单词 | 音位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 音位 —phonemeExamples:亚音节单位—sub-syllabic unit
在音频混音位置我 们发现,不出所料,使用了另一款Soundcraft数字调音台。 acehk.com | At the audio mix position we find, [...] predictably, yet another Soundcraft digital board. acehk.com |
CWM7.3障板插入 [...] 如果CWM7.3以横向使用,则必须拆下MF/HF障板,并 旋转90°,使高音位于扬声器最上部。 bowers-wilkins.cn | If the CWM7.3 is to be used in [...] landscape orientation the MF/HF baffle must be removed and [...] rotated 90° so the tweeter is uppermost in [...]the installed speaker. bowers-wilkins.eu |
你可以选择大小,按钮颜色或按钮图片颜色,选择任何 MP3 音乐文件格式盒语音位置:或者是包含音乐文件到播放器或使用一个外部文件,或设置一个链接到支持 MPEG 音频流格式的播放器。 evget.com | you can choose size, button color or [...] button picture color, [...] select any music MP3 files and sound location: either to include the music file into [...]the player or use an [...]external file or set a link to radio with MPEG audio stream format supporting. evget.com |
在大规模的D-Mitri系统中,可以通过FOH 调 音位 的 大 型CueConsole 控制台进行控制,同时后台的副手可以通过OSC控制软件,使用小型的多功能触摸控制屏进行调 整,比如iPad或iPhone。 meyersound.com | An extensive D-Mitri system for a theatrical production might be operated from a largeformat CueConsole control surface at the FOH position, while backstage a second operator can make adjustments at the same time using a much smaller multitouch controller, such as an iPad or iPhone, running OSC control software. meyersound.com |
如果你的音效卡具有數位音源 IEC958 格式接頭,你可以用 2-pin 的音源 線連接到這裡。 btc.com.tw | If your sound card has a [...] digital audio IEC958 format connector, you can connect it to this digital audio output connector [...]with a 2-pin audio cable. btc.com.tw |
若您熱愛音樂並追求毫不妥協的聲音品質,這將是您擁抱 數 位音 樂 最輕鬆便利的選擇。 bang-olufsen.com | If you love music and are looking [...] for uncompromising sound quality, embrace the digital age in an easy and convenient way. bang-olufsen.com |
透過MCE遙控器的操作,快速切入您想要的數位娛樂內容:錄製數位電視或影片,個人自拍影片,流行電影, 數 位音 樂 , 數 位 相 片 ,數位廣播電台等等。 btc.com.tw | View more type of entertainment-TV/Video recording, [...] personal Video, Movie, Music, Photos, and Radio as [...]well as control the Media Center. btc.com.tw |
這不僅可讓您聽到圓潤清晰的音訊和最大低音迴響,且失真最低,也能讓您自豪的與朋友分享最愛的 數 位音 樂 , 或收聽高音量的外放。 geniusnetusa.com | This not only enables you to hear rich, clear audio, maximum bass response and minimal [...] distortion, but also you will be proud in sharing your [...] favorite digital music with friends, or listen to tunes out loud. geniusnetusa.com |
巴赫的作品巧奪天工,對後世音樂家影響深遠,無論是十九世紀的柴可夫斯基、當代作曲家帕特、抑或披頭四,無不受 這 位 「 音 樂 之 父」啟發。 hkphil.org | From super-charged versions arranged for [...] full symphonic orchestra, to the intimacy [...] of his solo cello music, this concert [...]explores the genius of J. S. Bach in ‘shuffle’ mode. hkphil.org |
出生於美國新奈爾良的Stu在一個音樂家庭中成長,其父親是 一 位音 樂 學 家,而母親則是一名歌劇家。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Probably best-known as Joe [...] Satriani’s bass player, Stu comes from a musically-gifted family. [...]His father is a musicologist [...]and his mother is an opera singer and teacher. tomleemusic.com.hk |
今日音樂製作與發行日趨數位,音樂 風 格與風景似乎可能跳脫特定都市脈絡,可是打從音樂創作靈感與動機開始,都會景觀與聲響便已占有一席之地,無論是住宅模式、氣候模式、交通模式,全都為各個城市創造顯著的都會景觀,進而發展出各種文化活動。 thisbigcity.net | Housing patterns, weather patterns, transport patterns- these features all coalesce to create the distinct urban landscape of each city, which in turn inform a variety of cultural endeavours. thisbigcity.net |
