

单词 面露不悦

See also:

露面 n

appearance n


appear (in public)
show one's face

External sources (not reviewed)

夏天茂密的爬山虎将墙和窗的大部分都盖住,从 面 看 是一 栋 悦 目 的“绿色”建筑, 面 采 光 却严 不 足。
In the summer time when lush ivy covered up
[...] most of the south wall and windows, the building looked very “green” from outside, yet it severely lacked natural light on the inside.
美丽醉人的切面绽放赏心悦目的光彩,而呈现图案美感的饰链,以及别具现代气息的搭扣,则令整体设计更显与 不 同。
Its beautiful faceting creates a fascinating glow, whilst the graphic chain and the modern toggle closure enhance this unique style.
除上文露者外 ,於最後可行日期,董事 不 知 悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向本公司作出露,或直接或間接擁 面 值 10 %或以上任何類別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any [...]
class of share capital,
or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
悦尔并不期望这项交易对其综合财务状况或经营业 绩有实质性影响。
Sealed Air does not expect the transaction [...]
to be material to its consolidated financial position or results of operations.
我们讨论的将是我们各 国人民过上有尊严的生活的悦之情。这样,我们将 能超越社会福祉问题不仅会缩小不 同 群体之间的距 离,而且也会弥合经济、领土、环境和文化 面 的鸿 沟。
With that, we would move beyond social well-being, not merely reducing the distances between human groups but also bridging enormous economic, territorial, environmental and cultural chasms.
地震前,曾出现地震活动征兆,杰瓦拉穆基的印度教寺庙附近常常喷射出来的可燃气体火焰熄灭了,信徒们认为这表明 不悦 了。
Before the quake, seismic activity had extinguished the flames of
combustible gas that usually jetted out at the nearby Hindu temple of Jawala Mukhi, and worshippers
[...] thought the gods displeased.
利 於 另 一 方 的 資
[...] 料 , 至 於 不 利 的 通 訊 則 會 利 用 這 項 特 權 來 加 以 隱 瞞 ; 另 一面 , 要 是 夫 妻 一 方 不 喜 歡 其 配 偶 的 話 , 便 會 利 用 這 種 特 權露 不 利 於 配 偶 的 通 訊 而 隱 瞞 有 利 的 通 訊 。
It is a mystery to me why it was decided to give this privilege to the spouse who is a witness: it means that if that spouse wishes to
protect the other he or she will disclose what helps the other spouse but use this privilege to conceal communications if they would be injurious, but on
[...] the other hand a spouse who has become unfriendly to the other spouse will use this privilege to disclose communications if they are injurious [...]
the other spouse, but conceal them if they are helpful".
当你走在瑞稳点环路上时,仔细感受脚下的沙堤带给您的惬意,享受感受清新海风 面 的 愉 悦。
Feel the fresh sea
[...] air in your face when you discover [...]
the sandy banks of the Raven Point Loop.
与其说中国和缅甸的关系是“两情 悦 ” , 倒 不如 说它是一场“利益婚姻”。
The relationship between China and Myanmar is best characterised as a marriage of convenience rather than a love match.
由于照相机、闭路电视影带和数字媒介存录设备遭扣押,此后仅披露了选定的少 量信息,调查团不得不极为谨慎地处理以色列当局播放的影像,只要这些影像与 在其露面的目击证人的证不相符 合。
In light of the seizure of cameras, CCTV footage and digital media storage devices and the subsequent disclosure of only a selected and minute quantity of it, the Mission was obliged to treat with extreme caution the versions released by
the Israeli authorities where those
[...] versions did not coincide with the evidence of eyewitnesses who appeared before it.
在4月 27日,香港中小型企業聯合會主席 劉達邦先生(他曾經在很多公眾場合 露面 ) 表 示 ,自己是支持最低工 資的,如果工人的工資可由4,000元增加至6,000元,他便覺得應該調 整不過, 如果所有權益皆要透過立法來規定的話,包括我們提及可 透過僱傭合約來處理的權益,他估計超過1萬家中小企會面對結業的 風險。
However, if all rights, including the rights that could be dealt with under the employment contract, have to be provided through legislation, he estimated that more than 10 000 SMEs would be in danger of closing down.
很多盗版网络是由境外黑社会团体控制的,幕后老板多采取遥控操纵的形式, 自不会轻易露面,因此很难抓到。
