

单词 非羁押性

See also:


take into custody

External sources (not reviewed)

考虑可否采取可行非羁押性的服 刑方式,以及致使监狱囚犯重 新与社会融合的措施
Consider the possibilities of adopting non-custodial sentences [...]
where feasible and measures to reintegrate the prison population into society (Morocco)
委员会 还敦请缔约国利用替代非羁押性措 施 ,并缩短预审拘留期。
The Committee also urges the State party to make use
[...] of alternative and non-custodial measures and [...]
to reduce pretrial detention periods.
(d) 18 岁以下的人员往往被长期审前羁押,并且 非 总 是 与成人分羁 押,女性被羁押者尤其如此
(d) Persons under the age of 18 are often held in pretrial
detention for long periods and are not always
[...] detained separately from adults, particularly in the case of female detainees
在可能的情况下,应当采取适当的 措施来抵消在远离她们家庭的监所 羁押 的 女 性 所 面对的不便条件。
Where possible, measures shall be taken to counterbalance disadvantages faced by women detained in institutions located far from their homes.
透过命令状,针对拘捕羁押或监 禁合 性 的 司法听证会须 立即进行;如宣告拘禁为违法,须立即将被拘留之人释放。
Through this writ, a judicial hearing on the legality of the arrest, detention or imprisonment must be held immediately, followed by an order for release, if appropriate.
报告还强调缺乏公正审判的情况,报告 认为,仅仅基于政治意见非暴力 活动继 羁押 或 对 任何人定罪是无法接受的。
The report further underlines the lack of fair trial, and considers that
it is unacceptable to
[...] continue to hold in detention or to convict anyone, solely on the basis of their political beliefs or nonviolent [...]
以下四个类别使用一套国际认可的原 则:(a)与被押人员、非羁押制裁、少年司法和恢 性 司 法有关的原则;(b)国 际合作的法律、体制和实践安排;(c)预防犯罪和被害人问题;(d)善治、司法机 [...]
They are a set of internationally recognized principles grouped in the following four clusters: (a)
[...] [...] principles relating to persons in custody, non-custodial sanctions, juvenile justice [...]
and restorative justice; (b) legal, institutional
and practical arrangements for international cooperation; (c) crime prevention and victim issues; and (d) good governance, the independence of the judiciary and the integrity of criminal justice personnel.
不可否认,必须称赞他们的行动之迅速、公正和法律力量 非 常 有益 于羁押人的人权。
It cannot be denied that those actions must be commended for their
rapidity, fairness and legal rigour, which redounded greatly to the
[...] benefit of the human rights of the detained persons.
(d) 确保那些有着精神健康护理需求的 羁押 在 非 限 制 性 和 保 安级别 尽可能最低的环境中,并且得到适当的待遇,而不是仅仅由于她们的精神健 康问题而把她们关押在保安级别更高的设施内。
(d) Ensure that those with mental health-care needs are housed in accommodation which is not restrictive, and at the lowest possible security level, and receive appropriate treatment, rather than being placed in higher security level facilities solely due to their mental health problems.
(c) 确保女性的判决计划包括与她们性别特有的需求相匹配的康复计划和 服务;(d) 确保那些有着精神健康护理需求的 羁押 在 非 限 制 性 和 保 安级别尽可
(c) Ensure that women’s sentence plans include rehabilitative programmes and services that match their gender-specific needs
深为痛惜在打击恐怖主义斗争中发生了侵犯人权和基本自由的行为以及违 反国际难民和人道主义法的行为, 关切地注意到有些措施可能损害人权和法治,例如在没有按 羁押 的 依 据和 正当法律程序保障的情况羁押恐怖 行为涉嫌人,以相当于将 羁押 者 置 于法律 保护之外的方式剥夺自由,在没有基本司法保障情况下审判涉嫌人 非 法 剥 夺恐 怖活动涉嫌人的自由并将他们移送他处,在未作个别风险评估以断定是否存在确 凿理由相信涉嫌人回国有可能遭受酷刑的情况下便遣送涉嫌人回国,以及限制有 效监督反恐措施
Noting with concern measures that can undermine human rights and the rule of law, such as the detention of persons suspected of acts of
terrorism in the absence
[...] of a legal basis for detention and due process guarantees, the deprivation of liberty that amounts to placing a detained person outside the protection of the law, the trial of suspects without fundamental judicial guarantees, the illegal deprivation [...]
of liberty and transfer
of individuals suspected of terrorist activities, and the return of suspects to countries without individual assessment of the risk of there being substantial grounds for believing that they would be in danger of subjection to torture, and limitations to effective scrutiny of counter-terrorism measures
