

单词 非自愿


非自愿劳役 n

involuntary servitude n

See also:

自愿 n

voluntariness n


wish n


External sources (not reviewed)

道主义援助的机会特别是流离失所妇女的此种机会不平等;提供援助时有歧视行 为;发生性暴力和基于性别的暴力行为,尤其是在集体住所或营地发生此种行 为;受教育的权利遭受侵犯;不补发遗失、被没收或销毁的文件;儿童在没有充
[...] 分援助的情况下遭受经济剥削和性剥削;不安全 非自愿 返 回家园或被迫迁往国 内其他地区,或不归还财产和重建住房或提供赔偿。
The result can be insufficient or inappropriate protection from threats caused by the effects of disaster; unequal access to humanitarian assistance, in particular for displaced women; discrimination in the provision of assistance; sexual and gender-based violence, particularly in collective shelters or camps; infringements of the right to education; non-replacement of lost, confiscated or destroyed documents; economic and sexual exploitation of children in the absence
of sufficient
[...] assistance; unsafe or involuntary returns or forced [...]
relocations to other parts of the country; or failure to restore property and
reconstruct houses or provide compensation.
这些群体包括处于特殊境地的妇女、儿童、强迫非自愿失踪 的受害者、残疾人、老年人和流离失所者、移徙者、难民和土著人 [...]
These include women in particular situations, children, victims of
[...] enforced or involuntary disappearance, [...]
disabled, elderly and displaced persons,
migrants, refugees and indigenous peoples, and minorities stereotyped with endangering national security.
(a) 采取了哪些步骤,确保不因非医学原因违背个人意愿将任何人送入精 神病院;确保医学原因所非自愿住 院 以独立精神病专家的建议作为依据;缔约 国有哪些决定允许非自愿送入 精神病院的个人提起上诉。
(a) The steps taken to ensure that no one is involuntarily
placed in psychiatric
[...] institutions for non-medical reasons; that any involuntary hospitalization for medical reasons is based on the advice of independent psychiatric experts; and that decisions by the State party to involuntarily hospitalize [...]
individuals in psychiatric institutions may be appealed.
出于性剥削和劳动力 剥削列入强迫或奴役劳动非自愿奴 役 都要受到惩罚,惩罚期为五到二十年徒 刑。
Penalties for trafficking in persons for sexual exploitation and labor exploitation such as forced or bonded labor and involuntary servitude range from 5 to 20 years’ imprisonment.
工作组对没有收到该国政府针对 A/HRC/13/31 号文件所载的一般指控的答
[...] 复感到遗憾,指控涉及政党成员和人权捍卫者被强迫 非自愿 失 踪 的现象日益严 重。
The Working Group regrets that no response was received from the Government to its general
allegation on the escalating phenomenon of
[...] enforced or involuntary disappearances [...]
of political party members and human rights
defenders included in A/HRC/13/31.
(b) 国家《精神卫生法》草案及其条款在个 非自愿 住 院 的程序方面有何 进展,个人如何对这类决定提出质疑,以及中央政府打算什么时候就该法律草案 [...]
(b) The progress of the draft national mental health law and its
provisions regarding the process by which an
[...] individual may be involuntarily hospitalized, [...]
and how an individual can challenge such
a decision, as well as the time frame within which the central government intends to act on this draft law.
委员会要求秘书处与负责研究被迫 非自愿 失 踪 的联合国工作组进行联系,以了解其 [...]
决定将此案结案的理由(135 EX/3 PRIV.第 87 段)。
The Committee decided to request the Secretariat
to ask the United Nations Working Group on
[...] Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances [...]
to inform it of the reasons for its decision
to close the file on this case (135 EX/3 PRIV., para. 87).
[...] 国成为《公约》缔约方,以期实现各国普遍参加《公约》,邀请强迫失踪问题委 员会主席和强迫非自愿失踪 问题工作组主席于大会第六十七届会议期间向大 [...]
会陈述情况并与大会进行互动式对话,又请秘书长向大会该届会议提交一份报告 (第 66/209 号决议)。
At the same session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to continue their intensive efforts to assist States in becoming parties to the Convention, with a view to achieving universal adherence, invited the Chair of the Committee on Enforced
Disappearances and the Chair of the Working Group
[...] on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances [...]
to address and engage in an interactive
