

单词 非常担心

See also:

非常 adj

exceptional adj

非常 adv

very adv
well adv
extremely adv
highly adv
far adv
very much adv
awful adv
lump n
wayAE adv

担心 v

fear v
worry about v


be anxious

External sources (not reviewed)

不过,苏丹难非常担心达尔富尔持续存在的战斗和不安全局势,大多 数难民不愿意返回。
Sudanese refugees are, however, very concerned about continued fighting and insecurity in Darfur and most are unwilling to return.
制药公司虽非常担心他们投放市场的产品会涉及 到别人的专利,但一般都极力避免那些会不利于其研究工作的专利登记。
Pharmaceutical companies, although greatly concerned about patents on their marketed products, are generally keen to avoid patenting of technologies which impinge on their research work.
电话里他的声音显非常担心,律师此后再没有他的 音讯。
He was very worried over the telephone and [...]
counsel has not heard from him since.
非常担心叙利亚内战的前景,我们敦促 安理会所有成员尽一切努力确保联合特使科菲·安 [...]
We are very worried about the prospect [...]
of a civil war in Syria, and we urge all Council members to do their utmost not to
put the efforts of the Joint Special Envoy, Kofi Annan, in peril.
一些国非常担心,外 国会在阿富汗设立大型永久性基地。
Some countries have been very concerned about the
[...] possibility of permanent, large foreign [...]
bases in Afghanistan.
在我们讨论的这个例子中,如果她的儿子不符合上述的条件,则即使他的妈 非常担心, 我们仍无法强迫他去医院接受治疗。
If the son in our example doesn’t meet any of the above grounds, it would not be possible to force him to go to the hospital even though his mother is concerned.
去年,外聘审计员对这两个部门管理状况不断恶化感 非常担心 , 因此特别强调应紧 急落实短期整改措施并对这两个部门今后更长远的管理方式进行反思。
The worsening conditions in the management of the
Restaurant and
[...] Commissary had given the External Auditor such cause for concern in the previous year that he had, in particular, [...]
stressed the urgent
need to take steps to put matters right in the short term and to initiate longer-term reflection on the future management of both services.
欧洲中央银行由非常担心通货膨胀,将利率提高了 25 个基 点。
The European Central Bank was concerned enough about inflationthat it raised interest rates by 25 basis points.
The parents of the children affected are now very concerned as to where their children will receive an education.
在这方面,我非常担心,在 现有气候变化问题 谈判中,发达国家方面尚无任何明确迹象显示它们将 采取根据《京都议定书》通过第二承诺期。
In this context, we are extremely concerned that under current climate change negotiations, there has not yet been any clear indication on the part of the developed countries that they will adopt a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol.
例如:一位女士的儿子患有焦虑症, 非常担心 她 儿 子工 作的地方噪音大,潮湿,会加重他的病情。
An unhealthy and unsafe work environment can add stress. (Example: A woman whose son has an anxiety disorder is concerned that the noise level and hectic environment at the factory where he works will aggravate his illness.
加拿大代表团强调说大会去年就对 伊朗的人权形势表非常担心;但 是必须指出,大 家只要仔细看一下该草案的提案国名单就会发现, 提案国不是国际社会的代表,而且来自欧洲联盟以 及其他想把自己的价值观和文化强加给他人的国 [...]
家,有些国家甚至忽视了伊朗的地理位置和伊朗所 在的大陆。
The Canadian delegation maintained that the
General Assembly had
[...] expressed grave concern at the human rights situation in Iran in the previous year. However, [...]
it should be noted that,
upon examination, the list of sponsors of the draft resolution comprised representatives not of the international community, but rather of the European Union, as well as other countries that attempted to impose their values and cultures on others and that, in some cases, were ignorant of the geographical location of Iran or even of the continent on which it was found.
这个提议的提出是因为面对社会道德和地方 文化的腐蚀感非常担心。劳动大臣还说,“大部分外国工人出身的文化和社会 环境不可能与当地文化同化或相互适应”。
According to the Labour Minister quoted above, “the majority of foreign workers in the region come from cultural and social backgrounds that cannot assimilate or adapt to the local cultures.406 Moreover, they were taking away much-needed jobs from the locals.
与此同时,国际移徙组织正在扩大其在 Diffra 和 Goli 开展的社区援助,以 防止爆发水源性疾病,米塞里亚游牧民 非常担心 动 物疫苗缺乏的问题。
