

单词 预先观看

See also:

预先 adv

beforehand adv
ahead adv



观看 v

see v

看看 v

look at v
see v

External sources (not reviewed)

任择议定书》没有在《公约》之外增加任何价 观 和原 则,但其批准将需要法律机预先审 查
The Optional Protocol did not add any values and principles to the Convention,
[...] but its ratification would require a review of the legal apparatus beforehand.
如果您要查看您所选择的影像处理选项 观 如 何以及在屏幕上进行 更改,请单预览以查看和调整影像。
If you want to see what your selected
[...] image processing options will look like and make on-screen changes, click Preview to review and adjust [...]
the image.
在发表《联合国 与欧盟联合宣言》时,已预先看到 需 要一种结构,来便利进行宣言中所构想的 [...]
When the United Nations-European Union Joint Declaration was
[...] issued, a need was foreseen for a structure [...]
to facilitate the cooperation envisaged therein.
迄今为止,还没有任何一种方法可一致性地评估网络内的每个视频分发点是否满足用户 观看预 期。
Until now there hasn't been a method to
consistently assess that
[...] the subscriber viewing expectations were being met at each and every delivery point within the network.
[...] 目的目标进行评价,而且应参照其结果进行评价,她并补充说,所提议的监测和评 预算 看来高于过去的金额。
She emphasized that each project should be evaluated not only against its
objectives but also against its results, adding
[...] that the proposed budget for monitoring [...]
and evaluation appeared to be higher than in the past.
然而,近年来, 会员国已在改革举措投入相当多的资金,因此,它们 有理由希先看到可观的实质效益,之后,才能向它 们要求提供更多的资金。
However, as the Member States had already invested considerable sums in reform initiatives in recent years, it was fair for them to expect substantial qualitative and quantitative benefits before being asked to provide more funding.
经认可的代表和 观察员可以在分会场会议室通过闭路电 观看 圆桌 会议的议事情况。
Accredited delegates and observers will be able to follow the proceedings of the round-table sessions via a closed-circuit television in the overflow room.
我敦促会员国、联合国各实体、非政府组织及其他有关行动者协调合作,确 保妇女充分参与和将社会性观点纳 入所 预 防 冲 突工作,并加强与妇女组织互 动,确保将其贡献以及其需要和先 事 项 纳入信息的收集和分析,指导预防冲突 战略和预警工作。
I urge Member States, United Nations entities, NGOs and other relevant actors to work collaboratively to ensure the full participation of
women and
[...] incorporation of gender perspectives in all conflict prevention work and to strengthen interaction with women’s organizations to ensure that their contributions as well as their needs and priorities are included in [...]
the collection and analysis
of information to guide conflict prevention strategies and early warning efforts.
In implementing their policies to promote the enjoyment of socio-economic, cultural and political rights, the different ministerial departments
adopt various measures and
[...] actions according to predefined strategies and use appropriate [...]
mechanisms to achieve the goals set.
优质教育的下列方面受到了重视:支持课程体系的审查 和修订,特别是根据各国的先工作 和阿拉伯世界的需求纳入价 观 教 育 和伦理教育;“以 学习者为中心”的教育;改进教学工作,包括能力培养和教师培训;提高教师地位;制定标 [...]
The following elements of quality education were highlighted: focus on assistance in curricula review and revision, particularly the introduction of values
education and ethical
[...] approaches, in accordance with national priorities and Arab needs; “learner-centred” [...]
education; improvement
of teaching including capacity-building and teacher training; improvement in the status of teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education.
电 动机构必须安装在变压器油箱预 先准备好的垂直位置上并要能抵抗 变压器过大的震动。
The motor-drive unit must be mounted at the intended position on the transformer tank in a vertical position and protected against transformer vibrations.
但是我先看看乐观的消 息,星巴克称将推出一所虚拟星巴克中国大学并设立一项100万元(约16万美元)的基金,以便在其当地合作伙伴需要时给予支持和帮助。
But let’s look at the upbeat news first, which has Starbucks [...]
saying it will launch a virtual Starbucks China University
and set up a modest fund totaling 1 million yuan, or about $160,000, to assist its local partners in their times of need.
