

单词 非住宅

See also:

非住 adj

non-domestic adj

住宅 n

housing n
residential building n
residence n
dwelling n


residence n
mansion n

hang around at home
(coll.) stay in at home

External sources (not reviewed)

屋邨管理處負責公共屋邨非住宅物 業 和 停車位的管理和維修保養,以及資助出售單位的租約管理。
EMD is responsible for management and
[...] maintenance of PRH estates, non-domestic properties [...]
and car parking spaces as well as the
tenancy management of subsidised sales flats.
住宅樓宇應課差餉租值的平均增幅,將約為 34%;非住宅 樓宇的平均增幅,則約為 32%。
The average increase in rateable values will be about 34% for domestic
[...] properties and 32% for non-domestic properties.
在進行討論期間,議員主要關注到啟德發展計劃內的私非住宅發展 項目使用區域供冷系統的情況,因為收費水平以至該 [...]
During the discussions, Members were mainly concerned about the
subscription rate of the district cooling system
[...] (DCS) by private non-domestic developments [...]
at the KTD, which in turn would have
bearing on the tariff level and hence the viability of the system.
換言之,除了必須使用區域供冷系統的公共工程計劃外,啟 德發展區需有約 58% 的私非住宅發展 項目的空調樓面面積使用區域 供冷系統。
Apart from the public projects which are mandated to subscribe to DCS service, it means that
subscription from about 58% of the air-conditioned
[...] floor area of private non-domestic developments [...]
in KTD would be required.
目前,㆙類及㆚類公共租住屋 均出現赤字,即使把該等非住宅部份的收益計算 在內,仍然如此。
Currently, both Group A and Group B public rental estates incur a deficit, even after allowing for the profits
[...] generated by the non-domestic operations.
(a) 就非住宅帳戶 而言,須繳付以水務監督供應該處所的水的水量為 依據而按訂明的收費率計算的排污費(供應專用以沖廁的水除 外), (b) 就住宅帳戶而言,須繳付以水務監督供應該處所的水的水量,而 以高於根據第 3(2)條計算的住宅帳戶平均用水量(供應專用以沖 廁的水除外)的差額為依據,按訂明的收費率計算的排污費。
(b) in the case of an account with the Water Authority that is a domestic account, a sewage charge at a prescribed rate based on the volume of water supplied to the premises by the Water Authority over and above the average volume of water consumed per domestic account as computed in section 3(2), other than water supplied specifically for flushing purposes.
因應該命令,83% 的非住宅帳戶(約 18萬個)獲豁免繳交水費或排污費,為期1年,而對於 [...]
15 000個污水附加費帳戶而言,其減幅則平均約為4,000元。
Consequent to the
[...] Order, 83% of the non-domestic accounts (about [...]
180 000) were exempted from water or SC for one year while
there was an average reduction of $4,000 per account for the 15 000 TES accounts.
根據《印花稅條例》( 第 117章 ) 第 29A(1)條所載" 非住宅 物業"的 定 義,政 府 租 契、公 契 或 佔用許可證可用來決定某物業的 核准用途是宅還是非住宅用 途
According to
[...] the definition of "non-residential property" in section 29A(1) of the Stamp Duty Ordinance (Cap. 117) (SDO), a Government lease, a deed of mutual covenant, or an Occupation Permit could be used in determining whether the permitted use of a property was residential or non-residential.
為了 增加使用率及盡量提升計劃的環保效益,環境事務委員會的委員在
[...] 2010 年 7 月的會議中,建議規定區內所有私 非住宅 項 目 使用區域供 冷系統服務。
With a view to increasing the subscription rate and maximizing environmental benefit of the project,
Members of the EA Panel suggested in July 2010
[...] that all private non-domestic projects [...]
in the KTD should be obliged to subscribe to the DCS service.
(四 ) 當局會否全面檢討在私人發展住宅項目附帶厭惡性的社區
[...] 設施的做法;當局會否在平衡社區需要和對居民的影響 下,盡可能把現時設於住宅大廈範圍內的厭惡性設施重新 設置非住宅項目 內,以將該等設施對社區的影響減至最 低?
(d) whether the authorities will conduct an overall review of the practice of attaching obnoxious community facilities to private residential developments; whether the authorities will, in balancing the needs of the community and the impact on residents, relocate the current obnoxious
community facilities within the
