

单词 非洲人国民大会

See also:


African (person)


African National Congress, ANC

External sources (not reviewed)

南非-莱索托争端一直持续到1980年代初,南非国防军指控莱索托政府窝藏南非反对种族隔离非洲人国民大会 的 成 员。
The South Africa-Lesotho dispute continued into the early 1980’s, with the South African Defence Force (SADF)
accusing the Government of Lesotho of harbouring members of the
[...] anti-Apartheid African National Congress of South Africa (ANC).
3 月 5 日,10 名候选人中有一人,非洲人国民 大会的 Braima Dialó退出选举,声称缺乏自由、公正 和透明选举的条件。
One of the 10 candidates, Braima Dialó, of the African National Congress, [...]
dropped out of the race on 5 March, claiming a
lack of conditions for free, fair and transparent elections.
南非控告博茨瓦纳纵 非洲人国民大会 使 用 其领土与南非种族隔离政权搞对抗。
South Africa had accused Botswana of permitting its territory to be used by the African National Congress (ANC), which was fighting against the apartheid regime of South Africa.
非洲人国民大会自 1911 年成立之日起就选 择的道路。
That was the chosen path of the ANC since its inception in 1911.
2012 年 1 月 8 日,非洲最早的解放运动-非洲人 国民大会-将纪念其自 1912 年成立以来存在 100 年。
On 8 January 2012, the African National Congress (ANC), the oldest liberation movement in Africa, will mark [...]
100 years of existence
since its establishment in 1912.
非洲人国民大会是反对南非种族压迫、殖民主义和种 族隔离斗争的先锋。
The ANC spearheaded the struggle against racial oppression, colonialism and apartheid in South Africa.
非洲人国民大会的 Braima Djaló退出竞选,声称缺乏 自由公正选举条件。
Braima Djaló, of the African National Congress, [...]
dropped out of the race on 5 March, claiming lack of conducive conditions for a free and fair election.
非洲人国民大会 成立 一百周年是对联合国和国际社会在努力消除世 界上种族主义和种族歧视方面所作的巨大贡献的承 认。
The centenary of the ANC recognizes the immense contribution [...]
of the United Nations and the international community in working
to eradicate racism and racial discrimination in the world.
我们在 祝愿你和贵国代表团访问富有成效的同时,热烈祝贺 南非非洲人国民大会成立 100 周年。
As we wish you and your delegation a
productive visit, we warmly
[...] congratulate South Africa and the African National Congress on its onehundredth anniversary.
非洲人国民大会成立 百年之际,我们对联合国支持我 国的自由、和平、人权与正义表示最深切的谢意。
In this centenary year, we extend our deepest [...]
gratitude to the United Nations for supporting freedom, peace, human rights and justice in our country.
他成非洲人国民大会武 装运动“民族先锋”的领导人,一年后被判叛国罪。
He became the leader of the Spear of the Nation, the
[...] armed wing of the African National Congress, [...]
only to be convicted of treason a year later.
2 月 20 日,一群年轻人,大约有 200 人,非洲人国民大会总统 候选人 Braima Djaló的带领下,到全国选举委员会办事处前抗议,原因是他们没有得到登记, [...]
On 20 February, a group of
[...] approximately 200 young people, led by the presidential candidate for the African National Congress, [...]
Braima Djaló, protested
in front of the offices of the National Electoral Commission over their inability to vote because they had not been registered.
其中一个例子是后种族隔离时 期的南非,纳尔逊·曼德拉领导的南 非洲人国民 大会有意 识地决定优先考虑和解与包容,而不是争 [...]
取议会席位最大化,因而将选举制度从简单多数获 胜制改为比例代表制。
With Aung San Suu Kyi’s
[...] National League for Democracy competing for seats [...]
across the country for the first time since the
abortive 1990 elections, it is certain that the balance of power in the legislatures will change.
在一般性意见交流期间,下列国家的代表发了言:阿尔 及利亚、澳大利亚、孟加拉国、巴西、智利 (代表里约集团)、中国、古巴、朝 鲜民主主人民共和 国、厄瓜多尔、埃及、法国、匈牙利(代表欧洲联盟)、印度、 印度尼西亚、印度尼西亚(代表不结盟运动)、伊朗(伊斯兰共和国)、伊拉克、日 本、哈萨克斯坦、肯尼亚、列支敦士登、墨西哥、黑山、尼泊尔、尼日利亚、尼 日利亚(代非洲国家集 团)、挪威、巴基斯坦、菲律宾 大 韩 民 国 、 俄罗斯联邦、 塞内加尔、瑞典、瑞士、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、 美利坚合众国、委内瑞拉(玻利瓦尔共和国)和越南。
