单词 | 顺风车 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 顺风车 —(fig.) (ride on sb's) coattailsless common: (take advantage of) an opportunity • vehicle that gives one a free ride See also:顺风 n—downwind n 顺风—Bon voyage! • lit. tail wind 风车 n—windmills pl 风车—pinwheel
搭顺风车”是所有国家面临的问题。 crisisgroup.org | The free-rider problem holds [...] for all countries. crisisgroup.org |
他们说:“今天去Motueka的巴士早已离开,若你真的想去那里,唯一的途径就是 搭 顺风车 , 我 先祝你好运。 4tern.com | The staff told me, “The last bus to Motueka just left. 4tern.com |
淋雨,增加司机对你的同情心,搭 顺风车 的 机 率更高。 4tern.com | Standing under the rain, hitch rate is higher. 4tern.com |
面纸巾品牌舒洁就在它最新的线上活动中搭上了时下热门的电视选秀节目“中国好声音” 的 顺风车 , 以在线视频的方式宣传它的最新一款湿厕纸产品。 labbrand.com | With its latest web campaign, tissues and toilet paper brand Kleenex surfed on the popularity of the TV show “The voice of China” to promote its newest product (a sort of wet wipes) with a homerun web video. labbrand.com |
由于战略储 备对欧佩克的卡特尔行为有所限制,所有进口国都会从 中受益,没有战略储备或虽有但在危机中却不使用,这 样的进口国就会搭其他国家的“ 顺风车 ”。 crisisgroup.org | All importers benefit from strategic reserves, as their existence sets limits on the OPEC cartel’s behaviour. crisisgroup.org |
但有一点是SCC公司管理者心知肚明的,那就是如不投资保护公司的知识产权资产,就会让那些想不劳而获地使用SCC公司的发明、创造和声誉的 搭 顺风车 的 个 人和企业更容易得手,从而使公司更难于(如果不是不可能的话)确立自己作为越南名列前茅的化妆品生产厂家的地位。 wipo.int | But one thing is clear to managers at SCC, and that is, that without investing in the protection of its [...] IP assets it would have been significantly [...] easier for free riders to take advantage [...]of SCC's ingenuity, creativity and reputation [...]making it more difficult, if not impossible, for the company to establish itself as a leader in cosmetic manufacturing in Vietnam. wipo.int |
平稳过渡概念必须在新的行动纲领中制度化,以便行将 毕业的其他国家能够一帆风顺。 daccess-ods.un.org | The concept of smooth transition must be institutionalized in a new programme of action so that others could face graduation on a sure footing. daccess-ods.un.org |
首先,新兴技术,尤其是混合燃料汽 车 、 风 力 涡 轮机 和电池系统等“绿色技术”需要大量稀土元素,导致诸如镝、钕和铕等商品的价 [...] 格看涨。 daccess-ods.un.org | First, emerging technologies, especially so-called “green technologies” [...] such as hybrid cars, wind turbines and [...]battery systems, require enormous amounts of [...]rare earth elements, resulting in an impending increase of the commodity prices of, for example, dysprosium, neodymium and europium. daccess-ods.un.org |
铁轨之间和两侧的路面如果用经过ETONIS® 260改良的透水混凝土铺设, 能够确保消防、 救护车辆迅速而顺畅地驶入铁路隧道。 wacker.com | Water-permeability test: Open-pored concrete modified with ETONIS® 260 facilitates the transport of moisture (left), while on conventional solid concrete, water builds up and runs off slowly (right). wacker.com |
近期目标:推动货物、人员和车辆 有效 和 顺 利 地 以道路和铁路方式在 本区域内移动,包括进出入边境口岸。 daccess-ods.un.org | Immediate objective: to promote [...] efficient and smooth movement of [...] goods, passengers and vehicles by road and rail across [...]the region, including at border crossings. daccess-ods.un.org |
自2007年年初起,一名高水平的贝内克- 长 顺 汽 车 内 饰 材料(张家港)有限公司的服务员工在上海当地支持YFV工厂的工作。 contitech.cn | Since the beginning of 2007, a highly-qualified member of the Benecke-Changshun Auto Trim Service staff has provided on-site support at YFV's Shanghai plant. contitech.cn |
苏尼认为澳大利亚的大学教授了他宝贵的技能、知识和实践经验,让他未来的事业生涯能一 帆 风顺。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Sunil feels his Australian studies provide him with invaluable skills, knowledge and experience that will help prepare him for a successful future. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
在向前来纽约参加今年裁军审议委员会会议的 所有同事道别并祝他们一路顺风之前,我还要感谢秘 书处工作人员对于各国代表团的协助。 daccess-ods.un.org | Before bidding farewell and wishing a safe journey to all colleagues who came to New York to participate in this year’s session of the Disarmament Commission, let me also thank the staff of the Secretariat for their assistance to delegations. daccess-ods.un.org |