Meanwhile, the International Organization for Migration is scaling up its community assistance in Diffra and Goli to prevent an outbreak of waterborne diseases, and Misseriya nomads also expressed deep concern over the lack of animal vaccines.
随着媒体对盗用个人信息的日益关注,许多消费者——包括许多人道组织(如联合国儿童基金会)的支持者 非常担心 他 们 的隐私以及个人信息的安全。
With heightened media attention regarding the theft of personal data, many consumers – as well as supporters of humanitarian organizations like UNICEF – are concerned about the privacy and integrity of their personal data.
关于教科文组织对各研究所采取的总政策,理事会表 非常担心 , 表示坚决不同 意,认为不能接受厄运,也不能自认软弱。
On the subject of the general policy followed by UNESCO towards the institutes, the Council expressed its misgivings, its firm disapproval and its wish not to restrict itself simply to managing the inevitable nor to accepting powerlessness.
和其他国 家一样,苏担心非洲大 陆的自然资源会引起外界 的贪欲,从而延缓其发展。
Like other countries,
[...] the Sudan was concerned that the natural resources of the African continent were [...]
being coveted from
outside and its development was thereby being delayed.
非常接近我们的宿舍是位于一些对Itchimbia山顶上,包括对旧城区的惊人的观点很不错的餐厅,你可以得到在历史 心非常 好 的 餐馆,以及。
Very close to our hostel is located some very nice restaurant on the top of the
Itchimbia hill including an amazing view of the Old Town and you could get very good
[...] restaurants in the Historic Center as well.
中国担忧集中于非常不平衡 的经济模式和需求不足。
China’s concerns were focused on the still very uneven economic model and the lack of consumption.
这种伙伴关 系的例子包括与布雷顿森林机构、世界贸易组织(世贸组织)和联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会 议)的年度特别高级别会议,该会议涉及非政府组织和私营部门;经济及社会理事会关于慈善 事业的年度特别高级别活动,该活动平均汇集 400 至 500 名慈善企业、学术机构非政府组织、 政府间组织和会员国代表;经济及社会理事会实质性会议高级别部分,该活动包括会议和小组 讨论,其中汇集联合国国际金融和贸易机构、大部分联合国系统机构、方案和基金、民间社会、 私营部门和新闻界人士,后者常担 任 主 持人。
Examples of such partnerships include the annual special high-level meeting with the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, which involves non-governmental organizations and the private sector; the annual special high-level event of the Economic and Social Council on philanthropy, which on average brings together between 400 and 500 representatives of
philanthropic corporations,
[...] academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, intergovernmental organizations and Member States; and the high-level segment of the substantive session of the Economic and Social Council, which includes meetings and panels that bring together the United Nations international financial and trade institutions, the bulk of the United Nations system of agencies, programmes and funds, civil society, the private sector and members of the press, who have often served as moderators.
[...] 零,哥伦比亚政府和卫生当局对计量吸入器次级行 非常担 忧 , 并申请资金来制定一个计 量吸入器过渡战略,该战略将会确立一个清晰的氯氟化碳计量吸入器进口取代时间表、促 [...]
进和支持淘汰这些产品的条例及提高医师意识和患者对氯氟化碳计量吸入器替代物的接受 度的方案。
Although CFC consumption for MDIs was nil, the Government of Colombia and the health authorities were concerned
about the MDI sub-sector and requested
[...] funding for the development of an MDI transition [...]
strategy that will establish a clear
schedule for import substitution of CFC-MDIs, regulations that will promote and support the phase-out of these products, and a programme that will raise physician awareness and patient acceptance of alternatives to CFC-MDIs.
担心,非正 规 机制会成为管理层的保险机制,可借以阻止员工将申诉提高到正规告诉的程 度。
They fear that informal mechanisms would [...]
become a safeguard for management to discourage staff from bringing a case to the formal level of complaints.
一些代表团表担心委员 会可能在国内提起的诉讼中会成为又一个初审机构,人 权高专办代表指出,条约机构不是“四审机构”, 常 不 会 审查国家法庭处理的 事实和证据。
Addressing the
[...] concern expressed by a number of delegations that the Committee might become another instance in proceedings initiated at the domestic level, the OHCHR representative noted that treaty bodies did not act as a “fourth instance” and did not normally examine facts and [...]