(a) 在对儿童的唯一或主要照料人作出判刑或预审前措施的裁判时,优先考 虑采非羁押措施 ,但必须以保护公众和有关儿童为条件,同时考虑罪行的严性;(b) 对于受到父母被拘留和监禁影响的婴儿和儿童,在有关其需要及其身
(a) To give priority consideration to non-custodial measures when sentencing or deciding on pretrial measures for a child’s sole [...]
or primary caretaker, subject to the need
to protect the public and the child, and bearing in mind the gravity of the offence
然而,何 时适用这非羁押形式的惩罚,决定权在于司法机构。
The decision-making power on when to apply them rested, however, with the judiciary.
其中许多是在原籍国和中转国遭受过 粗暴虐待的妇女,她们遭受过未经许可试图逃离原籍国的惩罚、人口贩运和偷 运、强迫婚姻、非法移 民遭到迫害、在等待前往大韩民国之前 羁押 在 移 民监 狱中等暴力行为。
Many were women who had been treated brutally in the country of origin and in transit, having undergone such violence as punishments for trying the leave the country of origin without permission,
human trafficking
[...] and smuggling, forced marriage, prosecution as illegal immigrants, and detention in immigration jail [...]
pending exit to the Republic of Korea.
另外,委员会鼓励缔约国应非羁押 措 施 作为审 前拘留的替代手段。
Furthermore, the Committee encourages the
[...] State party to apply non-custodial measures as [...]
an alternative to pretrial detention.
各国在反恐的同时必须遵守国际法义务,特别是要确保遵 守关于绝对禁止酷刑和残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的义务;确保被剥 夺自由者受益于根据国际法有资格享受的保障,包括 羁押 得 到复核及享受其他 基本司法保障;确保任何形式的剥夺自由措施都不得将 羁押 者 置 于法律保护之 外;遵守正当法律程序义务并尊重公平审判权利;全面遵守不驱回义务;确保给 恐怖行为刑事定罪的合性;尊 重有效补救权。
All States countering terrorism must comply with their obligations under international law, in particular by ensuring respect for the absolute prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; ensuring that all persons deprived of liberty benefit from the guarantees to which they are entitled under international law, including the review of the detention and other fundamental judicial guarantees; ensuring that no form of deprivation of liberty places a detained person outside the protection of the law; respecting due process obligations and the right to a fair trial; abiding fully by non-refoulement obligations; ensuring legality in the criminalization of acts of terrorism; and respecting the right to an effective remedy.
特别是,《东京规则》第3 条规定在适非羁押措施 时必须采取的法律保障措施。
In particular, rule 3 of the Tokyo Rules provides legal
[...] safeguards when applying non-custodial measures.
这些保障包括,每个被拘押者有权获知被捕原因, 包括对其提出的任何指控;有权获知与其羁押相关的权利;有权迅速与律师联 系,或者,如有必要,有权获得法律援助,并且能够与其进行私下咨询;有权获 得独立的医疗检查,最好是由自己选择的医生进行检查;有权通知亲属自己羁 押;有 权在警方的任何讯问期间有律师在场;如有必要,得到翻译协助;有权迅 速面见法官并由法庭审查押合法性。
These include the rights of each detainee to be informed of the reasons for his/her arrest, including any charges against him/her; to be informed of his/her rights in connection with his/her detention; to have prompt access to a lawyer or, if necessary, to legal aid, and to be able to consult privately therewith; to have access to an independent medical
examination, preferably by a doctor of his/her choice; to notify a relative of his/her detention; to have a lawyer present during any
[...] interrogation by the police; to be assisted by an interpreter, if necessary; to be brought promptly before a judge and to have the lawfulness of his/her detention reviewed by a court.
应为监狱中非拘押环境 中需要心理保健的 性 囚 犯 提供个性化、关注性别 问题并且注意心灵创伤问题、全面的心理保健和康复方案。
Individualized, gender-sensitive, trauma-informed and comprehensive mental [...]
health care and rehabilitation programmes shall
be made available for women prisoners with mental health-care needs in prison or in non-custodial settings.
(a) 吁请所有国家尊重移徙者的人权和与生俱来的尊严,停止任意逮捕和拘 留,必要时审查羁押期,以避免超 羁押非 正 常移徙者,并酌情采取替代羁押的 措施;(b) 促请所有国家采取有效措施,防止和惩处个人或群体以任何形式非法剥
(a) Calls upon all States to respect the human rights and the inherent dignity of migrants and to put an end to arbitrary arrest and detention and, where necessary, to review detention periods in order to avoid excessive detention of irregular migrants, and to adopt, where applicable, alternative measures to detention
