

单词 颁行

See also:

grant or confer
send out

External sources (not reviewed)

为了跟上世界和市场的变化步伐, 我们对《行为规范》进行定期审查、更新并重 颁行 , 以确 保其现实性和全面性。
To keep pace with the changes in the world and in our markets, the Code of Conduct is regularly reviewed, updated and reissued to ensure its relevancy and comprehensiveness.
这是多米尼颁行的第 一个激励性赋税新法案,目前已经生效。
The new tax incentive, a first for the Dominican Republic, is now in effect.
大会该决议第 2 段请秘书长:(a)
[...] 审查征聘政策,藉以改进各部司中职位的 地域分配状况;(b) 采取必要步骤,以便从秘书处中尚无国民供职的国家征聘人 员;和(c) 采取各项切实步骤,确保改善工作人员的地域分配状况,包括为遵行 《宪章》原则而颁行之各 项规则及条例。
In paragraph 2 of the same resolution the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to: (a) examine the recruitment policy with a view to improving the geographical distribution of posts within the various departments; (b) take the necessary steps with a view to engaging staff members from those countries that did not yet have any of their nationals in the Secretariat; and (c) take all practicable steps to ensure the improvement of the geographical
distribution of the staff,
[...] including the issuance of such rules and regulations as might be necessary to comply with the principles [...]
of the Charter.
[...] 毒和艾滋病的蔓延方面的严重影响,因 颁行 了有关基于性别暴力的全面立法,并制定方案以推动一 [...]
项关于妇女、女童与艾滋病毒/艾滋病的国家行动计 划的实施。
In recognition of the critical role
that gender inequality plays in HIV and
[...] AIDS, Zambia has enacted comprehensive [...]
legislation on gender-based violence and developed
protocols to facilitate the implementation of a national action plan on women, girls and HIV/AIDS.
关于在条例、指导意见和其颁行案 文中采取统筹 全局做法以确保《示范法》所设想的制度在实务中行之有效的重要性的讨论, 见一般评注第**节和上文本章介绍**[**超级链接** ],以及附件**,其中提供 了《示范法》中应通过条例和(或)指导意见加以补充的事项清单 [**超级链 接**]。
For a discussion on importance of taking a holistic approach in regulations, guidance and other implementing texts to ensure that the system envisaged under the Model Law works in practice, see Section ** of the general commentary and the Introduction to this Chapter ** above [**hyperlinks**], and Annex **, which provides a list of items in the Model Law that are intended to be supplemented through regulations and/or guidance [**hyperlink**].
由于层出不穷的犯罪形式常常可被视作公约第 2 条所规定的严重犯罪,所 以毒品和犯罪问题办公室还提供援助,帮助各 颁行 立 法 ,专门针对属于立法 打击范围内的各种层出不穷的犯罪形式。
As emerging forms of crime can often be considered serious crimes under article 2 of the Convention, UNODC has also provided assistance to help States adopt legislation specific to emerging forms of crime that fall within its mandate.
邵逸夫奖将于2012年9月17日 (星期一) 在香港行颁奖礼 ,由中国香港特别行政区行政长官梁振英先生担任主礼嘉宾。
The Shaw Prize Award Presentation Ceremony 2012 will take place in Hong Kong on Monday,17 September 2012.
第(1)款下的国际采购可能仅涉及排除某些国籍,例如为了 行颁 布 国 在国 际公法下承担的义务而避免与受国际制裁国家的人进行交易。
International procurement under paragraph (1) may involve the exclusion of only
certain nationalities, for example in order
[...] to fulfil the enacting State’s obligations [...]
under international public law to
avoid dealings with persons of a foreign State that is subject to international sanctions.
为了更好地宣传该奖,扩大其影响,今 后将在行颁奖仪式时,组织一些以和平为题的活动。
To ensure that the Prize is better known and to
raise its profile, events relating to the issue of peace will in future be held
[...] concurrently with the prize-giving ceremony.
邵逸夫奖于今天(2004年9月7日星期二)假香港会议展览中心 行颁 奖 典 礼,由香港特别行政区行政长官董建华先生主礼,并由邵逸夫奖的创办人邵逸夫爵士陪同颁奖予三个奖共六位得奖人(资料详见后页)。
At today's presentation ceremony of The Shaw Prize at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Mr Chee-Hwa Tung, Chief Executive of the HKSAR, accompanied by Sir Run Run Shaw, Patron of the Prize, presented the awards to the six laureates of the three prizes.
工作组从已收到的答复中受到鼓舞并注意到,一些政府已对指控行调查,并采取了措施,包颁布新 立法; 行 司 法 改革; 行 政 策 和服务, 包括保健方面的服务,以更好地保护和帮助妇女,包括暴力行为的女受害人; 制定国家行动计划;起诉和惩处暴力施害者;实施有的放矢的措施促进妇女 [...]
算编制来实现;并改进提高公众认识的活动,从而根据有关国际标准促进性 别平等和提高妇女地位。
