

单词 革制品

See also:

animal hide
expel (from office)



External sources (not reviewed)

可以继续制造和销售所有采用其他 偶氮染料染色的革制品,不受限制。
Leather articles coloured with all other azo dyes can be manufactured and sold without restriction.
作为迷你唐卡系列中最经典的 革制品 之 一 ,慕斯提供了耐用性和款式的完美组合。
One of the thickest leathers in the Minnetonka line, moosehide provides the perfect combination of durability and style.
它是迷你唐卡系列最经典的革制品 之 一,慕斯为喜爱休闲的男人提供了耐久性和时尚。
One of the thickest leathers in the Minnetonka line, moosehide provides durability and style for the man going for the look of leisure.
这是一份Tatuaggi商品系列经常参展的国际知名博览会名单,由此可看出公司在国际上的知名度:意大利米兰国际鞋展(意大利米兰)、意大利加达国际鞋展(意大利加达)、西班牙马德里国际鞋业及 革制品 展 ( 西班牙马德里)、德国杜塞尔多夫春秋国际鞋展(德国杜塞尔多夫)、莫斯科国际鞋业与 革制品 博 览会(俄罗斯莫斯科)、阿联酋迪拜国际鞋业及 革制品 展 (迪拜)、日本(东京)鞋类及 革制品 展 览会(日本东京)、香港时尚汇集展览会(中国香港) 、中国轻工工艺品进出口商会(中国东莞)、巴西圣保罗鞋类及皮革展(巴西圣保罗)、土耳其伊斯坦布尔国际鞋展(土耳其伊斯坦布尔)等等。
The international presence of Tatuaggi becomes rather
evident when one
[...] goes through the list of international prestigious fairs where the company exposes its collections on a regular basis: MICAM (Milan, Italy), EXPO RIVA SCHUH (Garda, Italy), MODACALZADO (Madrid, Spain), GDS (Düsseldorf, Germany), OBUV MIR KOZHI (Moscow, Russia), MOTEXHA (Dubai), ROOMS (Tokyo, Japan), FASHION [...]
ACCESS (Hong Kong, China),
CHINA SHOETEC (Dongguan, China), COURO MODA (São Paulo, Brazil), AYMOD (Istanbul, Turkey) among others.
三、将六氟铝酸钠等化工制品、香水等香化洗涤、聚氯乙烯等塑料、部分橡胶及其制品、毛皮衣服等 革制品 、 信 封等纸制品、日用陶瓷、显像管玻壳等玻璃制品、精密焊钢管等钢材、单晶硅片、直径大于等于30cm的单晶硅棒、铝型材等有色金属材、部分凿岩工具、金属家具等商品的出口退税率提高到13%。
Third, the hexafluoro sodium aluminate and other chemical products, fragrances such as incense and
washing, PVC plastic, some
[...] rubber and its products, leather products, such as [...]
fur clothing, envelopes and other paper products, daily-use ceramics, glass,
etc. Picture Tubes products, precision welded steel pipes, such as steel, silicon, greater than or equal to 30cm in diameter rod of single crystal silicon, aluminum and other non-ferrous materials, some of rock tools, metal furniture, such as commodities, the export tax rebate rate to 13%.
通过运用代代相传的技艺,Miles 和 Lillian
[...] Cahn 这一对夫妻搭档创立了这家主要生产 革制品 , 如 行李箱和手提包的公司。
Using skills passed down from generation to generation, Miles
and Lillian Cahn, a husband and wife team started the company with
[...] a focus on leather goods such as luggage [...]
and handbags.
活动类型:虚构的纺织物,除服装,玻璃及玻璃制品,陶瓷制品,瓷砖,地砖,切割,塑造和接收,录制和音频和视频家具播放,制造石,电灯及照明设备,仪器整理完成主要产品组:家用塑料制品,厨房用具和餐具,玻璃器皿,餐具,瓷器和搪瓷器皿,家用秤,清洁用品,浴室配件,婴儿用品,家用产品面料竹,金属制品为家,termokruzhek各类热水瓶,衣架,毛巾,雨衣,宠物用品,不锈钢,塑料,酒店用品,箱包及 革制品 , 茶具,以及设备和原材料产品产品。
Type of activity: made-up textile articles, except apparel, glass and glass products, ceramic products, tiles and slabs, cutting, shaping and finishing of stone, electric lamps and lighting equipment, apparatus for receiving, recording and playback of audio and video furniture, manufacturing finishing main groups of goods: household plastic products, kitchen utensils and tableware, glassware, flatware, porcelain and enamel ware, household scales, cleaning products, bathroom accessories, baby accessories, fabrics for home products bamboo, metal products for the home, all kinds of termokruzhek, thermos, hangers, towels, ponchos, pet products, products of stainless steel,
plastic, hotel supplies,
[...] cases, bags and leather products, tea sets, as well as equipment [...]
and raw materials the product.
2 部分偶氮染料 颜料(生成特定 胺):仅纺织物及革制品用途
2 Certain Azocolourants and Azodyes (which form certain aromatic amines) in