The representatives of the following countries made statements during the general exchange of views: Algeria, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile (on behalf of
the Rio Group), China, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Hungary (on behalf of the European Union), India, Indonesia, Indonesia (on
[...] behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement), Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Montenegro, Nepal, Nigeria, Nigeria (on behalf of the Group of African States), Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Senegal, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Tanzania, United States of America, Venezuela [...]
(Bolivarian Republic of) and Viet Nam.
2006 年期间:(a)1 月在巴马科举办的世界社会论坛;(b)5 月在马来西亚举行 的不结盟运动协调局部长级会议;(c)6 月在加拿大温哥华举办的世界和平论坛; (d)6
[...] [...] 月在日内瓦举办的民间社会论坛,主题是在地方和国际一级创造有利环境 以便为所有人提供就业和体面工作及该环境对可持续发展的影响;(e)8 月在安 曼举行的阿拉伯团结委员会会议;(f)9 月在日内瓦举行的联合国民间社会支持 巴勒斯坦人民国际会议;(g)9 月在哈瓦那举行的第十四次不结盟运动首脑会议; (h)10 月在塞浦路斯拉纳卡举行的团结中 人民国 际 会 议 ; (i)11 月在莫斯科 举行的主题为“俄罗斯、洲和非洲 : 团 结合作 50 年”的会议;(j)11 月在安 曼举行的第三次未来论坛并行民大 会。
During 2006: (a) World Social Forum, in January in Bamako; (b) ministerial meeting of Coordinating Office of NAM, in May in Malaysia; (c) World Peace Forum, in June in Vancouver, Canada; (d) civil society forum on creating an environment at the local and international levels to provide employment and decent work for all and its impact on sustainable development, in June in Geneva; (e) meeting of Arab Solidarity Committees, in August in Amman; (f) United Nations International Conference of Civil Society in Support of the Palestinian People, in September in Geneva; (g) fourteenth NAM
Summit, in
[...] September in Havana; (h) International Solidarity Meeting with the People of the Middle East, in October in Larnaca, Cyprus; (i) Meeting on “Russia, Asia and Africa: 50 Years of Solidarity and Cooperation”, in November in Moscow; [...]
Third Parallel Civil Conference of the Forum of the Future, in November in Amman.
工作组建议的一些具体措施,包括通过关于不歧视的具体立法;开展 国促 进多文化和尊重非裔厄瓜多尔人尊严的运动;采取各项措施缩小非裔厄瓜多尔人 与更广泛民众之间的现行教育差距;开展 非洲人 后 裔 的 民 族 教育;增强非裔厄 瓜多尔人民间社会;采 取措施消除传媒中的种族主义和种族歧视现象;进一步 鼓励非裔人参与公共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究中心;深入开展免 费法律援助服务;在监察专员署内设立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单 位,并建立一个促进非裔妇女教育的专门方案。
The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the
adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development of a
[...] national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the dignity of the Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider population; the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the [...]
strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil society; measures to eliminate
racism and discrimination in the media; further efforts to encourage participation of persons of African descent in public administration; the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian studies; the further development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office of the Ombudsman of a sub-unit dedicated to issues related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent.
专家组注意到, 安理会在专家组同安理会成员进行 非 正 式磋商中并通过第 2021(2011)号决议, 表示对这些问题特别感兴趣,安理会该项决议第 12 段中鼓励刚果民主共和国政 府继续处理国家军队凝聚力这一重大问题,包括进一步确保前武装团体,特别是国保卫人民大会,适当整编入刚果(金)武装力量。
The Group has taken note of the particular interest of the Security
Council in such issues