因 此,为推预先问责 ,确保自由贸易协定不会侵犯职业健康权,国家必须在签署 [...]
Therefore, in order to
[...] facilitate prospective accountability [...]
and ensure that free trade agreements do not violate the right
to occupational health, States must conduct human rights impacts assessments prior to signing any free trade agreement.
第五委员会秘书处的职责包括:(a) 向第五委员会主席和主席团主动提供 协助,以加强和便利他们的工作,包括提供有关其会议程序的分析性和历史性资 料;(b)
[...] 主动协助会员国代表处理有效安排会议时间和举行会议的所有相关事 项,包预先提供 工作方案并及时印发各种报告和来文。
The responsibilities of the secretariat of the Fifth Committee include: (a) provision of proactive assistance to the Chair and Bureau of the Fifth Committee, strengthening and facilitating their work, including provision of analytical and historical information on the proceedings of the Committee; and (b) provision of proactive assistance to representatives of Member States on all matters relating to the effective
scheduling and conduct of
[...] meetings, including the provision of an advance programme of [...]
work and the timely issuance of reports and communications.
[...] 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究 预防 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区 观 察 站 、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保护环境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing
water resources,
[...] aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the [...]
sustainability of certain
ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.
2.4 2005 年,据称,观看阿塞 拜疆的新闻时,H.M. 认出了曾袭击她的国家安 [...]
2.4 In 2005, while watching the news from [...]
Azerbaijan, H.M. allegedly recognized the National Security Service officer who
had assaulted her and who is now a high-ranking official in the department of border control.
先看这整 幅大的图象或先了解整个大的概念,剖面和锡铅剖面有相同之处,要细心确保 回流过程中回流最高顶温的设置,在正常的大气状态下不能低过 220 摄氏度,在痰气环境 下不能低于 213 摄氏度,同预热和 浸湿时间稍稍加长。
Looking at the big picture of the reflow profile setting, the profile will be of resemblance to conventional Tin Leaded profile with cares taken for ensuring peak temperature in the joint during reflow not to fall below 220 degree Celsius in normal atmospheric condition and not below 213 degree Celsius in Nitrogen environment, together with a very slight longer in the preheat and soak time.
把这个服务器运行在家庭电脑上并组织你的媒体内容,然后就可以在你的家庭网络上进 观看 了。
This server is running on a home computer and organize your media ,
[...] then you can watch on a home network .
周末活动通常是在海中游泳或冲浪、参加 观看 体 育 比赛、同朋友们一起烧烤,以及陪家人共度闲暇时光。
A typical weekend may include a swim or surf in the ocean, participation or attendance at a sporting match, a barbecue with friends and spending time with family.
在这里,您可以欣赏到美妙的自然风景和本土动物;也可以在一望无垠的海滩尽情散步;在大型市场 观看 来 来 往往的人流;在一流的免费艺术馆和博物馆了 解澳大利亚的艺术和遗产(参见“文化”部分);您还可以参加充满浓郁的澳大利亚气息的节日,如每年夏季在全国各地海滨举行的冲浪救生比赛等。
Enjoy endless walks along endless beaches; go people watching at fantastic markets; learn about Australia's art and heritage at excellent free galleries and museums (see the Culture section); or attend some typically Australian festivals, like the surf life-saving competitions on beaches all around the country during summer.
开展了为青年提供工作机会的旅游活动,诸如 徒步旅行导游和当地特种观看活动,这些活动有可能被私营部门的旅游计划所接受。
Tourism activities to provide work for young people include development of hiking trails and local birdwatching groups, which are likely to be accepted in the tourism programme of the private sector.
重大计划 II
[...] 的下列预期成果直接与该倡议有关:非洲 先 : 预 期 成果 2 和 5;性别平 等:预期成果 [...]
1 和 4、工作重点 1 项下的预期成果 2、工作重点 2 项下的预期成果 4、5 和 6、工作重点 3 项下的预期成果 7、工作重点 4
项下的预期成果 12、工作重点 5 项下的预 期成果 15、16 和 18、工作重点 6 项下的预期成果 20、23 和 24。
The following expected results of Major
Programme II will be directly addressed by the
[...] Initiative: For Priority Africa: expected [...]