[...] textile and leather applications only
時尚匯集」一個您絕對不能錯過的亞洲國際性展覽盛會,每年兩度於香港舉辦 - 展品包括:手袋、鞋履、小型 革制品 、 時 尚配飾及行李箱包等。
FASHION ACCESS is an international leading fashion fair for bags, footwear, small leather goods, lifestyle accessories and travelware in Asia, held twice each year.
[...] Grande,两者均有不少当地艺术品和手工艺品售卖,包括纺织品、银器、 革制品 、 木雕和编织品等,以及广受欢迎的各种蜡染制品。
Both boast an extensive collocation of local arts and crafts, including
[...] textiles, silver, leather goods, carvings and basketry.
纺织品和革制品行业 的企业还面临另一个挑战。
Businesses in the
[...] textiles and leather industries face [...]
an additional challenge.
该系列时装不仅包括 定制套装,还包括其他定制配饰,比如 革制品 、 鞋 子和首饰等。
The collection includes not only MADE TO MEASURE suiting but also accessories such as MADE TO ORDER leather goods and shoes as well as jewelry.
作为以水为基底粘胶喷雾应用机器和系统的主要经销商,Intercom 是鞋业和革制品业的领导者。
Intercom is a leading company in the
[...] footwear and leatherwork sectors and is the main distributor of water-based adhesive [...]
spraying machines and systems.
時尚匯集」(2011年9月28至30日)以「詮身潮流」為口號:亞洲最國際化及最全面的手袋、鞋履、小型 革制品 、 時 尚配飾及行李箱包等的商貿展覽會,是屆展會將展示2012 年春夏季最新的潮流趨勢。
Fashion Access (FA) (Sept 28 – 30, 2011) is the show for ‘head to toe fashion’: the most international and most comprehensive trade event in Asia for the latest trends in bags, footwear, small leather goods, lifestyle accessories and travelware driving the Spring/Summer collections in 2012.
主营: 成品服装、革制品、鞋 类及饰件的生产与加工
Activities :
[...] Ready-to-wear, leather goods, shoes & accessories
活动类型:虚构的纺织品除了服装,箱包,手袋等 革制品 和 其 他材料,鞋,肥皂,洗涤剂,清洁剂,抛光剂,香水,化妆品,电器灯具及照明设备,仪器,用于接收,录制和播放声音和图像,光学器件,照片和电影设备,家具,珠宝和贵重金属和宝石,钱币,纪念章,体育用品,玩具和商品场的主要群体技术文章:电子教育游戏,玩具,电池供电的充气无线电控制和玩具及零件,设计师,风筝,消费电子和电气设备,玻璃和陶瓷,厨具,照明设备,计算器,办公室和家庭,相框,银器,鲜花,珠宝文具制造的商品,袋,雨伞, 革制品 和 毛 皮,时装配饰,纺织品,钟表,圣诞饰品等。
Type of activity: made-up textile articles, except apparel, luggage, handbags and other leather goods and other materials, shoes, soap, detergents, cleaners, polishes, perfumes, cosmetics, electrical lamps and lighting equipment, apparatus for receiving, recording and playback sound and image, optical devices, photo and cinema equipment, furniture, jewelry, and technical articles of precious metals and stones, coins, medals, sporting goods, toys and games main groups of goods: Electronic and educational games, toys, battery powered inflatable radio-controlled and toys and parts thereof, designers, kites, consumer electronics and electrical equipment, goods made of glass and ceramics, kitchenware, lighting equipment, calculators, stationery for office and home, picture frames, silverware, flowers, jewelry, bags, umbrellas, leather goods and furs, fashion accessories, [...]
textiles, clocks, Christmas ornaments, etc.
参展商将包括皮毛服装制造商,皮包、皮带、和其他 革制品 的 生 产商,制革者(皮革,服装用大小牛皮),鞣革者(皮毛,羊皮和羔羊皮),生皮生产商, 革 用 化 学用品和机械生产商,精加工设施,辅料和附件生产商,设计者,和行业相关的出版商和非政府组织。
The exhibitors will include leather and fur garments
[...] manufacturers of bags, belts and other leather products, tanners (leather, large and small cattle skins for garments), dressers & tanners (fur, sheep and lamb skins), rawhides [...]
manufacturers, manufacturers
of tanning chemicals and machines, finishing facilities, manufacturers of accessories and side components, designers, and industry related press and NGO's.
皮革心意卡約1cm厚,由人造革制作, 内附當天品即食 照片,和打印上閣下提供的文字内容,讓收禮人感受度身訂制的心意。
The booklet card is about 1cm thick, made from manmade leather, with same-day instant photo of the gift, and printed with your message, making this gift a truely special one.