[...] through its informal consultations with Council members as well as by paragraph 12 of resolution 2021 (2011), by which the Council encourages the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to continue to address the underlying issue of the cohesion of the national Army, including by further ensuring proper integration and vetting of former armed groups, in particular the Congrès national pour la défense du peuple (CNDP), into FARDC.
土耳其代表强调如下几点:(a) 该组织“洲—— 第 三世界中心”不尊重土耳其的领土完整和政治统一,一直在违背《联合国宪章》 的基本原则和理事会第 1996/31 号决议的基本要求;(b) 该组织一直在对土耳其 进行无事实根据并有政治动机的指控;(c) 该组织一直在煽动和纵容针对联合国 会员国的恐怖主义行动,而这是被国际法所禁止的;(d) 该组织已经成为恐怖主 义组织库尔德人党/库国民大会 的 宣 传工具;(e) 该组织未能考虑到土耳 其之前关于需要捍卫《联合国宪章》和理事会第 1996/31 号决议所规定的该国的 义务与责任的发言。
The representative of Turkey underlined the following
points: (a) the
[...] organization, Centre Europe-tiers monde had been failing to adhere to the basic principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the basic requirements set out in Council resolution 1996/31 by disrespecting the territorial integrity and political unity of Turkey; (b) the organization had been undertaking unsubstantiated and politically motivated allegations against Turkey; (c) the organization had been inciting and condoning acts of terrorism against States Members of the United Nations, which is prohibited under international law; (d) the organization had become a propaganda vehicle of the terrorist organization PKK/Kongra-Gel; and (e) [...]
the organization had
not taken into consideration earlier statements of Turkey regarding the need to uphold its obligations and responsibilities under the Charter and Council resolution 1996/31.
常设论坛决定任命论坛成员 Raja Devasish Roy 先生和 Simon William M’ Viboudoulou 先生编写土地争端和土地主张解决最佳做法和范例研究报告,包括 国家土著人民委会(菲律宾)、大 港 山 区土地争端解决委 会 ( 孟 加 拉 国 ) 以及 非洲人权和人民权利 委员会的审议情况,提交论坛第十二届会议。
The Permanent Forum has decided to appoint Raja Devasish Roy and Simon William M’Viboudoulou, members of the Forum, to conduct a study on best practices and examples in respect of resolving land disputes and land claims, including consideration of the National Commission on Indigenous
Peoples (Philippines), the
[...] Chittagong Hill Tracts Land Dispute Resolution Commission (Bangladesh) and the Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, to [...]
be submitted to the Forum at its twelfth session.
洲人权和人民权利委员会非洲监狱 和 拘留条件问题特别报告员以及美洲人权委员会被剥夺自由者的人权问题报告员的 职权可作为大任务的范围的参考。
The mandates of the Special Rapporteur on
Prisons and Conditions
[...] of Detention in Africa and of the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights might provide some guidance as to the scope of such an extended mandate.
目前,日本一边履行其在 2008 年第四次东会 议上所作的承诺,例如将其对非洲的官方发展援助增 加一倍,并协助将日本对非洲的国 直 接 投资增加一 倍,一边注重如何以最佳方式把增加的援助转化为具 体成果以及切实改非洲人民的生活。
While Japan is on track in terms of
delivering the
[...] pledges made at TICAD-IV, in 2008, such as doubling its ODA to Africa and assisting in the doubling of Japan’s foreign direct investment to Africa, it is focusing on how best to translate increased aid into concrete results and actual improvements in the lives of the African people.
第二次非洲和海外知识分子会议(CIAD)的主题是“海外非洲人和非洲的复兴”会 议一致认为具有非洲历史根脉的海 非洲人 更 大 的 参与将有助于克服 国 非 裔 群体所面临的 挑战,也有助于非洲大陆的整体发展。
During CIAD II, the main theme of which was “The Diaspora and the African Renaissance”, it was agreed upon that a greater engagement of the African Diaspora with its historic African roots will assist in overcoming the challenges communities of African origin face in different countries and will contribute to the development of the African continent as a whole.