在影片叙述中,还会出现一些配角,比如一个古董级萨满法师, 一 位音 乐 老 师,蒙古传统音乐人,还有一位已退休的前社会主义政府音乐审查员,包括那些同时过着城市与乡野生活的蒙古人——他们全部都对蒙古Hip-hop音乐的未来具有的影响,有着极强的主见。 yugongyishan.com | Along the way we meet a supporting cast of characters including an ancient shaman, a music professor, traditional musicians, a retired Socialist government music censor, and Mongolians living both rural and urbanised lives – all of whom have strong opinions on what hip-hop means for the future of Mongolia. yugongyishan.com |
受到整个大厅喝彩的五位音乐家演出了一场反映非洲对 音乐的影响的复杂性和多样性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The whole audience gave them a standing ovation after they played a repertoire illustrating the complexity and variety of African influences on music elsewhere. unesdoc.unesco.org |
有了高達 3TB 的容量,使用者可以儲存多達 120 [...] 部高畫質電影、1,500 個電玩遊戲、數千張相片或大量的數 位音 樂 內 容。 seagate.com | With 3TB of capacity people can store up to 120 HD movies, 1,500 video games, thousands of photos or [...] countless hours of digital music. seagate.com |
VC880為一款具備音訊輸出功能的HDMI訊號中繼器,其可從輸入HDMI訊號中擷取並轉換音訊訊號,使用者可透過類比音源線選擇立體聲音訊,或透過光纖或同軸音源線選擇高品質 數 位音 訊 輸 出,並同時延長HDMI影音訊號的輸出。 aten.com.tw | The VC880 is an HDMI Repeater with an added audio de-embedder that extracts and converts the audio signal from the HDMI input. This means that as well as the repeated HDMI audio and video signal output, users can also choose between analog stereo audio via RCA connectors or digital audio via optical or coaxial connectors as an additional high quality audio output. aten.co.uk |
結合數位音樂檔 案與手持裝置的便利性,以及 Bang & Olufsen 揚聲器令人屏息的聲音品質。 bang-olufsen.com | Combine the [...] convenience of your digital music library – and a [...]handheld device –with the breathtaking performance of any [...]set of Bang & Olufsen speakers. bang-olufsen.com |
香港流 行文化產業在區內一直佔領先地位, 音 樂 、電影、電視片集行銷全球華人市 場。 legco.gov.hk | Hong Kong's popular cultural industries have always been [...] in a leading position: music, film and television [...]dramas are favourites of Chinese markets around the world. legco.gov.hk |
可以为多位音乐人 配备多台M-48个人混音台。 rolandsystemsgroup.com.cn | Connect as many M-48 Personal Mixers as [...] dictated by the number of musicians. rolandsystemsgroup.com |
香港音樂劇藝術學院聯同三十位音樂 劇工作坊的年輕學員,將莎士比亞名著Othello轉化成現代搖滾樂手的音樂劇,注入年輕人的激情,並在香港文化中心劇場作4場結業演出。 hkiac.gov.hk | The Hong Kong 3 Arts Musical Institute and their 30 young musical workshop participants transposed the Shakespearean classic Othello to a modern rock musical. hkiac.gov.hk |
克莱普顿拥有这幢住宅一共五年直到2003年,这幢3000平方英尺的住宅位于加利福尼亚州威尼斯海滩沿岸,住宅中包括 这 位音 乐 家的音响系统以及由盖蒂博物馆艺术家Ronald [...] Bennett专门定制设计的家具用品,自Isozaki于1987年建造这幢住宅以来,这些就已成为房屋的一部分。 tipschina.gov.cn | Owned by Mr. Clapton for five years until [...] 2003, the three thousand square foot structure along the sands of Venice Beach, CA [...] includes the musician's sound system [...]and custom furnishings [...]by Getty Museum artisan Ronald Bennett that have been a part of the property since Isozaki built the home in 1987. tipschina.gov.cn |
