

单词 非武装

See also:

武装 n

arms n
military n
arm n
disarmament n
equipment n


military n

surname Wu

External sources (not reviewed)

非武装冲突 当事国的缔约国可诉诸第 8 条草案第 1 款中所载程序的可 [...]
As for the possibility that contracting States which are not
[...] parties to the armed conflict could [...]
resort to the procedure in draft article 8,
paragraph 1, his reading of the debate was that such extension of the right in question would not be desirable.
特别报告员还提及一会员国的提议,即在第 8 条草案的范围内加入非武 装冲突当事国的条约缔约国。
The Special Rapporteur further referred to a proposal, which had been made by a Member State, to
include within the scope of draft article 8 contracting parties to the treaty which
[...] were not party to the armed conflict.
2011 年 4 月 5 日,3 名身着便装的非武装男子声称是前科特迪瓦士兵,他们 向 [...]
Maryland 州 Pleebo 移民和归化局寻求难民地位,并被指示向难民署注册。
On 5 April 2011, three unarmed men in civilian clothes [...]
claiming to be former Ivorian soldiers seeking refugee status reported
to the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization office in Pleebo, Maryland County, and were referred to the UNHCR office for registration.
[...] 国外地安全安排,改善所有军事特遣队、警察、军事观察员、特别 非武装 人员 的安全保障。
The Special Committee calls upon the Secretary-General to take all measures deemed necessary to strengthen United Nations field security arrangements and improve the
safety and security of all military contingents, police officers, military
[...] observers and, especially, unarmed personnel.
6 月 20 日协议执行工作的大部分进展建立在以下努力的基础之上:在联阿安 全部队和非洲联盟驻联合监督委员会调解人的支持下,落实 2012 年 1 月 18 和 19
[...] [...] 日在阿卜耶伊举行的联合监督委员会第三次会议通过的各项决定,也即关于以下 方面的各项规定:人道主义援助,流离失所者 非武装 回 归 和游牧民 非武装迁 移 ;阿卜耶伊联合监督委员会秘书处在阿卜耶伊的成立和运作;成立一个后续机 [...]
小组的组成;组建阿卜耶伊警察队伍所必需的初始步骤;召开族群之间的“共存 会议”。
Most of the progress made on the implementation of the 20 June Agreement was based on efforts to operationalize, with support from UNISFA and the African Union facilitator to the Abyei Joint Oversight Committee, the decisions adopted during the third meeting of the Committee, held in Abyei on 18 and 19 January 2012, namely: provisions on humanitarian assistance, the
return of displaced persons
[...] and migration of nomads without weapons; the establishment and functioning [...]
of the secretariat of
the Abyei Joint Oversight Committee in Abyei; the establishment of a follow-up mechanism for the implementation of decisions of the Committee; the composition of the Joint Military Observer Committee and of the Joint Military Observer Teams; initial steps required for the formation of the Abyei Police Service; and the convening of “coexistence conferences” between the communities.
[...] 叙利亚局势,我们对于叙利亚当局采取暴力和残暴手 段非武装的和平抗议者实行内部镇压,深感震惊。
First, with regard to Syria, we are deeply shocked by the violence
and brutality of the internal repression orchestrated by the Syrian
[...] authorities against unarmed and peaceful protesters.
特别委员会请秘书处探讨如 何改善涉及具有维和行动特派团专家地位 非武装 人 员 不当行为或严重不当行 为指控的通知过程。
The Special Committee requests the Secretariat to explore ways to improve the notification process in cases of misconduct or serious misconduct of uniformed personnel with the status of experts on mission in peacekeeping operations.
但是, 这次会议之后,来自阿卜耶伊地区东南面的米塞里亚族代表在 Click
[...] 与联合安全 委员会举行了磋商,并商定进 非武装 迁 移 、遵循以往指定的路线、不经过恩哥 [...]
克-丁卡族占据的村庄、遵守与南苏丹团结州达成的协议,并在恩哥克-丁卡族代 表表示希望举行会议时参加与恩哥克-丁卡族代表的两族协商会议。
Subsequent to the meeting, however, Misseriya representatives from the south-eastern flank of the Abyei Area held consultations with the joint security
committee in Click and agreed to conduct
[...] their migration unarmed, adhere to previously [...]
designated routes and not to pass
through Ngok Dinka-occupied villages, adhere to the agreement reached with the authorities in Unity State, South Sudan, and attend inter-community consultation meetings with the Ngok Dinka representatives when the latter express a desire to meet.
