

单词 非法定

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External sources (not reviewed)

特别严重关切以色列在被占领的东耶路撒冷及其周围修建和扩大定居点,包 括实施以连接周非法定和进一步孤立被占领的东耶路撒冷为目标的所谓 E-1 计划,继续拆毁巴勒斯坦房屋并将巴勒斯坦家庭逐出市区,取消巴勒斯坦人 [...]
Expressing grave concern in particular about Israel’s construction and expansion of settlements in and around occupied East
Jerusalem, including its so
[...] called E-1 plan that aims to connect its illegalsettlements around [...]
and further isolate occupied
East Jerusalem, the continuing demolition of Palestinian homes and eviction of Palestinian families from the city, the revocation of Palestinian residency rights in the city, and ongoing settlement activities in the Jordan Valley
尽管四方机制提出报告并要求双方进行对话和 合作以便促进“C
[...] 区”的社会和经济发展,但“C 区” 一直遭到区内 124 个以色非法定的破坏,使其 无法在 1967 年边界内建立能够生存的巴勒斯坦国。
Despite the reports of the Quartet and its call for dialogue and cooperation between the parties in order to facilitate social and economic development
in Area C, the latter has been
[...] undermined by124 illegalIsraeli settlements that prevent [...]
the establishment of a viable
Palestinian State within pre-1967 borders.
在被占领的西岸所谓“暂 停兴建定居点 10
[...] 个月”的规定过期后,以色列官员,包括政府的高级成员,便 几次发表挑战性言论,包括在正式访非法定时发表这种言论,反映了他们 决心继续在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上殖民,全然不顾这种行为 [...]
及对国际社会所有成员在这方面作出的一致而崇高的努力和美利坚合众国带头 作出的努力的严重影响。
As the so-called “10-month moratorium” on settlement construction in the Occupied West Bank expired, Israeli officials, including senior members of government, have proceeded to make several provocative statements, including
in the context of
[...] official visits to illegalsettlements, in a reflection of their determination to continuing [...]
colonizing the Occupied
Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, regardless of the fact that such actions constitute clear breaches of international humanitarian law and regardless of the gravely detrimental impact on the newly resumed peace process and the concerted and noble efforts being exerted in this regard by all members of the international community and led by the efforts of the United States of America.
国际社会必须坚决要求以色列遵守国际法规定 的所有义务,停止其全部侵犯行为和非法措施,包括
[...] 对加沙地带巴勒斯坦人民实施的集体惩罚政策及非法定动,并且明确表示以全面的方式在固定的 [...]
时间期限内谈判解决所有核心问题——耶路撒冷、定 居点、难民、边界、安全和水。
The international community must be resolute in demanding that Israel abide by all its obligations under international law and cease all of its violations and unlawful measures, including its policy of collective
punishment of the Palestinian people in the
[...] Gaza Strip and its illegalsettlement activities, [...]
and that it unambiguously negotiate
and resolve all core issues — Jerusalem, settlements, the refugees, borders, security and water — in a comprehensive manner and within a fixed time frame.
[...] 伊朗伊斯兰共和国谴责任何破坏该国领土完整的措 施,并且对被占领的叙利亚戈兰恶化的人权状况以 及不断增加非法定深表关切。
The Golan was an integral part of the Syrian Arab Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iran condemned all measures taken to undermine that country’s territorial integrity and was deeply concerned
over the deterioration in the human rights situation and
[...] the increase inillegal settlementsin theoccupied [...]
Syrian Golan.
[...] 被占领的东耶路撒冷及其周围修建和扩大定居点,包括实施以连接周非法定和进一步孤立被占领的东耶路撒冷为目标的所谓 [...]
E-1 计划,继续拆毁巴勒斯坦 房屋并将巴勒斯坦家庭逐出市区,以及加紧在约旦河谷的定居点活动
Expressing grave concern about the continuation by Israel, the occupying Power, of settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in violation of international humanitarian law, relevant United Nations resolutions and the agreements reached between the parties, and concerned particularly about Israel’s construction and expansion of settlements in and around occupied East Jerusalem,
including its so-called E-1 plan that aims
[...] to connect its illegalsettlements around and [...]
further isolate occupied East Jerusalem,
the continuing demolition of Palestinian homes and eviction of Palestinian families from the city, and intensifying settlement activities in the Jordan Valley
占领国以色列继续在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土实施其非 法计划和行动,特别是旨在巩固其在 1967 年以来武力占领领土的庞非法定网络和所谓“前沿”定居点划和行动。
