单词 | 顺便 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 顺便 —in passingless common: conveniently • without much extra effort Examples:顺便说一下—by the way See also:顺 adj—favorable adj 顺 adv—along adv 顺 v—follow v • arrange v 顺—make reasonable • obey
顺便提一 下,您也可将硬盘驱动器中的所有信息传输至另一个硬盘驱动器,方法是:备份整个 旧硬盘后,将备份恢复至新硬盘。 seagate.com | By the way, you can also transfer all the information from your hard disc drive to another one by backing up the entire old hard disc and then recovering the backup to the new disc. seagate.com |
顺便提一 句,必须在从应急媒体启动前连接外部驱动器, 否则恢复环境可能无法检测到这些驱动器。 seagate.com | Incidentally, you must attach [...] the external drive(s) before booting from the rescue media, otherwise the recovery environment [...]might not detect the drive(s). seagate.com |
然而,密封的箱子可能是最具革命性的发现,有助于房屋和制表打破某些限制自由和发明 , 顺便 说 一 句,在钟表历史上最有名的打一些手腕。 zh.horloger-paris.com | However, the sealing of boxes was probably the most revolutionary discovery that has helped to houses and [...] watchmakers to break free of certain constraints and [...] to invent, incidentally, some of the [...]most famous hits in the history of watches wrist. en.horloger-paris.com |
多哈声明》提出了许多理解性的问题,我们在这 里 顺便 提 几 个。 iprcommission.org | There are a number of interpretative problems raised by the Doha Declaration, a few of which we note in passing. iprcommission.org |
顺便指出,我也欢迎在 该国南部已取得的成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Incidentally, I also welcome [...] the gains that have been made in the south of the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
与此相关,这里顺便提一下国际水文 计划的做法,批准的教科文组织有关水问题的 1 类和 2 类中心战略,为在这些机构和中心之 间以及与教科文组织大家庭其它成员之间建立工作网络和缔结合作伙伴的目的,已经把这些 中心名单公布,同时也把它们的网站与教科文组织水文门户网站实现链接并通过该门户网站 的双月简讯栏目发布它们的信息。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In this connection it should be noted that the IHP-approved strategy for UNESCO’s category 1 and category 2 water-related centres already provides for networking and partnerships between the institutes and centres and other members of the UNESCO family, including a linkage of websites with UNESCO’s water portal websites and a dissemination of information through the UNESCO water portal bimonthly newsletter. unesdoc.unesco.org |
顺便说明 ,这一提法应被理解为 既适用于国际组织本身是保存者的情况,也适用于这一职能由组织最高级官员秘 [...] 书长或总干事行使的更为一般的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | This expression should, incidentally, be understood [...] as applying both to the case where the international organization itself [...]is the depositary and to the more usual case where this function is exercised by the organization’s most senior official, the Secretary-General or the Director-General. daccess-ods.un.org |
为该地 区安排的一些活动在 32 C/5 中好象是仅仅顺便提到,因此,急需在 33 C/5 中更好地安排这 些活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It appeared that a number of activities foreseen for the region had only been treated in a tangential manner in document 32 C/5 and hence there was an urgent need to integrate them better into document 33 C/5. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我国始终认为,对话之路 是持久解决该问题的最佳选项,并敦促双方把它当 作优先事项,尽管它有公认的局限性——应 当 顺便 提一 下,这种局限性是双方缺乏政治意愿和未作正 式承诺的结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | My country has always believed that the path of dialogue is the best possible option for achieving a lasting settlement of the issue, and urges the parties to accord it pride of place, despite its proven limitations — which, it should be said in passing, are the result of deficient political will and formal commitment on the part of both sides. daccess-ods.un.org |
顺便提一句,嵌入的异物或许有助于止血,这意味着拔除异物可能比不拔掉它更有害。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Incidentally, the embedded [...] object may help block bleeding; this means that removing the object may do more harm than good. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