第二天,我们得知他们把他带到Zeitoun区的比拉勒·伊本·拉巴赫 清真寺,手脚都绑着,由一非武装 人 员 看守。
We learned the next day that they had taken him to Bilal ibn Rabah Mosque in the Zeitoun district.
要应对这些挑战,就需要有政治意愿,在民族和解方面取得重要进展,并得 到国际伙伴的支持,从而使政府可以将国家权力扩展到该地区,特别是加强非 武装部队、警察和法治。
Addressing these challenges will require political will, meaningful advances in national reconciliation, and support from international partners so that the Government can extend State authority to the region, particularly through strengthening FACA, the police and the rule of law.
这次交付我们的任务对于伊拉克有着极 大的象征意义,因为这是伊拉克自 1991 年以来首次
[...] 担任一个裁军实体的主席,当时由于前政权推行侵 略性军备政策并将其用来危非武装 的 伊 拉克人及 其邻国,我国遭到根据《联合国宪章》第七章实施 [...]
The task entrusted to us at this time has great symbolism for Iraq, given that Iraq is assuming the chairmanship of a disarmament entity for the first time since 1991, when it was subject to sanctions under Chapter VII of
the Charter of the United Nations owing to
[...] the aggressive armament policies adopted [...]
by the former regime and used against
unarmed Iraqis and their neighbours.
(c) 《特遣队所属装备手册》的主要装备清单中加入一个新的车辆类别,包
[...] 含这两种类型的车辆(通用公平市价和干/湿租赁标准取自二 非武装装 甲 运兵 车和作为特种装备使用的类似车辆)。
(c) A new category of vehicle containing the two types of vehicles is included in the major equipment list in the COE Manual (the generic fair
market value and dry/wet lease rates
[...] are taken from the unarmed APC class II and [...]
similar vehicles used as special case).
特别委员会关切地注意到对具有维和行动特派团专家地位 非武装 人 员 提 出的不当行为或严重不当行为的指控都没有通知会员国。
The Special Committee notes with concern that Member States are not being notified of allegations of an act of misconduct or serious misconduct against uniformed personnel with the status of experts on mission in peacekeeping operations.
非武装部队 在该地区的部队有严重的行动和后勤限制,包括缺少 空运,这使其无法迅速部署足够的增援部队。
The FACA presence in the region suffers from severe operational and logistic limitations, including lack of access to aircraft, which preclude the rapid deployment of adequate reinforcements.
安全理事会已经建立了一个保护平民的工作组, 它将协助安理会有效推动实现向装 冲 突中 的 非武 装平民 提供真正适当的保护,同依照第 1612(2005) 号决议建立的儿童与武装冲突工作组相似。
The Security Council has established a working group on the protection of civilians that will assist it in moving effectively towards providing genuine and appropriate protection for unarmed civilians in armed conflict similar to the working group established pursuant to resolution 1612 (2005) on children and armed conflict.
2010 年 4 月 6
[...] 日 10 时 35 分 敌方以色非武装军事人员从 Manarah 地区与 [...]
Abbad 之间的 Hula 村 庄对面越过技术围栏三米之远,但未侵犯蓝线。
6 April 2010 1035 hours Opposite
the village of Hula, between the Manarah
[...] area and Abbad, unarmed Israeli enemy [...]
military personnel crossed three metres over
the technical fence without violating the Blue Line.
[...] 营保安公司(私营军保公司)包括从事各种保安协助、培训、供应和咨询服务的私营 公司,例如,范围非武 装 后 勤支援、武装 保安警卫, 到参与 防守或进 攻性军事 [...]
For the purposes of this report, and while recognizing the definitional challenges, the Working Group refers to private military and private security companies (PMSCs) as including private companies which perform all types of security assistance, training, provision
and consulting services, i.e.
[...] ranging from unarmed logistical support, armed security guards, [...]
to those involved in defensive
or offensive military and/or security-related activities, particularly in armed conflict areas and/or post-conflict situations.
[...] 其中措辞理解有问题,以为巴勒斯 非武装 平 民 与自 由世界所有其他平民有所不同?
Or is there a problem in understanding the terminology so that some do not consider
[...] the Palestinians unarmed civilians like [...]
all others in the free world?
联阿安全部队还向各方提出,让联合监督委员会的各位秘 书参加阿卜耶伊联合监督委员会/联阿安全部队的各个联合委员会,其中第一个
[...] 负责向恩哥克-丁卡人和米塞里亚人宣 非武装 迁 移和回归的各项进程,第二个 是负责与恩哥克-丁卡族和米塞里亚族领导人接触并鼓励他们与联阿安全部队密 [...]
