

单词 非亲非故

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此外,与故不能亲自参 加特别工作组会议的一些总部外办事处和研究所负责人通 过电子方式进行了磋商。
In addition, electronic consultations were held with selected field offices and institutes whose directors could not reasonably be expected to attend the meetings of the Task Force in person.
此操作旨在修正荧光灯、LED灯等照明造 成的闪烁,而非故障。
This is an operation to correct flicker caused fluorescent or LED lights
[...] etc. and is not a malfunction.
此外,应注意的是,34 C/5 在工作重点 6(在国家政策中普遍重视文化多样性、文化间 对话与可持续发展之间的联系)项下,要求促进“南南合作和北南南三边合作,以便形成有 利于发展中国家交流合作经验的平台”,教科文组织 非 要 “ 事必 亲 ” ( 所有奖学金、培 训课程、各类补贴都将被取消),而是“与各种专业机构合作(如国际文化财产保护与修复 中心、国际古迹遗址理事会及国际博物馆理事会),以及有计划地发展若干所谓‘第 2 类’ 的机构和实施几个‘橱窗型’大型项目”。
In addition, it should be noted that under main line of action 6 (Mainstreaming within national policies of the links between cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and sustainable development), document 34 C/5 calls for encouraging “South-South cooperation and North-South-South triangular cooperation so as to foster the emergence of a platform facilitating the sharing of cooperation experiences among developing countries” not by direct action in this field (fellowships, courses, subventions are to be discontinued) but rather by “cooperation with specialized institutions (for instance with ICCROM, ICOMOS and ICOM), and the systematic development of what are referred to as ‘category 2’ institutes and of some major ‘showcase’ projects”.
[...] 105.4(乙)条(探亲假),这项新规定有助于工作人员应对家庭的急事和有 关情况,例如:配偶、母亲、亲、 子 女或 亲 去 世 ,出 故 或 患病;在正常工作时间面临 的照料子女的困难或承担子女入学的义务;家庭遭遇重大损失需要立即到场。
The new Rule 105.4 bis (Family leave) is intended to enable staff members to attend to family emergencies or other
family-related situations such as
[...] the death, injury or illness of a spouse, mother, father, child, or [...]
close relative; problems
relating to the care of children or obligations relating to school attendance during the normal hours of work; major damage at the place of residence requiring immediate attendance.
在 2009 年内发生的意外事故中,9 起涉及非法拥有或企图贩卖核材料或放射源,26 起涉 及放射性物质被盗或丢失,89 起涉及发现无管制物质以及未经许可处置 非故意 未经许可运输和储存核材料、放射性物质及受放射性物质污染的材料。
Of those which had occurred in 2009, nine involved illegal possession and attempts to sell nuclear material or radioactive sources, 26 involved thefts or losses of radioactive sources and 89 involved discoveries of uncontrolled material, unauthorized disposals and inadvertent unauthorized shipments and storage of nuclear materials, radioactive sources and radioactively contaminated materials.
其中部分原因是:其他联合国机构对复杂的教科文组织概念 缺乏理解(如,文化促进发展);从政府这方面来说,典型的教科文组织伙伴部委对
[...] 该进程的参与相对薄弱;教科文组织圣荷西办事处不 亲 自 参 加 非 常 任 国的讨论(缺 乏资金和时间),以及联合国伙伴机构的自身利益等。
Some of the reasons for this is a lack of understanding of the sophisticated UNESCO-concepts (e.g. culture for development) among the other United Nations agencies, the relatively weak involvement of typical UNESCO partner ministries in the process from the governments’ side, the
inability for UNESCO SJO to take physically
[...] part in discussions in non-resident countries [...]
(lack of funds and time) and self-interest
of partner United Nations agencies.
对此,她指出, 各国目前开展的一些宣传活动导致某些被贩运的群 体,特别是妇女遭非故意的侮辱。
She recalled that some campaigns thus far conducted by countries had inadvertently led to stigmatizing certain groups at risk of trafficking, such as women.