From the replies received, the Working Group was encouraged to note that some Governments had carried out investigations
into the allegations
[...] made and taken measures, including enacting new legislation, conducting legal reform, introducing policies and services, [...]
such as health-related
services, to better protect and assist women, including women victims of violence, developing national plans of action, prosecuting and punishing perpetrators of violence, introducing targeted measures for the promotion of women’s rights, making efforts to guarantee the full enjoyment of human rights by women, including through gender-sensitive budgeting, and improving public awareness-raising activities to promote gender equality and the advancement of women in accordance with relevant international standards.
恒生行颁发奖学金予五位杰出的香港及内地学生往海外深造,令「恒 [...]
生银行海外留学奖学金」自一九九六年成立以来,受惠学生的人数增至 四十五名。
Hang Seng Bank has awarded overseas [...]
scholarships to five outstanding students in Hong Kong and mainland China, taking the
total number of students benefiting from the Hang Seng Bank Overseas Scholarship Scheme to 45 since its launch in 1996.
我们期望透过此项比赛促进企业间信息和技术 的交流。欧洲的入选作品将于 EMO 期间展出,并于场内行颁奖仪式。
During EMO, selected entries from Europe will be on display and the awards ceremony will take place in the Mori Seiki booth.
关切地注意到 关切地注意到 关切地注意到 关切地注意到有些会员国没有遵守大会关于为一些检查专员和检查组 工作人员公务行颁发签 证的决议,为此请会员国无条件提供此种必要便利,以 便检查专员和检查组工作人员执行任务
that some Member States did not abide by its resolutions on the issuance of visas for the official travel of some inspectors and staff of the Unit, and in this regard requests Member States to extend, without conditions, the requisite facilitation to enable the inspectors and staff of the Unit to undertake their tasks
在此期间若没有提出修正案或提案未经审 议,则将成为法律,仅余的步骤就是由行政部门 行颁 布。
If no amendments are introduced or the bill is
not considered within that time, it will become law, with the only remaining
[...] step being its promulgation by the executive.
为了防治非传染病,我国采取了以下行动措施: 1992 年设立癌症登记册;2005 年批准《烟草控制框 架公约》;2006 年国民议会通过烟草控制法;2007颁布了对影响女性的癌症行免费 治疗的法令;开展 了筛查和治疗癌症的工作;与国际原子能机构合作, 建立了国家抗癌中心;国民议会通过有关设立官方管 理机构即所谓的国家抗癌中心的立法;以及起草了国 家防控非传染病战略计划。
To fight against NCDs, my country has taken the following operational measures: the establishment of a cancer registry, in 1992; the ratification of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, in 2005; the adoption by the National Assembly of a law on tobacco control, in 2006; a decree providing free treatment of cancers affecting women, in 2007; campaigns to screen for and treat cancer; the construction, in partnership with the International Atomic Energy Agency, of a national centre to combat cancer; the adoption by the National Assembly of legislation relating to the creation of an official administrative agency known as the national centre for the fight against cancer; and the drafting of a national strategic plan for the prevention of and the fight against NCDs.
1938 年,罗马尼亚国王卡罗尔二世推行王室专 政,行颁布一 部新《宪法》,废除君主立宪制。
In 1938, King Carol II of Romania introduced a personal regime and imposed a new Constitution that sanctioned it.
联合国人口奖委员会选出亚洲议员人口与发展论坛,是为了表彰其在下列各 方面取得的杰出成就:(a) 促进亚洲和太平洋地区各国议会的作用,以通过业已 成为全球性典范的各国人口与发展议会委员会,实现国际人口与发展会议的目 标;(b) 为非洲和欧洲设立地区议会论坛作出贡献;(c) 通过促进各国议会之间 的对话,推动议会就人口与发展问题采 行 动 ; (d) 加强各国议员的知识和能力, 以宣传、倡导颁布与 人口和发展、生殖健康、计划生育、艾滋病毒和艾滋病、 贫困、青年问题、性别平等和消除暴力侵害妇 行 为 有 关的立法。
