单词 | 鞋履 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 鞋履 noun —footwear nless common: footwear manufacturing n See also:鞋 n—footwear n • shoe n 履 n —shoe n 履—tread on
來自西班牙的CAMPER自1975年成立以來,不斷把傳統造鞋技術及創意突破融合,令高質素 的 鞋履 產 品漸漸演變為一種獨特的生活風格。 think-silly.com | CAMPER is a Spain company that is [...] established in 1975, and has been integrating innovative ideas [...] into traditional shoe-making technology [...]since its establishment. think-silly.com |
成立於香港的鞋履品牌 The Shoe Shop用上優質進口皮革,為客人帶來精心設計的時尚款式。 ilovelkf.hk | Established in Hong Kong, The Shoe Shop specialises in [...] sleek and stylish footwear, using imported leather. ilovelkf.hk |
PVC塑膠用於多種消費品,例如仿皮用品、雨衣 、 鞋履、 傢 俬布、地板、電線及電纜、檯布、浴簾、食物包裝物料、 [...] 醫療器材和兒童玩具。 legco.gov.hk | PVC is used in various consumer products such as imitation [...] leather, rainwear, footwear, upholstery, flooring, [...]wire and cable, tablecloths, shower [...]curtains, food packaging materials medical equipment and children's toys. legco.gov.hk |
Coach總部設於紐約,是美國著名男女裝高貴飾物的時尚品牌,產品包括手袋、專業手提袋、傢俱、旅遊飾物、銀包 、 鞋履 、 手 錶及其他相關飾物。 ipress.com.hk | Coach, with headquarters in New York, is a leading American marketer of fine accessories and gifts for women and men, including handbags, women¡¦s and men¡¦s small [...] leathergoods, business cases, weekend and [...] travel accessories, footwear, watches, outerwear, [...]jewelry, sunwear, and related accessories. ipress.com.hk |
根據《進出口(登記)規例》(第60章,附屬法例E),進出口商就其進口及出口的貨品須按照法定的收費率繳交"報關費",而若出口的貨品屬載列於《工業訓練(製衣業)條例》(第318章)附表1的港製成衣 及 鞋履 項 目 ,更須額外繳付"製衣業訓練徵款",以作製衣業訓練局("訓練局")的培訓用途。 legco.gov.hk | According to the Import and Export (Registration) Regulations (Cap. 60 sub. leg. E), importers and exporters are required to pay "declaration charges" according to statutory rates in respect of the articles they import and export, and if the [...] articles exported are Hong [...] Kong-manufactured clothing and footwear items specified in Schedule [...]1 to the Industrial Training [...](Clothing Industry) Ordinance (Cap. 318), exporters are required to pay an additional "clothing industry training levy" which will be used by the Clothing Industry Training Authority ("CITA") for training purposes. legco.gov.hk |
这个画廊般的空间是这一因其多彩PVC果冻鞋和高端设计合作而闻名的巴 西 鞋履 品 牌 在美国的第一家零售店。 ba-repsasia.com | The gallery-like space is the first American store for [...] the Brazilian footwear brand, known for its colorful PVC jelly shoes and high-end [...]design collaborations. ba-repsasia.com |
Cucinelli专门店不单售卖山羊绒针织服装,还包括长裤、牛仔裤,以 及 鞋履 、 手袋、手提箱和腰带等各种饰品。 iwc.com | Cucinelli boutiques sell not only cashmere knitwear, but trousers, jeans and a grand assortment of [...] accessories such as shoes, bags, suitcases [...]and belts. iwc.com |
專營男士鞋履的Ta ssels位於安蘭街,店內陳列了不少國際頂級 的 鞋履 品 牌 ,亦設度身訂造服務。 ilovelkf.hk | Specialists in luxury gentlemen's footwear, Tassels' On Lan Street showroom carries some of the world's [...] finest shoe... ilovelkf.hk |