加强总部外活动:鉴于本组织承诺在 36 [...] C/5 有限的预算范围内 吸收总部外改革第一阶段的实施所产生的费用,因此最好从现在 [...] 就开始为非洲一些选定的办事处提供设备,提高它们的工作能力 (即通过升级信息技术系统以及其他必要的设备,以及购买迫切 需要的车辆),为改革的顺利实 施奠定基础。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Field presence reinforcement: Given the Organization’s commitment to absorb the implementation of the first phase of the Field Reform within its already limited budget in the 36 C/5, it would be sensible to already start paving the way for a smooth implementation by equipping and reinforcing [...] selected field offices in Africa (i.e. by upgrading IT and other [...] necessary equipment and by purchasing much needed vehicles). unesdoc.unesco.org |
最后,对于将离开纽约打道回府的各位同事,我 们祝愿他们一路顺风。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, to those colleagues who will travel back to places outside of New York, we wish them a safe journey. daccess-ods.un.org |
南非走向自由的道路绝非容易,而南非伟大的解 放者所走过的路途也不是一帆风顺。 daccess-ods.un.org | There was no easy road to freedom for South Africa, nor was the road easy [...] for its great emancipator. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是一只极轻的高精密机械腕表,具备了测速计上圈、活动式表耳及 F1 赛 车风 格 , 全球限量1000只。 oris.ch | This is an ultra-light high tech watch with a tachometer bezel, moving horns, and Formula1 styling, limited to 1000 units worldwide. oris.ch |
贝内克-长顺汽车内饰 材(张家港)有限公司副总经理Leon Zhang(第2排左数第5),在延锋伟世通汽车饰件系统有限公司供货商会议上接受了颁奖。 contitech.cn | Leon Zhang (2nd row, 5th from left), Deputy General Manager of Benecke-Changshun Auto Trim, received the prize at the suppliers conference of Yanfeng Visteon. contitech.cn |
在黄昏的天空背景前,黄色的风车屹 立在岩质小岛上。 visitfinland.com | Windmills of a rugged yellow stood [...] against the background of the sky on the rocky islets. visitfinland.com |
最后,请允许我祝愿刚果民主共和国政府和人 民,在筹备和举行即将到来的选举时一 帆 风顺 , 以便 能够奠定坚实的民主基础,确保该国的和平共处与繁 荣。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, allow me to wish every success to the Government and the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the preparations for and holding of the upcoming elections, so that a solid, democratic foundation can be laid that will ensure peaceful coexistence and prosperity in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
需要指出, 这一改革并不是一帆风顺的, 改革的通过得益于其成员于 1995 年在北京召开的 第四次妇女问题世界会议及 1994 年在达喀尔召开的第五届非洲妇女地区大会两 次大会的预备会议中的积极参与。 daccess-ods.un.org | Rather it was the result of the active participation of the Association’s members in the preparations for the Fourth World Conference on Women, in Beijing in 1995, and the Fifth African Regional Conference on Women, in Dakar in 1994. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,由于双方文化背景、经商理念等方面的差异,使得本地企业在中国经商并非一 帆 风顺。 sccci.org.sg | Having said that, owing to different cultural [...] backgrounds and differences in business mindsets, doing business in China is [...] not always smooth-going for local [...]enterprises. english.sccci.org.sg |
当我们向埃塔利大使热情道别的时候,我与安理 会其他成员一道,预祝他在未来的事业——职业生涯 和个人生活——中一帆风顺。 daccess-ods.un.org | As we bid a warm farewell to Ambassador Ettalhi, I join other members of the Council in wishing him every success in his future endeavours, both professionally and in his private life. daccess-ods.un.org |
能力建设决不是简单、一蹴而就或一 帆 风顺 的 事情,而是旷日持久的、多层面的活 动,甚至是复杂的活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Capacity-building is never simple, quick or straightforward, rather it is protracted and multilayered, if not complex. unesdoc.unesco.org |
根据经验发现,浮油会以大 约 3% 的风速顺风移动。 itopf.com | It has been found empirically that floating oil [...] will move downwind at about 3% of the wind velocity. itopf.com |
至于不在八达路设置中央护栏板,主要思量了四鄙陋面的成分:一是不利于地区创业社区、兴塘社区、金牛小组、香港街室第小区等居民的交通出行;二是旅程的宽度不克不及操持大众汽车等大型 汽 车顺 利 掉 头,从而影响交通流利;三是不利于该旅程地区的经济勾当,影响八达路五金贸易街及贸易城的经营;四是不利于该旅程的车辆分流疏导,一旦发生发火交通事变,该旅程将处于持久的交通窒息。 sdgxsz.com | As in setting up the central Octopus road guardrail plate, mainly consider four shallow surface components : one is not conducive to regional business community, Tong Hing community, Jinniu group, Hongkong street, residential quarters and other residents of the traffic; two is the journey width cannot manage Volkswagen Automobile and other large smooth turn, thus affecting the traffic fluent; three is not conducive to the journey areas of economic activity, influence the octopus Hardware Trade Street and trade city management; four is not conducive to the journey of traffic grooming, once the ignition occurs in traffic accidents, the journey will be in abiding traffic suffocation. sdgxsz.com |