

单词 音乐之声

See also:

音乐 pl

songs pl


Ritz (cracker brand)

声音 n

sound n
sounds pl
voices pl
noise n

External sources (not reviewed)

从最时髦流行的摇滚,最贴近生活的民谣,到最传统的非物质文化遗产,“陕西腔调”的组合本身就充满了文化底蕴的沉淀和魅力,他们将以独特厚重的陕西独 音乐之声 冲 刷 观众习以为常的演出体验。
From the most authentic folk tunes to edgy and modern rock sound, Shaanxi Qiangdiao will combine outstanding traditions and cultural heritage and assimilated achievements of foreign civilizations to bring to the audience the unforgettable experience.
我们最微型的超音之一, ASW608,看起来轻巧而不张扬,但却具备庞大、竞争产品无法匹敌 声乐 功 效 ,部分归因于其200瓦ICEpower放大器。
One of our most diminutive subwoofers, the ASW608 may look neat and unassuming, but it packs an acoustic punch that’s more than a match [...]
for some of its bulkier, more
ungainly rivals, thanks in part to its 200W ICEpower amplifier.
2003年,他和来自“波尔罗格和克罗姆希尔”乐队(Ballrogg- and Chrome Hill)的贝斯提琴手安特曾和来自“克里斯特•克努森”乐队(Christer Knutsen)的鼓手豪克森在位于奥斯陆的挪 音 乐 学 院共同成立了“乡 之声 ” 乐 队。
He formed In The Country with Ballrogg- and
Chrome Hill bass player
[...] Roger Arntzen and Christer Knutsen drummer Pål Hausken at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo in 2003.
无论声音多低或多高,Dolby Volume 均可保持 声音的平衡:对话音乐、声道效 果以及音乐唱 片中歌唱家或乐器演奏家的精彩表演。
No matter how soft or loud you play it, with Dolby Volume everything is always in balance: dialogue, music, and effects on soundtracks, and vocalists and instrumentalists on music recordings.
费尔蒙酒店及度假村可通过各种方式为宾客提供 EMI 唱片公司歌手的畅销歌曲,例如为您健身时准备并录有 500 首歌曲的费尔蒙 MP3 播放列表、网上费尔音乐商店提供的独享发布和下载折扣,以及在全球指定酒店提供新潮现场表演的全新“费尔 之声 ” 计 划。
Fairmont Hotels & Resorts has access to bestselling EMI artists through a variety of outlets; through Fairmont’s 500-song MP3 play list during your workouts, to exclusive releases and
download discounts at the
[...] online Fairmont  Music Store, to the exciting new Sounds of Fairmont program featuring new and emerging live performances at select properties around the world.
作为新一届“麦当之声”歌 咏比赛的冠军得主,Hamilton获得了2.5万美元奖金,同时还将为梦工厂动画即将推出的一部动画片配音,赢得获 音乐 制 作 人Ron Fair的唱片合约,参加麦当劳在当地市场投放的一部电视广告的拍摄,并在可口可乐公司安排下前往美国洛杉矶观看美国偶像(美国真人秀电视节目)决赛。
As the new Voice of McDonald's winner, Hamilton receives $25,000, lends her voice to an upcoming DreamWorks Animation movie, a recording contract with award-winning producer Ron Fair, an appearance [...]
in an upcoming McDonald's TV
commercial in her market, and, compliments of Coca-Cola, a VIP trip to the American Idol finals in Los Angeles.
告别桑乐声之后, 船队又将辗转4,800海里,前往美国迈阿密,然后穿越大西洋,航行3,590海里,抵达葡萄牙的里斯本。
After leaving the sounds of the samba, the [...]
fleet covers 4,800 nautical miles to Miami, USA, before the Atlantic crossing
of 3,590 nautical miles to Lisbon, Portugal.
不过,由声音和语 音是人类生活和文化的不可分割的一部分,因此找到厌烦和 乐之 间 的平衡至关重要。
However, as sound and speech are integral to human life and culture, it is crucial to find a balance between annoyance and enjoyment.
委员会意识到,鉴于各之间的相互依存程度日益加大,因此确 保采取适当的全球经济政策以保持本区域的活力日趋重要,并认为, 本区域需要努力确保其在全球经济政策论坛上 声音 能 够 得到关注, 为此建议秘书处继续推动亚太区域形成一个协调划一 声音 、 并 通过 各种高级别磋商把本区域的意见反映给 G20 国集团峰会等相关的多边 和政府间论坛。
Aware of the growing
[...] importance of ensuring appropriate global economic policies to sustain the dynamism of the region due to growing interdependence among economies, the Committee considers that it is necessary for the region to ensure that its voice is heard at global economic policymaking forums and therefore recommends that the secretariat continue the important work of facilitating the formation of a coordinated regional voice and bringing the [...]
Asia-Pacific perspective
to relevant multilateral and intergovernmental forums, including G20 summits, through high-level consultations.
音乐作品 -各种形式的乐曲、歌词、歌曲和 声 ( 乐 谱 、 CD、 MP3文件等)。
Musical works musical compositions, lyrics, songs and ring tones, in all types of formats (sheet music, CDs, MP3 files, etc).
