单词 | 页岩气 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 页岩气 noun —shale gas nSee also:页 n—leaf n 岩 n—rock n • cliff n 岩 adj—rocky adj
尽管如 [...] 此,波兰政府和世界上最大的一些石油及天然气公司依然愿意 投入大量的政治和财政资源去实现波兰 的 页岩气 梦 想。 paiz.gov.pl | Nevertheless, the Polish government and some of the world’s biggest oil and [...] gas firms are still willing to commit significant capital, both political and financial, [...] to the country’s shale gas dream. paiz.gov.pl |
根据地质学家和能源顾问的预测,波 兰页岩气储量 达到3万亿立方米,使波兰成为 潜在的页岩气出口国。 paiz.gov.pl | Poland’s [...] reserves of shale gas are estimated to be as much as 3 trillion m3 by geologists and energy consultants, potentially making Poland a net exporter of gas. paiz.gov.pl |
页岩气开发 的状况非常合乎资本主义的逻辑形式:如果波兰想要 [...] 获得投资,必须保证有良好的法律以及技术成果。 paiz.gov.pl | Shale gas exploration is [...] capitalism in its most logical form: if Poland wants investment, there has to be good law and good technical results. paiz.gov.pl |
一月份,包括数名波兰政府官员在内的七人因涉及波 兰境内页岩气勘探许可证发放的贿赂行为而受到指控。 paiz.gov.pl | In January seven people, among them Polish government officials, [...] were charged with bribery in connection with the granting of licenses for the [...] exploration of shale gas on Polish territory. paiz.gov.pl |
最近的报告指出波兰将拥有大规模的 页岩气 资源。 paiz.gov.pl | Recent reports indicate that Poland [...] may have large shale gas resources. paiz.gov.pl |
月份,我们在安永会计师 事务所的同事更新了《波兰页岩气报 告》,其中列明了我们希望 在新法案中看到的基本目标:稳定性、透明度、鼓励长期投资以 [...] 及对大规模投资要有相应的激励措施。 paiz.gov.pl | In their June [...] update to the “Shale gas report – Poland,” [...]our colleagues at Ernst & Young recently set out the basic objectives [...]which we hope will be found in the new law: stability, transparency, long-term investment promotion, and incentives for large scale investments. paiz.gov.pl |
由于页岩气的开 发存在一些障碍,这种能源能否改变中国的能源格局还有待观察。 emerson.com | Whether shale gas will change [...] the energy landscape of China remains to be seen as obstacles lay ahead, however, technology [...]will play a critical role in its development. emerson.com |
但美国企业来自拥有 全球最大页岩气产业的国度, 他们有丰富的经验可与相对较 [...] 小的波兰企业分享,而且许多 美国企业似乎已经准备好了要 在 这 个 新 兴 的 高 风 险 部 门 博 上一把。 paiz.gov.pl | But coming from a country with the [...] world’s largest shale gas industry, American [...]companies possess a wealth of knowledge [...]that can be shared with smaller Polish companies, and many seem ready to bet on this emerging high-risk sector. paiz.gov.pl |
Los Toldos矿区位于内乌肯盆地西部,与巴卡穆埃尔塔岩层里最近发现的其他页岩油 和 页岩气 矿 相 比,Los Toldos矿区的地理位置更为优越。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Los Toldos blocks are located in the western region of the Neuquen Basin and are in a favorable location relative to other recent discoveries of shale oil and shale gas in the Vaca Muerta formation. tipschina.gov.cn |
专家们都认同只有在三四年后才能获得波 兰 页岩 气储量的更准确数据。 paiz.gov.pl | Experts agree that harder [...] data on Poland’s shale gas reserves will [...]only be available in three to four years’ time. paiz.gov.pl |
但最近获得最多关注的还是页岩气产 业。 paiz.gov.pl | But it is the shale gas industry [...] that has received the most attention lately. paiz.gov.pl |
