

单词 非欧几里得

External sources (not reviewed)

比如, 1826 年,
[...] N. I. 洛巴切夫斯基写下 有关发非欧几里得几何 的最初研究文章和 1944 年 C. [...]
A. 阿尔特舒勒的研究对发 展磁放射频谱检验(radiopectroscopy)产生很大的影响以及 E. Z. 扎沃夫斯基发现
For example, in 1826 N. I. Lobachevsky wrote the first works
[...] on discovery of non-Euclidean geometry and [...]
in 1944 C.A. Altshuler’s research had a
significant influence on the development of magnetic radiopectroscopy and E.Z. Zavoysky discovered the electronic paramagnetic resonance effect.
那些来自非欧洲国 家”并提出庇护申请、得 “寻 求庇护者”地位的人,可被允许在境内居住,直至他们通过难民署在第三国 得到重新安置。
Those entering from “non-European countries” and lodging an asylum application [...]
are granted “asylum seeker” status which
allows them to reside until they are re-settled in a third country by the UNHCR.
有待执行局 2012 年第二届常会核可的国家方案如下 非 洲 区域 的 几 内 亚、莱索托和塞拉利昂; 阿拉伯国家区域的吉布提和约旦;亚洲及太平洋区域的印度、尼泊尔、太平洋岛 屿国家和领土和里兰卡;东欧和中亚区域的摩尔多瓦共和国;拉丁美洲和加勒 比区域的多民族玻利维亚国和哥斯达黎加。
The country programmes for approval by the Board at the second
regular session 2012 are as follows: Guinea, Lesotho and Sierra
[...] Leone in the Africa region; Djibouti and Jordan in the Arab States region; India, Nepal, Pacific Island countries and territories and Sri Lanka in the Asia and the Pacific region; the Republic of Moldova in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia [...]
region; Bolivia, Plurinational
State of, and Costa Rica in the Latin America and the Caribbean region.
这意味着 公证部门、波兰法院或政府部门都不具备此 项权利,并非欧洲经 济区的企业不能得 不动产的所有权或永久使用权。
This means that neither a public notary nor a Polish court or
Government body can register or proceed
[...] with such action, and that the non-EEA entity will become neither owner [...]
nor usufructuary.
你知道吗,由于2004 - 工党通过法律,医务委员会现在可以采用的小时医务人员来自欧洲(普通外科手术的人在 里 付 出 了那么多,他们不想工作周的结束,或晚上,这样的G MC 获 得几 千 东 部 欧 洲 GP 的(通过机构),但他们被禁止欧盟法律,以把他们通过的英语能力测试!(不用说法国人采取不通知的这疯狂的一块立法和做试验他们)。
Did you know that since 2004 - when Labour passed the law, that the General Medical Council can now employ out-of-hours medics
from Europe (as ordinary
[...] surgery ones here get paid so much they don't want to work week-ends or evenings, so the GMC gets several thousand Eastern European GP’s (through [...]
agencies), but they are
prohibited by EU law to put them through an English competence test!
与之类似,非共和国、得、几内 亚 比绍、马达加斯加、 里 和 尼 日 尔――自然资源丰富的国家――在过去四十年中都出现过人均收入增长缓慢或负增 长的情况。
Similarly, Central African Republic, Chad, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Mali and Niger – all NRR [...]
countries – have experienced
low or negative p.c.i. in the last four decades or so.
此外,根据从当地人里得到的 信息,据称儿童兵仍然与人民民主阵线有关联,其部队有武装,并驻 扎在非共和-乍得-苏丹 边境三角地带;中沙里 Korbol 山地区的和平、重建 和发展运动中也有儿童。
Furthermore, according to information received from the local
population, children allegedly remain
[...] associated with FDP, whose forces are armed and stationed in the Central African Republic/Chad/Sudan border triangle; and MPRD in the hills of Korbol in Moyen-Chari.