社会福利部管理发放给为非自己亲 生 子 女的儿童提供 支持的家庭和监护人的现金补贴。
The Department of Social Welfare administers cash grants for families and guardians supporting children other than their own.
The system is designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance against material misstatement or loss, manage rather than eliminate risks of failure in operational systems, and to ensure achievement of the Group’s objectives.
[...] 忽视、童工和其他所有形式剥削的伤害,尤其关注 非亲 属 和 儿童以前不认识的 亲属提供的非正规照料,或者远离儿童惯常居住地的非正规照料。
States should devise special and appropriate measures designed to protect children in informal care from abuse, neglect, child labour and all other forms of
exploitation, with particular attention
[...] to informal care provided by non-relatives, or [...]
by relatives previously unknown to the
children or living far from the children’s habitual place of residence.
末底改和里格比兴高采烈地巡航到假想的胜利,,但希望丢失时,GBF假装是一个孤独的 亲 有 一 个女 非 婚 生 ,浪费了他的整个生活,玩断BONEZ。
Mordecai and Rigby gleefully cruise to a supposed victory, but hope is
lost when GBF pretends to
[...] be a lonely father who has a daughter born out of wedlock and wasted [...]
his whole life playing Broken Bonez.
与 会者听取了交流实地经验的专家亲 自 参 加 非 暴力 抵抗的积极分子所做的情况介绍。
Participants had heard from experts who
had communicated their experiences on the ground and from activists who had
[...] personally engaged in non-violent resistance.
政府指出,儿童最佳利益的原则还要求将儿童 非亲 属 成 年人分开拘 留,和儿童能使用休闲和玩乐设施。
The Government noted that the principle of the best interests of the child also dictated that children be detained separately from unrelated adults and that they have access to leisure and play facilities.
他会一边干活一边给我们讲他和亲 童 年 的 故 事 ,讲他们父母的故事;他会一边给我们灌输中国的哲学思想一边教我们修理的知识。
While he worked, he told us stories about my mother and his childhood and their parents and imbued us with Chinese philosophical thinking all the while teaching us to fix things around the house as well.
他补充说,他因为其亲的缘故,也 被埃及通 缉。
He added that he was also
[...] wanted in Egypt on account of his father.
我还请大家把受害者参与国际刑院诉讼程序这一里 程碑视作另一种形式的赔偿,因为受害者在法庭上讲述自己 故 事 , 亲 眼 目 睹伸 张正义的过程也有助于其愈合过程。
I also invite you to think of the milestone of victims’ participation in the Court’s proceedings as another form of reparation, as telling their stories in the courtroom and seeing justice being done also contributes to their healing process.
我再次呼吁安理会和会员国更广泛地尊重和促 进这种接触,不要对这种接触泼冷水,例如不要采取
[...] 某些捐助做法,因为那些做法尽管意图是好的,但实 际上却把所从事的接触以非故意提 供货物的行为 定为刑事犯罪,从而给人道主义援助造成限制。
I call once again on the Council and on Member States more widely to respect and promote this engagement and not to discourage it through, for example, donor practices which, however
well intentioned, in reality criminalize
[...] contacts or the unintended provision of goods [...]
in ways which limit humanitarian assistance.
为了社会保障权的故, 非缴费 型养老金和缴费型养老金计划必须由国际人权标准来指导。
Noncontributory and contributory pension [...]
schemes must be guided by international human rights standards for the right to social security.
其實,我們今次非故意要 調查銀行,而是如果我們要知道雷曼事件如何發生,查出真相的第一步 便須銀行配合,向我們提供資料。
Rather, we want to know how the Lehman Brothers incident happened [...]
and in order to find out the truth, it is necessary for
banks to co-operate by providing information to us.
