

单词 革新的

See also:

革新 v

innovate v

革新 n

innovations pl

新的 adj

new adj
renewed past-p
emerging adj

External sources (not reviewed)

假 如我們能將報告書內崇高革新的意 念,在方法與目標之間作出更平均的分配,我可 以肯定這種平衡之道已在我們掌握之㆗。
If we more evenly distribute the lofty and innovative thinking of the report between the means and objectives, I feel certain that balance is within our reach.
柯达 TRILLIAN SP 热敏印版采革新的专有 阴图涂布技术,能够提供高灵敏度,同时保持优异的分辨率、一致性、耐化学腐蚀性和耐印性,并且无需烤版。
[...] Plates feature a revolutionary new proprietary negative-working [...]
coating that provides high sensitivity,
while maintaining excellent resolution, consistency, chemical resistance and durability - without baking.
在私营部门,崇革新的公司 正在放弃“公司社会责任”这一志愿主义做法,而逐步采取更加明确、 真正系统性的做法——在其自身活动中如此(比如实施标准或参加自愿性排放贸易 市场,从而把可持续性纳入供应链的主流),在其公共政策游说中也是如此(例如公 司联合要求提高排放指标以及强化环境监管和价格制定方面长期稳定性)。
In the private sector, progressive companies are moving away from the voluntarism of “corporate social responsibility” and towards much harder-edged, genuinely systemic approaches — both in their own activities (such as mainstreaming sustainability in supply chains through the use of standards or joining voluntary emissions trading markets) and in their public policy lobbying (for example, coalitions of companies demanding tougher emissions targets and greater long-term certainty in environmental regulation and pricing).
对于 技术水平较为先进的发展中国家来说,它们还希望其知识产权制度能够弥补和促进它们鼓 励技术发展革新的广泛政策。
The more technologically advanced developing countries will also want to ensure that their IP regimes complement and enhance their broader policies for encouraging technological development and innovation.
全体会议为 实行最近提出的高等教育改革 革新的 措 施 提供了机会;四个委员会分析了高等教育方面的 新动态、高等教育对发展所起的作用、高等教育结构与体制的演变和国际化问题。
The plenary sessions provided an opportunity to
introduce recent
[...] initiatives for the reform and renewal of higher education; the four commissions examined new developments [...]
in higher education,
the contribution of higher education to development, the evolution of higher education structures and systems, and internationalization.
在农业、园艺学和畜牧业方革新的 混 凝 土结构和基 础设施
Innovative concrete structures and infrastructures in agriculture, horticulture and livestock
[...] 口,技术转让也因此得以实现(如资本货物所体现的),但没有人敢保证国内经济可以吸 收这些技术,并将之作为进一 革新的 基 础
If high technology imports increase as a result of strengthening IP regimes, a transfer of technology may be achieved (for example, as embodied in capital goods), but there
is no guarantee that the domestic economy will be capable of absorbing that technology as
[...] a basis for further innovation.
我们也感到鼓舞的是,自《德班宣言和行动纲领》通 过以来,有 些国家的政府切实采取了具有里程碑意的、革新的立法 和行政措施,来打击种族主义和种族 歧视,保护移民以及在种族、民族或族裔和语言上属 于少数群体的人的权利,制止基于宗教或信仰而煽动 仇恨的做法。
We are also encouraged by those Governments that, since the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, have adopted landmark and progressive legislative and administrative measures effectively to combat racism and racial discrimination, to protect the rights of migrants and racial, national or ethnic and linguistic minorities, and to combat incitement to hatred based on religion or belief.
衛生事務委員會主席兼代表團團長郭家麒 議員表示,是次訪問非常有用,尤其是就新加坡近 期經過重革新的醫療 服務融資模式所獲得的資 料,將有助議員考慮政府日後就本港醫療融資方案 所提出的建議。
In particular, the information obtained on Singapore’s financing models for healthcare services, which had undergone a major overhaul lately, would facilitate Members’ consideration of Government’s future proposals on healthcare financing options for Hong Kong.
革新的技术 、1000 多种配方以及我们整个 企业团队的创新能力和动力为我们具有最佳客户定位、量身定制的产品和以市 场为导向的解决方案提供了强有力的保证。
Our systematically acquired knowledge, more than 1000 formulations and the innovative power of our entire group guarantee absolute customer orientation, tailored products and solutions in line with market conditions.
[...] 自由自在,獨立和舒適的感覺,是Silhouette的創新 革新的 靈 感 來源。
The feeling of relaxed freedom, independence and easiness for all your senses are Silhouette's
[...] inspiration for innovation and revolution.