(b) 卫生:发展和加强西非红十 字和红新月会在该国的分支机构 ( 为 几 内亚 提供 20 万欧元); 支持联合国开发计划署(开发署)的“全球选举支持方案”(为 几内亚总统选举提供 50 万欧元); 联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)对布基纳法 索几内亚、马里和塞 内加尔供水方案的捐助(为几内亚提供 225 万美元);全民 教育快车道倡议催化基金(西班牙为基金提供 2.37 亿欧元, 几内亚在 2003-2011 年收到 6 400 万欧元);在 2007-2009 年为“森林几内亚”地区的学校提供价值 150 万欧元的实物捐助。
(b) Health: development and strengthening of national branches of
the International Federation of
[...] Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Western Africa (200,000 euros for Guinea); support to the Global Programme for Electoral Cycle Support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (500,000 euros for the Presidential elections in Guinea); contribution to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for a programme on water in Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali and Senegal ($2.25 million for Guinea); EFA-FTI Catalytic Fund (Spain has contributed 237 million euros to the Fund [...]
and Guinea has received
$64 million for 2003-2011); in-kind contributions (food) in 2007-2009 worth 1.5 million euros for schools in the Guinée Forestière region
例如,主管主任领导了驻得欧洲联 盟部队(欧盟 部队)替换部队的同步规划工作,及支助执行《吉布提协议》的方案,同时探讨 应对索里安全 局势的其他办法,管理 西 非 、 大 湖区和苏丹的复合特派团。
For example, the
[...] relevant directors have led the simultaneous planning of a follow-on force to the European Union Force (EUFOR) in Chad and options to support the implementation of the Djibouti Agreement, while exploring options to address the security situation in Somalia and managing complex missions in West Africa, the Great Lakes region [...]
and the Sudan.
该《议定书》向非欧洲 国家开放,其中已几个非欧洲国 家加入了《议定 书》。
The Protocol was open
[...] to accession by non-European States, several [...]
of which had already become party to it.
因此,根欧洲联盟仅几天前 发出的呼吁,我 们呼吁苏丹政府紧急重新考虑其决定,并确保苏丹境 内所有需要援助的人得到人 道主义援助。
In accordance with the
[...] call made by the European Union just a few days ago, we therefore appeal to the Government of the Sudan to urgently reconsider its decision and to ensure that humanitarian assistance to all people in need in the Sudan be guaranteed.
委员会与小组成员进行了对话,以下国家的代表团也参加了对话:约旦、瑞 士、葡萄牙、冰岛(代表欧国家 )、以色列、古巴、菲律宾、希腊、日本、喀麦 隆、巴拉圭、墨西哥、阿塞拜疆、 非 、 几 内 亚、加纳、多米尼加共和国、亚美 尼亚和加蓬。
The Commission held a dialogue with the panellists, in which the delegations of the following countries participated: Jordan,
Switzerland, Portugal, Iceland
[...] (on behalf of the Nordic countries), Israel, Cuba, the Philippines, Greece, Japan, Cameroon, Paraguay, Mexico, Azerbaijan, South Africa, Guinea, Ghana, the Dominican [...]
Republic, Armenia and Gabon.
阿尔及利亚、奥地利、巴林、孟加拉国、比利时、文莱达鲁萨兰国、保加利亚、 科摩罗、古巴、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉 布提、埃及、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊 几 内 亚 、匈牙利、印度尼 西亚、伊拉克、爱尔兰、意大利、约旦、科威特、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、莱索托、 立陶宛、卢森堡、马来西亚、马里、马耳他、毛里塔尼亚、黑山、摩洛哥、尼 加拉瓜、挪威、阿曼、波兰、卡塔尔、罗马尼亚、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、塞 尔维亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、索 里 、 南 非 、 西班牙、苏丹、瑞典、突尼 斯、阿拉伯联合酋长国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共 和国、也门和巴勒斯坦:决议草案
Algeria, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Comoros, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic
People’s Republic of
[...] Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guinea, Hungary, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Montenegro, Morocco, Nicaragua, Norway, Oman, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great [...]
Britain and Northern
Ireland, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Yemen and Palestine: draft resolution
这一地区遭到台风重创,但这场给当地人生活带来破坏性影响的灾难已经过去了几个月, 里几 乎 仍 未 得 到 救 济。
The area was badly affected by the typhoon, but has, as yet, still received little relief, even months after the disaster devastated its people’s lives and livelihoods.