[...] areas of residential buildings to non-residential developments [...]
as far as possible, so as
to minimize the impact of these facilities on the community?
至 於嘉 峰臺非住宅部分 ,房委會同意繼續與發展商磋 商,嘗試透過調解以 合理價格購買該部分 [...]
物業,以便 日後處理。
As regards the non-domestic portion of the [...]
Kingsford Terrace, the HA agreed to continue negotiation with the developer through
mediation on the possibility of purchasing at a reasonable price to facilitate the future disposal.
政府當 局會繼續向委員會報告使 用 水 冷 式 空 調系統計劃的 全港研究結 果 、 在 東南九龍發 展區採 用區域 性 冷卻系 統的 研究結 果,以及為放 寬非住宅樓宇 使 用以淡 水 運 作的水 冷 式 空 調系統的限 制 而 實行的行動 計劃。
the Administration would keep the Committee informed of the findings of the territory-wide implementation study for the planned implementation of WACS and the district-based cooling system implementation study for the South East Kowloon Development, as well as the action plan for relaxing the restriction on the use of fresh water for WACS in non-domestic developments.
(c) 45 宗個案屬非商業非住宅性質 ,涉及的土地面積為 5.03 公頃,而土地補 價總額則為 23.242 億元。
(c) 45 cases
[...] which were non-commercial or non-residential in nature, [...]
accounting for 5.03 ha in area and a total premium of $2,324.2 million.
雖然事務委員會歡迎中華電力有限公司在 2003 年向宅用戶及非住宅 用戶 提供一項總額達 9.1 億元的電費回扣方案,但事務委員會對兩間電力公 [...]
Whilst welcoming CLP Power Hong Kong Limited to offer
$910 million as a total rebate
[...] package to both residential and non-residential customers [...]
in 2003, the Panel has expressed
concern about the tariff reduction plans proposed by the two power companies under the current economic situation.
工具及储存业务本季度销售额增长 2%,这是因非住宅建设 相关业务保持强劲。
Tools and Storage sales grew 2 percent in the quarter,
[...] as demand in the non-residential construction-related [...]
businesses was strong.
這不會非 住 宅 租客的權益 有不利 影響, 因為市場非 住 宅 出租單 位 供 應 充 裕 , 租客的 議 價能力 已 大大提 高 , 他 們可以按 其 需 要 , 與 業主磋 商 較 長的通 知 期。
This would not adversely affect
[...] the rights of tenants of non-domestic tenancies because given the ample supply of non-domestic rental units [...]
in the market, tenants
now have much greater bargaining power than before to negotiate longer notice periods having regard to their individual needs.
非住宅建设 相关业务的强劲,冲抵了美国住宅市场的走弱态势。
Strength in the non-residential construction-related businesses offset weakness in U.S. residential [...]
(h) 其他類別:選舉事務處根據其內部準則,從現有正式
[...] 選民登記冊中,識別出一些懷疑資料不完整、或位非住宅大廈 的地址,並向相關選民發出查訊信件。
(h) Other categories: the REO by applying internal criteria has identified a
number of addresses suspected to be
[...] incomplete or located in non-domestic buildings [...]
from the current final register and issued
inquiry letters to the electors concerned.
我们注意到这一走弱形势已经涉及了我们的五大业务,及包 住宅 、 非住宅 和 资 本业务这些我们所服务的终端市场。
We have seen this weakness broadly
across our five business segments and the end-markets we
[...] serve, including residential, nonresidential and capital [...]
非住宅物業數目不斷增加,而且陸續有新屋邨落 成,加上不少屋邨的土地類別由歸屬令( 並無契約限制) [...]
轉為政府租契 ( 附有整套對土地和樓宇多項限制的條件),以及進行涉及繁複的土地行 政事宜的大規模屋邨改善工程,這些情況都導致公共屋邨和居屋計劃
╱ 私人參建計劃屋苑的土地行政工作日益複雜,故此,出任該職位的 人員本身的職務已相當繁忙,沒有餘力兼顧管理商業物業的工作。
With a growing number of non-domestic properties and increasing [...]
complexity of land administration work of PRH estates and
HOS/PSPS courts resulting from the completion of new estates, the change of land status of many estates from vesting orders (without any lease restriction) to government leases (with full set of conditions imposing many restrictions on the land and buildings), and implementation of large scale estate improvement works that would involve extensive land administration matters, the post holder is already fully tied up by his existing duties and has no spare capacity to cope with the management of commercial properties.
