

单词 顺我者昌逆我者亡

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副主席先生,東歐巨變,蘇聯覆滅,又㆒次在全㆟類面前,展示出㆒個這樣的真理: 民主潮流,浩浩蕩蕩,順者昌,逆 之 者亡。
MR SZETO WAH (in Cantonese): Mr Deputy President, radical changes in Eastern Europe and the total collapse of the Soviet Union unfold again before the whole humanity the truth that
the tide of democracy is irresistible and those who go along with it will prosper
[...] while those who go against it perish.
最后,凶手逍遥法外使受者产生了 逆 来 顺 受 的 想法,并促使犯罪和暴力在 刚果社会普遍存在并继续恶化。
The impunity of perpetrators creates a sense of resignation [...]
among victims, trivializes the crime and aggravates criminality
and violence in Congolese society.
代理主席我認為人民力量是不可抗拒的,所謂“ 者昌 , 逆者 亡 ”。
Deputy President, I think the people's powers are irresistible and "those who go along with the trend will thrive on while those who go against it will fail".
我们要顺服神的诫命我们就 需要知道神的话语,因此,我们计划的另一部分将是做更好的门徒,让大 家一起来铭记圣经经节。
If we are going to obey God’s commands we need to know [...]
what His word says, so another part of our strategy will be to be
better disciples will be to memorise Bible verses together.
我相信今日發言的所有議員,沒有㆟反 對必須保障亡者的說法。
I believe that Members who have risen or will rise to speak
[...] on this motion today have not objected to the argument that one must protect the victims.
所以,就那些不幸因公殉職的醫管局同事,或其他因公殉職的香 港市民,其亡並包含英勇行為的因 者 , 我 們 現 時有景仰園的安排。
Thus, for those HA colleagues who unfortunately died on duty, or other Hong Kong
citizens who died on
[...] duty and whose death involves elements of exceptional acts of bravery, we now have the Tribute Garden available for them.
肖烽 公司负责人昌顺、主 管会计工作负责人樊澄及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)肖烽声明: [...]
Wang Changshun (legal representative [...]
of the Company), Fan Cheng (person in charge of accounting function), and Xiao Feng
(person in charge of accounting department (accounting superintendent)) hereby jointly declare that the financial statements set out in this quarterly report is true and complete.
鄭家富議員:主席,在正式 進入正題之前, 我想說出 我 的 一 些 經
驗 , 以便大 家 想想“一國 兩 制 ”
[...] 的 實 踐 有 否 響 起 警 號 , 以 及 我對中 央 政 權 和共產 黨 的 “一黨 專 政 ”、“順者昌 , 逆 我者亡 ” 這 種 打 擊 異 見 分子的 慣 性 技 倆 的 一 些看法 。
I will also expound on my views on the habitual tactics of "single party dictatorship" and "those who submit
will prosper, those who
[...] resist shall perish" as employed by the central regime and the Communist Party to suppress dissidents.
另一方面,发达国家增长无力与新兴国家的蓬勃增长正在造成一系列失衡: 贸逆差与贸易顺差,币值低估与币值高估,以及破坏稳定的利差。
On the other hand, weak growth in developed countries coupled with dynamic growth in emerging countries is
causing a series of
[...] imbalances: trade deficits contrasting with trade surpluses, undervalued currencies contrasting with overvalued ones and destabilizing interest rate differentials.
我们认为,非常重要的是我们第 一次明确制定 了目标,比如到 2015 年杜绝艾滋病毒的母婴传播, 大幅减少艾滋病造成的孕产妇亡, 以 及为实现使者能够获得逆转录病毒治疗的目标而加快努力,以 期到 2015 年使 1 500 万艾滋病毒感染者能够获得抗 逆转录病毒治疗。
For us, it is very important that for the first time,
targets have been clearly set,
[...] such as eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV by 2015, substantially eliminating AIDS-related maternal deaths and accelerating efforts to achieve access to antiretroviral treatments, with the target of working [...]
towards 15
million people living with HIV on antiretroviral treatment by 2015.
在向前来纽约参加今年裁军审议委员会会议的 所有同事道别并祝他们一顺风之前 , 我 还 要 感谢秘 书处工作人员对于各国代表团的协助。
Before bidding farewell and wishing a safe journey to all colleagues who came to New York to participate in this year’s session of the Disarmament Commission, let me also thank the staff of the Secretariat for their assistance to delegations.
