

单词 非法性

See also:

法性 n

legality n

External sources (not reviewed)

还有人提到为了报复而进行驱逐 非法性 质 , 有人认为,应该排除基于道德 的理由予以驱逐的做法。
Mention was also
[...] made of the unlawful nature of expulsion for purposes of reprisal, [...]
and it was suggested that expulsion
on grounds of morality should be excluded.
[...] 是 由 於 強 姦罪所 提及的非 法 性 交 ”一詞 , 仍 有可能 是 指 [...]
婚姻以外的 性 交 。
Their concern arose because the
[...] expression "unlawful sexual intercourse", [...]
which appears in the offence of rape, might still
mean intercourse outside the bounds of matrimony.
[...] 应商试图通过技术手段进行类似限制,应当采取措施规定这种技术保护手段 非法性。
Where the same restriction is attempted through technological
means, measures to defeat the technological means of protection in such circumstances should
[...] not be regarded as illegal.
[...] 行社缴纳。28 他们采用的方法是否具有敲诈 非法性 质 往往要视所在国或所在州 法律而定,并取决于收税人是外交官还是外国其他注册代理商、收税人的国籍以 [...]
In Seattle, Washington, for example, taxes can be paid through an Eritrean-owned travel agency.28
Whether or not the techniques they employ
[...] are extortive or illicit is often a matter [...]
of national or state law, and depends
upon such questions as whether or not the collector is a diplomat or other registered agent of a foreign power, the nationality of the collector and the kinds of legal and administrative loopholes employed by collectors.
在这一脆弱和流动的劳动大军中 的妇女往往遭受更多苦难,很有可能被拖进低技能的娱乐行业 非法性 服 务和 毒品买卖中去。
Women in this vulnerable and mobile workforce often suffer greater hardships,
and they are at risk of being drawn into the low-skilled
[...] entertainment industry, illicit sex services and the drug trade.
这方面最近的例子就是, 安理会未通过一项要求以色列停止在巴勒斯坦被占 领土上的定居点活动(见 S/PV.6484)的决议草案
[...] (S/2011/24),尽管已就该决议草案和关于以色列定 居点活动非法性的原 则达成国际共识。
The most recent example of this was the Council’s non-adoption of a draft resolution (S/2011/24) calling on Israel to end its settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories (see S/PV.6484), in spite of the
fact that the draft resolution and the
[...] principle of the illegality of Israel’s [...]
settlement activity both enjoyed international consensus.
儿童权利法》―― 第 6 条:“国家保护儿童不受侵犯,保护其免受任何形
[...] 式的剥削、歧视和身体及精神暴力,免受残忍、粗暴及蔑视待遇、侮辱和 虐待,不参与犯罪活动,不参与消费酒精饮料、非法使用毒品和精神药 品、赌博和乞讨,不参与或被迫参与任何形式 非法性 活 动 、不遭受以卖 淫或其非法性活动 为目的的剥削,不参与色情和含有色情内容的节目, 包括来自父母或合法监护人、亲属。
Law on the rights of children – article 6: “The State protects the child’s inviolability, protecting him from any form of exploitation, discrimination, physical and moral violence, not accepting cruel, rude, disdainful treatment, insults and maltreatment, involvement in criminal activity, involvement in consumption of alcoholic drinks, illegal use of drugs and psychotropic substances, gambling, begging,
involvement or constrain into
[...] any form of illegal sexual activity, exploitation with the purpose of prostitution or other illegal sexual practices, in pornography [...]
and materials with
a pornographic contents including from parents or persons with legal custody, relatives.
阿拉伯人不仅对于安理会未能就被占领巴勒斯 坦领土的以色列所有定居点非法性 问 题 作出表态 感到沮丧,而且也感到愤慨,因为在第 [...]
1860(2009) 号决议通过两年多后,以色列继续对加沙地带实施非 法和不道德的封锁,而且一再袭击该地区平民。
Arabs are not only frustrated with
the failure of the Council earlier this year to pronounce
[...] itself on the illegality of all Israeli [...]
settlements in the occupied