尽管有少数(令人气馁的)例外 情况,页岩气产业界基本上是在等待 两大关键事项的发生:要有鼓励开发 [...] 的新法案以及业已开始的钻探能出现 积极的技术成果。 paiz.gov.pl | With only a few (discouraging) [...] exceptions, the shale gas community has [...]been waiting for two crucial things: a law which [...]promotes development and encouraging technical results from the drilling which has already started. paiz.gov.pl |
说道。 [...] 他认为,波兰需要用更高效的燃煤电厂取代陈旧落后的电 厂,而且波兰有望在地下发现大量的 页岩气 储 备。 paiz.gov.pl | Poland needs to replace its old fleet of coal-fired plants with new, more [...] efficient ones, and there are hopes that [...] large reserves of shale gas might be [...]found beneath the country’s surface, he conceded. paiz.gov.pl |
Sheila M. Olmstead及其同事研究了美国宾夕法尼亚的Marcellus页岩,并且使用对2万多个地表水质量观测的回归分析估计 了 页岩气 井 以 及处理后 的 页岩气 废 物 的释放对下游水质的影响。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Sheila M. Olmstead and colleagues studied the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania and used regression analysis of more than 20,000 surface water quality observations to estimate the effects of shale gas wells and the release of treated shale gas waste on downstream water quality. chinese.eurekalert.org |
一项研究报告说,页岩气开发可能通过增加氯化物的浓度和悬浮固体从而对地表水质量产生有害影响。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Shale gas development can adversely affect [...] surface water quality by increasing the concentration of chloride and suspended solids, a study reports. chinese.eurekalert.org |
我希望在征集各部门以及公众的意见之后,波兰将会有一套可以 鼓励页岩气开发 的法律,从而在长期上 将 页岩气 投 资 者、国家财 政和整个波兰的收入最大化。 paiz.gov.pl | Hopefully, the consultation process among Ministries, and then with the public, will allow Poland to develop a law that [...] encourages the [...] development of the shale gas industry and, in the long-term, maximizes revenue for shale gas investors, [...]the State Treasury and Poland. paiz.gov.pl |
加拿大拥有丰富的能源资源,包括煤炭 、 页岩气 、 天 然气,当然还有石油。 tipschina.gov.cn | Canada has significant energy resources [...] including coal, shale gas, natural gas [...]and of course, oil. tipschina.gov.cn |
作为非常规天然气资源的页岩气将会 持续受到各界关注,对各种非常规能源的投资将会增加。 emerson.com | Shale as a source of energy continues [...] to be in the limelight although non-traditional energy investments will increase. emerson.com |
要少大约十倍。但最大的打击可能是埃克森美孚公司在 六月从波兰撤出,原因是他们在波兰东部的两口气井缺乏持续 的商业页岩气储量 ——这件事情导致波兰国内外媒体对本 国页 岩气产业的未来出现种种揣测。 paiz.gov.pl | But perhaps the biggest shock was when, in June, ExxonMobil pulled out of Poland, citing lack of sustained commercial gas flow at two [...] wells in eastern Poland, and fueling a wave [...] of speculation by Polish and international media over the future of the shale gas industry in the country. paiz.gov.pl |
年对于波兰的页岩气产业 来说是辉煌的一年。 paiz.gov.pl | The year 2011 was a [...] brilliant one for shale gas in Poland. paiz.gov.pl |
第三届中国天然气国际高峰会议(CNGS [...] 2013)由中国石油和化学工业联合会与北京美沙会展有限公司联合主办,大会将继续聚焦于非常规能源,汇集重量级行业领袖、市场精英和高层政府官员, 对 页岩气 勘 探 开发存在的挑战和机遇进行活跃和富有启发性的讨论。 bmc-events.net | The third edition of China Nature Gas Summit (CNGS 2013) is jointly organized by the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation and BMC China Exhibition Co., Ltd. which will continue to focus on non-conventional energy and highlight the discussion of the challenges and [...] opportunities that exist in the exploration and [...] development of shale gas by bringing [...]together leaders, market elites and senior government officials. bmc-events.net |