在最初决议草案 (A/C.1/65/L.34)中,第 4 段重复了 9 月 24 日高级别 会议的标题,顺便说一 下,这就是议程项目 162 的措 词,大会在 10 月 14 日第 30 次全体会议上在其议程 中增加了这个议程项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the original draft resolution (A/C.1/65/L.34), paragraph 4 reproduced the title of the high-level meeting held on 24 September, and that, by the way, is the wording of agenda item 162, which the General Assembly added to the agenda at its 30th plenary meeting, on 14 October. daccess-ods.un.org |
顺便说一下,别喝太多,别和我们詹姆森博士一样,醉眼朦胧的透过他那五彩的小酒杯看这个世界,新年成为他每天晕晕乎乎的借口。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | I’ve said it , so don’t get [...] too drunk like our dear old Dr. Jamesons who looks at the world through his whiskey tinted glasses [...]and uses the New Year as an excuse to legitimize his daily excesses. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
这个问题确实是一个重要问题,并受到联合国和其他 国际组织的极大重视;顺便提到 这个问题,并好像在这方面就承诺和保证不重复 的要求提出“适当不过”的标准,可能没有反映出问题的复杂性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The subject is indeed an important one that has received substantial attention by the United Nations and other international organizations, and an off-hand reference to the subject that seems to suggest a “hardly out of place” standard for the requirement of assurance and guarantees of non-repetition in this context may not reflect the complexity of the issue. daccess-ods.un.org |
顺便说一下,关于谁来操作新 L180G,员工们没有发表意 见的机会。 volvospiritmagazine.com | There have been no staff arguments, incidentally, about who should get to operate the new L180G,” says Matthews. volvospiritmagazine.com |
顺便提一下,Pangolin的专业观众安全系统(Professional [...] Audience Safety System,简称PASS)不仅提供了颜色信号和位置信号的差分接收功能,还整合了延时和手动重置功能模块,所以,这个多用途的激光灯控制板可以帮助解决在组装激光灯过程中遇到的大部分难题。 pangolin.com | As a point [...] of interest, Pangolin’s Professional [...]Audience Safety System (PASS) incorporates differential receivers for both [...]the color signals and position signals, and also implements the time delay and manual reset features, thus, this multi-purpose projector control board can help to solve some of the most difficult problems in constructing a projector. pangolin.com |
他将这样的成绩归功于精心准备的船只以及他过人的航行技术,加上卓越的计时器和天文学家Horner博士 ( 顺便 说 一 句,Horner博士出生于瑞士)。 arnoldandson.com | He doubtlessly owed this to extremely well-prepared ships and his outstanding skill as a navigator, coupled with the [...] excellence of his chronometers and the astronomer responsible for these, Dr Horner, [...] who was, incidentally, Swiss by birth. arnoldandson.com |
不到两个星期前,他会见了裁军相关组织的行政负责人和他的裁军顾问 ( 顺便说一 下,这是首次举行此类会议) ,力求通过协同努力,以创新的伙伴关系 和协同作用来推进这一关键议程。 daccess-ods.un.org | Less than two weeks ago, he met with the executive heads of disarmament-related organizations and his disarmament advisers — by the way it was the first ever such meeting — as part of his concerted efforts to promote this critical agenda through innovative partnership and synergy. daccess-ods.un.org |
顺便提一 句,在你的应用程序又再回到在线状态时你也需要知道。 developer.mozilla.org | Incidentally, you also need [...] to know when your application has returned to an online status again. developer.mozilla.org |
在旅游信息办公室隔壁的Jugend咖啡馆内品尝一下本地特色苹果酒或可口的色拉,然 后 顺便 从 另一边进去参观一下赫尔辛基市内最不同寻常的楼道(反正这边是免费开放的)。 visitfinland.com | Have a local cider or a good salad in Café Jugend on one side of the Tourist Information Office and pop into the wildest staircase (that's open anyway) in Helsinki on the other side. visitfinland.com |