Israel, the occupying Power, continues its illegal schemes and actions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, particularly those aimed at entrenching its massive network ofillegal settlements and so-called settlement “outposts” in the Territory that it has belligerently occupied since 1967.
尽管如此,以及尽管 100 多个会员国支持安全理事会正在 审议的决议草案(S/2011/24),其中拒绝接受并呼吁完全停止以色列非法定动,然而,占领国公然继续这一非法活动,严重危害和平前景,进一步加剧实 地、特别是被占东耶路撒冷的紧张局势。
Despite this and despite the fact that over 100 Member States have signed on to the draft resolution currently before the Security Council
(S/2011/24), which rejects
[...] Israel’s unlawful settlement campaign and calls for its complete cessation, the occupying Power brazenly continues this illegal campaign to [...]
the grave detriment
of peace prospects and further raising tensions on the ground, especially in Occupied East Jerusalem.
本月初,在伯利恒和纳布卢斯地区的“Efrat”和“Shomron非法定分别另建 40 个单位和 46 个单位,此外,还为在“Beitar Elit非 法定建造 300 个单位进行投标。
At the start of this month, tenders were issued
for the construction of
[...] 300 unitsin the illegal settlement ofBeitar Elit” in addition to another 40 units and 46 units in the illegal settlements ofEfrat” [...]
and “Shomron” in the
Bethlehem and Nablus areas respectively.
今天,我还必须向你通报以色列占领军和以色非法定过去一周针对巴 勒斯坦平民和国际和平活动分子持续犯下的暴力和恐怖主义行为,以及针对属于 [...]
Today, I am also compelled to inform you ofacts ofviolence and terrorism that continued to be perpetrated by Israeli
[...] occupying forces and illegal Israeli settlers [...]
this past week against
Palestinian civilians as well as international peace activists, and measures taken against the properties and homes belonging to Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.
级国家人权机构在联 合国王国保护和增进平等和人权方面的作用并介绍了它的一些活动,其中包括协
[...] 助权利被侵犯的受害者寻求补救、调查权利被侵犯的事件、提供非法定律指导、以及促进国际人权机制等。
He discussed the role of the EHRC as an A-status NHRI in protecting and promoting equality and human rights in the United Kingdom and presented some of its activities including assisting victims of rights violations to seek remedies,
investigating incidents of rights violations,
[...] providing statutoryand non-statutoryguidance on [...]
the law, and promoting international human rights mechanisms.
尽管事实是安全理事会第 497(1981)号决议认为以
色列把其法律强加在被占领的叙利亚戈兰的决定是 无效、无用和无法律效力的,以及联合国大会第 62/110 号决议要求以色列停止把以色列公民身份和
[...] 以色列身份证强加给被占领的叙利亚戈兰上的叙利 亚公民,但它仍然坚持没收阿拉伯土地,并扩张非法定
Despite the fact that Israel’s decision to impose its laws in the occupied Syrian Golan had been deemed null and void and without international legal effect by Security Council resolution 497 (1981), and despite the fact that General Assembly resolution 62/110 called upon Israel to desist from imposing Israeli citizenship and Israeli identity cards on the Syrian citizens
in the occupied Syrian Golan, it nonetheless persisted in confiscating Arab lands
[...] and expanding itsillegal settlements.
不幸的是,以色列政府继续在巴勒斯坦被占领土和被 占领的叙利亚戈兰开非法定活动,无视四方、 阿拉伯和平倡议部长委员会和愿意承认巴勒斯坦国 [...]
Unfortunately, the Israeli Government persists in its illegal settlement activities in the occupied
Palestinian territories and the occupied
[...] Syrian Golan,in defianceof the demands [...]
of the Quartet, the Committee of Ministers
for the Arab Peace Initiative, and the two-thirds of the members of the international community that stand ready to recognize the Palestinian State.
在批准 这些建造计划后,非法定内批准新建的单位仅在短短两周时间内就增加至 近 2 800 个。这表明了占领国的强烈企图和巨大野心,即进一步巩固巴勒斯坦被 占领土,包括东耶路撒冷内的这非法定,并进一步改变该领土的人口组成 和特征,以便通过强行和非法的手段为和平解决预设最终结果,并破坏以 1967 年前边界为基础的两国解决方案的实质和基础。
The approval of these plans
[...] raises the total of new units approved in theillegal settlementsto nearly 2,800 units in the span of just two weeks, revealing the intensity and extent of the occupying Power’s attempts to further entrench theseillegal settlementsin theOccupied Palestinian Territory, [...]
including East Jerusalem,
and to further alter the demographic composition and character of that Territory in order to forcibly and illegally prejudge the final outcome of a peace settlement, undermining the essence and foundation of the two-State solution based on the pre-1967 borders.




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