

单词 面包片

See also:



片面 adj

incomprehensive adj

External sources (not reviewed)

我们精心准备了拉贝瑞法式整只鹅肝,康菲德无花果酱配吐 面包片 , 精 美的Azovka鱼子酱,班尼橄榄,Wagyu牛肉配Tartufitali白松露橄榄油和有机生菜,火腿配问柏糊…… 当然还有来自法国慕斯和Fromi品牌的15款手工奶酪。
On the menu: Labeyrie French Whole duck Foie Gras
served with Andresy fig jam
[...] and seasoned toast points, Azovka Caviar Tasting, Barnier Olives Degustation, Wagyu Beef Carpaccio with Tartufitalia [...]
White Truffle Oil
and Organic Lettuce, Cured ham with Quince paste and Manchego… Of course our French cheese was also well represented with a selection of fifteen or so of handmade cheeses from Mons and Fromi.
8:干面包糠4大匙,没有的话可用 片面包 烤 干 ,压碎也行。
8: 4T bread crumbs.
用于成果文件中的草拟段包含了 许多对 以色片面不公而且往往是不真实的指责,但却没 有解决发生在其他地方的更严重的问题。
The draft paragraphs for use in the outcome document contained dozens of unfair, unbalanced and often untrue allegations about Israel, while failing to address more serious problems elsewhere.
牢房中有一个洗手间,也是 被拘留者唯一的饮水源,有时能得到 片面包 吃。
For food, he
[...] occasionally received a piece of bread.
片包含 GPS 數據,點擊地圖按鈕,就可在 Metadata 面板下 方開啓一個可改變大小的小地圖,顯示照片的拍攝地點。
If GPS data is available,
[...] click the Map button to display a small, resizable map at the bottom of the Metadata pane, showing the [...]
location of your photos.
为了省吃省用,第一晚在基督城的我,只点了一碗海鲜蘑菇汤及 片面包。
On my first day in Christchurch, I just had a seafood
[...] chowder and a piece of bread.
物理逻辑 IP(包括 28 纳米到 65 纳米的标准单元库和电源管理工包 通 过 最大限度地减少硅 片面 积 和 漏电的同时优化性能,降低了成本和功耗。
Physical Logical IP, including Standard Cell Libraries and Power Management Kits at 28 nm to 65 nm, reduces cost and power usage by minimizing silicon area and leakage, [...]
while optimizing performance.
顧客可以在Lytro桌面免費 更新「活濾鏡」,便可應用於所有Lytro光場 片 , 包 括 以前拍攝的照片。
Living Filters is a free update to Lytro Desktop and works on all Lytro light field pictures, including retroactively.
就弹药而言,这种检查表 登记的内容应包括批号、类型、口径、材料、数量、弹壳上和包装上的标识包 括弹壳和包装的详细片及描述。
For ammunition, such inspections sheets should include the lot number, type, calibre, material, quantity, markings
on the cartridge and on the packaging,
[...] including detailed pictures and descriptions of the cartridge and the packaging.
一些代表团认为,对产生空间片包 括 配备核动力源平台产生的碎片负大 部分责任的国家和有能力在减缓空间 片 方 面 采 取行动的国家应当向委员会通 报其为减少空间碎片的产生而采取的行动。
Some delegations expressed the view
[...] that the States most responsible for the creation of space debris, including debris from platforms with nuclear power sources, and the States [...]
having the capability
to take action on space debris mitigation should inform the Committee about their actions to reduce the creation of space debris.
萼片卵形,线形的内部的通常,厘米花冠黄,1-2.2厘米的筒部;片包括,有尾15-22.5厘米,卵形,有尾的下部下垂, 面 , 令 宽1毫米的是; 红色,紫色的副花冠裂片黄斑点具,或棕色,舌形。
Corolla yellow, tube 1-2.2 cm; lobes including tails 15-22.5 cm, proximal part ovate, tail pendulous, [...]
puberulent on both sides, to 1 mm wide; corona lobes yellow
spotted with red, purple, or brown, tongue-shaped.
这种虐待有多种面,包括对身体各部位的拳打脚踢,或用武 器殴打,以及电击、烧伤、用辣椒液喷射或用塑料袋造成窒息。
The mistreatment consisted, inter alia, [...]
of punches or kicks to different parts of the body or blows with weapons, as well
as electrical shocks, burns, spraying with pepper gas, or suffocation with plastic bags.
这些 LaCie 产品可确保将所有媒体片(包括照 片 ) 从 船上送到 面 工 作 人员的手中,并为每次比赛结束后的全球发布做好准备。
These LaCie products are important for ensuring that
[...] all media footage, including photographs, gets from the boat to the ground crew and then [...]
prepared for global
distribution at every race stop.