顺便说一下,关于造纸生产的更多具体详细信息---从它的起源一直发展到今天,都刊登在«造纸» 这篇文章中.您可以从在线新闻阅读栏目中找到这篇文章。 news.groz-beckert.com | By the way, more detailed information on paper production from its beginnings to the present day is provided by the article "Paper Production", which you can also find in this online newsletter. news.groz-beckert.com |
我们在使用异步事件处理时还能顺便 获 得 一项优势,那就是能够监控文件的读取进度;这对于读取大文件、查找错误和预测读取完成时间非常实用。 html5rocks.com | One of the nice things that we get for free when using async event handling is the ability to monitor the progress of the file read; useful for large files, catching errors, and figuring out when a read is complete. html5rocks.com |
顺便讲一 个字应该说,大约时间撒玛利亚五经版本在西方,在阿拉姆语方言乐善好施,其中之一。 mb-soft.com | In passing a word should be said about the Samaritan version of the Pentateuch in the West-Aramaic dialect, which the Samaritans at one time spoke. mb-soft.com |
(g) 除顺便送的 礼品、惯常性招待或价值微不足道的其它好处外,不接 受转让经济好处,除非有关转让是根据必须履行的合同或有关成员 的财产权进行的 conf.montreal-protocol.org | (g) Not accept transfers of economic benefit, other than incidental gifts, customary hospitality or other benefits of nominal value, unless the transfer is pursuant to an enforceable contract or property right of the member conf.montreal-protocol.org |
当天活动曜越Tt eSPORTS的星海战将『白大妈White-Ra』亲临现场与来到摊位的观众及粉丝一起同乐, 也 顺便 让 玩 家一赌何谓【白大妈独门战术】,当然白大妈一如往常地展现超高亲和力,现场接受访问及合照,让玩家及粉丝们无不与高采烈的索取签名照,也因为如此现场的电竞产品完全被抢购一空。 ttesports.com.cn | The booth will also be the home of Tt eSPORTS Superstar Aleksey “White-Ra” Krupnyk who is competing in the Starcraft 2 Tournament at Dreamhack, but when not competing in his tournament matches you can visit and watch him at the Tt eSPORTS Booth Stage as well as ask for autographs and pictures. ttesports.es |
顺便说一下,更多关于造纸毛毯的详细信息以及格罗茨-贝克特为各种不同情况提供的解决方案刊登在了 «造纸»这篇文章中.您可以从在线新闻阅读栏目中找到 这片文章。 news.groz-beckert.com | By the way, more detailed information on paper-machine felts and the respective solutions from Groz-Beckert provided by the article "Paper Production", which you can also find in this online newsletter. news.groz-beckert.com |
德国联邦交通、建设与城市发展部部长彼得·拉姆绍尔(Peter Ramsauer)博士在德国西南部的一次正式访问的途中 , 顺便 对 位 于Schwanau的海瑞克股份公司进行了访问。 herrenknecht.cn | The German Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Development, Dr. Peter Ramsauer, dropped in on Herrenknecht AG in Schwanau on March 5th 2013 during an official trip to southwest Germany. herrenknecht.com |
特别委员会重申,必须采取统筹做法, 以 便顺 利 执 行该战略。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Committee reaffirms that an integrated approach will be necessary for the successful implementation of the strategy. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面, 审查结果说明除其他外建议,对现行的人道主义空运启动和管理安排进行审查; 向经济及社会理事会建议准则和(或)程序,以加强粮食计划署、联合国人道主义 [...] 事务协调厅和用户组织各自的问责制;将联合国航空安全和安保标准升级到大会 批准的政府间标准;拟订标准东道国协定草案,以提高空运服务的可靠性;确定 货运和客运事务的轻重缓急;在国际民用航空组织(国际民航组织)的支持下提供 [...] 国际援助,恢复和发展可靠的地方航空公司, 以 便顺 利 实 施人道主义空运撤出战 略。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this respect, it recommends, inter alia, reviewing the current arrangements to launch and manage the Humanitarian Air Service; proposing to the Economic and Social Council guidelines and/or procedures to enhance the respective accountability of WFP, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and user organizations; upgrading the United Nations aviation standards on safety and security to General Assembly-sanctioned intergovernmental standards; the preparation of a draft standard host-country agreement to increase the reliability of air services; the prioritization of cargo and passenger transport services; and the provision of international assistance with the involvement of the International Civil Aviation [...] Organization (ICAO) to restore and develop local secure [...] airlines so as to smooth the exit strategy [...]of the Humanitarian Air Service. daccess-ods.un.org |