单词 | 音乐人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 音乐人 noun, plural —musicians pl音乐人 noun —musician nSee also:音乐 n—concert n • song n 音乐 pl—songs pl 乐音 n—tone n 乐音—musical note
舒尔 ULX® 专业无线接收器对于职业音乐人和音 频 安 装人员来说,在性能和价格方面都很超值。 acehk.com | The Shure ULX® Professional wireless receiver offers an exceptional value in both performance and price, [...] for both working musicians and sound installers. acehk.com |
Vox 具有雕塑质感的外形基于专业音乐人 士 使 用的专业耳内式监听器进行设计,可提供最大化的空间来表现充满力量的声音和厚重的低音。 jabra.cn | Vox’s sculpted design is based on professional in-ear [...] monitors for musicians that give maximum [...]space for powerful sound and strong bass. jabra.com |
我很欣慰现代的芬兰新音乐人没有 坐着等待政府的资助,或被动的等待大唱片公司来邀请他们。 visitfinland.com | I’m glad that new Finnish artists haven’t just waited around to get funding from the government or from large record companies. visitfinland.com |
无论您是OEM客户、电缆装配商、系统集成商、旅游机构、广播工作室 或 音乐人 – 我们都将随时为您提供专业的服务。 neutrik.com.cn | No matter whether you are an OEM customer, cable assembler, [...] system integrator, touring agency, broadcast [...]studio or neutrik.com |
除了音乐,人们还 可以到各种博物馆了解 这个国家的艺术和自然历史,剧院上演着 [...] 精彩纷呈的国内外舞蹈和戏剧节目,有四 种语言可供选择。 luxembourgforfinance.lu | Besides music, there are several [...] museums that invite people to learn more about the artistic and natural history of the [...]country, and the theatres offer a varied programme of dance and drama – both domestic and foreign - in four different languages. luxembourgforfinance.lu |
除了Esther之外,Decks4Schools的课程还由当地的DJ和专 业 音乐人 士 授 课。 clarinsusa.com | Alongside Esther, the Decks4Schools workshops are staffed [...] by local DJs and music professionals. clarinsusa.com |
每一场演出都会有来自各个国家的 音乐人 , 每 一场的演出都有不同的设计与惊喜。 yugongyishan.com | Every performance has been well received by audiences, even though the band has been together in short period. yugongyishan.com |
真正精准的音调和细节传递出的灵动 音乐 , 人 耳 才是最终的裁判。 bang-olufsen.com | To truly sense whether music comes alive with [...] the right tone and detail the human ear is still the final judge. bang-olufsen.com |
接受采访的是美国黑眼豆豆(The Black Eyed Peas)乐团音乐人will.i.am。 embassyusa.cn | The speaker is musical artist will.i.am [...] of The Black Eyed Peas. eng.embassyusa.cn |
他的最新项目是为The Hollywood Reporter的第二本年度音乐特刊拍摄著名的蓝调/摇 滚 音乐人 J a ck White。 ba-repsasia.com | His latest project was with iconic [...] blues/rock musician Jack White for The Hollywood Reporter’s 2nd Annual Music Issue. ba-repsasia.com |
对于现场表演的音乐人来讲 ,他们希望拥有独立的调音台从而得到高品质的声音及灵活的配置,M-48现场混音台可以让您控制超过40种音频源,通过16个可分配功能的立体声编组轻松的实现管理。 rolandsystemsgroup.com.cn | For the performing musician wanting the best possible sound quality and flexibility in their individual stage mix, the M-48 Live Personal Mixer offers control over 40 audio sources that can be easily managed in 16 assignable stereo groups. rolandsystemsgroup.com |
尤其在百老汇和伦敦西区的剧院中 非常流行,该系统专门为演员、公共演讲者、广播主 持 人 、 音乐人 及 歌 唱家使用。 dpamicrophones.com | Especially popular with theaters on Broadway and West End, the system is designed for actors, public [...] speakers, broadcast hosts, musicians and singers. dpamicrophones.dk |
可以为多位音乐人配备 多台M-48个人混音台。 rolandsystemsgroup.com.cn | Connect as many M-48 Personal Mixers as [...] dictated by the number of musicians. rolandsystemsgroup.com |
适用于职业音乐人和专 业音频安装人员的 UHF 系统。 acehk.com | UHF systems for working musicians and professional [...] sound installers. acehk.com |
这诗意的口才,风度和魔法suffuses [...] 9个白色的风筝,他的第一张专辑在十年吉他的新作品(在这期间他做了与他 的 音乐人 才 很 多其他精彩的时间)。 peppinodagostino.com | That poetic eloquence, grace and magic suffuses Nine White Kites, his first album of [...] new compositions for the guitar in a decade (during which time he’s done much else [...] wonderful with his musical talents). peppinodagostino.com |
与会者的职业背景各不相同,有的从事市场调研职业;有的是跨国品牌的员工,如百事可乐、可口可乐、诺基亚、联合利华等;还有一些诸 如 音乐人 、 演 员的特约嘉宾,为会场注入创意元素。 labbrand.com | Attendees were from a variety of professional backgrounds, including market research professionals, employees of global brands such as Pepsi, Coca Cola, [...] Nokia, Unilever and more, as well as special [...] guests such as musicians and actors to give [...]a creative flair to the occasion. labbrand.com |
除了完成学业之外,他还担任了好几个演奏小组的成员,并且是一位自 由 音乐人。 norway.org.cn | Besides completing his studies and being a member of many different bands he is also [...] working as a freelance musician. norway.cn |