太古資源購入法國高級鞋履品牌 Repetto在香港的獨家經銷權。 swirepacific.com | Swire Resources acquires the exclusive distributorship for [...] luxury French shoe brand Repetto [...]in Hong Kong. swirepacific.com |
之後她更創立了自己的公司禧辰有限公司,致力代理法國品牌: [...] 包括Lanvin,及尚未為人熟悉但極具潛質的品牌如Pylones (家品), [...] Cristel (廚房設備), Pataugas (鞋履)及一些高級農產品牌如Rucher [...]de l’Ecole, Truffettes de France, Le Potager sucré, Kaviari。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | In 1997, Ms. Yu created her own company (Carsac Limited) devoted primarily to the distribution of French brands, in particular Lanvin but also lesser known brands with a very high [...] potential as Pylones (objects home), Cristel [...] (kitchen), Pataugas (shoes) and several agro-food [...]business brands [Rucher de l’Ecole, [...]Truffettes de France, Le Potager sucré, Kaviari (caviar of Aquitaine)]. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
凡購買任何Lelli Kelly全新秋冬童裝鞋履系列可以獲贈限量版原子筆。 blog.harveynichols.com.hk | Receive a limited edition pen upon any purchase from the latest Lelli Kelly collection! blog.harveynichols.com.hk |
GRI是當今服裝和鞋履配飾 品牌的管理及零售網絡領航企業,其核心業務集中在亞洲地區,尤其在中國地區。 tipschina.gov.cn | GRI is a leading international apparel and accessories brand-management and retail-distribution network, with a core focus on Asia, especially China. tipschina.gov.cn |
聚氯乙烯塑膠的DEHP含量由重量的1%至40%不等,PVC塑膠用於多種消費品,例如仿皮用品、雨衣 、 鞋履 、 傢俬布、地板、電線及電纜、枱布、浴簾、食物包裝物料、醫療器材和兒童玩具。 cfs.gov.hk | PVC plastic may contain from 1 to 40% DEHP by weight and are used in [...] consumer products such as imitation [...] leather, rainwear, footwear, upholstery, flooring, wire [...]and cable, tablecloths, shower [...]curtains, food packaging materials, medical devices and children’s toys. cfs.gov.hk |
Scholl爽健鞋履採用 體貼腳形的3D立體軟墊或Implus™後跟鞋墊,全方位承托前掌、足穹和後跟,能有效分散步行時的震動和壓力,減輕腳部痛楚和紓緩下半身疲勞。 sogo.com.hk | Scholl shoes are characterized by either 3D Cushioning or Implus™ insoles, providing full support [...] to the front, arch and [...]heel of the feet, which help absorb shock and relieve foot pain during your walk. sogo.com.hk |
最惠國稅率大部分低於10%,主要例外的包 括 鞋履 、 紡 織品、服裝和若干食品(食品或受「關稅率配額」的限制)。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | The majority of most-favoured-nation [...] (MFN) duty rates are below 10%; [...] notable exceptions are footwear, textiles and apparel [...]and certain food products (the last [...]may be subject to 'tariff rate quotas'). commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
尽管Jane的初衷是出于对于美鞋的狂爱,但此博客不仅仅关 于 鞋履 , 还 包括其他时尚资讯。 citij.com | In fact, the blog is not [...] solely about the shoes (apparently, initially for Jane, everything started with the love for shoes and then, gradually [...]developed into [...]affections for other fashion attributes). citij.com |
太古資源集團在香港及中國內地經營國 際 鞋履 及 成 衣品 牌的經銷及零售業務,該集團在上半年錄得應佔溢利港 幣八千二百萬元,相當於二零零七年同期的兩倍,反映 中國內地在北京奧運舉行前銷售需求殷切,期內額外增 設了兩間零售店舖。 swirepacific.com | This reflected strong sales demand in Mainland China ahead of the Beijing Olympics, with an additional two retail stores opening in the period. swirepacific.com |