The Committee for the United Nations Population Award selected the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development in recognition of its pioneering achievements in: (a) developing the role of parliaments in the Asia and the Pacific region to achieve the goals of the International Conference on Population and Development through national parliamentary committees on population and development, which have become a worldwide model; (b) contributing to the establishment of regional parliamentary forums in Africa and Europe; (c) promoting parliamentary action on population and development issues by facilitating dialogue within and among parliaments; and (d) strengthening the knowledge and capacity of parliamentarians to advocate, initiate and adopt legislation on population and development, reproductive health, family planning, HIV and AIDS, poverty, youth issues, gender equality and the elimination of violence against women.
此举包括将《公约》作为《引渡法》的附件附在其后,或 行颁 布 独 立立 法。
This may include adding the
[...] Convention to the annex of the Extradition Act or enacting additional [...]
stand-alone legislation.
2003 年教科文组织和平教育颁给了 Emile Shoufani 神父(以色列),表彰他个人始终主张对 话、和平与宽容的态度行动, 以及他为改善阿拉伯人与犹太人之间的关系而作出的不懈努 力。
The UNESCO Prize for Peace Education 2003 was awarded to Father Emile Shoufani (Israel) in recognition of his personal attitude and his action ever [...]
imbued with dialogue, peace and tolerance,
and of his constant endeavour to reconcile Arabs and Jews.
此外,关于详细的回答方法,请参照佳能 行颁 布 的 《佳能公司绿色物品采购调查调查表回 [...]
For the detailed method of reply, refer to the “Canon Survey Form Entry Manual” (in Japanese, English,
[...] and Chinese) issued separately by Canon.
一些代表团在行局第一六五届会议(2002 年 10 月)上要求全面审查教科文组织的 奖项之后,总干事设立了一个由副总干事为主席的工作组,以便(i)全面审查教科文组织 目前涉及其不同主管领域的所有奖项,其中包括:其数目、名义价值和支助费用、财务条 例、周期、遴选颁奖程 序、透明度和影响;(ii)提出扩大现有奖项的影响和根据资金和 工作人员时间合理安排有关费用的措施;和(iii)就教科文组织奖项的设立、管理和宣传提出 一套标准和指导原则。
Following the 165th session of the Executive Board (October 2002), at which a number of delegations called for an overall review of UNESCO prizes, the Director-General set up a working group, chaired by the Deputy Director-General, in order to: (i) undertake a comprehensive review of all existing UNESCO prizes across the Organization’s different fields of competence, including [...]
their number, nominal value
and support costs, financial regulations, periodicity, selection and award procedures, visibility and impact; (ii) propose measures in order to enhance the impact of the existing prizes and rationalize related costs in terms of funds and staff time; and (iii) propose a set of criteria and guidelines for the creation, management and promotion of UNESCO prizes.
媒体奖主办方北京纪安德咨询中心执行主任魏建 刚专门前往黄耀明的演出现场行颁 奖。
Wei Jiangang, director of the Beijing Gender Health Education Institute, delivered the award to Anthony Wong at Tianhe Stadium.
Only a few States had enacted absolute universal [...]
jurisdiction laws and only for the most serious criminal offences.
2008 年教科文组织/巴尔毕鄂人权文化促进奖:2008 年 12 月 10 日时值世界人权 日和世界人权宣言六十周年,该奖第一次 行颁 奖 仪 式,得到了媒体的广泛报 道,为宣传教科文组织在这一领域的活动做出了贡献。
UNESCO-Bilbao Prize for the Promotion of a Culture of Human Rights 2008: the first ceremony to award the Prize took place on 10 December 2008, on the occasion of Human Rights Day and the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; it was given broad coverage by the media, thereby helping to promote UNESCO’s work in this field.
通 常,行 颁 布 立 法 的 国 家 较 少 偏 离 该 案 [...]
文, 这 表 明 它 所 确 立 的 程 序 得 到 广 泛 接 受, 并 被 认 为 构 成 国 际 商 事 仲 裁 的 一 致 基 础。
As a rule, relatively few deviations from this text have been made by
[...] States adopting enacting legislation, [...]
suggesting that the procedures it establishes
are widely accepted and understood as forming a coherent basis for international commercial arbitration.
近期,比特梵德产品荣获了全球安全防护领域内一系列的荣誉称号,例如Antivirus Plus 2013荣获PC杂志的“编辑推荐奖”,并以25款安全测试软件榜首荣获世界顶级杀毒软件 行颁 发 的 金奖。
Recently, Bitdefender won a series of important awards and accolades in the global security industry, including "Editor's Choice" by PC Mag for Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2013 and the "GoldAward" by TopTenREVIEWS that confirmed the software's top spot among 25 tested security products.




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