单词 | 韬光养晦 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 韬光养晦 —lit. cover light and nurture in the dark (idiom); to conceal |
前领导人邓小平号召中国 要“冷静观察、站稳脚根、沉着应付 、 韬光养晦 、 善于 守拙、绝不当头”。 crisisgroup.org | Former leader Deng Xiaoping called for China to: “Observe calmly; secure our posi crisisgroup.org |
大小两股伊斯兰圣战力量相辅相成:大型组织可 [...] 以为宗教对外联络活动提供资金,从而帮助小组 织吸纳新成员;大型组织还可以提供人员来翻译 [...] 和传播从极端网站下载的支持小组织理念的英文 或阿拉伯文材料;大型组织可以在 韬光养晦 的同 时为小组织提供掩护,而且与其保持足够距离来 [...]与暴力行径脱清干系。 crisisgroup.org | They can maintain plausible [...] deniability for acts of violence while trying to [...]rebuild their ranks, while at the same time [...]providing the cover under which small groups emerge. crisisgroup.org |
不過,國家透過艱苦奮鬥、韜光養 晦,度過了建國初期的艱難歲月。 legco.gov.hk | After a period of arduous struggles and recuperation, the State managed to ride out the hard times in the early days of the founding of the country. legco.gov.hk |
清晨的菌类不会懂得什么是晦朔, 寒蝉也不会懂得什么是一年的 时 光。 chinesestoryonline.com | The mushroom of a morning does not know what takes place between the beginning and end of a month; the short-lived cicada does not know what takes place between the spring and autumn. chinesestoryonline.com |
为避免涂油的地板变得晦暗干 燥,请定期涂刷一层博纳油 保 养 剂 ,以增加地板的抗水性和防尘性。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | To avoid oiled floors becoming dull and dry, apply a coat of Bona Oil Refresher regularly to increase the floor’s resistance to water and dirt. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
另一位FID学生王韬棋所设计的背心裙,则为他带来「最具市场价值奖」,作品以黑色水貂和波斯羊毛剪裁而成,衬以中式长衫领子及黑色狐毛小披肩。 hkdi.edu.hk | It was made by black mink and Persian wool with gown collar and black fox hair shawl in Chinese style. hkdi.edu.hk |
现场上门保养 服务含激光机功 率评估,以提高总体系统性能和使用寿命。 markem-imaje.com.cn | On site maintenance visit includes a laser power evaluation designed [...] to increase overall system performance and lifetime. markem-imaje.com |
我們公司韜光養晦,對 未來有長遠的規劃,您的未來也在我們的藍圖裡。 xango.com.tw | This is a company with serious staying power and big plans for the future. xango.com.au |
在随后的嘉宾访谈环节,王斯成先生、Rothacher先生、张宝全先生、宋爱珍女士、西门子太阳能和水电集团战略发展部总监Heyne先生、中国鉴衡认证中心秦海岩主任、EXXERGY公司董事长 尚 韬 诚 先 生、拜尔能源公司副总裁郭泰然先生和德国沃尔索太阳能总裁施睿先生与现场观众就中 德 光 伏 市 场机遇和中德电站项目开发中外国企业的参与等问题进行了热烈的讨论。 econet-china.com | Mr. Jean-Christoph Heyne, Director of Global Solar & Hydroelectric Power, Siemens, Mr. Qin Haiyan, Director of China General Certification Center, Mr. Thomas C. Sauer, CEO of EXXERGY GmbH, Mr. Guo Tairan, Vice President of BaySolar AG and Mr. Stefan Riel, Wirsol Solar Technology presented their perspectives in solar industry and joined the discussion on the possibility of Sino-German cooperation to participate in each other’s solar projects. econet-china.com |
加倍努力普及科学教育,修改教科文组织科学教育资料读物、制作关于科学教育方面的能力培 养工具光盘, 并支持旨在促进女孩和妇女参与科学的活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Efforts towards the popularization of science education have multiplied, ranging from the revision of the [...] UNESCO Sourcebook on science teaching, the [...] development of a CD-ROM on capacity-building [...]tools in science education, and the [...]support of activities aiming at promoting the participation of girls and women in science. unesdoc.unesco.org |
投 资和收入通过在厄立特里亚设立的多种且处于不同发展阶段、常常是企业化的机 构输送,而晦涩的合同安排进一步使全面评价的进行变得更为复杂。 daccess-ods.un.org | Investments and revenues are channelled through diverse and often corporate structures, which have been established in Eritrea and are in various stages of development. daccess-ods.un.org |
他还回顾,一些国家批评该标题过于 晦 涩。 daccess-ods.un.org | He also recalled that some States had criticized [...] the title as being obscure. daccess-ods.un.org |