dialogue with the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session, and requested the Secretary-General to submit a report to the Assembly at that session (resolution 66/160).
大会在题为“保护所有人免遭强迫失踪国际公约”的第 64/167
[...] 号决议中强 调关注世界各区域强迫失踪非自愿 失 踪 ,包括构成强迫失踪的部分行为或相当 [...]
于强迫失踪的逮捕、拘留和绑架增加的情况,并关注涉及骚扰、虐待和恐吓失踪 事件的证人或失踪者亲属的报告日益增多的情况。
In its resolution 64/167, entitled “International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance”, the General Assembly
underlined its concern about the increase in
[...] enforced or involuntary disappearances [...]
in various regions of the world, including
arrest, detention and abduction, when these are part of or amount to enforced disappearances, and by the growing number of reports concerning harassment, ill-treatment and intimidation of witnesses of disappearances or relatives of persons who have disappeared.
缔约国应汇编关于监督国家层面执行《公约》情况的统计数据,如以下各个方面 案件的申诉、调查、起诉和定罪的数据:酷刑和虐待案件,包括 非自愿 绝 育、 手术绝育、社会机构中非自愿治疗 和收容、使用限制措施有关的案件,以及对 少数族裔尤其是罗姆人的暴力袭击、贩运人口和家庭暴力及性暴力案件,以及向 受害者提供的包括赔偿与康复在内的补救措施。
The State party should compile statistical data relevant to the monitoring of the implementation of the Convention at the national level, in such areas as data on complaints, investigations, prosecutions and convictions of cases of torture and illtreatment, in relation to involuntary sterilization, surgical castration, involuntary treatment and placement in social institutions, the use of restraints, and violent attacks against ethnic minorities, in particular Roma, trafficking and domestic and sexual violence, as well as on means of redress, including compensation and rehabilitation, provided to the victims.
因此,国家将考虑强迫非自愿失踪 问题工作组的建议,以期在国家宪政 体制允许的情况下着手制定必要的协调程序,协调对象既包括该工作组,也包括 [...]
The State will therefore take into consideration
the recommendations of the Working Group on
[...] Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances [...]
with a view to developing, as far as the
country’s constitutional framework will permit, the establishment of the necessary coordination procedures, both with regard to the Working Group and organizations representing the victims.
在反恐同时促 进和保护人权问题特别报告员的工作包括汇编法律和体制框架和措施的良好做 法,确保情报机构及其监督部门在反恐同时尊重人权(A/HRC/14/46),关注这个 问题的机构还有任意拘留问题工作组、酷刑问题特别报告员和强迫 非自愿 失踪 问题工作组等,这些机构联合进行一项关于秘密拘留的研究,人权理事会的普遍 定期审议机制还系统地重点关注了人权和反恐问题。
In addition to the work of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights while countering terrorism, which includes a compilation of good practices on legal and institutional frameworks and measures that ensure respect for human rights by intelligence agencies while countering terrorism, including on their oversight (A/HRC/14/46), this topic has also been addressed inter alia by the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the Special Rapporteur on torture and the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, all of which contributed to a joint study on secret detention.
这种情况可能会严重威胁到缺乏政治或法律手段对土地的偷窃、强迫性流离失 所非自愿移居 或采掘业有害影响进行追究的那些少数群体。
This can create significant threats to minorities who lack the political or
legal means to challenge land theft, forced
[...] displacement, involuntary resettlement [...]
or the harmful impact of extractive industries.
敦促缔约方向以下各方发出长期邀请信:人权理事会所有特别程序,特别 是在打击恐怖主义的同时增进和保护人权及基本自由问题特别报告员、关于酷刑 或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚问题特别报告员、法外处决、即审
[...] 即决或任意处决问题报告员和任意拘留问题工作组和被强迫 非自愿 失 踪 问题工 作组。
States are urged to issue a standing invitation to all special procedures of the Human Rights Council, and in particular to the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial,
summary or arbitrary executions and the Working Groups on Arbitrary Detention and on
[...] Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances.