UNISFA also proposed to the parties that the secretaries of the Committee be made members of joint committees composed of the Abyei Joint Oversight Committee and UNISFA, the first of which is tasked with
sensitizing the Ngok Dinka and Misseriya on the
[...] processes for unarmed migration and [...]
return, the second of which is a “goodwill”
committee tasked with engaging with the Ngok Dinka and Misseriya leadership and encouraging them to work closely with UNISFA on the implementation of its mandate.
随 着更多合格供应商出现并被评估为可靠供应商 非武装 巡 逻 安保服务将由当地安 保承包商提供。
The unarmed patrol security services [...]
will be provided by local security contractors as more qualified vendors become available and are assessed as reliable.
虽然这是引起持续关切的问题,但由于 非武装 冲 突局势中遇 害的记者比武装冲突局势中的更多,特别报告员鼓励召集另一次小组讨论会,特 [...]
While the issue is of ongoing concern, given
the fact that more journalists
[...] are killed in non-conflict situations than in armed conflict, [...]
the Special Rapporteur would
encourage the convening of another panel to consider, inter alia, the protection of journalists in situations where the threshold of armed conflict has not been reached.
虽然他强调需要基本装备,但是他也指出,鉴于该区域的森林密度大, 非武装 部队也需要有限的空中支援(直升机)来进行空中巡逻。
While he emphasized the need for basic equipment, he pointed out that FACA required limited air support (helicopters) to conduct aerial patrols, given the density of the forest in the region.
[...] 者和利益攸关方——从国家到民间社会,从交战方到 人道主义组织以及从装人员到 非武装 党 派 ——都 要而且应该同联合国一道对平民加以保护,这是绝对 [...]
In that regard and especially in conflict situations, it is and should be an absolute requirement for all actors and stakeholders — from the State to civil society, from
belligerents to humanitarian
[...] organizations and from armed personnel to unarmed partisans [...]
— to work with the United Nations
in the protection of civilians.
这种暴力加上叛乱团体(在 北部和西北部活动的
[...] 复兴民主人民军和在东北部活动的民主力量团结联盟)和安全部队 ( 中 非武装 部 队 和 总统卫队)之间的冲突是导致流离失所的主要原因。
This violence, and clashes between the rebel groups (the Popular Army for the Restoration of Democracy, APRD, which operates in the North and North-West, and the Union of Democratic Forces for Unity,
UFDR - in the North-East) and the security
[...] forces (Central African Armed Forces, FACA, [...]
and the Presidential Guard), are the
main reasons for displacement.
执法官员和武装部队应接受关 非武装 和 武 装 冲 突 中记者在场合理性以及 对其安全的法律保护的培训,并将此培训作为其标准程序的一部分。
Law enforcement officials and the armed forces should receive training, as part of standard procedure, on the legitimacy of the presence of journalists during nonarmed and armed conflict and the legal protection for their safety.
我们希望,4 月 21
[...] 日通过的有关设立联合国叙利 亚监督团——它将非武装的军事观察员组成并已获 得叙利亚政府的欢迎——的第 [...]
2043(2012)号决议,将 有助于克服危机。
We hope that resolution 2043 (2012), adopted on 21 April, establishing the United Nations
Supervision Mission in Syria — which is to
[...] be composed of unarmed military observers [...]
and which has been welcomed by the Syrian
Government — will contribute to overcoming the crisis.
(e) 在总核定警察人数中,将目前异地调动和将要任满回国的 60 名警官替
[...] 换为 60 名建制警察单位人员,以应非武装 人 群 对联合国人员行动自由以及对 [...]
(e) Within the overall authorized police strength, replacement of 60 individual police officers currently relocated and who will be repatriated, with
60 formed police unit personnel to meet
[...] threats posed by unarmed crowds to the [...]
free movement of United Nations personnel
and to United Nations installations
据专家组访谈的妇女介 绍,犯罪人主要包括边防卫兵和中央后备警察等武装军警人员、穿着平民服装的 武装人员、穿着平民装的非武装人 员 以及身份不明的阿拉伯武装军事人员。
According to the women interviewed by the Panel, the profiles of the perpetrators included armed uniformed personnel, such as the Border Guards and CRP, armed men in civilian clothes, unarmed men in civilian clothes and unknown armed Arab militiamen.




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