

单词 面谢

谢谢 ()

thank you

谢谢 verb ()

thanks for v

See also:

surname Xie
wither (of flowers, leaves etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

秘书处注意到工发组织代表墨西哥提交的文件非常 面 , 它 感谢 工发组织提交了符合第 51/34 号决定要求的详尽文件。
It is noted that the submission on behalf of
[...] Mexico was very comprehensive and the Secretariat would like to extend its appreciation [...]
to UNIDO for thorough documentation,
which responded to decision 51/34.
在这面,她感谢马尔 代夫发展伙伴尤其是 欧盟给予的支持,后者已经决定在马尔代夫脱离名 单之后延长对马尔代夫的优惠贸易条件直至 2014 年。
In that connection, she acknowledged the support given by Maldives’ [...]
development partners, particularly the European Union,
which had decided to grant Maldives an extension of preferential trade terms after graduation until 2014.
在这面,我要感谢他们所做的 出色努力。
In that connection, I
[...] wish to express my gratitude to them for their [...]
excellent efforts.
在 这面,秘书长谢区域 中心的东道国秘鲁提供年度捐款,并呼吁该国继续向中 心提供必要的财政和其他支持,以抵消增加的运作费用。
In this regard, the Secretary-General wishes to thank the host country [...]
of the Centre for its annual contribution and calls
upon Peru to continue to provide the necessary financial support to the Centre in order to offset the rise in its operating costs.
我还欢迎及时提交的秘书长报告(S/2010/173), 在这面,我感谢秘书 长关于两性平等问题和提高妇 女地位问题特别顾问马扬贾女士就这一非常技术性 [...]
I also welcome the timely submission of the report of
the Secretary-General
[...] (S/2010/173), and in that regard, would like to thank the Special Adviser [...]
to the Secretary-General
on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, Ms. Mayanja, for her briefing on that highly technical report.
在这面,我们感谢潘基文秘书长根据大会在 64/10 号决 议中的要求,最近提交了一份报告(A/64/651)。
In that regard, we express our thanks to Secretary-General [...]
Ban Ki-moon for his recent submission of a report (A/64/651),
as requested by the Assembly in resolution 64/10.
在这面,我要感谢大会 和秘书长在 4 月 28 和 29 日在莫斯科举行的关于健康生活方式和控制非传 染性疾病的第一次全球会议和在世界卫生组织主持 [...]
下举行的其他区域部长级会议之后召开本次首脑会 议,以制定和实施预防和控制非传染性疾病的全球行 动计划。
In that regard, I would like to thank the General Assembly [...]
and the Secretary-General for having convened this summit to
develop and implement a global plan of action for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), in the wake of the First Global Conference on Healthy Lifestyles and Non-communicable Disease Control, held in Moscow on 28 and 29 April, and other regional ministerial conferences held under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO).
我还要谢秘书长提出的面报告(S/2009/72),谢安全 理事会轮值主席日本召开这次公开辩论,感 谢秘书长特别代表阿图尔·哈雷先生领导联合国东帝 汶综合特派团(联东综合团)在当地展开不懈的努力, [...]
I would also like to thank the Secretary-General for his comprehensive report (S/2009/72), [...]
the Japanese presidency of the
Security Council for convening this open debate, and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Atul Khare, for the tireless work of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) on the ground, which is highly appreciated by the international community.
我们还谢秘书长 提交其面报告(S/2011/634*),并谢他 今 天上午 发言。
We also thank the Secretary-General for his comprehensive report (S/2011/634*) and for [...]
his statement this morning.
和其他人一样,我也愿首先谢秘书 长的 面报 告(S/2012/133),并特别谢秘书 长特别代表扬·库 比什先生的通报以及他和他的团队在十分困难的环 境下所做的出色工作。
Like others, I
[...] would first like to thank the Secretary-General for his comprehensive report (S/2012/133), [...]
and in particular Special
Representative of the Secretary-General Ján Kubiš for his briefing and for the excellent work that he and his team are doing under truly difficult circumstances.
在这面,我要感谢联合 国法律事务厅迅速编写这份 内容翔实的报告(S/2011/360),报告讨论了索马里境 [...]
内以及境外反海盗特别法庭的可行性以及目前在区 域内其它国家加强起诉努力的宝贵信息。
In that regard, I would like to thank the United Nations [...]
Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) for rapidly compiling this informative
report (S/2011/360), which discusses the feasibility of specialized Somali counter-piracy courts both in and outside Somalia, as well as valuable information on ongoing enhanced prosecutorial efforts in other States of the region.