可能还有另外一些禁止的理 由,包括因为某人在监禁中非自愿 地 进 入精神病院,或出于两个禁止的歧视理 [...]
Other possible prohibited grounds could include the denial of a person’s
legal capacity because he or she is in
[...] prison, or is involuntarily interned in a [...]
psychiatric institution, or the intersection
of two prohibited grounds of discrimination, e.g. where access to a social service is denied on the basis of sex and disability.
关于拘留中心、酷刑非自愿失踪 以及正当法律程序等问题,代表团指 出,在厄立特里亚,酷刑是非法的;在这个国家中不存在秘密拘留中心。
Concerning detention
[...] centres, torture, involuntary disappearances [...]
and due process of law, the delegation stated that torture
was illegal in Eritrea and there were no secret detention centres in the country.
中心还为三个特别程序机制的访问提供了支持,即土著人民权利问题特别报 告员和强迫非自愿失踪 问题工作组访问刚果共和国、以及利用雇佣军作为阻止 [...]
The Centre also provided support to the visits of three special procedures mechanisms, namely the Special Rapporteur on the rights of
indigenous peoples and of the Working Group on
[...] Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, [...]
to the Republic of the Congo, and of the
Working Group on the use of mercenaries as a means of impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination, to Equatorial Guinea.
[...] 措施,落实真相委员会的建议,特别是对实行酷刑、虐待和强迫 非自愿 失 踪 的 犯罪者进行迅速而公正的起诉和处罚,将被确认为侵害人权行为人的公职人员停 [...]
The Committee nevertheless urges the State party to take prompt steps to implement the recommendations of the Truth Commission, and in particular to prosecute and punish promptly and impartially those
responsible for acts of torture,
[...] ill-treatment or enforced or involuntary disappearance, [...]
to remove from their posts all officials
who have been identified as alleged perpetrators of human rights violations, to create a special fund to compensate victims, to construct a national monument bearing the names of all the victims, and to declare a national holiday in memory of the victims.
联合国宪 章 》 、 《世界人权法案》 、 经 济 及 社 会理 事会第 1235(XLI)号决议和大会在 1992 年 12 月 18 日第 47/133
[...] 号决议中通过的 《保护所有人不遭受强迫非自愿失 踪 宣言》(以下简称《宣言》)规定了工作组的 [...]
The parameters of its work are laid down in the Charter of the United Nations, the International Bill of Human Rights, Economic and Social Council resolution 1235 (XLI) and the
Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from
[...] Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance, [...]
adopted by the General Assembly in its
resolution 47/133 of 18 December 1992 (hereinafter referred to as “the Declaration”).
[...] 人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚问题特别报告员、任意拘留问题工作组和强迫非 自愿失踪 问题工作组,作为同各国协商进程的一部分,就反恐背景下的秘密拘留 [...]
的全球做法展开了一项联合研究(见 A/HRC/13/42)。
The Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, the Working Group on
Arbitrary Detention and the Working Group
[...] on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances [...]
conducted, as part of a consultative process
with States, a joint study on global practices in relation to secret detention in the context of countering terrorism (see A/HRC/13/42).
他的死亡并不属于强迫失踪的范围,尽管各方认可他是该问题的积极分子,是亚 洲非自愿失踪联盟主席。
His death does not fall under the mandate of enforced disappearances although it is
recognized that he was an activist on this issue and the President of the Asian
[...] Federation Against Involuntary Disappearance.
[...] 采取措施,确保搜寻失踪人员工作的进展,设立方案对受害者及其家人提供充分 的补救措施和赔偿,并防止出现更多的强迫 非自愿 失 踪 案件。
The Committee urges the State party to take rapid steps to ensure progress in the search for missing persons, the establishment of a programme of full redress and
compensation for victims and their families and the prevention of further cases of
[...] enforced or involuntary disappearance.
如果受驱逐或递解出境决定影响的外国人在白俄罗斯共和国获得难民地位、 附加保护或庇护,如果由于种族、宗教、公民身份、国籍、参加特定社会团体或
