

单词 非层状

See also:


state n


great adj


External sources (not reviewed)

DIGIMAT非线性多尺度材料建模平台包括Micross,而Micross是一种精确的用户友好型工具,能为由泡沫/蜂窝状夹芯以 层状 表 面 护板制成的夹芯板建立模型。
DIGIMAT nonlinear multi-scale material modeling platform includes Micross; a precise and user friendly tool for the modeling of sandwich panels made of foam/honeycomb cores and laminate skins.
这将是 改善高级管层性别平衡状况的 一次机会。
This represents an opportunity to improve the gender balance at senior management levels.
叶柄1-1.5厘米; 叶片椭圆形,卵形,或披针形, ( 5.5-)7-12.5(-14.5) * (1.5-)2.5-5(-6) 除了淡灰棕色老时,幼时的厘米,厚纸质,背面的为的 层非 常 紧 的鳞 状 的 毛 状 体 和 红棕色到淡黄色棕色所覆盖, 中脉的正面稍凹陷到很少差不多平; 次脉9-13在中脉两边各。
Petiole 1-1.5 cm; leaf blade elliptic, ovate, or lanceolate, (5.5-)7-12.5(-14.5) × (1.5-)2.5-5(-6) cm, thickly
papery, abaxially covered
[...] with a very tight layer of scalelike trichomes and reddish brown to yellowish brown when young but grayish brown with age, base rounded to sometimes acute, margin serrate to rarely [...]
subentire, apex acuminate
to abruptly narrowly caudate; midvein adaxially slightly impressed to rarely nearly flat; secondary veins 9-13 on each side of midvein.
该方式将重点 放在计量残疾人的功能限制和生状 况 而 非 缺 陷 的上面,从而为制订国家 计划和残疾人政策提供更好的信息。
This approach focuses on measuring the functional limitations of
disabled persons and
[...] their living conditions, rather than on impairment, and thus provides much better information for the development of [...]
national plans and disability policies.
牵头执行机构和合作执行机构还将承担监测消耗臭 层物 质非法进 出口这一具有挑战性的任务,并通过国家臭氧办公室向适当的国家机构提供咨询 [...]
The Lead IA, along with the Cooperating
IA will also undertake the challenging
[...] task of monitoring illegal ODS imports and [...]
exports and advise the appropriate national
agencies through the National Ozone Office.
在这方面,各位部长重申所有提案和倡议,包括在人权理事 会审查的背景下,都应当尊重在审查人 状 况 时 的 非 选 择性 、 非 政 治化、客观 和公正原则,以避免出现困扰了之前的人权委员会的各种问题。
In this regard, they reaffirmed the need that all proposals and initiatives, including in the context of
the review of the
[...] Human Rights Council, should respect the principles of non-selectivity, non-politicization, [...]
objectivity and impartiality
in the consideration of human rights situations, to avoid the problems which plagued the former Human Rights Commission.
此 外,应当加大努力,制定一项全球战略,将发 层 面 优先纳入全球进程和有关 多边机构,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸易自由化所提供的机会中获益, 包括通过为发展创造一个有利的外部经济环境,这要求国际贸易、货币和金融 体系之间加强一致性,使之具有普遍、开放、平等 非 胁 迫性、基于规则、可 预测非歧视性。
In addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global strategy to prioritise and
mainstream the
[...] development dimension into global processes, and in the relevant multilateral institutions in order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation and trade liberalisation, including through the creation of an enabling external economic environment for development which requires greater coherence between the international trading, monetary and financial systems that should be universal, open, equitable, non-coercive, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory.
[...] 中国家缺乏进行危险性评估的资源,及时提供法典食品安全标准用于国 层 面 非 常 重 要; 对许多国家来说,参加食典委会议具有能力建设的功效;两年期会议可能需要更长的时 [...]
间解决所有的议题,将造成实际困难;应认真考虑政府为准备和参加年度会议做出的巨 大努力。
Some delegations highlighted specific reasons for retaining annual sessions: in view of the lack of resources for risk assessment in many developing countries, timely
availability of Codex food safety
[...] standards was very important for use at the national level; participation [...]
in the Commission had
a capacity building function for some countries; biennial sessions may need to be longer in order to address all items of work, which would create practical difficulties; and the considerable efforts made by governments to prepare themselves and participate in annual meetings should be taken into account.
[...] 设需求,包括:建设国家种群评估和分析能力;在区域、次区域和国 层 面 增进 种状况和 管理的了解;执行区域监测、控制和监督战略;提高国家行政部门的 [...]