這位音樂監 制於1980年代後期積極將西方國家的Sub Culture帶到東京,透過其個人雜誌專欄,把這些嶄新潮流元素介紹給當時的年青讀者。 think-silly.com | Working as a music producer at the [...] time, he actively introduced various sub-cultures to the Japanese youth, bringing these [...]otherwise deserted cultures from the west to Tokyo through his column in magazine. think-silly.com |
華卓拿剛上任為紐約華爾街聖三一教堂史上 首 位音 樂 及 藝術總監,於任內同時作為聖三一合唱團、聖三一巴羅克樂團及以當代音樂為主的NOVUS [...] NY 樂團首席指揮,並統籌聖三一教堂在曼克頓和布魯克林下區舉辦一連串豐富而多元化的音樂會節目、博物館展覽、舞蹈及戲劇表演、詩歌及文學朗誦,教育及外展項目等等。 hkphil.org | In his new position as the [...] inaugural Director of Music and the Arts at [...]New York’s historic Trinity Wall Street, Wachner [...]serves as Principal Conductor of the Trinity Choir, the Trinity Baroque Orchestra and NOVUS NY, in addition to overseeing Trinity’s numerous and varied concert offerings, museum expositions, dance and theatre performances, poetry and literary readings, and educational and outreach initiatives in lower Manhattan and Brooklyn. hkphil.org |
White的乐迷,并且在期待拍摄这位音 乐 和 流行文化的现代偶像的机会。 ba-repsasia.com | I’ve been a fan of [...] Mr. White’s music for years and was looking forward to the chance to photograph such a modern icon in the world of music and popular culture,” [...]Joe says. ba-repsasia.com |
其他市場的硬碟機則意味著使用者對於智慧型數位內容管理系統的需求;93%* 的寬頻使用者將數位相片儲存於 PC 硬碟機;46%* [...] 的寬頻使用者將數位視訊儲存於 PC 硬碟機;而一樣將數位音樂儲 存於硬碟機的寬頻使用者則超過 70%*。 seagate.com | Other market drivers indicate the need for intelligent digital content management systems: 93%* of broadband users have digital still photos [...] on their PC hard drive and 46%* have digital video, plus [...] 70%* have digital music files also stored [...]on their hard drive. seagate.com |
(古典、爵士、搖滾或劇情、動作、科幻、演唱會) 數位音效控 制 (DSC) 提供各種音效設定,能完美搭配各式音樂類型與電影環境。 philips.com.tw | (Classic, Jazz, Rock or Drama, Action, Sci-Fi Concert) Digital Sound Control (or DSC) offers different sound settings tailored for specific musical styles and movie environment. philips.ca |
7.1 數位音訊輸出,使用 HDMI 輸出連線或 S/PDIF [...] 光學連接埠。 dell.com | 7.1 Digtial Audio out using HDMI [...] out connection or S/PDIF Optical port. dell.com |
这位音乐家 的人生旅程将他从芝加哥的贫民窟带到西雅图、波士顿和纽约,甚至抵达众多欧洲城市,四处表演并为当时代举足轻重的重要爵士乐手作曲,包括灵魂乐之父查尔斯(Ray [...] Charles)和基尔斯彼(Dizzy Gillespie)。 audemarspiguet.com | The musician’s journey has [...] taken him from inner city Chicago to Seattle, Boston, and New York, and on to various European [...]cities, where he played and composed for the principal jazz heavyweigts of the time, including Ray Charles and Dizzy Gillespie. audemarspiguet.com |
女士Pegah Yazdani已獲得碩士學位音樂( 鋼琴演奏)在英國倫敦大學的音樂和媒體,以及在俄羅斯的莫斯科,從久負盛名的的 Gnessin 國家音樂學院鋼琴演奏及鋼琴教學文憑。 internationalmusicacademy.ca | Ms. Pegah Yazdani has earned a [...] Master degree in Music (Piano Performance) from London College of Music and Media [...]in England, as well as [...]a Diploma in Piano Performance and Piano Pedagogy from the prestigious Gnessin State Musical College in Moscow, Russia. internationalmusicacademy.ca |
自從我們在ESnet網路核心中部署了Juniper路由器與交換器後,我們的科學家便可透過多條傳輸速率高達10 [...] Gbps的線路,收送巨量的資料,就相當於每一條線路每秒鐘傳送500小時 數 位音 樂 的 驚人資料量。 juniper.net | With Juniper routers and switches powering the core of ESnet, we're supporting massive [...] data transfers via multiple streams of data at 10 Gbps—the equivalent of [...] 500 hours of digital music per second, per line. juniper.net |