Palestinian territory, but they are also outraged that, two years after the adoption of resolution 1860 (2009), Israel continues its illegal and immoral blockade of the Gaza Strip and its repeated attacks against its civilian population.
(b) 继续采取适当措施,提高一般公众(
[...] 包括儿童) 对于在培养儿童的过程中 使用体罚和其他形式暴力非法性和 负 面影响的认识
(b) Continue to take appropriate measures to raise the
awareness of the general public, including
[...] children, on the unlawfulness and the negative [...]
consequences of corporal punishment
and other forms of violence in the upbringing of children; and
第一,特别是对说明驱逐行为动机的要求 来讲,“意图”对此类驱逐的法性 或 非法性 有 何 影响?
First, what is the role of
[...] intention in the legality or illegality of such expulsion, particularly considering the requirement to provide the grounds for the act of expulsion?
例 如,社署不會把涉及兒童在情侶關係中自願進 非法性 交 的個案視為虐兒個 案。
For example, the SWD
[...] would not regard unlawful sexual intercourse between lovers on a voluntary basis as a case of child sexual abuse.
同样,大会代表的国际社会还必须强调并重申, 以色列为改变被占领叙利亚戈兰的法律地位或实地
[...] 事实已采取或将要采取的一切措施都具 非法性 ,包括以色列议会最近的法案在内的所有这些措施和其 [...]
他措施都是非法的,因而完全无效,因为它们显然违 反了所有相关的联合国决议。
By the same token, the international community, represented by the General Assembly, must also stress and reaffirm the illegality of
all measures taken or to be taken by
[...] Israel to alter the legal status or the facts [...]
on the ground in the occupied Syrian
Golan, and that all those and other measures, including the most recent bill before the Israeli Parliament, are illegal and therefore null and void because they represent a clear violation of all pertinent United Nations resolutions.
鉴于这些违法行为,人们今天比以往任何时候都 更进一步呼吁由大会代表的国际社会为旨在恢复谈
[...] 判进程的努力提供政治支持,强调建造定居点和以武 力夺取他国领土非法性,并 迫使以色列履行承诺, 就巴勒斯坦轨道上的六个核心问题进行认真谈判。
In the light of those violations, the international community, represented by the General Assembly, is called on today more than ever to provide political support to efforts
aimed at resuming the negotiating
[...] process, to emphasize the illegality of settlement building [...]
and the acquisition of others’
territory by force, and to compel Israel to fulfil its commitments and to enter into serious negotiations on the six core issues of the Palestinian track.
[...] 153P(3)條的免責辯護,是否同時 適用於丈夫促致未滿 16 歲的妻子與第三者進非法性行為 的情況。
Members queried whether the defence provided in the proposed new section 153P(3) of the Crimes Ordinance
would also be available to a husband procuring his wife under the
[...] age of 16 for an unlawful sexual act with a third person.
刑 事 罪行條例》第 118(3)條載明: “任何 男 子
[...]   ─   (a)與一名 女非 法 性 交,而 性 交 時該女 子 對此並不 [...]
同 意 ; 及 (b)當時他知道 該 女 子 並 不 同 意性交,或 罔 顧 該 女 子 是 否
對此同 意,即 屬強 姦 ”。
Under section 118(3) of the Crimes Ordinance, a man commits rape
[...] if: (a) he has unlawful sexual intercourse [...]
with a woman who at the time of the intercourse
does not consent to it; and (b) at that time he knows that she does not consent to the intercourse or he is reckless as to whether she consents to it.
(1) 侵害兒童性罪行 –
[...] 這指對十七歲以下的受害人作出的性罪行,包括 強姦、非禮非法性交、亂倫等,不論受害人有否給予同意和受害人 [...]
與犯案者的關係,例如雙方是否認識、犯案者是否對受害人有照顧責 任。
(1) Sexual crimes against children – The term refers to
cases of sexual crimes, such as Rape,
[...] Indecent Assault, Unlawful Sexual Intercourse [...]
and Incest etc. committed against a victim
who is under 17 years of age, irrespective of whether the victim gave consent and the nature of relationship between the victim and the offender, such as known or unknown to victim and with or without caring responsibility for victim.