[...] 所设立的其他下属机关授权秘书处的所有任务;诚实、客观、准确并及时地 报告工作结果;负责任地管理资金和资源;工作情况的所有 面 , 包 括 一 个 明确的奖惩制度;对监督机构的重要作用予以应有的承认并全面遵守已接受 [...]
Accountability includes achieving objectives and high-quality results in a timely and cost-effective manner, in fully implementing and delivering on all mandates to the Secretariat approved by the United Nations intergovernmental bodies and other subsidiary organs established by them in compliance with all resolutions, regulations, rules and ethical standards; truthful, objective, accurate and timely reporting on performance results;
responsible stewardship of funds
[...] and resources; all aspects of performance, including a clearly defined [...]
system of rewards and sanctions;
and with due recognition to the important role of the oversight bodies and in full compliance with accepted recommendations.
遗憾的是,土耳其政府继续其先前在工作组第六届会议对塞浦路斯进行普遍 定期审议期间的不可接受的行为,再次选择危害普遍定期审议机制,利用和滥用 该机制,将其作为在塞浦路斯问题上发 片面 的 政 治指称的一种渠道。
It is regrettable that the Government of Turkey, consistent with its previous unacceptable behaviour demonstrated during the universal periodic review of Cyprus at the sixth session of the Working Group chose once more to jeopardize the universal periodic review mechanism by using and abusing it as a channel for airing its partisan political allegations concerning the Cyprus problem.
产品片包含的 某些附件可能不作为所印目录号的标准配件提 供。
Pictures may depict accessories [...]
which are not supplied as standard under the catalog number printed.
该项目主管负责确保分管的项目在预定时间、预算、规模和质量范围内交 付;管理分管项目的所有面,包括 确 定要求、开发、用户验收测试、培训和部 署;按要求履行行政职能,包括撰写工作说明和一般资源管理;负责分管的 [...]
Inspira 项目其后的全面推出。
The Project Manager is responsible for ensuring that assigned projects are delivered within schedule,
budget, scope and
[...] quality; to manage all aspects of the assigned projects, including requirements definition, [...]
user acceptance testing, training and deployment; conducting administrative functions as required, including writing job descriptions and general resource management; and for subsequent roll-out globally of assigned Inspira projects.
与其他营养物质一样,每片面包都 富 含有 益纤维。
As well as all the other
[...] nutrients, every slice is full of beneficial fibre.
人力资源管理厅继续进行以下工作:帮助联合国 调动其人力资源能力,迎接各项新兴挑战;支持设立 新的实体;通过政策制定和信息技术,发展和维持人 力资源管理基础设施;建立能力以帮助管理人员进行
[...] 分享人力资源管理方面新的观念和良好做法;在有关 服务条件和安保的事项面,包括在工作-生活问题、 工作人员发展和职业机会等领域进行倡导;并向各部 [...]
The Office continued to help the Organization to align its human resources capacity with emerging challenges and to support the establishment of new entities; to develop and maintain the human resources management infrastructure through policy development and information technology; to build capacity to help managers to manage and staff to function to the best of their ability, and to monitor performance; to introduce and share new ideas and good practices in human resources management; to advocate in
matters relating to conditions of
[...] service and security, including in such areas as [...]
work-life issues, staff development and
career opportunities; and to provide advice and administrative services to departments and offices, managers and the staff at large.
阿根廷政府又认为,英国此项新 片面 措 施是联合王国扩张南大西洋军事存 在的进一步步骤,此举加剧和深化 [...]
2004 年英国在群岛设立的军事基地设备升级 造成的局势;阿根廷政府在 2004 年 6 月 8 日 DIMAS 137 号照会中对此提出了抗 议。
The Argentine Government also
[...] believes that this new unilateral measure by the United [...]
Kingdom constitutes a further step