Serene Music 音乐学院近年来都努力的默默在栽培许 多 音乐人 才 ,宗旨为“做自 己 音 乐 的 代言人”的我们,不断努力给予学生最好的学习环境及设备。 serenemusic.net | Serene Music Academy,a place that provides good facilities and various opportunities for students to make themselves “To Be Your Own Music Ambassador”. serenemusic.net |
无论是参考卡拉瓦乔的经典名作还是摩登的摇 滚 音乐人 , Di ver & Aguilar都采用与普通街拍一致,挖掘被摄者灵魂的摄影手法,精心创作没件摄影作品。 ba-repsasia.com | Whether inspired by the classical works of Caravaggio or modern day rockers, Diver & Aguilar employ the same methods of street casting and photography to find the souls of their subjects. ba-repsasia.com |
在影片叙述中,还会出现一些配角,比如一个古董级萨满法师,一位音乐老师,蒙古传 统 音乐人 , 还 有一位已退休的前社会主义政府音乐审查员,包括那些同时过着城市与乡野生活的蒙古人——他们全部都对蒙古Hip-hop音乐的未来具有的影响,有着极强的主见。 yugongyishan.com | Along the way we meet a supporting cast of characters including an ancient shaman, a music professor, traditional musicians, a retired Socialist government music censor, and Mongolians living both rural and urbanised lives – all of whom have strong opinions on what hip-hop means for the future of Mongolia. yugongyishan.com |
挪威的中小学生每年都有两次机会在学校欣赏由专 业 音乐人 演 出 的 音 乐 会。 norway.org.cn | In Norway, every pupil gets the chance to experience two [...] school concerts a year by professional musicians. norway.cn |
作为一个拥有如初学者般无尽活力的职 业 音乐人 , Mi low已经对未来做好了充分准备。 spli-t.com | A sophisticated music-scene veteran with [...] the bottomless energy of a beginner, Milow is ready for what’s next. spli-t.com |
被视为中国80后新生代代表登上过美国《TIMES》封面的演员刘芸,分享她 与 音乐人 郑 钧 的幸福爱情与家庭生活。 longines.cn | Famous singer and songwriter Mr. Li Jian start his speech with the topic of “how to write a love song”, and pour out his thoughts and [...] feeling. 80’s representative, actress Liu Yun shared her beautiful love and family life [...] with his husband, musician Zheng Jun. longines.jp |
你可以在这里试听到 [...] 他们的商业野心靠歌迷的支持,赚大把的钱,然后代替Bono成为世界上最富有 的 音乐人 , 给Coldplay担任开场嘉宾。 juefestival.com | Their business focus is to make a lot of [...] money on the back of their fan(s), replace Bono [...] as the richest musician in the world and [...]play as opening act for Coldplay. juefestival.com |
自 2004 年以来,儿童和青少年保护委员会一直负责批准儿童参与有关艺 术和娱乐的活动(4 月 [...] 29 日第 35/2004 号法令,第 138 至第 146 条规定,各实体 有义务推动文化、艺术或宣传活动,不满 16 [...] 周岁的儿童担任演员、歌手、舞 者、表演者、音乐人、模 特的,必须获得儿童和青少年保护委员会的许可,才能 [...]参加这类活动)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since 2004, the CPCJ has been responsible for giving permission to children to participate in activities related to Arts and Entertainment (Decree-law 35/2004, de 29/04, Articles 138 to 146 establishes the obligation of entities promoting cultural, artistic or publicity activities where children up to the age 16 years [...] old participate, as actors, singers, [...] dancers, performers, musicians, models, to request [...]permission from the CPCJ so they may take part in this activity). daccess-ods.un.org |
自从离开沃里克郡的乡下来到伦敦,对于在伦敦大学学院的地理系学业她多少有些漫不经心,相反地Rose与其 它 音乐人 频 繁 出没在open mic之夜,所有这些表现都为她在伦敦音乐圈立足奠定了基础。 spli-t.com | After arriving in London from rural Warwickshire ostensibly to read geography at University College [...] London, Rose instead sought out open mic [...] nights and other musicians, performed constantly [...]and worked to establish herself in the London scene. spli-t.com |
超过10位知名创意人参与此次展览,包括当代艺术家林天苗、马秋莎、陈维、陈蔚、胡晓媛,纽约时报主编Kally Doe,以及合作中的摄影师许熙正和 音乐人 李 剑 鸿。 sanlitunvillage.com | More than 10 creative artists will attend the exhibition, including contemparary artists Lin Tianmiao, Ma Qiusha, Chen Wei, Chen wei, Hu Xiaoyuan, [...] Chief Editor of The New York Times Kally Doe, and JNBY's collabrating photographer [...] Xu Xizheng and musician Li Jianhong. sanlitunvillage.com |
由世纪音乐大专课程毕业的毕业生可以从事音乐演奏家、老师、 音 乐 制 作 人 、 音乐 学 家 、音乐导师、声乐家、音乐传记写作家、节目导演、音乐评论家、音乐编曲、音乐记者、音乐研究员、乐团演奏家、指挥家和音乐教育家。 systematic.edu.my | Graduates of the SEGi Diploma in Music can pursue careers including: Music Instrumentalist, Teachers, Music Producer, Musicologist, Music Supervisor, Vocalist, Music Biographer, Programme Director, Music Critic, Music Arranger, Music Journalist, Music Researcher, Orchestra Performer, and Conductor & Music Educator. systematic.edu.my |
吉胡阿依的音乐在中国已经有超过一亿的下载量,而且她极有可能成为第一位真正攻入西方 音 乐 市 场的 华 人音乐 艺 人。 spla-t.com | Ayi Jihu had had over 100 million [...] downloads in China, and that she in danger of becoming the [...] first Chinese musician to truly break the Western music market. spla-t.com |