results 2 and 5; for gender equality:
expected results 1 and 4; under MLA 1, expected result 2; under MLA 2, expected results 4, 5 and 6; under MLA 3, expected result 7; under MLA 4, expected result 12; under MLA 5, expected results 15, 16 and 18; under MLA 6, expected results 20, 23 and 24.
副部长在他的总结发言中,感谢各国和一些非政府组织诚恳表达了对越南 面临的挑战的观看法和评论。
In his concluding remarks, the Deputy Minister thanked States and some nongovernmental organizations for their objective remarks and the comments of goodwill on the challenges facing Viet Nam.
VIDEO: Watch ‘Pataxó Adolescents, [...]
Promoters of Citizenship,’ a video about indigenous adolescents produced as part of a
joint project by UNICEF and Instituto Tribos Jovens in Brazil.
最后,会 议商定,评注中应当澄清:(a)如果已缔结了担保协议,但担保债权人与设保人
之间对其效力有争议的,则设保人可通过一项简易司法或行政程序寻求修订或 取消登记;(b)建议 32 重申了建议 16 和 17
[...] 所载的原则,并非与《担保交易指 南》建 67(预先登记)不相符合;(c)设保人是否可因担保债权人违约或侵权行 [...]
32 中所述的程序示 例。
Finally, it was agreed that the commentary should clarify: (a) that, if a security agreement had been concluded but its effectiveness was the subject of a dispute between the secured creditor and the grantor, the grantor could seek to amend or cancel the registration through a summary judicial or administrative proceeding; (b) that recommendation 32, which reiterated the principle reflected in recommendations
16 and 17, was not inconsistent with
[...] recommendation 67 (advance registration) of [...]
the Secured Transactions Guide; (c) whether
the grantor could claim damages for breach of contract or tort by the secured creditor was a matter of other law; and (d) examples of proceedings referred to in recommendation 32.
这样,TTC模块在温度达到设定点之 预先 调 整加 热器的输出,以限制或排除过热或温度不足的现象。
As a result, the TTC module regulates the output to the heater in advance of achieving setpoint to limit or eliminate over or undershoot.
凡以上述理由之一拒绝让某人以与其他人同等的条件进入 某一场地观看演出 ,参观展览,参加会议或类似的向公众开放的活动的,均可 予以同样处罚。
Anyone who, for one of the abovementioned reasons, refuses to give a person access on the same terms as others to a venue, performance, exhibition, meeting or similar event open to the public is liable to the same punishment.
食典委注意到,一些代表团要求早日提供这一清单,使各代 表团能预先研究此问题。
The Commission noted the request of some
delegations to make this list available at the earliest possible time to allow
[...] delegations to study the issue in advance.
[...] 心和一个区域服务中心;建立推动快速部署的单元,特别是在开办行动或增援行 动中;增加任务前承付权,以预先 核 准 预 算 模 式和改善政治特派团资源配置的 构想;改善人事管理,以实现更好的人员预测、继任规划和可随时部署的能力。
The specific elements of the strategy include: the establishment of a global and a regional service centre in line with the new global service delivery model; the establishment of modules to facilitate rapid deployment, in particular in start-up or surge operations; the realization of an increase in pre-mandate
commitment authority, together with the
[...] notion of pre-approved budget models and improved [...]
resourcing for special political
missions; and personnel management improvements to achieve better staff forecasting, succession planning and readily deployable capabilities.
为了更准确反映立法原意,并与《食物业规例》(第132X章)附表6有 预先 包 装冷冻牛肉、羊肉或猪肉的标签采用的中文译本“此日期或之前食用”日期一致,《2008年成文法(杂项规定)条例》对《食物及药物(成分组合及标签)规例》(第132W章)内有关“此日期前食用”的字句作出修订。
In order to better reflect the legislative intent and to tie in with the Chinese translation of “use by” date in Schedule 6 to the Food Business Regulation, Cap. 132X on the labelling of prepackaged chilled beef, mutton or pork, amendment to the Chinese rendition of “use by” date in the Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations, Cap. 132W had been included in the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance 2008.




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