11 月 20
[...] 日,安理会还举行了辩论,以听取主管政治事务助理秘书长海尔·门里欧斯、维持和平行动非洲二 司司长拉伊塞东·泽嫩加和国际海事组织秘书 长埃夫西米奥斯·米乔普勒斯的情况通报,并审议了秘书长关于索马里局势,包 [...]
Also on 20 November, the Council held a debate to hear briefings by the Assistant Secretary-General for
Political Affairs, Haile
[...] Menkeirios, the Director of the Africa II Division of the Department [...]
of Peacekeeping Operations,
Raisedon Zenenga, and the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization, Efthimios Mitropoulos, and to consider the report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Somalia (S/2008/709), including on the fight against piracy off the coast of Somalia.
由 于土著人民自从 2007 年在印度尼西亚巴厘举行联合国气候变化会议以来持续努 力,已得几项成绩:土著人民一直积极参与REDD(降排)+进程,并与那些热心 于将REDD(降排)+列入联合国气候变化会议达成的协议中的各国政府 非 政府 组织建立了联系。
Owing to the sustained efforts of indigenous peoples since the United Nations Climate Change Conference held
in Bali, Indonesia,
[...] in 2007, there have been several achievements: indigenous peoples have become actively engaged in the REDD-plus process and links have been established with Governments and NGOs that are keen to have REDD-plus included [...]
in the agreements
reached at United Nations climate change conferences.
其他有趣的城市,缪拉,在那里走来走去的中世纪街道和城墙 非 常 愉 快,圣面粉,一个中世纪小镇,有一定的重要性,足以媲 欧里 亚 克 部门的资本,但也Chaudes-艾格,温泉镇的温泉用于治疗风湿和地板下的供暖系统的房子和游泳池。
Others interesting cities are; Murat, where walking around its
medieval streets and
[...] ramparts is very pleasant, St Flour, a medieval town of some importance, rivalling Aurillac as the capital of the department but also Chaudes–Aigues, a spa town where the hot springs [...]
are used to treat
rheumatism and provide an under floor heating system for most of the houses and the swimming pool.
第四,我们支持姆贝基先生领导非 盟 高 级别执 行小组以及门里欧斯特 别代表继续推动北南双方 根据《全面和平协议》的精神,互谅互让,尽快就阿 布耶伊及其他《全面和平协议》未决问题和公投后安 排达成一致。
Union High-level Implementation Panel, led by President Mbeki, as well as the efforts of Special Representative Menkerios, to promote mutual accommodation between North and South aimed at achieving compliance with the CPA, and to arrive at a comprehensive solution to such problems as that of Abyei and other outstanding CPA-related issues, as well as on post-referendum arrangements.
例如,智利海水网箱养殖大西洋鲑 欧 洲 ( 主要是法国)养殖牡蛎以及亚洲、南 美洲非洲几个国 家养殖海水对虾近些年经历的病害爆发导致的高死亡率,损失 了部分或有时是全部产量。
For example, marine cage culture of Atlantic
salmon in Chile,
[...] oyster farming in Europe (notably France), and marine shrimp farming in several countries in Asia, South America and Africa have experienced [...]
high mortality caused
by disease outbreaks in recent years, resulting in partial or sometimes total loss of production.
在一本书在1816年审查他讨论这证明推导了平行公理的其他欧几里德公理,这表明他认为存在 非欧几里 德 几 何,但他是相当含糊。
In a book review in 1816 he discussed proofs which deduced the axiom of parallels from the other
Euclidean axioms, suggesting that he believed in
[...] the existence of non-Euclidean geometry, although [...]
he was rather vague.
6 月 15 日,在我的特别代表同非洲联盟、西 非 经 共体 、 欧 盟 和 几 佛 独立党举行的会议 上,该党代表团重申了以上看法。
On 15 June, at a meeting convened by my Special
Representative with representatives of the
[...] African Union, ECOWAS, the European Union and the PAIGC, the [...]
party’s delegation reiterated these views.
几个非低消 费量国家的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第一阶段所包含的主要活动涉及减少制 造行业中使用的氟氯烃的消费量,主要是用作聚氨酯泡沫塑料发泡剂的 HCFC-141b ,以 及得不那 么多的作为制冷和空调设备制造中的制冷剂的 HCFC-22 和挤塑聚苯乙烯泡沫 塑料生产中使用的 HCFC-22/HCFC-142b 。
The main activities included in stage I of the HPMPs of several non-LVC countries are related to reducing the consumption of HCFCs used in the manufacturing sector, mainly HCFC-141b used as a polyurethane foam blowing agent and, to a lesser extent, [...]