国、法国和德国最近提出的倡议,重启谈判,导致签 署一项关于将耶路撒冷作为两国——以色列和以 1967 年 6
[...] 月边界为基础建立的巴勒斯坦国——首都的 协议;再次确认定居点活动非法性 ; 找 到公正和经 双方商定的解决难民问题的办法;订立结束以色列占 [...]
In that respect, we call on the Quartet to speedily endorse the recent initiative of the United Kingdom, France and Germany to restart negotiations leading to the signing of an agreement on Jerusalem as the capital of two States, Israel and Palestine, founded on the basis of
the borders of June 1967; to the
[...] reaffirmation of the illegality of settlements; [...]
to a just, consensual solution to the
refugee question; and to security arrangements ending the Israeli occupation.
[...] 鉴于利维委员会所提建议和所作评述的危险 性,我要再问一句,安理会成员是否打算在安理会 采取什么步骤,来重申国际法中关于定居点活非 法性的规 定以及安理会和大会的相关决议,亦或是 安理会依然陷于僵局,任凭自身意志受到挟持?
Faced with the gravity of the recommendations and the discussions of the Levy committee, allow me to ask, once again, are there any steps that members intend to take in the Council to recall
the provisions of
[...] international law and the resolutions of the Council and the General Assembly on the illegitimacy of settler activities, [...]
or will the Council
remain paralysed with its will held hostage?
在国际上已 多次十分明确地指出这一实体及其组织 非法性。
The illegality of this entity and its structures has been repeatedly stated at the international level in the most unambiguous manner.
1975 年美国国务卿亨利·基辛格在一份外交电文中提及北方界限 非法性, 指 出,北方界限是单方面确定的,朝鲜并未接受。
Henry Kissinger, United States Secretary of State in
1975, referring in a diplomatic
[...] message to the illegality of the northern limit line, said that [...]
it was unilaterally set and
was not accepted by north Korea.
赞赏地欢迎大部分联合国会员国关于在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦 被占领土上进行定居点活动非法性 的 发 言,重申国际社会紧急呼吁以色列政府 [...]
Welcomes with appreciation the statements made by the majority of the States
Members of the United
[...] Nations on the illegality of settlement [...]
activities in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, and reaffirming the
urgent calls by the international community upon the Government of Israel to immediately stop all settlement activities, including in East Jerusalem
一般除經由法庭處理外,部分涉及非禮 非法性 交 及向年齡在 16 歲以下的兒童作出猥褻行為案件的青少年罪犯會由警司警誡計劃 處理。
In general,
[...] apart from court procedures, some juvenile offenders who committed indecent assault, unlawful sexual intercourse [...]
and indecent conduct
towards child under 16 were dealt with by way of Police Superintendents' Discretion Scheme (PSDS).
於 2003 年, 2004 年 及 2005
[...] 年,由警司警誡計劃處理的干犯非禮非 法性交及 向年齡在 16 歲以下的兒童作出猥褻行為的青少年總人數 [...]
分別為 71 人、89 人及 118 人。
) In 2003, 2004 and 2005, the total
number of juveniles who committed
[...] indecent assault, unlawful sexual intercourse [...]
and indecent conduct towards child under
16 dealt with by way of PSDS is 71, 89 and 118 respectively.
(二 ) 過去5年,就涉及18歲以下未成年人士性罪行的案件,政府
[...] 沒有提出起訴的案件數目為何;當中有多少宗案件的涉嫌 犯案者確曾與受害人性交,但因其為14歲以下的男童,而 基於上述普通法推定,該男童只能被控以猥褻侵犯而非強 姦非法性交罪;及
(b) in the past five years, of the number of cases of sexual offences involving minors under 18 years of age in which the Government had not instituted prosecution; among such cases, of the number of those in which the suspects, despite the fact they indeed had sexual intercourse with the victims, could only be charged with
indecent assault
[...] instead of rape or unlawful sexual intercourse, based on the aforesaid common law presumption, [...]