[...] 政治见解的原因,外国人的生命或自由在某国会受到威胁或可能受到酷刑,因而 不得将非自愿地遣 返或驱逐到该国,则须停止驱逐或递解出境。
Expulsions or deportations are halted when aliens subject to expulsion or deportation decisions are granted refugee status, additional protection or asylum in the Republic of Belarus, and when aliens may not be returned or deported involuntarily to a country where their life or freedom would be
threatened on the grounds
[...] of their race, religion, citizenship, [...]
nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinions, or where they may be subjected to torture.
强迫非自愿失踪 问题工作组是人权委员会在第 20(XXXVI)号决议中建立 [...]
的,人权理事会在第 7/12 号决议中重新确认了该工作组,这是肩负全球任务的 第一个联合国人权专题机制。
Established by the
[...] Commission on Human Rights in its resolution [...]
20 (XXXVI) and renewed by the Human Rights Council in its
resolution 7/12, the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances was the first United Nations human rights thematic mechanism established with a global mandate.
但是,如果其中所包含资料是按照在“被强迫 非自愿 失 踪 案件的受 理条件”和“可受理报告必备的基本内容”两个题目下所列要求提供的,该紧急呼 [...]
吁即成为视情况成为标准或紧急案件,在这种情况下,将以单独函件通知有关国 家政府。
However, should the information contained therein be provided in accordance with the
requirements listed under “Admissibility of cases of
[...] enforced or involuntary disappearances” [...]
and “Elements for admissibility”, the
urgent appeal will become a standard or urgent case as appropriate in which case the Government concerned will be informed by separate communication.
深切关注尤其是世界各区域强迫失踪 非自愿 失 踪 ,包括构成强迫失踪的部 分行为或相当于强迫失踪的逮捕、拘留和绑架增加的情况,并关注涉及骚扰、虐 待和恐吓失踪事件的证人或失踪者亲属的报告的情况日益增多
Deeply concerned, in particular, by the increase in enforced or involuntary disappearances in various regions of the world, including arrest, detention and abduction, when these are part of or amount to enforced disappearances, and by the growing number of reports concerning harassment, ill-treatment and intimidation of witnesses of disappearances or relatives of persons who have disappeared
委员会决定,对于在各组织服务较长时间的工作人员,如其定期合同到期之时 非自 愿性解 聘,应提供相当于其五到六个月基薪的服务终了补助金;被解聘工作人员须连续服务 [...]
The Commission decided that end-of-service grants of between five and six months of base salary should be offered to
longer-serving staff who separated from
[...] organizations involuntarily upon expiration [...]
of a fixed-term contract; and that separating
staff would require at least 10 years of continuous service to be eligible for this new entitlement.
瑞 穗 实 业 银 行 将 唐 古 液 化 天 然 气 项 目 列 为 A
[...] 类,因为它对生物多样性、自然栖息地和当地社 区(包括原住居民非自愿搬迁 )均有重大影响。
Mizuho has categorized the Tangguh LNG project as A, because it has significant
impacts on Biodiversity, Natural Habitat, and Local Communities including
[...] Indigenous People and Involuntary Resettlement.
缔约国应改进精神病院患者的生活条件,确保所有对精神病患者进 非自愿 治疗 的场所得到独立监督机构的定期访问,保障适当落实措施以保护他们的权利,并 [...]
The State party should improve the living conditions for patients in psychiatric institutions and ensure
that all places where mental health patients
[...] are held for involuntary treatment are [...]
regularly visited by independent monitoring
entities to guarantee the proper implementation of the safeguards set out to secure their rights, and that alternative forms of treatment are developed.
(a) 停止将游牧非自愿迁离 他们的传统土地,停止对其他农村居民非 自愿迁移 或定居方案,以便与受影响的社区进行有意义的协商,让各方能够考虑 所有可行方案,包括近期出台的边缘牧场可持续管理战略
(a) Suspend the non-voluntary resettlement of nomadic herders from their traditional lands and the non-voluntary relocation or [...]
rehousing programmes of
other rural residents, in order to allow for meaningful consultations to take place with the affected communities, permitting parties to examine all available options, including recent strategies of sustainable management of marginal pastures




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