在这面,我 国代表团要表示,我们谢秘书长提交他由两个部分 组成的面报告(A/65/69),也谢海洋 事务和海洋 法司在过去一年中给予马耳他的协助。
In that regard, my delegation wishes to express its appreciation to the Secretary-General for his comprehensive two-part report (A/65/69) and to [...]
the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea for the assistance given to Malta in the past year.
艾克先生(德国)(以英语发言):我谨感谢副秘书 长奥布莱恩和执行主任费多托夫的 面 通 报 ,并谢 联合国开发计划署(开发计划署)、联合国毒品和犯罪 [...]
问题办公室(禁毒办)和联合国索马里政治事务处(联 索政治处),它们都对秘书长报告(S/2012/50)作出了 贡献。
(Germany): I would like to thank Under-Secretary-General
O’Brien and Executive Director
[...] Fedotov for their comprehensive briefings, as well [...]
as the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS), which have all contributed to the Secretary-General’s report (S/2012/50).
在打击贩运人口面,俄罗斯谢白 俄 罗斯近 期组织了团结一致打击人口贩运之友小组部长间会 议,该会议的目的是使联合国打击人口贩运全球倡 [...]
Regarding the fight against trafficking in persons, Russia [...]
commended Belarus for having recently organized a ministerial
meeting of the Group of Friends United against Human Trafficking, aimed at giving substance to the United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking.
在这面,我们 要谢所有 支持把这一重要问题列入本年度决议草 案的代表团。
In that regard, we wish to thank all the delegations [...]
that supported the inclusion of that important issue in this year’s draft resolution.
在这面,我们感谢反恐 执行局和反恐执行工作 队采取加强区域合作以落实战略的联合举措,并感谢 它们与第 1540(2004)号决议所设委员会和反恐委员 [...]
In that regard, we acknowledge the joint initiatives of [...]
the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate and the Counter-Terrorism
Implementation Task Force designed to strengthen regional cooperation in the implementation of the Strategy, and their close cooperation with the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) and the Counter-Terrorism Committee.
在这面,总干事谢所有为该行动提供援助的会 员国,如在全民教育能力建设计划 (CapEFA)框架内提供支持的北欧国家,以及西班牙、意 大利和日本政府,并呼吁其他会员国通过向 [...]
TTISSA 行动提供适当捐款,支持非洲撒哈拉以 南地区的教师政策和计划。
In this regard, the Director-General wishes to thank those Member States [...]
that have provided support to the Initiative, namely
the Nordic countries within the context of the EFA Capacity Bulding programme (CapEFA) as well as the Spanish, Italian and Japanese Governments, and calls on other Member States to show their support for teacher policy and programmes in sub-Saharan Africa by making appropriate contributions to TTISSA.
仍 有 许 多 挑战,布基 纳 法索指
[...] 出,因 此 它 希 望得到国际社 会的支 助,以帮 助 它 执行在普遍定期审议框架内所作的建议,在这面 , 它 特别谢阿根 廷和巴西,这两个国家已表示愿意援助布基纳法索。
The challenges were still numerous and Burkina Faso indicated that it would therefore appreciate any support designed to help it implement the recommendations made in the framework of the Universal Periodic Review
from the
[...] international community and thanked in particular Argentina and Brazil in that regard as they had already [...]
expressed their
willingness to assist Burkina Faso.
在这面,我谨感谢秘书 长阁下、教科文组织和 联合国秘书处作出努力,对跨大西洋贩卖奴隶的起因 和后果和必需应对它产生的而且今天仍然存在的种 [...]
In this regard, I have the honour to thank His Excellency the [...]
Secretary-General, UNESCO and the United Nations Secretariat
for their efforts to educate and spread awareness of the causes and consequences of the transatlantic slave trade and the need to address the racism and inequality that still exist today as a result.
在这面,我们必须谢一些 发展合作伙伴所做 的努力;尽管正在经历经济和金融危机,但是它们已 经达到,有些甚至已经超过官方发展援助占国民总收 [...]
入 0.7%的目标。
In that regard, we must acknowledge the efforts [...]
that have been made by some development partners to achieve, and in some
instances exceed, the target of 0.7 per cent of gross national income to official development assistance (ODA), despite the ongoing economic and financial crisis.
[...] 列举在武装冲突中严重侵害儿童的各种行径、武装团 体释放儿童的进展情况以及在同某些冲突 面 打交面临的挑战;谢报告 中提出的各项建议。
My delegation wishes to thank the SecretaryGeneral for his report (S/2011/250) — which enumerates the grave violations committed against children in armed conflicts, the progress made in