技术能力;提高国内参与高度洄游鱼类种群渔业和其他捕捞机会的能力;增加渔 业收入和减少对传统准入协定的依赖;开设市场和贸易问题能力建设方案,改善 市场准入;促进优化治理结构和私营部门的能力。
A range of capacity-building needs was identified in connection with these objectives, including
building capacity for national stock assessment and analysis;
[...] increasing the knowledge of status and management of stocks [...]
at regional, subregional and national levels; implementing the regional monitoring,
control and surveillance strategy; enhancing technical capacity within national administrations; enhancing capacity for greater domestic participation in highly migratory fish stocks fisheries and other fishing opportunities; and increasing revenue from fisheries and reducing reliance on traditional access agreements; capacity-building programmes on market and trade issues to improve market access; and promoting optimal governance structures and private sector capacity.
空间段由五颗卫星组成,其中除其他外将安装以下设备:使用多种频率监 测电层状况的 无线电物理系统(电离层探测仪);测量电离辐射情况的设备; 监测磁场和波活动的系统;在 150 至 400 兆赫频率传播无线电信号的双频发射 器;全球定位系统接收器;以及监测太阳活动情况的诊断系统。
The space-based segment comprises five satellites aboard which, inter alia, the following equipment is to be installed: radiophysical systems that use a wide range of frequencies (ionosondes) for monitoring the state of the ionosphere; equipment for the measurement of ionizing radiation; a system to monitor magnetic and wave activity; a dual-frequency transmitter of radio signals at frequencies of 150 to 400 MHz; global positioning system (GPS) receivers; and a diagnostics system to monitor solar activity.
根据实状况和西非 次区 域的动荡局势对执行任务的影响作出评估的结 果是,2012/13 [...]
年度期间西非统筹行动小组将继续 需要高级政治事务干事(P-5)员额。
Based upon the situation on the ground and the impact of
[...] the volatile West Africa subregion on mandate [...]
implementation, it is assessed that
the post of Senior Political Affairs Officer (P-5) will continue to be required by the West Africa integrated operational team for the 2012/13 period.
执行委员会鼓励菲律宾通过其国家氟氯化碳逐步淘汰计划、持续监测以及提高公众 认识活动,继续推动在 2010 年全部淘汰附件 A 和附件 B
[...] 的物质;并推动各项政策的有效 执行工作,以减少消耗臭层物质非 法 贸易的数量,并及早采取行动启动淘汰氟氯烃的活 动。
The Executive Committee encourages the Philippines to continue its path towards complete phase-out of Annex A and B substances in 2010 through completion of its national CFC phase-out plan, ongoing monitoring and public awareness raising activities; and,
effective enforcement of policies to
[...] reduce incidences of illegal ODS trade, and early [...]
action to initiate activities for HCFC phase out.
此外, 教科文组织还在大非洲之角地平线论坛上加强了关 非 洲 之 角青 状 况 的 政策对 话,并在会上阐述了“在非洲之角发展议程中关注青年”的概念文件。
In addition, policy
[...] dialogue on the situation of youth in the Horn of Africa has been [...]
strengthened through the Greater Horn
Horizon Forum, and a concept paper entitled “Towards a Youth Focused Development Agenda in the Horn of Africa” was elaborated.
在该群体中,妇女状况长期以非 常 突出,妇女 约占国家人口的一半,各种不利因素(文盲、贫困)使其处于国家发展的边缘。
The situation of women, who make up nearly half of the country’s population, was for a long time marked by several disabling factors (illiteracy, poverty) excluding them from the national development process.
[...] 教科文组织文化领域的公约有关的专题举行大量讲座、公开对话和研讨会;(ii) 展览:有关考 古、文艺复兴、文化层、非洲、 美洲和欧洲当代艺术和“从战争到人的尊严”专题的五大展 [...]
览;(iii) 文化表现形式:借助于 2005 年教科文组织《保护和促进文化表现形式多样性公约》,
The Forum will be divided into three main sections: (i) dialogues, with a rich offer of lectures, public conversations and symposia on various topics related to the principles of the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001) and of UNESCO conventions in the field of culture; (ii) exhibitions, comprising five major exhibitions
on archaeology, the
[...] Renaissance, cultural stratifications, contemporary African, American and [...]
European art, and on the topic
“from war to human dignity”; (iii) cultural expressions, with a full programme of music, drama and dance events, free performances and virtual events, drawing upon the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.