这意味着我们需要对每一台设备进行精细 的检查,检查每一个部件,将它们拆卸后对所有故障 或缺陷进行修复,然后再将其重新组装在一起,”沃尔 沃建筑设备公司中国区客户支持部副总裁 顾 韬 说 道。 volvospiritmagazine.com | It will mean going over every vehicle with a fine tooth comb, inspecting every single piece, taking them apart, rectifying any faults or weaknesses and then putting them back together again,” says William Gu, General Manager of Volvo Construction Equipment’s China Customer Support department. volvospiritmagazine.com |
长卷是王韬程所 钟爱的形式,对东方古典审美与日本设计的偏好已在他心底积累成某种自然而发的东西,然而又能做到不拘泥于空间形式或是视觉符号,使得观者时不时为他的思维升起一丝疑惑与惊异。 作品阐述: (1)浪漫的人,中国墨水,铅笔,水彩色,宣纸,茶水,677x33cm,2009 [...] [...] 描述:本卷描述了上海曲阳路玉田新村的一小户人家的生活琐事。 shanghaibiennale.org | Wang Taocheng Statements: (1) Romantic People, Chinese ink, tea and pencil on rice paper, 677x33cm, 2009. shanghaibiennale.org |
因此,我希望隨 我們最近聽到的㆒些言論而來的是㆒些有建設性 [...] 的行動。我還希望我們不要再像過去多個月來那樣,只是透過傳播媒介發表㆒個又㆒個的意 [...] 見,而是要實際㆞去做香港㆟希望我們做的事,就是以香港本身及其作為㆞區性交通樞紐的利 益為重,而不是為了達到操縱大局的 隱 晦 政 治 目的,㆒同在談判桌㆖把這些問題解決。 legco.gov.hk | So, I hope that constructive actions can follow some of the words that we have heard recently and that instead of offering one another advice across the airwaves, as has been happening for month after month after month, we will actually do what people in Hong Kong would like us to do, which is to resolve these questions around the table with the interests of Hong Kong and Hong Kong's position [...] as a regional transport hub at heart rather than [...] some perhaps more obscure political reason dictating [...]the pace of events. legco.gov.hk |
计算得出的氧气百分饱和度, 是区别自养生产力剩余(有机质/营养 盐 从 真 光 层 输 出)、 自 养 和 异 养 过 程的平衡(将有机碳 营养盐保存在真光层)状 况的一个量度标准。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Such rapid analyses of marine biogeochemical processes are valuable in forecasting harmful algal blooms (HAB), management of fish-farms and shell-fish-farms, public health regarding bathing waters, and the management of estuarine pollution. unesdoc.unesco.org |
雖然中國政府致力打 造有利於設備租賃的營商環境,惟仍存在不少窒礙行業 發展及結構強化的因素,例如複雜的監管環境及被視為 晦澀難懂的稅制。 cflg.com.hk | While the government has made strides in developing a favorable equipment leasing environment, there still are impediments to a strong and structurally sound industry, including a complicated regulatory environment and what has been described as an arcane tax system. cflg.com.hk |
我已涂刷完一层保养剂,现在地板光 泽 不 均匀。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | I have applied one coat of [...] the Refresher and now my floor has an uneven sheen. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
(b) 不活跃地点,主要侧重于这些地点的 光 合 营 养 资 源 ,也可能包括硫和金 属氧化作用的新陈代谢路径。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The inactive sites, focusing [...] primarily on their trophic resources of photosynthetic [...]origin and possibly also on the [...]metabolic pathways for the oxidation of sulphur and metals. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而 ,當㆗所涉 及的財 務 風險仍屬偏低 , 而且目前政府大概亦已隱晦㆞承擔這 種 風 險。 legco.gov.hk | The financial risk should however be low, and it is probably one that the Government implicitly bears at present in any case. legco.gov.hk |
后来,我从一个网站(网址:http://itextsharp.sourceforge.net/index.html)中看到了专门制作PDF文件的控件的介绍,暗喜之余,立马下载试验,果然非常轻松地制作出了想要的PDF文件,因为网站为英文,内容又多,读起来非常费力,在解决了自己的问题后,看到许多网友还在为PDF文件制作而郁闷,遂决定将该内容翻译为中文,由于本人英语水平一般,许多地方 又 晦 涩 难 懂,故翻译质量不是很满意,敬请斧正,但大部分能看懂。 oapdf.com | Later, I learned from a website (URL: http://itextsharp.sourceforge.net/index.html) see the production of a special control PDF documents, the feel pleased but not show while downloading immediately test was very easy to create a the desired PDF file, as site for the English, the contents of another, very easy to read, in resolving its own problems, many users still see PDF document production and depressed, decided that the content translated into Chinese, I [...] generally as a result of the standard of [...] English in many places obscure and difficult to understand, [...]it is not very satisfied with [...]the quality of translation, please¸«Õý, but most can read. oapdf.com |