利用特別的鞋履或足 部矯形器,能保持足部的正常位置及形狀,並矯正問題。 hksh.com | Special shoe modifications or orthoses [...] can be applied to accommodate or correct the deformity. hksh.com |
此外,Gucci针对定制时装提供男士 鞋履 签 名 服务——可选择在不同材料、颜色、尺寸 的 鞋履 上 以 姓名首字母打上尊贵的烙印。 gucci.com | In addition, Gucci [...] offers a MADE TO ORDER service for signature men’s shoes – allowing for selection of the material, color, [...]width, as well as embossing of one’s initial. gucci.com |
选择足弓承托力较佳及鞋底防震较强 的 鞋履。 hsbc.com.hk | Choose shoes with good arch [...] support and shock-absorbing soles. hsbc.com.hk |
Scribe高級訂製最獨特之處莫過於鞋匠會在每一 對 鞋履 內 親 手寫上鞋款之名稱及其尺碼,而這畫龍點睛的程序亦成了整個完美無瑕的製鞋工藝之象徵。 ifc.com.hk | What makes each Scribe unique in its own way is the handwritten note [...] inside each pair of shoes, a mark left by [...]the craftsman signifying the shoe's model [...]and size, that is the epitome of flawless craftsmanship. ifc.com.hk |
Mr.Billy工作室的鞋子都为纯手工设计制作,工艺采用了欧洲传统手 工 鞋履 技 术 “固特异工艺”,这种工艺在制鞋过程中如同雕塑一件艺术品,在保证皮鞋美观的同时,鞋底的空腔和软木设计还保证了透气性和舒适度。 vantageshanghai.com | All of Mr. Billy’s shoes are handmade, and Mr. Billy adopts a traditional technique called ‘Goodyear Welt’, in which the shoes are made in [...] a way similar to carving a piece of fine sculpture. vantageshanghai.com |
為保持鞋履的一體性,內層沒有額外襯裡(Lining),百份百純天然材料,透氣度提升至最高。 think-silly.com | Without extra lining, the shoe is slick and [...] made with 100% natural material. think-silly.com |
时尚秀中配合了「时尚汇集」参展商的手袋 丶 鞋履 及 时尚配饰,令整个「时尚汇演」更富凝聚力及更精彩,受到众多买家的热烈欢迎。 cashmereworldfair.com | These were presented [...] alongside the bags, footwear and fashion accessories [...]of Fashion Access exhibitors, resulting in more [...]cohesive and interesting shows that were well-received by visitors. cashmereworldfair.com |
在香港創立的首間高級鞋履品牌 網購實體店,為一眾以愛鞋的女仕提供個人化的形象指導服務,星級顧問團每月為客戶精心挑選適合的鞋款,尤其最新的2013春夏季系列,在網店前不用猶豫產品質素,我們決定讓客戶在概念商店感受心儀的鞋款才下決定購買,這也是全球時裝業界大勢所趨。 tipschina.gov.cn | This is the first e-commerce platform of its kind that bridges the gap between online and offline as www.shopame.com has a physical presence in the heart of Causeway Bay which allows shoppers to feel and try on its collection of luxury shoes. tipschina.gov.cn |
現時,愛馬仕共有十七種不同產品系列:皮包及行李箱、筆記本及皮革精品、馬具、絲巾、男裝、女裝、珠寶首飾、鐘錶、皮帶、手套 、 鞋履 、 帽 子、搪瓷飾物、居家生活飾品、餐具、香水及Hermès [...] Interior & Design。 sogo.com.hk | Today, the Hermès name appears on 17 different groups of products: Leather Bags & Luggage, Diaries & Small Leather Goods, Saddles, Silk, [...] Men's and Women's Ready-to-Wear, [...] Jewellery, Watches, Belts, Shoes, Hats, Gloves, Enamel, [...]Art of Living, Tableware, Perfume [...]and Hermès Interior & Design. sogo.com.hk |
時尚匯集」(2011年9月28至30日)以「詮身潮流」為口號:亞洲最國際化及最全面的手袋 、 鞋履 、 小 型皮革制品、時尚配飾及行李箱包等的商貿展覽會,是屆展會將展示2012 [...] 年春夏季最新的潮流趨勢。 fashionaccess.aplf.com | Fashion Access (FA) (Sept 28 – 30, 2011) is the show for ‘head to toe fashion’: the most international and most [...] comprehensive trade event in Asia for the [...] latest trends in bags, footwear, small leather goods, [...]lifestyle accessories and travelware [...]driving the Spring/Summer collections in 2012. fashionaccess.aplf.com |