

单词 非物质


非物质化 n

dematerialization n

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

多种形式非物质障碍 和繁文缛节限制了区域内的货物流动, 特别是影响了中小型企业和农业生产者直接参与国际贸易的机会。
Many forms of non-physical barriers and [...]
bureaucratic red tape constrain the intraregional movement of goods, particularly
affecting the opportunities for small- and medium-sized enterprises and agricultural producers to directly participate in international trade.
经社会指出,要充分实现国际一体化多式联运运输和物流体系的好处, 就必须全面处理物质基础设施 非物质 问 题
The Commission noted that the full benefits of an international, integrated, intermodal transport and
logistics system would not be
[...] realized unless both the physical infrastructure and non-physical issues were [...]
addressed comprehensively.
在预算、选举和政府换届的双年度期间,教科文组织立场坚定地支持旨在促进教育改 革、预防青年暴力、保物质和 非物质 文 化 遗产、增强更好地管理和开发水资源的国家能 力、促进文化间对话和文化多元性、构建民主、和平与宽容的各项国家倡议,尤其是有关国 家总体发展目标和实现千年发展目标的倡议。
In the context of a biennium marked by pre-electoral, electoral and governmental transition phase, UNESCO managed firmly to position itself supporting national initiatives designed to achieve considerable national progress in the education reform, prevent youth violence, safeguard the tangible and intangible cultural heritage, strengthen national capacities to better manage and develop water resources, promote intercultural dialogue and cultural pluralism, build democracy, peace and tolerance, especially in relation to overall national development objectives and achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
随着亚洲公路网和泛亚铁路网协定的生效,大多数成员和准成 员目前越来越重视消除那些阻碍货物和人员高效通畅跨国流动 非物质 壁垒
With the entry into force of the Asian Highway and Trans-Asian Railway Network Agreements, most members and associate
members are placing greater emphasis
[...] on the removal of non-physical barriers that [...]
impede the efficient and smooth movement
of goods and people across borders.
就实现千年发展目标基金的 文化和发展联合计划而言,基本目标是增强土著和非洲裔人口的技能,以促进文化复兴、文 化管理和文化生产,并且推动文化多样性的保护政策,保护他们 物质 和 非物质 文 化 遗产, 包括富有创造性的文化创业举措。
The MDG-F joint programme on culture and development aims essentially at strengthening skills of the indigenous and Afro-descendant populations for cultural revitalization, cultural management and cultural production, and at promoting policies for preserving cultural diversity and protecting their tangible and intangible cultural heritage, including through cultural and creative entrepreneurial initiatives.
在以下方面开展性别分析:按性别区分劳力; 物质 和 非物质 资 源的获取和控 制;性别平等/不平等的法律基础;性别平等方面的政治承诺;以及影响所有前 [...]
Conduct a gender analysis with regard to: the gendered
division of labour; access to and
[...] control over material and non-material resources; the [...]
legal basis for gender equality/inequality;
political commitments with respect to gender equality; and the culture, attitudes and stereotypes that affect all preceding issues.
虽然在污染控制和更高效的能源转换技术领 域的投资有所帮助,但在新的国际生产分工中,发展中国家的能源和材料密集型
[...] 工业产出比发达国家增长得更快,所以,整体而言 非物质 化 和去碳化带来的改 变很少或没有改变。
While investment in pollution control and more efficient energy conversion technologies has helped, the new international division of production — with energy- and materials-intensive industrial output growing much faster in developing
than in developed countries — has resulted in little or no change in
[...] the overall dematerialization and decarbonization.
与会者同意维持该计划下现有的两年期部门优先项目及工作重点,认为今后重点应放 在对阿拉伯地区的研究,能力建设和制定国家战略上,以保护 物质 、 非物质 文 化 和自然遗 产。
The participants agreed to maintain the current biennial sectoral priorities for MP IV and the current MLAs.
今天,人们已清楚地认识到,要尊重和保护文化特 性,就应当保存有形的物质文化遗产以保持其真实性和完整性,保 非物质 文化遗产以确保其生命力和连续性,并保障获取和享有文化遗产的权利。
There is a better understanding today that, in order to respect and protect cultural identity, tangible cultural heritage should be preserved with a view to maintaining its authenticity and integrity, intangible cultural heritage should be safeguarded to ensure viability and continuity, and rights of access to and enjoyment of cultural heritage should be guaranteed.