馮檢基議員雖然我們南昌站的 發展仍然有意見,但畢竟削減了 18%發展密度的南昌站是經過深水埗區議會支持通過後,我們才進行招 標的工作的。
Although Mr Frederick FUNG still
takes exception to the
[...] development at the Nam Cheong Station, in any case we only conducted the [...]
tender exercise after the
proposal for the Nam Cheong Station development project with a reduction of development density by 18% was passed with the support of the Sham Shui Po DC.
该咨询小组就注射吸毒者中的艾滋病毒预防、治疗和护理提出 了协商一致的建议,其中包括与执法有关的建议,并对女性注射吸毒者、注射 吸者的死亡率和注射吸者的抗逆 转 录 病毒治疗进行了评审。
The Reference Group has developed consensus recommendations on prevention, treatment and care of HIV among people who inject drugs, including as they relate to law enforcement, and has produced
reviews of female
[...] injecting drug use, mortality among people who inject drugs and antiretroviral [...]
therapy use among people who inject drugs.
為使香港繼續繁昌盛,我們必 須在未來歲月,保持香港公務員 隊伍的士氣、效率和廉潔。
For Hong Kong to
[...] remain successful, we must maintain the [...]
morale, efficiency, and integrity of the Civil Service in the years to come.
旋转顺时针/逆时针 )的、扩大的字符与未旋转的字符大 小不同,但有相同的尺寸参数。
Rotated (clockwise/counterclockwise), expanded characters have a different size than an unrotated character with the same size parameters.
正常、扩展和压缩字符串均顺时针 或 逆 时 针 旋转 90 度打印,甚至上下 翻转打印。
Normal, expanded, and compressed character strings can be rotated 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise, or they can be printed upside down.
选择自动测量的方向顺时针或逆时 针
Choose direction of measurement progress, either
[...] clockwise (CW) or anti-clockwise (CCW).
以色列必须以言行证明,它真 正想要结束 1967 年以来对巴勒斯坦土地的非法占领 并达成全面和平,使巴勒斯坦人民能够在以东耶路撒 冷为其首都的自己的巴勒斯坦国自由生活,为包括巴 勒斯坦难民在内的人民伸张正义,让以色列和巴勒斯 坦能够毗邻和平共处,以及同区域所有邻国一道繁昌盛,确保我们所有儿童的自由、尊严和安全的未来。
In word and deed, Israel must prove that it is serious about ending its military occupation of Palestinian land since 1967 and reaching a comprehensive peace that will allow the Palestinian people to live in freedom in their State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, achieve justice, including for the Palestine refugees, and allow Israel and Palestine to peacefully coexist and thrive side by side, as well as with all our neighbours in the region, ensuring a future of freedom, dignity and security for all of our children.
至于千年发展目标的有些方面,我们是提前达者。我们希望进一步的努力能够大大有助于降低孕产 妇亡率,并遏制和扭转艾滋病毒/艾滋病蔓延势头。
As to some aspects of
[...] the MDGs, we are an early achiever and we hope that further efforts will contribute significantly to reducing the maternal mortality rate and halting [...]
and reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS.
将徽标顺时针方向逆时针 方向或倒向附于字母数字串上。
Appends logos to an alphanumeric string rotated
[...] in a clockwise, counterclockwise, or inverted orientation.
若然我 便 希望局長可以考慮成立一 個 諸 如 交 通 意外亡者 援 助 基 金 的 基 金 ,先行向受 害 人 作出一些賠償, 然 後 待 他們向首 要責任人 追 討到賠償後 , 才 償 還給政 府 ?
If so, I hope that the Secretary will consider
setting up a
[...] fund like the Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Fund to give victims some compensation first and then [...]
they can
make repayment to the Government after they have recovered compensation from the precedent responsible persons?
物料加入干燥机后,在筒内均匀布的抄板器翻动下,物料在干燥机内均匀分布与分散,并 顺 流 ( 逆 流 ) 的热空气充分接触,加快了干燥传热,传质.
Materials feed into dryer, evenly turning in the cylinder lifting board; in the dryer the material uniformly
distributed and disperse, and fully
[...] contact with the down-flow (upstream) hot air [...]
to speed up the drying heat transfer, mass transfer.