最后,在 2005 年 4 月 25 日第十一届联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法大 会通过的《关于协作与对策:建立预防犯罪和刑事司法战略联盟的曼谷宣言》 中,会员国宣布致力于建立和维护公正有效的刑事司法制度,包括根据适用 的国际标准,对所有关押在审羁押 所 和教改所里的人给予人道待遇(第 8 段);它们建议预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会考虑审查与监狱管理和囚犯有关 的标准和规范的适性(第 30 段)。
Finally, in the Bangkok Declaration on Synergies and Responses: Strategic Alliances in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, adopted by the Eleventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice on 25 April 2005, Member States declared that they were committed to the development and maintenance of fair and efficient criminal justice institutions, including the humane
treatment of all those
[...] in pretrial and correctional facilities, in accordance with applicable international standards (para. 8); and they recommended that the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice should give consideration to reviewing the adequacy of standards and [...]
norms in relation to
prison management and prisoners (para. 30).
缔约国还应加强法官和检察官在对酷刑和虐待案件 羁押 的 合 法 性 开 展 调查 和起诉方面的作用,包括通过向法官和检察官提供适当的关于《公约》规定的缔 [...]
The State party should also strengthen the role of judges and prosecutors with regard to the initiation of investigation and
prosecution of cases of torture and
[...] ill-treatment and the legality of detention, including [...]
by providing adequate training
on the State party’s obligations under the Convention to judges and prosecutors.
拟议的讲习班例如可审查和讨论以下问 题:关于在押、监禁和非监禁情况下对待妇女情况的全球概况并共享各国在 执行《曼谷规则》上的最佳做法和经验;关于女性囚犯的立法、程序、政策和 惯例等相关问题的实际解决办法,有关 性 犯 罪 人的非监禁措施及其重返社会 问题;为执行《曼谷规则》提供技术援助和咨询服务及联合国相关实体、政府 间组织和区域组织及非政府组织就此展开的合作;以及推广《曼谷规则》与展 开相关的培训和提高认识活动,并推进在该领域的研究和方案评价工作。
The proposed workshop could examine and discuss, for example, the following issues: a global overview of the state
of the treatment of women
[...] in detention and in custodial and non-custodial settings and sharing of national best practices and experiences in the implementation of the Bangkok Rules; practical solutions for issues related to legislation, procedures, policies and practices for women prisoners, alternatives [...]
to imprisonment
for women offenders, and their reintegration into society; the provision of technical assistance and advisory services in the implementation of the Bangkok Rules, as well as cooperation among relevant United Nations entities, intergovernmental and regional organizations and non-governmental organizations in that regard; and the dissemination of the Bangkok Rules and related training and awareness-raising activities and the promotion of research and programmed evaluation in that field.
我们欢迎联合国关于女性囚犯待遇和 性 罪 犯 非 拘 禁 措施的规则草 案。86 注意到拟订押以及拘禁非拘禁 环境中 性 待 遇 特别补充规则专家组会 议的成果和建议,我们建议预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会作为优先事项对其加以 审议,以便采取适当的行动。
We welcome the draft United Nations rules
for the treatment of
[...] women prisoners and non-custodial measures for women offenders.86 Taking note of the outcome and the recommendations of the meeting of the expert group to develop supplementary rules specific to the treatment of women in detention and [...]
in custodial and non-custodial
settings, we recommend that the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice consider them as a matter of priority for appropriate action.
陳鑑林議員關注到,非速動抵 押 品 ”的定義 或 會 對 被 認定的股 份及權 證產生負 面 的 標 籤 效 應 ,並會影響其 價 值 及在市場上的流性 。
Mr CHAN Kam-lam expressed
[...] concern that the definition of "illiquid collateral" might have a negative labeling effect on the identified stocks and warrants and would adversely affect their value and market liquidity.




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