亦将特别侧重通过提高经济增长来推动扩大区域一体化和提高各 国的韧性,通过在各国内部和各国之间减少经济和社会差异的方式实 现各项千年发展目标,同时适当地注意到两性平等方面的问题,促进
[...] 针对关于发展问题和挑战及金融问题的各种全球性进程形成亚太区域 协调一致声音,其中包括 G-20 峰会的各项成果,并在加强各之间 的 相互协作、以及在确定促进可持续的农业和粮食安全方面的区域协 同增效作用/和互补关系两个方面探索各种创新办法和手段。
Special emphasis will be placed on efforts to promote greater regional integration and resiliency through increased economic growth, to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in ways that reduce economic and social disparities within as well as across countries, with due attention given to the gender
dimension, to foster a regional coordinated voice on various global processes on development issues and challenges and on financial issues, including the outcomes of the Group of Twenty summits, and to explore innovations in strengthening collaboration and identifying regional synergies/complementarities in promoting sustainable agriculture and food security.
她曾在伊斯坦布尔美术学院学习绘画,在伊斯坦布尔市 音乐 学 院学 习 声乐。
She studied painting at the Istanbul Academy of Fine Arts.
这次我们参加合唱节的阵容强大,由著名指挥家、北美合唱协会会长乔万钧先生领衔,东方之声合唱团团长周云深为领队,由来自麻州的波士顿东方 声 合 唱 团,北美合唱协会 乐 合 唱团,Acton 爱之声合唱 团,Andover合唱团,Framingham世纪合唱团,Sharon雪伦合唱团,黄河合唱团,来自罗德岛州的罗德岛合唱团,来自康州的中华联谊合唱团,和来自佐治亚州亚特兰大的东方 声 艺 术团, 四州共十个合唱团的七十五位精英加盟组成,可谓珠连壁合,大军浩荡!大家热 音乐 , 热爱合唱,十分向 音乐 圣 地 维也纳,非常珍惜这个难得的机会。
Led by president of North America Choral Association Qiao Wanjun and head of BEHC Mr. Zhou Yunshen, the Chorus included members from BEHC, North America Philharmonic Chorus, the Acton Love of Music Choir, Andover choir, Framingham century choir, Sharon Choir, Choir of the Yellow River, the choir Rhode Island Chinese choir and Connecticut China Friendship chorus group, and the Voice of Oriental Art Troupe from Atlanta, Georgia.
除了创音乐之外,让艺术为人所知是音乐家的重要 任务,林肯公园就是这方面的典范。
as well as creating music, a big part of being a musician is [...]
getting the art out there and linkin park is exemplary in that regard.
它设定早期反 射是在声音之后多长时间开始。
This sets how
[...] long after the dry sound the Early Reflections [...]
will begin.
网站含有(或您可能通过网站或服务获得)通往其他网站(“第三方网站”)以及属于第三方或来自于第三方的文章、照片、文字、图形、图片、设计 音乐 、 声音 、 视 频、信息、软件和其他内容(“第三方内容”)的链接。
The Site contains (or you may be sent through the Site or the Services) links to other websites ("Third Party Sites") as well as
articles, photographs, text, graphics,
[...] pictures, designs, music, sound, video, information, [...]
software and other content belonging
to or originating from third parties (the "Third Party Content").
为了推动这一进程,暴力侵害儿童问题特别代表将作为独立 声音 和 全 球倡 导者开展活动,将使预防暴力和保护儿童不受一切形式的暴力问题明显列在国际 议之上,并在所有地区以及在暴力有可能发生的所有环境里作为沟通者和行动 促进者;特别代表将促进信息分享和经验的交流,促进基于证据的预防暴力办 法,保障每个儿童不受暴力侵害。
To move this process forward, the Special Representative on violence
against children will act
[...] as an independent voice and a global advocate, keeping violence prevention and the protection of children from all forms of violence high on the international agenda, and as a bridge-builder [...]
and a catalyst
of actions in all regions and in all settings where violence against children may occur; she will promote informationsharing and cross-fertilization of experiences, stimulating evidence-based approaches to preventing violence and safeguarding the right of each child to freedom from violence.
夜幕降临,您可以置身于Diamond Heart曼妙音乐之中, 细品最爱的饮品和小吃,度过一个放松惬意的夜晚。
Music from the Diamond Heart Duo complements [...]
a relaxing evening with your favourite beverages and snacks in the popular hotel meeting place.
1999 年: 利用以《波希米亚人》参声乐赛获 奖的青年歌唱家在纽约、上海、东京举音 乐会。
1999: Concerts in New York, Shanghai and Tokyo with the young singers who won the “La Bohème” singing competition.
网站上所有内容,包括但不限于设计、文字、图片、照片、动画、视频、信息、软件 音乐 、 声音 以 及其他文件及其选择和安排(“网站内容”),均为公司或其许可人的专有财产,保留所有权利。
All content on the Web site, including but not limited to designs, text,
graphics, pictures, animation, video,
[...] information, software, music, sound and other files, [...]