签 署《 行 动计划》的人包括和平与重建工作部和联尼共-毛主义的代表、驻地和人道主义 协调员以及联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)驻尼泊尔代表,见证人有和平与重建 工作部部长 Rakam Chemjong、联尼共-毛主义主席“普昌 达 ” 、 我 的 儿童与武装 冲突问题特别代表以及我派驻尼泊尔的代表。
It was signed by representatives of the Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction and UCPN-M, the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator and the Representative of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Nepal, and was witnessed by the Minister of Peace and Reconstruction, Rakam Chemjong, UCPN-M Chairman “Prachanda”, my Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, and my Representative in Nepal.
我们感到遗憾,敌对行动持续不断, 已经造成大量平民亡;我们向巴勒斯坦和以色列遇者的家属们表示由衷的哀悼。
We deplore the ongoing hostilities that
have led to high numbers
[...] of civilian casualties, and we express our sincere condolences to the families of the Palestinian and Israeli victims.
这五位备受国际瞩目的杰出亚洲华人企业家,他们的故事各有精彩之处,但共同点是能够在纷繁的市场中准确地把握商业机会,以超人的智慧洞悉经商之道,以坚强的意志、果断的判断能力面 顺 境 、 逆 境 ,同时善用各方资源实现企业愿景和目标,最终获得了巨大的成功。
Although each of these five outstanding Chinese entrepreneurs have most intriguing individual experiences to relate, they do share something in common:  being able to grasp the right business opportunities within a complex marketplace, having the wisdom, resolve and analytical skills to face up to any situation and predicament, and to fully utilise the resources at their disposal to fulfil their vision and dreams, and secure eventual success.
另一个令人关切的问题,涉及主要经济体对失衡的 调整进程,也就是说同时减逆差或 顺 差 , 这不应扰乱经济,危及经济增长前景。
Another concern relates to the process of adjustment to the imbalances by major economies, namely, the concurrent reduction of deficits and surpluses, which should not create economic disruption and endanger economic growth prospects.
一 般法律事务司与法律顾问办公室一道,协助维护本组织在税收、进口与出口方面 的特权与豁免以及适用于本组织涉及维持和平行动的资产和人员豁免方面的特
[...] 人员条例和细则、财务条例和细则以及相关政策和做法,包括相关的银行业务、 资产保管和金库业务政策和做法的解释和适用提供援助;提供法律援助,解决维 持和平行动中产生的复杂的索偿要求、仲裁和其他诉讼,包括承 者 的 商业索偿 以及第三方关于财产损坏或损失和人身伤害或 亡 的 索 赔。
In conjunction with the Office of the Legal Counsel, the Division assists in maintaining the privileges and immunities of the Organization with respect to the Organization’s tax and import and export exemptions and in connection with the immunities applicable to the Organization’s assets and personnel involved in United Nations peacekeeping operations; provides assistance regarding the interpretation and application of the Organization’s administrative law in peacekeeping operations and the interpretation and application of the Staff Regulations and Rules, the Financial Regulations and Rules and relevant policies and practices, including those relating to banking, asset custody and treasury operations; affords legal support for the resolution of complex claims, arbitrations and other litigation arising in
peacekeeping operations,
[...] including commercial claims by contractors and claims by third parties for property damage or loss and personal injury or death.
在海地,大会主席 M.A.奥莫勒瓦先生阁下应海地文化部长的邀请,于 2004 年 8 月 23 日代表教科文组织,在王子港参加了海地艺术家兼建筑师 Albert Mangonès 的作品《失踪的亡者》«Neg Mawon»纪念碑永不熄灭的火焰(加勒比各国自由和独立的象征)的点火仪 式。
The President of the General Conference, H.E. Ambassador Omolewa, at the invitation of the Haitian Minister for Culture, represented UNESCO on 23 August 2004, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, at the relighting of the eternal flame of the monument to “Neg Mawon”, the Unknown Maroon, the work of the Haitian artist and architect, Albert Mangonès (a symbol of freedom and independence throughout the Caribbean countries).
既能有效地抑杀肿瘤细胞,改善人全失调的内环境,加强机体对癌细胞的监控能力,同时诱导癌细胞 我 凋 亡 或 诱 导其分化,使癌细胞在无毒副反应的情况下逐步萎缩,从而能对胆管癌 者 产 生 较好的治疗效果,达到减轻症状,延长生命的目的。
This not only can effectively inhibit and kill cancer cells to improve the imbalanced inner environment and enhance the capacity of body itself on monitoring and controlling cancer
cells, but also it
[...] can induce cancer cell apoptosis or its differentiation, which make cancer cells gradually atrophy and therefore patients can obtain relatively [...]
better therapeutic
results with lighter symptoms and prolonged survival period.




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