because the suspects were boys under 14; and
建議 的第 117(1B)條宣布就第
[...] 118、119、120 及121 條所述的性罪行而言,並在 不影響該部其他條文的一般性的原則下,任何男子與其妻子性交並非在非 法性交"的涵蓋範以外。
The proposed section 117(1B) declares that for the purposes of the sexual offence sections 118, 119, 120 and 121 and without affecting the
generality of any other
[...] provisions, "unlawful sexual intercourse" does not exclude sexual intercourse [...]
that a man has with his wife.
如早先的报道所证实的,自2002 年以来一直在进行的在巴勒斯坦被占领土
[...] 上建筑隔离墙是最明显的例子,说明了以色列占领西岸 非法性 , 直 接侵犯了巴 勒斯坦人的几项基本人权,包括自决权。
As earlier reports have demonstrated, the construction of the separation wall on occupied Palestinian territory that has been continuing since 2002 is
one of the clearest
[...] examples of the unlawful character of the [...]
Israeli occupation of the West Bank, in direct violation of several fundamental
Palestinian human rights, including the right of selfdetermination.
[...] 等充分信息,以及尽可能多的其他相关信息;对枪支和弹 非法性 质 的 描述; 发现枪支的情形,包括被拘留并被没收枪支的人员身份;对请求的合法解释; [...]
A good operational practice is to supply sufficient information to the responding State such as markings, type, calibre, photographs and any other relevant
information to the extent possible;
[...] description of the illicit nature of the firearms [...]
and ammunition; circumstances under which
the firearm was found, including identity of any person detained with the confiscated firearm; the legal justification for the request; and the intended use of the information.
南迪的著作包括:《另类科学》、《在心理学的边缘》、《亲密的敌人》(台译:《贴身的损友》)、《板球之道》、《民族主义 非法性 》 ( 台译:《国族主义 非法性 》 ) 、《野蛮的弗洛依德及其他关于可能的和可恢复的自我的论文》、《通往城市的尴尬之旅》、《国家的浪漫史和热带地区异议的命运》、《时间隧道》、《时间的跋涉》,以及《传统,暴政与乌托邦》。
Nandy’s books include Alternative Sciences, At the Edge of Psychology, The Intimate Enemy, The Tao of Cricket, The Illegitimacy of Nationalism, The Savage Freud and Other Essays in Possible and Retrievable Selves, An Ambiguous Journey to the City, The Romance of the State and the Fate of Dissent in the Tropics,Time Warps, Time Treks, and Traditions, Tyranny and Utopias.
作为解决使用或威胁使用核武 非法性 和 消 极完全保证这两个问题的第一 步,伊朗伊斯兰共和国认为,审议大会应按照非政府组织的建议通过一项决定, [...]
其中规定审议大会决定禁止对《条约》所有无核武器缔约国使用或威胁使用核武 器。
As a first step to address the
[...] twin issues of illegality of use or threat [...]
of use and negative security assurances, the Islamic
Republic of Iran believes that, as suggested by the non-governmental organization community, the Review Conference should adopt a decision by which the Conference decides that the threat or use of nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear-weapon State party to the Treaty shall be prohibited.
指出,双方已就某些事实达成一致,辩方在审案期间 仅将对以下三个具体问题提出异议:第一,2007 年 9 月 29
[...] 日对哈斯卡尼塔基地实施的袭击是否违法;第 二,被告是否了解据以认定该起袭击事 非法性 质的实际情形;第三,非洲联盟驻苏丹特派团是不是一个 [...]
On 16 May, the prosecution and the defence indicated in a joint filing to the Trial Chamber that certain facts have been agreed by both parties and that the defence will contest only three specific issues during the trial: first, whether the attack on the Haskanita base on 29 September 2007 was unlawful; secondly, whether the accused persons were aware of the factual
circumstances that
[...] established the unlawful nature of the attack; [...]
and thirdly, whether the African Union Mission in Sudan was a peacekeeping
mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.




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