建议还包括:民族和 种族栏目纳入人口普查和数据收集,以及 制订实现千年发展目标的政策; 大非洲 裔 人 的 教育 机 会 , 提 高有关教育水平和 质量;并将非洲裔人主题纳入企业社会责任战略和方案。
The proposal included the
[...] incorporation of ethnicity and race in the census and in data collection and the development of policies to achieve the Millennium Development Goals; improving access to education as well as the level and quality of education for people of African descent; and [...]
the inclusion of the theme
of people of African descent in corporate social responsibility strategies and programmes.
各种有关招募和武装青年、强迫征募一旦发 生战争将被充当人肉盾牌的人,以及重新启动和重新装备的各 民 兵 组 织的报道 表明,科特迪人权状况极有可能进一步恶化,尽 国 际 社 会 、 非洲 联 盟 和西非 经共体为结束危机作了调解努力。
Reports of the recruitment and arming of youths, the forced recruitment of other people to be used as human shields in the event of war, and the
reactivation and
[...] rearmament of various militia groups indicate a strong possibility that the human rights situation in Côte d’Ivoire will worsen, despite the mediation efforts made by the international community, the African Union and ECOWAS [...]
to put an end to the crisis.
委员会建议缔约国确保充分实施《刑事诉讼法》第21条、73条、74条和120 条,培大批宣 誓译员以保障获得口译服务的 会 , 同 时确保不讲阿拉伯语的弱 势群体诉讼当事人,特别是阿马齐格人、萨拉威人、 人 、 非国民 、 难 民和寻求 庇护者,可以获益于正当司法。
The Committee recommends that the State party ensure full application of articles 21, 73, 74 and 120 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, guarantee the availability of
[...] services by training a greater number of sworn interpreters, and ensure that litigants from vulnerable population groups who do not speak Arabic, in particular the Amazigh, Sahraouis, Blacks, non-nationals, refugees and [...]
asylumseekers, may benefit
from proper administration of justice.
2月25日,非洲集团在人权理会上对 通过有关 利比亚人权局势的第 A/HRC/S-15/2 号决议表示支持, 因为本集团相信《联国公民 及政治权利公约》第 19 条、第 21 条和第 22 条以及 1981 年通过的非洲人 权和人民权利 宪章》第 9 条、第 10 条和第 11 条都规 定了享有言论自由、和平集会和结社自由的权利。
The African Group at the Human Rights Council supported the adoption, on 25 February, of resolution A/HRC/S-15/2 on the situation of human
[...] rights in Libya in the conviction that the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and freedom of association were provided for both in articles 19, 21 and 22 of the United Nations Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and in articles 9, 10 and 11 of the [...]
African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, adopted in 1981.
技术评估团经过评估认为,刚果武装团体的解除武装、复员和重返社 非常 复 杂,因为存在着三个平行的与解除武装、复员和重返社会有关的进程:(a) 刚 果武装团体加快编入刚民主共 和国武装力量,这本身就给解除武装、复员和重 返社会方案构成新的风险和挑战;(b) “和平计划”下的一个解除武装、复员和 重返社会方案框架所面向的大约 99 000 名战人员,包括国东部的 20 000 人;(c) 解除武装、复员和重返会国家方 案本身。
The assessment of the technical
assessment mission was that
[...] the situation regarding the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of Congolese armed groups is highly complex owing to the existence of three parallel disarmament, demobilization and reintegration-related processes: (a) the accelerated integration of Congolese armed groups into FARDC, which itself presents new risks and challenges in the context of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration; (b) a disarmament, demobilization and reintegration framework under the Amani programme that targets some 99,000 combatants, including 20,000 in the eastern part of the country; and (c) the national [...]
programme for disarmament,
demobilization and reintegration itself.




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