特别是,第 2 款连同第 3 款,有可能发展为一项重要规则,但目前的措辞是模糊、 隐 晦 和 无力 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, paragraph 2, together with paragraph 3, had the [...] potential to be elaborated into an important rule, yet as presently [...] formulated, it was vague, obscure and the drafting was weak. daccess-ods.un.org |
相反, [...] 在經濟出現持續蕭條的時段,雖然會令上層社會暫時蜷縮起來, 韜 光養 晦,但 價格的持續下降,使勞動階層的實際生活不一定變壞......經濟 [...] 增長緩慢甚至衰退,還有另外一些好處......經濟長周期的下浪往往會 刺激文化活動蓬勃發展,例如在1815年後,浪漫主義使已屆暮年的歐洲 煥發青春的熱情。 legco.gov.hk | The disparity between the rich and the poor worsened. On the contrary, in times of continuing recession, the upper [...] stratum of society might huddle up [...] temporarily to keep a low profile, but since the [...]prices would fall continuously, the standard [...]of living of the working class would not necessarily worsen …… There were other good points in times of slow economic growth or even depression …… The low tide of a long economic cycle would usually stimulate the rapid development of cultural activities. legco.gov.hk |
云南磷化集团最老的机器已经在非常富有挑战性 的地形中完成了 20,000 个工时,露天磷矿里遍布各种陡峭的 斜坡,看上去就好像被小行星撞过的地球,” 顾 韬 解 释 说,“但 是当我们完成这个项目时,所有机器都将和新的一样好用。 volvospiritmagazine.com | The oldest of YPC’s vehicles has completed 20,000 operating hours in very challenging terrains – open phosphate mines are full of steep gradients and look as if the earth has been hit by asteroids,” explains William. volvospiritmagazine.com |
上光保养剂不 可与博纳保养剂等聚氨酯漆一起重新涂刷。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | Polish is not re-coatable with polyurethane finishes including Bona Refresher. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
这些建议涉 及到一些至关重要的安全控制,例如:(a) 航空科和航空安全股人员的适当配备; (b) 航空应急计划的测试;(c) [...] 制定和执行标准作业程序;(d) 在航空终端有足 够的 X 光机和机场保养。 daccess-ods.un.org | These related to critical safety controls such as: (a) adequacy of staffing of Aviation Sections and Aviation Safety Units; (b) testing of aviation emergency response plans; (c) development and [...] implementation of standard operating procedures; and [...] (d) adequacy of X-ray machines and maintenance [...]of airfields at air terminals. daccess-ods.un.org |
在涂刷保养剂的第一周内,可通过使用所谓的剥离剂或 上 光 保 养 剂 去 除剂等强碱性清洁剂(pH 值约为 11)将保养剂溶解,从而达到清除目的。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | Within the first week from the date of application the Refresher can usually be removed by dissolving it with a strong alkaline cleaning agent (pH around 11) such as a so called stripper or polish remover. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
所以我们正在竭尽全力教育并启发人 们用更好的方式做事情,同时在我们将在服务项 目中添加大量高附加值零部件产品以吸引客户,” 顾韬说, “总有一天,客户会开始关注长期成本和 效率,不再只顾眼前。 volvospiritmagazine.com | That’s why we’re doing a lot of work to educate people towards a better way of doing business – while packing a lot of value-added components into our offers to attract customers,” says William. volvospiritmagazine.com |
我们服务过的客户:中华人民共和国司法部、国务院法制办、最高人民法院出版社、律商联讯(LexisNexis)、CCH、北大法宝、大成律师事务所、中银律师事务所、 观 韬 律 师 事务所等。 boeyi.com | Our clients: the Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China, Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council P.R. China, Press of the Higher People’s Court of Beijing, LexisNexis, CCH, PKU Law, Dacheng Law Offices, Zhong Yin Law Firm, Guantao Law Firm, and more. boeyi.com |
你甚至可以 说,赋予了它们第二次生命,”顾韬 微 笑 着说,“进行一次全 面的大修后,设备将拥有完整的质保期,而其成本只是更换 机器的几分之一。 volvospiritmagazine.com | A second life, if you like,” smiles William, “with a full warranty and at a fraction of the cost needed to replace them. volvospiritmagazine.com |