

单词 预付

预付 noun ()

prepayment n


预付卡 n

prepaid card n

预付款 n

prepayment n
advance n

预付费 v

prepay v

预付金 n

retainer n

External sources (not reviewed)

即使没预付 任何 款项或定金,预售协议可以保证未来财产 转让的权利。
The pre-sales agreement may guarantee the rights for future property transfers, even without any pre-payment or minimal amounts as pre-payment.
审计委员会还注意到,内部监督事务部在审查 Neirab
恢复项目时提出的 类似结论。内部监督事务部指出,近东救济工程处的项目管理未完全遵守项目协
[...] 议的条款、工程处细则和规定,在现金业务、使用项 预付 款 、 收据和付款凭单、 库存项目控制、项目房地安保和核对财务记录和工程处记录方面缺乏充分和有效 [...]
The Board also noted similar findings raised by DIOS on its review of the Neirab Rehabilitation Project (NRP), where DIOS noted that UNRWA’s project management did not fully comply with project agreement’s terms and conditions, the Agency’s rules and regulations and lacked sufficient and effective internal controls, in the
areas of cash operations, utilizing
[...] project advances, receipts and payment vouchers, controls [...]
over inventory items, security
of project premises and the reconciliation of financial records with the Agency records.
(e) 倘若通知预付邮资 邮件方式发出,在证明送达时,只要证明载有该通知 的信封或包装纸在写有正确地址及贴上邮票,并放入邮箱或交到邮政局, [...]
(e) In the case of
[...] a notice sent by prepaid letter, in proving [...]
service thereof it shall be sufficient to prove that the
envelope or wrapper containing the notice was properly addressed and stamped and was deposited in a post box or at the post office.
然而,即使在采取这种做法的国家,对于在期满或取消之后 至新的登记开始以前的这段时期内获得在设保资产上权利或向设保 预付 资金 的相竞求偿人,担保权并无效力或其排序居次。
However, even in States that adopt this approach, the security right is ineffective against or subordinate to competing claimants that acquired rights in the encumbered assets or advanced funds to the grantor after the lapse or cancellation and before the new registration.
如果您的学生签证申请被澳大利亚移民与公民事务部(DIAC)拒签,您可以依据《海外学生教育服务法案》(ESOS Act)的计算规则获预付学费的退款。
If your application for a student visa is refused by the Department of
Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), you will receive a
[...] refund for pre-paid course fees calculated [...]
in accordance with the ESOS Act.
(2) 因股东身故、精神紊乱或破产而享有股份权利的人士,本公司可预 付邮资 的信函及在信封或封套上注明其为收件人而把通知邮寄给该人士,以身故者 [...]
代表或破产者受托人的称谓或类似称谓而享有股份权利的人士,本公司可把通告寄 交声称如上所述享有权利的人士就此目的所提供的地址(如有),或(直至获提供
(2) A notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or
bankruptcy of a Member by sending it
[...] through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope or [...]
wrapper addressed to him by name, or
by the title of representative of the deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred.
因此,中国请求把将核准 的资金不视为扣除款,而作为今后将核准的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划资金 预付 款。
Subsequently, China had requested that the funds to be approved be referred to not as a deduction but as an advance on the HPMP funds that would be approved in the future.
每位董事可获偿还预付所有 旅费、酒店费及其他杂费,包括出席董 事会会议、董事委员会会议或股东大会或本公司任何类别股份或债权证的独立会议 [...]
或 因执行董事职务所合理支出或预期支出的费用。
Each Director shall be entitled to
[...] be repaid or prepaid all travelling, [...]
hotel and incidental expenses reasonably incurred
or expected to be incurred by him in attending meetings of the Board or committees of the Board or general meetings or separate meetings of any class of shares or of debentures of the Company or otherwise in connection with the discharge of his duties as a Director.
例如,当教科文组织行政部门的预算负责人于 2007 年 2 月 19 日通过电 子邮件,询问总部处增加费用实施的根据,以及那 140 万欧元预付款是 否被包含 在工程总款当中时(如果是,事实上就应当将其从承担增加费用的基准额中减去), 她得到的唯一答案就是:“Coteba 估算的修订价格为 340 万欧元,其中 140 万欧元 已经被包括在贝尔蒙翻修计划第二阶段的总工程款中,因此还差 200 万欧元”。
For example, when the person responsible for the budget for UNESCO’s Sector for Administration asked the Headquarters Division, by email dated 19 February 2007, what base had been used when applying the price increases, and whether or not the provision of €1.4 million was included in the overall allocation for the works (if yes, then it had to be subtracted from the base used for the price increases), the only reply she received was: “Coteba has estimated the recosting of prices at €3.4 million, of which €1.4 million is already included in the overall envelope for Phase 2 of the Belmont Plan, hence there is a shortfall of €2 million”.