以前曾报告(A/AC.109/2008/10,第 66 段),团结和种族平等委员会实施国
[...] 家合作伙伴关系举措,通过由百慕大公民根除种族主义(一个 层非 政 府组织)赞 助的计划打击种族主义,促进消除种族歧视;并且与百慕大政府内阁合作,发起 [...]
As previously reported (see A/AC.109/2008/10, para. 66) Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda (CURE) has engaged national partnership initiatives to fight racism and promote the elimination of racial discrimination in schemes
sponsored by Citizens Uprooting Racism in
[...] Bermuda, a grass-roots non-governmental organization [...]
and partnered with the Cabinet of
the Government of Bermuda in organizing the Bermuda race relations initiative.
会议由坦桑尼亚银行、肯尼亚中央银行和金融包容性联盟(AFI)共同主办,来 非 洲 大 陆的 层 决 策 者承诺分享实施移动金融服务政策的最佳实践和经验,共同努力确保该地区的无银行账户人口能够方便、安全地利用移动技术享受正规的金融服务。
Co-hosted by the Bank of Tanzania, the Central Bank of Kenya and the Alliance for
Financial Inclusion (AFI), the
[...] event saw high-level policymakers from across the African continent make [...]
a commitment to sharing
best practices and experiences on MFS policy and work together to ensure the region's unbanked population is able to easily and safely use mobile technology to gain access to the formal financial sector.
在国层面上,古非常重视联合国预防犯罪 和刑事司法大会,该会议有利于国家和专业人员之 间进行信息和方法方面的交流,还在多边层面上、 [...]
在与数十个合作伙伴缔结的双边协议框架下,积极 参与该领域的国际合作。
At the international level, Cuba attached great importance [...]
to the United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal
Justice, which promoted the exchange of information and methods among States and professionals, and was active in international cooperation in that field, both at the multilateral level and in the context of bilateral agreements it had concluded with dozens of partners.
原油和一些重质 燃油泄漏事件的一个共同特征就是会迅速形成水 混油乳状液,这些乳状液的特点常常是呈现为棕 色 / 橙色并粘着在一起的漂层状(图 12)。
A common feature of spills of crude oil and some heavy fuel oils is the rapid formation of water-in-oil emulsions which are often characterised by a brown/orange colour and cohesive slicks (Figure 12).
层 状冷云及对流云人工增雨潜力区,采用人工增雨催化作业技术;建立人工增雨综合决 [...]
In the artificial rain
[...] potential area of bedded cold clouds [...]
and convective clouds, adopt artificial rain-increasing catalysis techniques.
关于制订一项援助和保护流离失所者的法律的建议,刚果重申其坚决承诺 在这方面建立国家法律框架,同时考虑到关于境内流离失所 状 况 的 非 洲 公 约草 案,该草案规定了保护流离失所者的切实的规范性框架和他们应当享有的援助。
Concerning the recommendation related to the elaboration of a law on protection of and assistance to displaced persons, the Congo reaffirmed its firm commitment to set up a national legal framework in that regard, also taking into account the draft African convention on the situation of internally displaced persons, which provided for an effective normative framework for the protection of displaced persons and the assistance that they should benefit from.
在经济危机时期,人民有权享有政府制定的禁止拒 绝向处非正常状况的 人提供医疗服务或禁止拒绝 将移民儿童纳入儿童医疗服务体系的政策,有权享 [...]
有移民接收国为确保移民儿童享有平等受教育权所 作的努力。
In times of economic crisis, it was commendable that some States had taken the initiative to prohibit the
denial of healthcare services based on
[...] a person’s irregular status and to include migrant [...]
children in early childhood services,
and that host countries were making an effort to improve equality of access to education for migrant children.
巴西继续对联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室进行 支持,会员国的支持是打击跨国犯罪和毒品灾难的 重要因素,巴西注意到办公室的财 状 况 非 常 让 人 担忧,并恳切地呼吁会员国增加支持金额,尤其是 之前没有拨款的成员。
Renewing its support for UNODC, whose support for Member States was an essential tool in the efforts to combat transnational crime and the scourge of drugs, Brazil noted with concern the financial situation of the Office and urged Member States to increase their support, especially through unearmarked contributions.
[...] 问题的需求方面,改变暴力文化,改善人道主 状况 以及促非洲大陆的民主和发展,它们是取得成功和 可持续成果的最可靠办法。
The fight against the scourge of illicit trafficking of arms will also require addressing the demand side of the problem in all its dimensions,