HCFC-22 used as
refrigerant in the manufacturing of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, and HCFC-22/HCFC-142b used in the production of extruded polystyrene foams.
的里 雅斯特湾海洋环境信息系统可在 得里 亚 海上建起点测平台 几 个 机 构之间不 断交换资料。
The Information System about the Marine Environment (ISMO) in the Gulf of Trieste is a system of continuous data exchange among institutions that have set up stationary measurement platforms on the Adriatic Sea.
[...] 安理会内最近在加强其与关心某一冲突的各方的互 动的创新做法,例如 2009 年与里兰卡、乍得、非 洲联盟和阿拉伯国家联盟的接触。
In addition to the aforementioned improvements, my delegation has also taken note with interest of the recent innovations in the Council on increasing its interactions with parties
concerned with a conflict, such as engagements in
[...] 2009 with Sri Lanka, Chad, the African Union and the [...]
League of Arab States.
虽然传闻证据显示,非洲近期 的可卡因贩运促使整个大陆可卡因使用不断增加,但缺 几 乎 所 有 非 洲 国 家最 近关于毒品使用的可靠数据,使得对 问 题规模的评估难以进行。
While anecdotal evidence shows that the recent cocaine trafficking in Africa has triggered an increased use of
cocaine in the whole
[...] continent, the lack of recent and reliable data on drug use in virtually all African countries prevents [...]
an assessment of the magnitude of the problem.
在这方面,我赞同黑格先生的发言,其主旨是, 我们安理会应当尽快通过一项决议,谴责在叙利亚发 生的镇压,根据我们从我们的大使 里得 到 的 非 常可 靠的消息,目前这种镇压行为的形式越来越难以令人 容忍,因为这个政权目前正在袭击学校中的孩子。
In that regard, I endorse the statement by Mr. Hague to the effect that our Council should adopt as soon as possible a resolution condemning the repression in Syria, which is taking on increasingly intolerable forms as the regime is now attacking children in their schools, according to the very reliable information we receive from our ambassadors.
在签订购买物业合同后,非塞籍 非欧 盟 ) 公民将向相对应的民政事务处提交申请,以获取对应物 业登记至其名下的许可,此类申请一般 几 天 后 获 得 许 可
Having signed a contract to buy a
[...] property, a non-Cypriot non EU Country national will file an application to the relevant District Office to grant its approval to register immovable property in his/her name, such application usually being approved in a few days.
得一提 的是在 2006 年一份来自欧盟外部的评估欧盟与中国合作计划的报告,它 批评双方在扶贫和气候变化上的考量上缺乏系统化的整合,项目无法反馈到政策对里(欧洲委员会, 2007b :附录 3.10)。
It is noteworthy that in 2006 an external evaluation of the EU’s co-operation programme with China was critical of a lack of systematic integration of considerations on poverty reduction and climate change, and a lack of feedback from the projects into policy dialogues (European Commission, 2007b:Annex 3.10).
最后,我要赞扬联合国苏丹特派团、特别代表门里欧斯、由坦桑尼亚前总统本杰明·姆卡帕领导的 秘书长苏丹公投问题小组、由非前 总 统塔博·姆贝 基领导非洲联 盟达尔富尔问题高级别小组以非 洲联 盟-联合国达尔富尔问题联合首席调解人贾布里 勒·伊佩内·巴索莱先生,他们一直在持续不懈地致 力于为苏丹带来和平与稳定。
In conclusion, I wish to commend the United Nations Mission in the
Sudan; Special
[...] Representative Menkerios; the Secretary-General’s Panel on the Referenda in the Sudan, led by former President Mr. Benjamin Mkapa; the African Union High-Level Panel on Darfur, chaired by former President Mr. Thabo Mbeki; and the Joint African Union-United [...]
Nations Chief Mediator
for Darfur, Mr. Djibrill Bassolé, for their continued and tireless commitment to bringing peace and stability to the Sudan.




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