该名牌展览(SEAL)旨在国际范围提高人们对手工艺的认识,并且作为 质量检查机制和经销手段,推销该地区传统的手 制 作 产 品 和 革 新 的 手工艺品。
The SEAL is intended to enhance international awareness of
handicraft and to serve
[...] as a quality control mechanism and marketing device for the promotion of hand-made traditional as well as innovative craft products from the region.
在警察革领域,毒品和犯罪问题 办公室正在协助该组织制指导说明。
In the area of police reform, UNODC is assisting the Organization to develop a guidance note.
即使没有广泛生产,有许制革厂,皮革,铜和ironfoundries,酿酒,陶器和农具,如棉花和羊毛 品。
Even though there is no extensive
production, there are many tanneries
[...] and leather-works, copper and ironfoundries, distilleries, potteries and agricultural implements such as cotton and woollen goods.
制革之主要業務為從事革半製成品 及 製 成品之加工及銷售。
The principal business of
[...] Tannery is processing and sale of semi-finished and finished leather.
[...] 提出了一些需关注的领域,包括有必要针对土地 革制 定 具 有法律约束力的国家 准则;立法进程有待进一步透明化,应与更广泛的社区共同讨论法律草案对人权 [...]
问题的影响;此外,应设立政府和公民社会论坛,以加强合作环境,促进该国的 民主和人权。
The delegation also noted that the Special Rapporteur had identified a number of areas of concern,
including the need to develop binding national guidelines
[...] to address land reform; making the legislative [...]
process more transparent
by sharing draft legislation with an impact on human rights issues with the wider community; and creating a Government and civil society forum to foster an environment of cooperation to strengthen democracy and human rights in the country.
我们高水平的专业知识和高性能的 品 质 量 使我们在许多行业部门处于基准合作伙伴地位,如:石油、天然气和水、金属加工、工业应用、工业清洁 制革 、 涂 料、粘合剂、喷漆和造纸等。
Our high level of expertise and the quality of
[...] our performance products give us benchmark partner status in a large number of business sectors: oil, gas and water, metal processing, industrial applications, industrial cleaning, leather manufacturing, [...]
coatings and adhesives, paints, paper, etc.
在经过100年持续追求精湛技术和 品革 新 后 ,倍耐力轮胎推出了从战前的Stella Bianca(第一个以胎面设计为特色,为现代大马力汽 制 造 的 轮胎)到战后的”胜利轮胎“ Stelvio。
More than a century of technological excellence and process innovation, from the Stella Bianca of the pre-war period – the first to feature a proper tread design, created for modern, powerful automobiles – to the Stelvio, [...]
which, in the aftermath
of the war, became “the tyre of victory”.
作为维和部 2007 年结构调整的一部分,在主管维持和平行动副秘书长办公
[...] 室中设立了一个高级方案干事职能,以协助办公室主任的方案管理和改革/变革 管理活动,包括:领导制定维和部方案计划并协调其执行,为 革 举 措 制 定 计 划; 协调制定所有次级方案计划,包括维和部战略框架的成果预算部分、支助账户预 算、经常预算、副秘书长和助理秘书长的业绩契约;监测、评价和报告所取得的 [...]
As part of the DPKO restructuring in 2007, the function of a Senior Programme Officer was created in the Office of the Under-Secretary-General, for Peacekeeping Operations, to assist the Chief of Staff in programme management and reform/change management activities, including: leading the development of the DPKO programme plan and coordinating its
implementation as well as
[...] developing plans for reform initiatives; coordinating the development of all subprogramme plans, including the results-based-budget elements [...]
of the DPKO strategic
framework, support account budget and regular budget, as well as the performance compacts of the Under-Secretaries-General and Assistant Secretaries-General; and monitoring, evaluating and reporting on the results achieved, or coordinating such activities.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公 制 定 有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.




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