包括以下内容:恢复原状(恢复到发生违反行为之前的原有状态);满足(涵盖构成对受害国或 受害人侮辱非物质伤害 );康复(医疗/心理护理、社会服务);保证不再发生。
They include the following: restitution (restoration of the original situation before the
violation occurred);
[...] satisfaction (covers non-material injury that amounts to an affront to the injured State or person); rehabilitation (medical/psychological care, social services); and guarantees [...]
of non-repetition.
更糟的是,它们的原子开始分裂之后,而由于 非物质 化 的 ,即使是在Lyoko。
Even worse, their atoms start splitting after a while
[...] due to being dematerialized, even on Lyoko.
所有提名都是在有关族裔的自由、事先和知情同意的情况下做出的,这是把此类元 素列入“急需保护非物质文化遗产名录”和“人 非物质 文 化 遗产代表名录”, 以及把方案、项目或活动列入“最佳保护做法登记册”的一个强制性要求。
The nominations were made with the free, prior and informed consent of the communities concerned, a compulsory requirement for the inscription of such elements on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding and the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and for the inclusion of programmes, projects or activities in the Register of Best Safeguarding Practices.
教科文组织关于文化多样性非物 质文化 遗产和文化表现形式多样性的公约,是承认 土著人民作为独特的文化和生物多样性保管人的重 要里程碑。
The UNESCO Conventions on cultural diversity, the intangible cultural heritage and the diversity of cultural expressions had been important milestones in the recognition of indigenous peoples as custodians of unique cultural and biological diversities.
在专题组框架内促进可持续能力的主要挑战在于技术方面:将经济增长与 环境退化脱钩,同时防止反弹效应(例如,通过提高资源和能源效率 非物质化 以及向可持续低碳经济转型)。
The main challenge in promoting sustainability within the framework of the thematic cluster was technical: to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, while preventing a rebound effect (for example, by increasing resource and energy efficiency, de-materializing and moving to a sustainable, low-carbon economy).
可以提出下述请求:禁止实施将会构成歧视的行 为;停止持续或反复的歧视行为;消除歧视的后果;宣布被告实施了歧视行为和 赔偿造成物质或非物质损害
The claim may file for: the prohibition of carrying out an act that would constitute discrimination; the cessation of continued or repeated carrying out of the act of discrimination; the removal of consequences of discrimination; the
declaration that defendant carried out an act of discrimination and the
[...] compensation for material or non-material damage caused.
[...] 员或乘客,凡违反国际法规则,意图为自己或他人谋 物质 或 非物质 利 益,或意 图对他人造成重大损害,在公海或任何国家管辖范围以外的地方,非法对另一船 [...]
应被判处 1 至 10 年监禁。
(1) A crew member or passenger on a vessel or aircraft other than military ship or aircraft and public ship or aircraft, who in breach of rules of
international law with intention of
[...] acquiring material or non-material gain for himself [...]
or other or causing great damage to
other, on the high seas or in a place that is outside of jurisdiction of any State, unlawfully commits an act of violence, detention or any kind of pillaging against another vessel or aircraft, persons or property on board of such vessel or aircraft, shall be given a prison sentence of between one and ten years.
[...] (i) 欧亚内陆交通主要线路;(ii) 主要物 质和非物质障碍 ,包括需要根据欧经委各项 公约/欧盟立法协调统一交通运输立法;和 [...]
(iii) 已经经过评价并确定优先次序的具体 项目。
ECE has identified: (i) the main
Euro-Asian inland transport routes; (ii)
[...] the main physical and non-physical obstacles, including [...]
the need to harmonize transport
legislation based on UNECE conventions/EU legislation; and (iii) specific projects, which have been evaluated and prioritized.
劳资争议委员会裁定支付补偿 受害非物质损害的补偿金。
The labour dispute committee awarded payment of
[...] compensation for non-material damage to [...]
the injured party.
兰州大学藏缅—阿尔泰民非物质文 化 遗产研究所现正在负责2007年度国家社会科学基金《藏蒙医学史研究》(项目批准号为07BMZ014),该项目主持人为该所所长兼美国印第安纳大学人类学系研究员、兰州大学历史文化学院博士生导师宗喀·漾正冈布教授。
Tibeto-Burman-Altai Minority Intangible Culture Heritage [...]
Research Institute of Lanzhou University is undertaking the project
of research on Medicine History of Tibet and Mongolia sponsored by National Fund for Social Sciences (project approve no: 07BMZ014) in 2007.
(b) 遗传资源和生物多样性不能与传统知识割裂,因 非物质 的 和 物质的组成部分无法割裂。