In keeping with traditional organized crime infrastructures, gang bosses remove themselves several layers from hands-on criminal activity and are extremely difficult to indict.
正 如 立法會
[...] CB(1)1095/04-05(01)號文件第 18、 20 及 27 段 所 述,我們認為鍾女士在二零零四年十月及十一月就恒基西九建議書文化 事 宜 公露面、發表評論並作出解說, 等同於參與宣傳恒基的建議書, 這不 在獲批准工作範圍內,因此是 不恰當及不能接 受 的。
As detailed in paragraphs 18, 20 and 27 of LC Paper No. CB(1)1095/04-05(01), we consider that Ms
Chung’s making
[...] public appearances, comments and presentation on the cultural aspects of Henderson’s WKCD proposal in October and November 2004 [...]
amounted to participation
in the promotion of Henderson’s proposal to the public and fell outsider the scope of approved work, and hence was inappropriate and unacceptable.
2006 年他曾被绑架了 3
[...] 天……我可以补充说,当晚 11 点有人来告 诉我,‘我们对Usama的死表示遗憾,但我们请 不 要 在媒 体 露面 , 我 们将追认 他为烈士。
In 2006, he was kidnapped for three days … I might add that, at 11 p.m., someone came
and told me, ‘We regret Usama’s
[...] death but ask you not to appear in front of the media and we will consider [...]
him a martyr.
尽管我还没有得到绿色的青蛙脸标志,但它已经是我的 面 上 令人 愉 悦 的 , 易于寻找的快捷方式图标。
I still don't get the green frog face but it's a
[...] cheerful and easy-to-find shortcut on my desktop.
Aromatic natural botanicals promote an overall feeling of well-being.
芝加哥河游船 一段芝加哥河上的观光游船可以让游客在 悦 的 氛 围中 不 同 的 角度欣赏 芝加哥美景。
Chicago River Cruise  A Chicago River Sightseeing Cruise allows visitors the chance to enjoy a fun cruise and see the city from a different perspective.
请正确选择送货地区,悦网购有权 不 正 确地区的订单追回差额或取消及收取订单货品价格的3%行政费用。
Bonjourhk.com prices may vary in different delivery regions,please select the correct delivery region to avoid orders [...]
canceled or any administrative charges.
(o) 如私穩專員本可就第㆒太平銀行違反或被指稱違反《個㆟資料(私 隱)條例》(第 486 章)或保障資料原則㆒事而在緊接指定日期之前 根據該條例就第㆒太平銀行行使任何權力,則自指定日期起,他可就
[...] 歸東亞銀行,以及因預期或由於進行㆖述移轉及轉歸而向東亞銀行所 作出的任何信息露,並不屬違反第㆒太平銀行在緊接該指定日期前 [...]
所負有的保密責任,而東亞銀行或第㆒太平銀行亦不屬違反《個㆟資 料(私隱)條例》(第
486 章)或保障資料原則。
(l) The Privacy Commissioner may, on and from the appointed day, exercise in respect of Bank of East Asia any power under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) which he could have immediately before the appointed day exercised in respect of First Pacific Bank in respect of a breach or alleged breach by First Pacific Bank of that Ordinance or the data protection principles; but the transfer to, and vesting in, Bank of East Asia by this Ordinance of the undertaking of First Pacific Bank and any disclosure to Bank of East Asia of any
information in contemplation or as a
[...] result thereof shall not amount to a breach [...]
of any duty of confidentiality to which
First Pacific Bank is subject immediately before the appointed day or to a contravention by Bank of East Asia or First Pacific Bank of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) or the data protection principles.
因为ABCpdf不依赖于任何其他的软件,所以它可以实现完全的多线程,而且不会出现任何令 不悦 的 瓶 颈效果。
Because ABCpdf doesn't rely on any other software it can be completely multithreaded without any unpleasant bottlenecks.
近期傳媒多次露不良西 醫濫售危險藥物的猖獗 情況,不但令整個西醫行業的尊嚴受到損害,社會㆟士對此問題的關注,顯示市民大 [...]
This has impaired the dignity of the [...]
entire medical profession. In addition, as we can see from the concern that members
of the public have expressed on the issue, the general public just cannot tolerate such a situation any longer.
审计委员会分析了多个项目厅办事处的手工资产登记册,以确定订正露 不动产 、厂房和设备价值门槛值的影响,并注意到,对于选定的各抽样办事处, [...]
