有息账户资金的各双边机构将利息作为额外收入退还多边 基金。
The Executive Committee may wish to consider requesting bilateral agencies that advance funds to implementing agencies, and are placed in interest bearing accounts, to return the interest as additional income to the Multilateral Fund.
应收款——其他”数额 340 276 欧元,包括 2010 年 12 月为第 17 和 18 号 案预支的旅 费、应收主要是工作人员和德国当局(《房地协定》)的数额以及一 些小额杂费。
Accounts receivable — others”, amounting to €340,276, include travel advances paid in connection with cases Nos. 17 and 18 in December 2010, amounts due from staff or from the German authorities (Premises Agreement) and some minor miscellaneous charges.
应急和恢复活动特别基金的目的是,本组织通过以下活动迅速启动紧急行动: 参加机构间需要评估和协调活动,建立紧急协调单位,拟定计划框架和项目,得到 捐赠方承诺之后为投入物采购提 预支 资 金
The purpose of the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) is to enable the Organization to rapidly initiate emergency operations by participating in interagency needs assessment and coordination activities, establishing an emergency coordination unit (ECU), preparing a programme framework and projects, and providing advance funding for procurement of inputs when a donor’s commitment has been obtained.
根据这种做法,预期有担保债权人在对其 担保权办理登记之后便必须进行第二次查询,以确保期间未曾有任何担保权办 理过登记,然后才有信预支资金
Under this approach, a prospective secured creditor, after registering its security right, would then have to conduct
a second search to
[...] make sure no intervening security rights have been registered before being confident in advancing funds.
行预咨委会注意到,支预计增 加,部分原因是 外勤事务人员和本国工作人员员额分类,因此对分类 做法的预算后果感到关切,特别是其追溯执行力。
Noting that the projected increase in expenditure was partly due [...]
to the classification of Field Service and national posts,
the Advisory Committee was concerned at the budgetary consequences of the classification exercise, particularly its retroactive implementation.
由于没有分配包括食物和其他基本需要的运营 支预 算 ,几次发生被拘留者 饿死的情况。
In several instances, detainees have died from
[...] starvation as no budget is allocated to cover operational costs, including food [...]
and other basic needs.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有 预 防 和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建 立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal
justice institutions,
[...] to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment [...]
of networks and platforms
for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
[...] 导公司的高级管理层,并负责公司的整体营运状况(生产计划、年度营业报告、资金、供款等),批准年度财务报告、支预算、 年度利润分配方案,通过和修订公司重要的规章制度。
Their functions and duties include supervising, appointing and guiding corporate senior management level, and responsible for overall operation status (production plan, annual business report, fund and contribution,
etc.), approving annual
[...] financial report, budget for revenues and expenditures, passing and amending [...]
important corporate rules and systems.
[...] 满足保护流离失所者、妇女、儿童以及残疾人的需要, 同时作为支预防性力量,应对震后越狱犯人组成的 [...]
It is a fact that there is today a need for an effective and capable Haitian police to address the protection needs of displaced persons,
women, children and disabled people, and to
[...] serve as a preventive force to deal [...]
with the potential emergence of disturbances
to public order and violence by gangs made up of prisoners who escaped from jails following the earthquake.
如与一般传统虚拟方案比较,虚拟服务化方案能额外节省高达50% 的营运成本,其按运作支出 (OPEX) 收费模式更让资源控制及支预算尽 在掌握,企业之业务拓展更具灵活弹性。
Under VaaS, companies can save up to 50% on their IT cost compared to traditional virtualization solutions. The service
fee is subject to an
[...] Operational Expenditure (OPEX) basis in which cost estimation becomes steady and predictable, while companies [...]
remain scalable and flexible
to plan future business growth.




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