(b) Genetic resources and biodiversity cannot be separated from traditional knowledge as intangible and tangible components cannot be separated.
12 个小岛屿发展中国家批准了《保 非物质 文 化遗产公约》,11 个 小岛屿发展中国家批准了《保护和促进文化表现形式多样性公约》。
Twelve small island developing States had ratified the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, and 11 the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.
常设论坛欢迎教科文组织、国际自然及自然资源保护联盟(自然保护联盟)、 国际名胜古迹理事会(名胜古迹理事会)及国际文物保存和修复研究中心倡议审 查现有程序和能力,以确保自由、事先和知情同意,并保护土著人民的生计及质遗产和非物质遗产
The Permanent Forum welcomes the initiative of UNESCO, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) to review current procedures and capacity to ensure free, prior and informed consent, and the protection of indigenous peoples’ livelihoods, tangible and intangible heritage.
将通过教科文组织在文化领域的“旗舰项目”和其他一些项目来展示更为“传统”的 处理文化与发展之间关系的方式(如何将文化作为创收和创造工作机会的一种资源),这些 项目侧物质、非物质和文 献遗产的管理,侧重文化和创造性产业、手工业和博物馆、文化 旅游业和记忆旅游业的发展,侧重文化促进和解与社会和谐的作用等。
The more “classical” approach to the nexus culture and development (how culture can be a resource for income generation and job creation, etc.) will be demonstrated through UNESCO “flagship projects” in the field of culture as well as other projects, which focus on the management of tangible, intangible and documentary heritage, the development of cultural
and creative industries,
[...] handicrafts and museums, cultural tourism and tourism of memory; culture as a vehicle for reconciliation and social cohesion, etc. A clear linkage should be established [...]
on this occasion with the “partners’
village”, together with some “side events” earmarked to take place during the General Conference, such as round tables or public lectures highlighting the role of each actor or “stakeholder” in this endeavour.
[...] 被动贿赂的客观要件与这些贿赂的图谋之间的区别作出界定,并且澄 清对物质和非物质好处列入刑法典贿赂问题条文所作法律修正的解 释。
More efforts to continue to clarify the interpretation of the domestic legislation may be needed to define the difference between the objective elements of active and passive bribery, on the one hand, and their attempt, on the other, as well as to clarify the interpretation of legislative
amendments relating to the inclusion
[...] of both material and non-material advantages in [...]
the bribery provisions of the Criminal Code.
[...] 信息的权利、需要提供寻求赔偿的不同途径以及在计算赔偿时将受害人承受的 费用、丧失的收入非物质损害 包括在内等建议。
The Chair summarized the recommendations that had emerged from the presentations by the panellists, in particular the rights of victims to legal assistance and appropriate information, the need to allow for different avenues of seeking compensation, and
the inclusion of costs incurred by the
[...] victim, lost income and non-material damages in the [...]
calculation of compensation.
联合国教育、科学及文化组织于2009年将诺鲁孜节列入《人 非物质 文 化 遗产代表名录》,诺鲁孜是传承下来的庆祝活动,将其视为新的一年的开始。
Inscribed in 2009 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity as a cultural tradition observed by numerous peoples, Nowruz is an ancestral festivity marking the first day of spring and the renewal of nature.
文化村落” 建设行动: 对于具有重要历史文化保护价值的村落,重点保护村 落风貌和历史遗迹,挖掘传统民俗 非物质 文 化遗产 资源,引入旅游休闲、文化展示等功能,形成展示岭 南乡土文化的文化观光型村落,带动居民生活水准提 升。
On the basis of traditional custom and intangible cultural heritage resources, activities like tourism and leisure, demonstration of culture, etc should be encouraged to establish Southern China villages for cultural tourism to help improve the living standard of villagers.
[...] 将协助各成员国查明交通运输领域内投资需求和优先项目,着力解决包括过 境点在内非物质瓶颈 ,并努力制订一项陆港政府间协定,从而将公路、铁 [...]
The subprogramme would help member countries identify
transport investment requirements and
[...] priorities and address non-physical bottlenecks, including [...]
those at border crossings, and
would work towards the development of an intergovernmental agreement on dry ports that link road, rail and inland waterway transport infrastructure to seaports and airports.




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