The Board analysed the manual asset registers of various UNOPS offices to
determine the impact of the revision of the
[...] threshold on the disclosed value of property, [...]
plant and equipment, and noted that
for the sample of offices selected, the revision would result in the exclusion from disclosure in the financial statements of a significant number of assets with a material value.
在这片沃土上,抗拒贵族化的立场、集体归属感和在公共场合抛 露面 的 观 念在土崩瓦解、相互碰撞,并影射各种无声的抗拒形式。
The Great Good Place, as Eriksson calls it, remains “a fertile site,” where positions against
gentrification, a sense of community,
[...] notions of public exposure collapse, collide, [...]
and allude to silent forms of resistance.
准则 的目标之一 是在可行的范围内尽量保护不属于公共领域的技术信息 并同 时保证 执行委员会将在秘书处的协助下了解充分和公平地披露的关于项目提案的各面 必要信息 以便确保该项目提案符合供资条件 实现这一目标的办法是兼顾以下二者 知 情的需要 原则 根据这项原则 只有在需要的时候才露不属于 公共领域的信息 透明 度 这项原则要求向秘书处和执行委员会提供所有可能与项目提案的审查和审议有关的信 息5.
One of the objectives of these Guidelines is to protect, to the extent
practicable, Technical Information not in the
[...] Public Domain while ensuring that the Executive Committee, with the assistance of the Secretariat, receives full and fair disclosure of all aspects of a project proposal necessary to assure its eligibility for funding.
关于康复中心提 供无与伦比的服务,还有其他一些例子,然而许多人宁愿保持低调,由于其工作 性质,抛露面会有危险。
There are other examples of rehabilitation centres providing unmatched
services, yet many prefer to keep a
[...] low profile because of the dangers of public exposure resulting from [...]
the nature of their work.
[...] 各会员国得到足够的信息,相信这个过程是公平和透 明的,同时不损害候选人的隐私不 泄 露面 试 小 组或 秘书长审议过程的机密。
A balance should be struck so that Member States received sufficient information to have confidence that the process was fair and transparent without compromising the privacy of the
candidates or the confidentiality of the deliberative process,
[...] whether of the interview panels or the Secretary-General.
有时,对于这些  问题觉得难于启齿,以致我们只将其看成  ‘印度教徒’、‘基督教徒’或‘回教徒’,而没 有找出在这些标签面深藏不露的心 灵旅程。
Sometimes we find it hard to ask about these things so we only see someone as ‘Hindu’ or ‘Christian’ or ‘Muslim’, instead of finding out about the spiritual journey that is behind these labels.
并联结构机床在上个世纪九十年代初期,美国英格索尔公司以商品形式于美国国际机床展览会 露面 , 另 有瑞典、法国、日本、俄罗斯、波兰、韩国的几家机床企业或高校、科研单位提出大同小异 不 同 类型试验品投石问路,此后进入小批量商品投放市场者以瑞典尼阿斯公司较突出,美国辛辛纳弟公司、德国DMG、沈阳机床集团以这一原理在传统的卧式镗铣床基础结构上,实现主轴部件多坐标联动动作,具有另外的新意。
Parallel Machine Tool in the early nineties of last century, the United States Ingersoll commodity form of the appearance of American International Machine Tool Exhibition, while Sweden and France, Japan, Russia, Poland, South Korea, several machine tool companies or universities , presented similar research units of different types of test items speculative, then enter the small quantities of goods on the market are more prominent companies in Sweden Nie Si, the United States Xinxin Na Di, Germany's DMG, Shenyang Machine Tool Group to the principles of the traditional horizontal boring milling infrastructure, the realization of multi-axis motion spindle components, with other new ideas.
与法国和国际电台、电视台、网站和其他相关服务机构一起安排电视专题直播或提供 电视节目录像带,努力使部长们尽量 露面 和 参与大会的工作。
Efforts will be made to maximize the visibility, exposure and involvement of ministers in the work of the General Conference by arranging dedicated live or taped television programmes with French and international radio, television and online stations and services.




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