the release of children from
[...] armed groups and the challenges faced in dealing with some of the parties [...]
to conflicts — as well
as for the recommendations it contains.
我 还要谢他的全面通报,其中阐明了立陶宛作为欧洲 安全与合作组织(欧安组织)2011 年轮值主席将要开 展的优先工作。
May I also thank him for his comprehensive briefing setting [...]
out the priorities of Lithuania as Chairman-in-Office of the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) for 2011.
在这面,我非常谢大会去年通过了第 63/256 号决议,其中确认了这一困难,允许法庭根据按审判 时间表制定的计划削减员额日期,与工作人员签订合 同。
In that regard, I am extremely grateful to the General [...]
Assembly for its adoption last year of resolution 63/256, which recognizes
the difficulty and allows the Tribunal to offer contracts to staff, in line with the dates of planned post reductions and in accordance with trial schedules.
我也想与前面的几位发言人一样对负责儿童与 武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表库马拉斯瓦米女士、
[...] 主管维持和平行动助理秘书长和儿童基金会副执行 主任对儿童保护工作所做的重要贡献以及他们今天 上午所做的面通报表示谢。
I would also like to join previous speakers in thanking the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, Ms. Coomaraswamy, the Assistant-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations and the Deputy Executive Director
of UNICEF for their vital contributions to the protection of children
[...] and for their comprehensive briefings this [...]
[...] 语发言):我感谢秘书长特别代表埃德蒙德·穆莱特 先生的面通报,并谢海地常驻代表在安理会发表 的补充评论。
(Bosnia and Herzegovina): I would like to thank Mr. Edmond Mulet,
Special Representative of the
[...] Secretary-General, for his comprehensive briefing, and the [...]
Permanent Representative of Haiti for
his additional comments before the Council.
在反对种族歧视科科长发言后,几个代表团对他的 面 报 告 表示 谢 ,并 表示支持该科的工作,强调该科在缩小建议与实地实施之间的差距中所发挥的重 [...]
Following the statement made by the chief of the
Anti-Discrimination Section,
[...] several delegates thanked him for his comprehensive report, expressed [...]
their support for the work
of the section and stressed the important role to be played by the section in filling the gap between recommendations and implementation on the ground.
最不发达国家代 表团对发展伙伴及其他伙伴提供国际援助表示 谢 , 认为这些援助与国家努力相 互结合和补充,已帮助最不发达国家在实现国际商定发展目标 面 取 得 了一些重 大进展,特别是在增强妇女权能、初等教育和卫生等领域。
Least developed country
[...] delegations expressed gratitude for international support received from development partners and others, and stated that that assistance, in combination and complementarity with national efforts, had helped least developed countries make some important progress towards achieving internationally agreed objectives, particularly in areas related to [...]
the empowerment of women, primary education and health.
他们谢根据 大会上届会议的指示所做的工作,并对清楚地阐述总体目标和战略性 计划目标,将非洲和性别平等确定为整个《中期战略》期间仅有的两个全球优先事项,制定专门针对青年、最 不发达国家和小岛屿发展中国家的具体活动,以及重视注重结果的管理和评估文化等 面 , 表 示欢迎。
They acknowledged the efforts to respond to the directions given by the last
[...] [...] General Conference, and welcomed the clear statement of overarching and strategic programme objectives, the designation of Africa and gender equality as the only global priorities throughout the period of the Medium-Term Strategy, the specific and targeted interventions envisaged for youth, LDCs and SIDS, as well as the attention to results-based management and the culture of evaluation.
39.1. 专家小组认识到费用测算研究在计算计划支助费率方面的重要性,并在表达 其意愿将培训倡议扩大至更多总部外办事处的希望时, 谢 了 在 培训 面 所 作 的努 力。
39.1 The Group of Experts recognized the importance of the cost-measurement study to
estimate the PSC rate and
[...] appreciated the efforts made in terms of training while expressing [...]
their wish to expand the training
initiative to more field offices.
我还感谢秘书长今天在此发言,并 谢 他 的 全面 报告 (S/2011/634* ),该报告描述了将有助于以一种更 加明确的方式指导安理会在该议题上工作的许多重 要方面。
I also thank the Secretary-General for his presentation here today as well as for his comprehensive report (S/2011/634*), which illustrates many important aspects that will help [...]
guide the Council’s
work on this topic in a more oriented way.




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