and their selection and arrangement
(the "Site Content"), are the proprietary property of the Company or its licensors with all rights reserved.
Dolby Volume 可保留在较低播放级别下可能丢失的细节 (如环绕氛围),并维持音元素( 如 声乐 ) 与 其余音的重要关联。
Dolby Volume preserves details like surround ambience that can get lost at
lower playback levels, and maintains the critical
[...] relationship of mid-range elements, like vocals, to the rest of the mix.
尽管海外广播受到干扰,但美之音 、 BB C、自由亚洲电台、德 之声 和 法 国国际广播仍然拥有大量听众,其中包括活跃分子、普通公民和政府公务员。
Despite jamming overseas broadcasts, VOA, BBC, RFA, Deutsche Welle, and Radio France International had a large audience, including rights advocates, ordinary citizens, and government officials.
重要: 耳机上的拨音信号只有在使用以下 声之 一 的情况下才能传输。如:Standard(标准) / Classic(经典) / Cold River(冷河) / Dooing-Dooing。
[...] The dial tone signal in the headset is only transmitted if one of the following ringtones is used, e.g. [...]
Standard / Classic / Cold River / Dooing-Dooing.
我们给邮轮取名为“序曲号”是为了向欧洲伟大的交 乐 作 曲 家们表示敬意:从贝多芬的浪漫到莫扎特的活力,还有德彪西、柴可夫斯基、勃拉姆斯的现 之音。
MSC Sinfonia is named in homage to the rousing symphonies of Europe's great classical composers: from Beethoven's romantic masterpieces to Mozart's lively works, paired with the contemporary tones of Debussy, Tchaikovsky and Brahms.
请记住,如果您的孩子似乎突然间听力变差了,或者开始比平时更大声说话、将电视 音乐声 调 得很响,又或者耳朵流水,请务必带您的孩子去看耳鼻喉科医生。
Remember, if your child suddenly seems to hear
less than normal or
[...] starts speaking louder than usual, turns up the TV or music, or experiences [...]
fluid discharge from the
ear, a visit to your ENT doctor is strongly recommended.
激情和对比度是界定Sofia Jannok音乐的两 个关键词:温暖和风度存在于她清晰、有力的 音之 中 ; 对比度则来自于她的萨米人背景和 音乐 中 的创造力和世界主 音乐。
Passion and contrast are two
[...] defining keywords for Sofia Jannok’s music: the warmth and presence in her clear, powerful voice; and the contrastbetween her Sami background and the creativity and cosmopolitanism of her music.
小岛屿之声全球 论坛正在成为一个日益强大的工具:论坛中有关岛屿脆弱性的讨论 [...]
促使帕劳的合作伙伴建立了一个有关岛屿脆弱性问题的区域间网上讨论小组;以及南太平洋应用地 球科学委员会(SOPAC)等其他组织要求写出具体专题的概要。
The SIV Global Forum is becoming [...]
an increasingly powerful tool: discussion on island vulnerability has inspired partners
in Palau to establish an interregional island vulnerability electronic discussion group; and other organizations such as the South Pacific Applied Geosciences Commission (SOPAC) have requested that specific topics be profiled.
音乐家的 人生旅程将他从芝加哥的贫民窟带到西雅图、波士顿和纽约,甚至抵达众多欧洲城市,四处表演并为当时代举足轻重的重要爵士乐手作曲,包括灵 乐之 父 查 尔斯(Ray Charles)和基尔斯彼(Dizzy Gillespie)。
The musician’s journey has taken him from inner city Chicago to Seattle, Boston, and New York, and on to various European cities, where he played and composed for the principal jazz heavyweigts of the time, including Ray Charles and [...]
Dizzy Gillespie.
安理会还在关于“恐怖主义行为对国际和平与安全造成的威胁”的第 1373/2001 号决议(安理会“关切地注意到国际恐怖主义与跨国有组织犯罪、非法 药物、洗钱、非法贩运军火、非法运送核、化学、生物和其他潜在致命材 之间 的 密切联系”和关于“非洲和平与安全”的主 声 明 (S /PRST/2009/32)(“安理 会关切地注意到,贩毒和相关的跨国有组织犯罪在一些情况下对包括非洲在内的 世界不同区域的国际安全构成严重威胁”)中,从较广泛的角度审议了该问题)。
It also considered the issue from a more general point of view in resolution 1373 (2001) on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts (the Council “[noted] with concern the close connection between international terrorism and transnational organized crime, illicit drugs, money-laundering, illegal arms-trafficking, and illegal movement of nuclear, chemical, biological and other potentially deadly materials”) and in the presidential statement (S/PRST/2009/32) on peace and security in Africa (“the Security Council notes with concern the serious threats posed in some cases by drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime to international security in different regions of the world, including in Africa”).




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