evidence dealt with by national courts.
在这方面,我们主要担 心是: 若是既加强国际水平的数据库知识产权保护,又鼓励在新的商用数据库产品和服务 方面增加投资,可能会同时大大减少发展中国家的科学家和研究员对其中所包含数据的使 用,因为他们常缺少 支付必要订费的财力。
Our central concern
[...] here, therefore, is that a strengthening of IP protection for databases at the international level, whilst encouraging more investment in new commercial database products and services, may at the same time greatly reduce the access of scientists and researchers in developing countries to the data they contain because they will often lack the financial [...]
means to pay for the necessary subscriptions.
他还询问,难民署是否已设计出一系列 旨在应对长期得不到解决的难民问题,如廷杜夫难民问 题的具体方案,这方面的财政 担非常 重。
He also asked if UNHCR envisaged
specific responses to protracted refugee situations such as the one in
[...] Tindouf, which represented a heavy financial burden.
巴西继续对联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室进行 支持,会员国的支持是打击跨国犯罪和毒品灾难的 重要因素,巴西注意到办公室的财政状 非常 让人 担忧, 并恳切地呼吁会员国增加支持金额,尤其是 之前没有拨款的成员。
Renewing its support for UNODC, whose support for Member States was an essential tool in the efforts to combat transnational crime and the scourge of drugs, Brazil noted with concern the financial situation of the Office and urged Member States to increase their support, especially through unearmarked contributions.
但专家组发现,美国证券交易委员会条例的印发一拖再拖,引发市场不确定 性,加担心报告义务可能要求矿物是 100%“非冲突 ”矿物,因此大部分行业行 为体退出了刚果民主共和国东部的市场,而不是对其供应链进行尽职调查。
However, the Group has established that market uncertainty resulting from the lengthy delay in the publication of the
Commission rules,
[...] together with the fear of potential 100 per cent “conflict-free” demands in their reporting obligations, [...]
has led
most industry actors to pull out of the market in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo rather than conduct due diligence on their supply chains.
如这些报告阐明的那样,除冲突各方本身负有的基本 责任以外,安理会也有促进守法的责任;办法是:第 一,利用各种可能机会谴责违法行为,提醒各方所承 担的义务,并要求其遵守义务;第二,对 常 违 反 其 尊重平民义务的各方领导人施以定向制裁;以及,第 三,提倡追究责任,包括授权调查委员会审 担心存 在严重违反行为的情况,以便查明违法者,并确保国 家对其提起诉讼,或提交国际刑事法院。
As those reports made clear, aside from the fundamental responsibility on all the parties to conflict themselves, the Security Council too has a responsibility to promote compliance: first, by using all available opportunities to condemn violations and to remind parties of, and demand compliance with, their obligations; secondly, by applying targeted
sanctions against the
[...] leadership of parties that routinely violate their obligations to respect civilians; and, thirdly, by promoting accountability, including by mandating commissions of inquiry to examine situations where concerns exist regarding [...]
serious violations, with
a view to identifying the perpetrators and ensuring their prosecution at the national level, or referring the situation to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
欧盟非常担忧宗 教少数群 体受到的歧视和暴力问题,询问应该在何种领域采 [...]
取专门措施,以防止此类少数群体的边缘化,并引 起公众对他们的状况的关注。
Discrimination and violence targeting
religious minorities were also areas of concern to
[...] the European Union, and she wondered [...]
which areas were the most appropriate for
implementing the measures envisaged, in order to bring those minorities into the mainstream and raise awareness of their situation.
对警方 关系复杂及其腐败所担心、视 警方为控制公共秩序而不是向受害人提供服 务、并不指望警察能有所作为,尤其缺乏财产保险,所有这些均可能导 非洲 国家向警方报告的比率不高。
Fear of police contact and corruption, a perception of police as controlling public order rather than providing a service for victims, expectations that the police “will not do anything” and, in particular, lack of property insurance may all contribute to low police reporting rates in African countries.




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