全包价。除预付并增 加”及商品和服务费外(如果适用),本订单中的总价包含与商品运输和交货或者服务履行相关的所有手续费和费用。
Prices All
[...] Inclusive Except for "prepay & add" and tax charges for [...]
goods and services (if applicable), the total price in
this order includes all charges and expenses related to the shipping and delivery of goods or the performance of services.
由于难民署的会计系统中没有可用来记录给予实施伙伴 预付 款 的 应收 款和应付款,“X21”结余记录了给予实施伙伴 预付 款 与实施伙伴财务监测报告 的说明理由的支出之间的差额,使难民署能够监测每个次级项目或伙伴的财务情 况。
In the absence in the UNHCR accounting system of
[...] receivable and payable accounts that could be used to record advances to implementing partners, the X21 balances, which record the difference between the instalments disbursed to partners [...]
and the expenditure justified
by implementing partner financial monitoring reports, allow UNHCR to monitor the financial situation of each subproject or partner.
由于申诉人无预付诉讼费,案件中止 审理。
As the complainant
[...] was unable to pay an advance on the [...]
costs of the proceedings, the case was discontinued.
执行委员会决定核准中国的申请,数额为 140,000 美元,外加给环境规划署的 18,200 美元的机构支助费用,但条件是,中国应提交书面文件,同意这些资金将是环境规划署作 为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划全部呈件的一部分提交的宣传和提高认识方案最后供资申请 预付 款。
The Executive Committee decided to approve the request for China at the level of US $140,000 plus agency support costs of US $18,200 for UNEP, on the condition that China provided a written agreement that those funds would constitute an advance on the final request for funding for a programme on communication and awareness to be submitted by UNEP as part of the full HPMP submission.
[...] 极有可能企图通过要求这些部门以及其他产业和服务业向国外银行账户存款,包 括存预付税款 ,对其进行非正式征税。
There is a strong possibility that the administration may attempt to informally tax these sectors, and other
industries and services, by requesting monies to be deposited into foreign bank accounts,
[...] including advance payment of taxes.
这一时期结束时,被认 为成功的办事处将被认定为完全合格,并停止向总部送 预付 款 帐 目,只由会计处 (ADM/DCO) 对其进行“正常的”定期检查,和由内部监督办公室 (IOS)进行定期的内部审 计。
At the end of this period, offices judged successful are then fully accredited and stop sending their imprests to HQ with only “normal” periodic checks by the Division of the Comptroller (ADM/DCO) and periodic internal audit by the Internal Oversight Service (IOS).
财务上可持续是一个重要目标,不过 各国或许要经过不同阶段,包预付 方 面的能力建设,才能实现这一点。
Financial sustainability is an
important goal, although countries may need to move through
[...] phases, including upfront capacitybuilding, [...]
to achieve this.
据进一步解释,储值产品是支付方 法,其预付资金 余额或“价值”记录在消费者所持的设备上,并随着出示设 备付款而减少,因而与电子移动货币或许并不完全相同。
It was further explained that stored-value products,
[...] defined as payment methods in which a prepaid balance of [...]
funds, or “value”, was recorded
on a device held by the consumer, and the balance was decreased when the device was presented for payment, might not coincide with electronic mobile money.
修订应反映下列方面:(a) 澄清战略政策和撤出战略,包括与中期战略计划和千 年发展目标的联系,以及在供应职能评价、组织审查和业务程序审查中提出的问 题;(b)
明确解释供应司、方案司、区域办事处、国家办事处和采购服务审查委 员会的作用和职责;(c)
[...] 消除重复和确保各项规定反映最新情况;(d) 解释有关 以当地货币付款和免预付款的 具体规定;(e) 解释在方案拟订和宣传活动中如 何利用采购服务;(f) [...]
确保考虑供应司在 2007 年 9 月采购服务审查委员会会议 上提出的问题。
The revision should (a) reflect clarification on strategic policy and exit strategies, including links to the MTSP and Millennium Development Goals and issues raised in the evaluation of the supply function, organizational review and business process review; (b) include a clear explanation of the roles and responsibilities of Supply Division, Programme Division, regional offices, country offices and the Procurement Services Review Committee (PROSERVE); (c) remove redundancies and ensure that provisions are kept current; (d) explain
specific provisions related to local
[...] currency payments and waiver of advance payments; (e) explain [...]
how Procurement Services can
be used in programming and advocacy activities; and (f) ensure consideration of issues raised by Supply Division in the September 2007 meeting of PROSERVE.
预付并增加。如果本订单中列明 预付 并 增加”,那么您必 预付 所 有 装运成本并将发票上的实际装运成长包含为独立的线上条目。