changing the culture of violence,
[...] improving the humanitarian situation and promoting democracy [...]
and development in the continent
are the surest way to successful and sustainable results.
认捐会议确认需要 解决目前的人道主义紧状况,以纾 非 洲 之 角数百万人的痛苦,同时认捐会议 还呼吁国际社会重申其承诺、支持中长期粮食安全战略以及减轻气候变化对非洲 大陆的负面影响。
While recognizing the need to address
the current
[...] humanitarian emergency in order to alleviate the suffering of millions of people in the Horn of Africa, the Pledging Conference [...]
also called on
the international community to renew its commitments and support medium- and long term strategies for food security, as well as mitigate the negative impact of climate change on the continent.
备注;当 IC1
[...] 在接受指令前,微处理器必须先确认其内部处 非 忙 碌 状 态 ,即 读取 BF 标志时,BF 需为 零,方可接受新的指令;如果在送出一个指令前并不检查 [...]
BF 标志,那么在前一个指令和这个指令中间 必须延长一段较长的时间,即是等待前一个指令确实执行完成。
Set graphic RAM address 0 0 1 AC6 AC5 AC4 AC3 AC2 AC1 AC0 Not available Note: before IC1 receiving this instruction,
microprocessor should confirm the
[...] interior is not in busy status firstly, namely [...]
when read BF mark, BF should be 0, then
can accept new instruction; if BF mark was not checked before sending an instruction, then should set a rather long interval time between the former instruction and the current instruction, that means should await the former instruction has been finished.
(a) 秘书长关于经济、社会和有关领域区域合作的报告;71
(b) 2008-2009
[...] 年欧洲经济委员会区域的经济形势:欧洲、北美和独立国家 联合体;72 (c) 2009 年非洲经济社状况概 览;73 (d) 2009 年亚洲及太平洋经济和社会概览的摘要;74 [...]
(e) 拉丁美洲和加勒比:2008-2009
年经济形势和展望;75 (f) 2008-2009 年西亚经济社会委员会区域经济和社会发展概览的摘要。
(a) Report of the Secretary-General on regional cooperation in the economic, social and related fields;71 (b) The economic situation in 2008–2009 in the Economic Commission for Europe region: Europe, North America and the Commonwealth of Independent
States;72 (c) Overview of the economic and
[...] social conditions in Africa, 2009;73 (d) Summary [...]
of the economic and social survey
of Asia and the Pacific, 2009;74 (e) Latin America and the Caribbean: economic situation and outlook, 2008–2009;75 (f) Summary of the survey of economic and social developments in the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia region, 2008–2009.76 2009/263.
有意见认为,委员会及其法律小组委员会在推进空间法领域的工作以及在 以促进非阻碍外层空间 探索和利用的方式制定空间法方面有着不凡的记录, 之所以取得这种成功,是因为小组委员会有能力注重实际问题并通过协商一 [...]
The view was expressed that the Committee and its Legal Subcommittee had an extraordinary
record in advancing
[...] the field of space law and developing space law in a manner that promoted, rather than hindered, [...]
the exploration and use
of outer space and that such success was a result of the ability of the Subcommittee to focus on practical problems and to address such problems through a consensusbased, results-oriented process.
在确定、分析和处理通过对总部外办事处的评估而发现的与非集中化有关的风险时所 采用的方法再次表明,管层非常重 视内部监督办公室发现和分析的风险属于哪个部门,以 及教科文组织是如何在共担监督职责方面取得重大进展的。
The process followed in identifying, analysing, addressing the risks related to decentralization observed through these field office evaluations, again, show how seriously management take the ownership of risks identified and analysed by IOS, and how UNESCO has made considerable progress in terms of sharing oversight responsibility.
在全球安层面上,中非拥有 六个目无法纪的地 区,所有这些地区都属于三角边界的一部分:乍得中非共和国-苏丹,乍得-喀麦隆-中非共和国,喀麦 [...]
隆-赤道几内亚-尼日利亚,安哥拉-刚果-刚果民主共 和国,中非共和国-刚果-刚果民主共和国/刚果河,
At the level of
[...] global security, Central Africa is home to six lawless [...]
regions, all of which are part of triangular borders:
Chad-Central African RepublicSudan, Chad-Cameroon-Central African Republic, Cameroon-Equatorial Guinea-Nigeria, Angola-CongoDemocratic Republic of the Congo, Central-African Republic-Congo-Democratic Republic of the Congo/Congo River, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo-Burundi-Rwanda/Great Lakes region.




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