5 革新的炉灶 和古老的灵魂 在能效和传统习俗的接合点上保护自然,马达加 斯加岛篇。
5 innovative cooking Stoves and ancient Spirits Conserving nature at the interface between energy efficiency and traditional customs.
有鉴于新类型的中小型企业的需求有助于市场领导与技术领导的创新,大马工业-高等技术政府集团(MIGHT)、MITI与中小型企业机构特别组织了研究参观团,到韩国学习最佳发展中小型企 革新的 方 法
In view of the demands for a new breed of SMEs that can help drive market-driven and technology-driven innovation a study visit has been carried out by Malaysian Industry-Government Group for
High Technology (MIGHT), MITI and SME Corp Malaysia to Korea, to learn their
[...] best practices in developing innovative SMEs.
您可繼續深入瞭解UL 全球 6,900 名專業人員如何在每天執行安 革新的 工 作
Read on to find out how UL's 6,900 professionals innovate safety around the world every day.
该协会通过两个秘书处及其在全世界的网络,参加了妇女地位委员会第四十九届 大会上的北京会议十周年审查;参加了 2005 年 9
[...] 月新闻部在纽约举行的关于“我 们的挑战:呼吁和平、伙伴关系 革新 ” 的 第 五 十八次非政府组织会议;参加社 会发展委员会关于“审查联合国消除贫困十年”优先主题的第四十四届会议;参 [...]
化和发展的会议(纽约,2007 年 11 月); 国际农业发展基金理事会和联合国粮 食及农业组织粮食安全高级别会议年度会议:气候变化和生物能源带来的挑战 (罗马,2008 年)。
The Society, through both its secretariat and its worldwide network, attended the Beijing + 10 review at the forty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women; the fifty-eighth Department of Public Information-Non-Governmental Organizations Conference on “Our
challenge: voices for peace, partnerships and
[...] renewal”, held in New York in September 2005; [...]
forty-fourth session of the Commission
for Social Development on the priority theme “Review of the first United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty”; thirty-second session of the Committee on World Food Security; United Nations meeting of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs on climate change and development (New York, November 2007); yearly sessions of the Governing Council of the International Fund for Agricultural Development; and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations High-level Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy (Rome, 2008).
与中星微电革新的Firmware Patch(固件补丁)技术相结合,Kilopass非易失性存储器知识产权可为中星微电子的客户提供轻松升级固件而无需外部存储器模块的能力。
Combined with Vimicro's innovative Firmware Patch technology, Kilopass NVM IP provides Vimicro customers the ability to easily upgrade firmware without a requirement for external memory modules.
公众监管也发挥重大作用,促进革新和创造绿色体面就业机会:从推行电力 入网收购价以促进可再生能源到根据审慎行事原则防止接触化学品的规定,它们 都已证明公众监管是私营部门鼓 革新的 重 要 力量。
Public regulation also has a key role to play in driving innovation and the creation of green and decent jobs: from the introduction of feed-in tariffs for promoting renewable energies, to the inclusion of rules for preventing chemical exposure based on the precautionary principle, public regulation has proven to be a major force in stimulating innovation in the private sector.
Alienware M17x 是邁向遊革新的下一 步,不僅搭載了效能強大的全新晶片組和進階顯示卡選項,還可以選購 [...]
3D 螢幕*,讓您隨時隨地都能擁有身歷其境的遊戲體驗。
The Alienware™ M17x is the next step
[...] in gaming evolution, featuring a powerful new chipset, advanced [...]
graphics options and an optional
3D screen* for an immersive gaming experience that you can pack up and take with you.
在2004年,钢结构市场面临着技 革新的 迫 切 要求,我们在这种市场需求推动下启动了新一轮技术革命" 意大利机床制造商菲赛普的Christian Colombo说。
In 2004, when the steel market was practically demanding new technology as a must-have, we were pushed to launch a new revolutionary solution," says Christian Colombo of Italian machinery supplier Ficep.
作为世界顶级服务式办公室与虚拟办公室提供商,世服宏图已经远远超越其它同行业对手成为IT技 革新的 先 驱 ,并且收益于50,000,000美元的环球全能IP网络投入。
Servcorp, the world's foremost provider of Serviced and Virtual offices, has become an IT innovator to stay ahead of its competitors and is seeing the benefits of a $50 million investment into a worldwide converged IP network.
[...] 七个工作组还在继续对以下一些重点领域的行动进行思 考:系的革新;机构的领导和管理;培训问题;研 [...]
究;全球化,新技术的利用与职业界;国际流动;高等 教育对整个教育系统、包括对达喀尔后续活动的贡献 等。
Seven working groups, entrusted to a selection of the principal partners, are focusing their reflection and action in various key areas: systems renewal; institutional governance and;