Prepay & Add If this order says "prepay & add", then you must prepay all shipping costs and include the [...]
actual shipping costs
on your invoice as a separate line item.
在实施杜阿拉基础设施项目(PID) 的框架下,杜阿拉城市共同预付 825 140 000 非洲金融共同体法郎补偿被驱逐的人口。
The Urban
[...] Community of Douala paid CFAF 825,140,000 in compensations to all persons evicted within the framework of the implementation of the Douala Infrastructure Project (PID).
从此时到下次优惠费率通话延续之前,将采用标准 TIM 国际费率(欧洲、美国与加拿大:50 欧分/分钟;北非:2.02 欧元/分钟;世界其他地区:2.52
[...] 欧元/分钟,另需支付 16.13 欧分连接费,并按 30 秒预付计价单位计费)。
From that moment on and up to the renewal, standard international TIM rates will apply (Europe, USA and Canada: 50 cents  a minute; North Africa: 2.02€ a minute:
rest of the world: 2.52 € a minute with a 16.13 cents connection charge, prices
[...] charged in 30 second advance increments).
遗传资源和相关信息提供者可能倾向于接受更加确定 预付 费 , 而不是长期 的、不太确定的回报。
Providers of genetic resources and
related information may prefer to receive more
[...] certain up-front payments, rather than longer-term [...]
less certain returns.
事实上,Wana的电话和电信服务极富创新性,并充分体现了摩洛哥人的预期期望,Wana为 预付 费 用 户提供了以下创新特性:每花费一迪拉姆(摩洛哥货币单位)就发出一声“的的”声、通过短信进行帐户余额转账、通过CDMA网络和USB调制解调器 预付 费 形 式访问互联网、高级的融合统一消息系统…。
As a matter of fact, Wana showed great creativity and understanding of Moroccans expectations over telephony and telecommunications services by
offering revolutionary
[...] features to its prepaid subscribers: beep / dirham feature (a beep being played each time a monetary unit is spent), SMS-driven inter-accounts credit transfers, prepaid internet access through USB modem using CDMA network, advanced convergent messaging system… Seamless and quick deployment of all these features has been enabled by StreamWIDE Prepaid solution’s flexibility [...]
and interoperability advantages.
Pre-paid phone cards are [...]
widely available both in the Republic and Northern Ireland and both are convenient and effective to use.
在要求进预付款项 时,核证人应将其理由记录在 案。
Whenever such an advance payment is requested, [...]
the reasons therefore shall be recorded by the certifying officer.
[...] 号法令,当中明确规定,免除支 付全部或部预付金、 或免除支付全部或部分须付金及诉讼费用,又或准许支付 [...]
The legal aid system is enshrined in Decree-Law
41/94/M. It comprises the full or partial
[...] exemption of the payment of court costs [...]
and/or legal expenses, or its deferment,
and the appointment of pro bono lawyers.
本次计费帐务主机和存储扩容项目是对IBS系统的计费数据库服务器和磁盘阵列实施硬件扩容,满 预付 费 、图像以及AIOBS数据业务融合后至2009年底的使用需求和业务发展,满足计费系统业务连续性的需要,并确保IBS系统具备持续有效的容灾保护能力。
In this project, the hardware of the billing database server and disk array
of the IBS system was expanded to meet
[...] demand after the prepaid, image and AIOBS [...]
data services were integrated and the end
of 2009, the service continuity requirements of the billing system and make sure that the IBS system features continuous and effective disaster recovery capability.
3.2 交货期从订单确认开始计算,但这以买方履行了约定的义
[...] 务为前提,如实现约定买方应提供某些文件,技术数据,技术 认可和放行通知,和约定预付款等
3.2 The period of delivery starts with the order confirmation, however, not before the customer has submitted the documents and information relating to
technical details, approvals, and releases to be provided by the customer and
[...] has made the down payments possibly agreed upon.
这将包括初期预付投资 (例如在规划和初 期的能力建设方面)、纳入主流预付 投 资 (例如在创造有利于投资的使能条件方 面)以其持久的供资(这将包括从森林产品和服务中产生的收入以及为生态系统 服务付费)。
This would
[...] include initial upfront investment (for example, in planning and initial capacity-building), mainstreamed upfront investment [...]
(for example, in creating
the enabling conditions for investment) and sustained financing (which would include revenue from forest goods and services and payments for ecosystem services).
其中包括 建议儿基会考虑订正财务条例,以便将现金转移记 预付 款 ,只有在收到资金使 用报告后才确认为方案支出。
This included the recommendation that UNICEF consider amending its financial regulations to allow cash transfers to be recorded as advances and to be recognized as programme expenditure only upon the receipt of reports on financial utilization.




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