in the expansion of the latter’s military presence in the South Atlantic, which exacerbates and entrenches the situation created in 2004 with the upgrading of the British military base in the region, protested by means of Note DIMAS No. 137 of 8 June 2004.
[...] 31/49 号决议,该决议“要求双方正在进行大会所建议的过程时,不要作出可能 意味片面变更局势的决定”。
In this regard, the Heads of State and Government of Latin America and the Caribbean recalled General Assembly resolution 31/49 which “calls upon the two parties to
refrain from taking decisions that
[...] would imply introducing unilateral modifications in [...]
the situation while the islands are
going through the process recommended” by the General Assembly.
[...] 以及这些空间物体与空间碎片碰撞所涉问题进行的研究的报告并未载列那些对 产生空间片(包括来 自带有核动力源的平台的碎片)负有主要责任的国家的 [...]
Some delegations were of the view that reports on national research on space debris, safety of space objects with nuclear power sources on board and problems relating to their collision with space debris did not contain replies from the
States that were largely responsible for creating
[...] space debris, including debris from platforms [...]
with nuclear power sources.
因此,我们大家应当认识到,唯一的解决办法 只能是由叙利亚人自己来解决问题,开展 面 、包 容和 满足叙利亚人民愿望的叙利亚政治进程,开展 在祖国的总体范围内人人都可参与的全民对话,来 [...]
建立一个民主、多元、在法律面前人人平等、不存 在任何政治或意识形态倾向的国家;一个人人不受
歧视地拥有政治和经济机会的国家;一个能够象其 它国家一样,举行人人均可参与竞选的民主、透明 和自由选举的国家。
Consequently, it is incumbent upon all of us to realize that the
only solution must be a Syrian
[...] solution through a comprehensive and inclusive Syrian political [...]
process that satisfies the aspirations
of the Syrian people in a national dialogue in which all participate under the umbrella of the homeland in order to establish a democratic, pluralistic country where all enjoy equality before the law, far from any political or ideological tendencies, a State where political and economic opportunities are available to each and everyone without discrimination, where there are democratic, transparent and free elections in which all compete, as is the case in other countries.
他指出,在多元文化社会里,必须采取 适当的措施,确保对不同信仰的尊重。然而,宗教 诽谤概念面临的风险是,把重点从个人和团体的基 本权利转移到对宗教机构、象征和思想的保护上, 此外,它会片面用于 支持某些法律,以惩罚宗教 少数群体,并压制不同信仰和文化间的正当对话。
Nonetheless, the notion of defamation of religions risked removing the focus away from the basic right of individuals and groups and to the protection of institutions, symbols and ideas; furthermore, it could lend itself locally to support for laws that penalized religious minorities and stifled legitimate dialogue among persons of different faiths and cultures.
大会第六十五届会议欢迎联合国难民事务高级专员采取举措,与各国协商, 协助举办纪念 1951
年《关于难民地位的公约》六十周年和纪念 1961 年《减少无
[...] 国籍状态公约》五十周年的部长级政府间活动,赞赏地注意到高级专员办事处在 开展结构和管理改革面、包括在 执行全球需要评估倡议方面取得的进展,鼓励 [...]
情况(第 65/194 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly welcomed the initiative of the High Commissioner to facilitate, in consultation with States, the convening of an intergovernmental event at the ministerial level on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the fiftieth anniversary of the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, noted with appreciation the progress made in the
implementation of the process of structural and
[...] management change, including the global needs [...]
assessment initiative, undertaken by the
Office of the High Commissioner, encouraged the Office to consolidate the various aspects of the reform process, and requested the High Commissioner to report on his activities to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session (resolution 65/194).




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