(b) 把獲授權人員根據《條例》無需手令進入任何處所作例 行視察的現有權力限制於在根據《除害劑規例》提出的
[...] 牌照或許可證申請中有述明地址的任何處所或地方(不 論是否住宅11 );或任何其非住宅處所或地方;及
(b) confining the existing power of warrantless entry for routine inspection of any premises by authorized officers under the Ordinance to any premises or place (whether domestic or not11 ) the address of which is stated in
an application for a licence or permit under the Pesticides
[...] Regulations or any other non-domestic premises or place; and
南車站施工後,加上 1899
[...] 年興建華盛頓街高架鐵路,在華埠邊緣便 非住宅 發 展 , 許多廉租屋因為製衣工業擴展而被夷平。
Non-residential uses developed on the [...]
edges of Chinatown following construction of South Station and, in 1899 of the Washington Street elevated subway line.
立法目的是授權電信管理局局長可以進入和搜查某 非住宅 處 所 ,如他有合理理由 相信該等處所在貿易和商業過程㆗存有未經批准解碼器。
The legislative intent is to empower the Telecommunications Authority to enter and search premises, other than those used for dwelling purposes, when he has reasonable grounds to believe that unauthorized decoders are being held there in the course of trade and business.
Although non-residential investment is [...]
still reasonably strong, productivity for all businesses and manufacturing is well off its peak.
印度政府瞭解傳統鄉村與現代都會生活方式的落差,但對於該為都市村落制定特殊政策,或與城市較傳統的區域相互整合,卻遲遲拿不定主意,若要整合,勢必得改善基本服務、更新市集與公共空間等機構、柔性分隔 宅 區 和 非住宅 區。
Policy articulation in India has recognized the disconnect between traditional rural and modern urban ways of living, but has alternated between the idea of having special policies for urban villages or integrating them with the more traditionally planned areas of the city.
我們為您提供技術調查所有場合:-samostroâ住宅或非住宅建築技術調查重建的技術意見房子前翻新 [...]
; 技術調查-技術意見重建 ;房子前翻新 ; 技術調查-技術的意見,讓居住許可證給。
We offer you technical survey for all
occasions:-technical opinion for the
[...] reconstruction of residential or non-residential building-technical [...]
survey for samostroâ;
Technical survey of the House before refurbishment; ...
这份立法是根据佛罗里达和加州的建筑法规经验产生的,考虑了超过200万座建 筑,包住宅和非住宅建筑 ,建筑法规的执行率进行了示范,并且旨在通过采取相关措施 [...]
确保将来得到 100%的节能目标。
The methods used in this legislative proposal are based on building code experience in Florida and
California, under which over 2 million
[...] buildings, both residential and non residential, have demonstrated [...]
compliance with the building
code and have been subject to subsequent measurements verifying that almost 100% of the predicted savings were realized.
非住宅的建 筑物,一项对1000楝建筑物进行了详细的研究,这些建筑是由加州 [...]
Charles Eley联合会以及太平洋然气电力公司赞助的,是在公用事业部门实施节能自愿协 议的时候,即90年代在加州新建筑的典型节能成就。
For non-residential buildings, a detailed [...]
study drawing on a data set of almost 1000 buildings in California performed by
Charles Eley Associates and funded by Pacific Gas & Electric Company looked at the energy efficiency achievements that were typical of new construction in California in the 1990’s, when utilities were running significant voluntary programs for energy efficiency.
私人房屋包括私人住宅單位;香港房屋協會的市區改善計劃下的出售單位;別墅、平房/新型村屋;簡單磚石蓋搭的建築物 非住宅 樓 宇 內的屋宇單位;以及私人臨時房屋。
Private sector housing includes private housing blocks, flats built under the Urban Improvement Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing Society,
villas/bungalows/modern village houses, simple stone
[...] structures, quarters in non-residential buildings and [...]
private temporary housing.




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