月,美国总统奥巴马在他对波兰的第一 [...] 次国事访问中呼吁两国在能源部门进行更为紧密的合作。 关于波兰页岩气储量相互矛 盾的预估以及缺乏明确的税收 [...]监管制度使得投资者面临了一 些挑战。 paiz.gov.pl | Contradictory [...] estimates of Polish shale gas reserves and [...]a lack of clear regulation regarding taxation pose some challenges to investors. paiz.gov.pl |
页岩气作为非常规天然气资源将会持续受到各界关注。 emerson.com | Shale grabs the limelight [...] and non-traditional energy investments will increase. emerson.com |
这片页岩最近已成为阿根廷YPF公司和北美主 要 页岩气 开 发 公司包括阿帕奇、埃克森美孚、道达尔关注的焦点。 tipschina.gov.cn | The shale has recently become the focus for many of the important shale gas players [...] in North America, including Apache, [...]ExxonMobil, Total as well as YPF in Argentina. tipschina.gov.cn |
国际能源机构上月公布了一份报告,估计由 于 页岩气 开 发 的持续热潮,到这十年结束时,美国的电力成本可能比其他发达国家便宜达50%之多。 embassyusa.cn | The International Energy Agency released a [...] report last month estimating that due to the [...] ongoing boom in shale gas development, [...]electricity costs in the United States may [...]be as much as 50 percent cheaper than in other developed countries by the end of the decade. eng.embassyusa.cn |
巴卡穆埃尔塔页岩特性据信类似北美已发 现 页岩气 和 页岩 油 的 鹰滩、海恩斯维尔和霍恩河 等 页岩 油 气 藏。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Vaca Muerta characteristics are believed to be similar to shale reservoirs such as the Eagle [...] Ford, Haynesville and Horn [...] River in North America which have so far resulted in discoveries of both shale gas and shale oil. tipschina.gov.cn |
就在测量师和地质队忙于在波兰各地 测定泥页岩的位置以及弄清楚页岩气 质量的时候,波兰的页岩气行业似乎 进入了观望模式。 paiz.gov.pl | As surveyors and seismic crews criss-cross Poland, trying to more precisely locate the shale formations and ascertain their quality, the shale gas world in Poland seems to have gone into a holding pattern. paiz.gov.pl |
得益于页岩气和煤 转气技术在中国的兴起,矿物燃料将继续受到广泛关注。 emerson.com | Fossil fuels will retain the limelight thanks to the [...] emergence of shale gas and coal-to-gas [...]in China. emerson.com |
Americas Petrogas拥有已经证实的常规石油天然气储量,还拥有发展中的非常规资源,包括位于阿根廷资源丰富的内乌肯盆地 的 页岩气 、 页岩 油 和致密砂岩油气。 tipschina.gov.cn | Americas Petrogas has proven conventional oil and gas reserves, as well as evolving unconventional resource plays including shale gas, shale oil, and tight sand oil and gas in Argentina's prolific Neuquen Basin. tipschina.gov.cn |
加快发展清洁煤技术,加强煤炭清洁生产和利用,促进天然气产量快速增长,推进煤 层 气 、 页岩气 等 非 常规油气资源开发利用,安全高效发展核能,因地制宜加快水能、风能、太阳能、地热能、生物质能等可再生能源开发。 durban.china-consulate.org | It will accelerate the development of clean coal technology, push forward the production and use of clean coal, promote the rapid growth of [...] natural gas output, speed up the development [...] and utilization of such unconventional oil-gas [...]resources as coal-bed gas and shale [...]gas, safely and efficiently develop nuclear energy, and accelerate the development of renewable water, wind, solar, geothermal and biomass energy in accordance with local conditions. durban.china-consulate.org |