teaching and learning issues; research;
[...] globalization; the use of new technologies and [...]
the world of work; international mobility;
and the contribution of higher education to the entire education system, including the Dakar follow-up.
有鑑於寬頻技的革新,影 音多媒體內容的傳 輸與應用更趨廣泛,終將取代傳統以語音為主 的通訊業務,我們已著手加速建構一個完全以 IP為基礎的網路架構,以整合語音、數據及多 媒體資訊的傳輸,以避免重複投資,並增加網 路互連之自主性。
As the broadband technology evolution continues to boost transmission speeds and expand multimedia content, gradually replacing telecom’s traditional focus on voice-oriented businesses, TWM has accelerated its implementation of an all IP-based network infrastructure to facilitate voice, data and multimedia transmission.
在万通遍布全球的强大业务以及万通致力于制药和化学行业的情况下,加上万通对近红外光谱技术的投资,这一战略联盟将会让我们的业务在这些领域获得进一步的成长,并为我们的客户稳定地提 革新 性 的 近 红外光谱产品以及高水平的技术支持“,福斯-近红外系统公司董事长Philip [...]
With Metrohm’s strong worldwide presence, commitment to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, and with this investment in NIR the alliance allows us to further grow our business within these
sectors and provide our customers with
[...] a steady stream of new innovative NIR products [...]
and the highest level of support”,
said Dr. Philip Irving, President of FOSS NIRSystems.
总统演讲的革新性措 辞和所强调的几个突出主题 ——包括法治的重要性以及在“彬龙精神”的指导 [...]
下通过政治对话解决民族争端的必要性等——都同 昂山素季倡导的观点非常类似。
The progressive language, and several of the [...]
specific themes highlighted in the speech – including the importance of rule
of law and the need to resolve ethnic conflict through political dialogue in the “spirit of Panglong” – are very similar to the views espoused by Aung San Suu Kyi.
再说因为我们不只是对知识产权制度在促 革新 方 面 的 动 态 作用感兴趣,而且还要考虑知 识产权保护制度给社会增加的成本,特别是给穷人增加的成本,我们在确定现有知识产权 制度的证据和价值时必须考虑到这些成本。
Moreover, since we are not just interested in the dynamic effect of IPRs in promoting innovation, but also the costs that IP protection imposes on society, particularly on poor people, we need to take account of these costs in considering the evidence and the value of any given IP system.
2004 年《规划和发展法》( 尚未正式生效) :的是革新城乡 规划,对毛里 求斯的土地使用规划和发展作出全面规定。
The Planning and Development Act 2004 (not yet fully in force) which aims at modernising town and country planning and makes comprehensive provision with respect to land use planning and development in Mauritius.
该制度与社会达成的协议恰恰是 它导的额外革新(例 如:要不是专利制度的话,救命药可能就不存在了)所产生的额外 社会收益要超过了产品的额外成本。
The bargain with society is precisely that the benefits to society generated by the extra innovation induced (for example, a lifesaving drug which might not exist but for the patent system) should exceed the extra cost of the product.
另一个积极影响是,会员国在大会第 65/1 号决议中承认,国家和国际各级 的善治和法治,对于持续、包容各方和公平的经济增长、可持续发展以及消除贫 困和饥饿来说必不可少,并且,会员国还在上述决议中承诺加强公私伙伴关系, 以便通过提升现有电信基础设施、尤其是最不发达国家的电信基础设施的质量和 数量等手段,消除各国和各收入群体之间在获取信通技术以及承担信通费用方面 仍然存在的巨大差距,支持更加现代化的信通技术应用,大大提高联通能力、入 网以及革新与开发的投资 ,有效利用创新性信通技术应用和电子政务工具。
Another positive impact is the acknowledgement by the Member States, in General Assembly resolution 65/1, that good governance and the rule of law at the national and international levels are essential for sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth, sustainable development and the eradication of poverty and hunger, and the commitment by the Member States, in the same resolution, to strengthening public-private partnerships in order to close the large gaps that remain in access to and affordability of ICT across countries and income groups, including by upgrading the quality and quantity of existing telecommunication infrastructure, particularly in the least developed countries, to support more modern ICT applications and greatly increase connectivity, access and investment in innovation and development and the effective use of innovative ICT applications and e-governance tools.




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