已经houvi通话杀死,甚至她的母亲是纯粹的毒药,它杀死一个孩子或如果你喜欢“胎儿”听说过,但也有点运气,沿奥钢联的母亲,以及,那些谁杀的,得较多的应该不使一个差异,这一切,如果你是怀孕的需要,不可能是一个懦夫,不担心别人,你的生活负责任地承担起自己的行为,我敢肯定,这孩子将是一个祝福,他的 亲 感 到 非 常 自 豪,无论情况中,它是生成的,事实是,它是一个新的生命,不论父亲或母亲将有它自己的生命,采取借此机会以来融入世界,就像你有机会,最后,我有一个肯定,上帝保佑所有没有区别,并祝福你和你儿子。
Already houvi talk that kills even her mother is pure poison, which kills a child or if you like "fetus"'ve heard, but also with a bit of luck along vai mother, well, for those who kill, morer should not make a difference, all this, if you are pregnant take, not be a coward, do not worry about others, live your life responsibly assume their acts, I'm
sure this baby will be a blessing, a
[...] great pride to his mother, no matter circumstances [...]
in which it was generated, the fact
is that it is a new life, regardless of the father or mother will have its own life, take this opportunity to come into the world, just like you had the chance, finally, I have a certainty, that GOD BLESS ALL WITHOUT A DIFFERENCE, and bless YOU AND YOUR SON.
這是修正由螢光燈、LED燈等照明設備引起的閃爍的工 作,而非故障。
This is an operation to correct flicker caused by lighting such as fluorescent lights, LED lights
[...] etc. and is not a malfunction.
出口国和进口国还会共享关于本地区甲基溴贸易的信息,以确保各项控制措施,防 止拟用作检疫和装运前消毒处理的甲基溴可能被转用 非故 意 的 消费用途。
Information on trade of MB in the region is also being shared between exporting and importing
countries to ensure controls preventing possible diversion of MB intended
[...] for QPS use for unintended consumption applications.
This is especially a concern in relation to
[...] children born from very young mothers.
据悉,前来韩国的特奥运动员们将不仅参与多个运动项目的角逐,他们更 亲 身 体 验多 非 运 动 活动。
The athletes of the seven countries taking part in the Special Hands Project may also be
[...] participating in some sports and non-sports activities.
非故意产 生的持久性有机污染物(UP-POPs)的源排放水平有助于UP-POPs的源头控制,近期的一项研究综述了我国工业源UP-POPs的排放,该研究发表于《中国科学 [...]
Understanding the emission levels of unintentional POPs [...]
is helpful for guiding the source emission control. A recent study
reviews the emission levels of unintentional POPs from multiple industrial sources in China, which has been published on the journal SCIENTIA SINICA Chimica (In Chinese), 2013, Vol. 43, No. 3.
亲猫熊是非常年 轻的保护和他们的他们,直到他们携带4个月大左右,在这一点上他们arejust约能照顾自己照顾自己。
Mother kinkajous are very protective [...]
of their young and carry them until they are about 4 months old, at which point they
arejust about able to take care of themselves.
本节没有明确列举的刺激剂只有在运动员能证明该物质因属于通用的医药产品而特别 容易引非故意触犯反兴奋剂条例,或不大可能被成功地滥用为兴奋剂的情况下,方 [...]
A stimulant not expressly mentioned as an example under this section should be considered as a Specified Substance only if the Athlete can
establish that the substance is particularly
[...] susceptible to unintentional anti-doping [...]
rule violations because of its general availability
in medicinal products or is less likely to be successfully abused as a doping agent.
总而言之, 工业品外观设计注
[...] 册所给予较强的保护, 因为它甚至包 括在非故意侵权的情况下的保护, 而且所发的注册证, [...]
在发生侵权行为 时可以是重要的凭证; 然而由于需要 注册, 因此这种保护(无论在财政上 还是行政上)都需要付出更多努力,
In summary,while the protection granted by registered
industrial designs is stronger in that
[...] it covers even unintentional infringement [...]
and provides a registration certificate
which may be an important proof in case of infringement, it involves more effort (financial and administrative) because it requires registration, and is shorter in duration.
此外,根据《阿尔及利亚国籍法》第 26
[...] 条,如果子女出生在阿尔及利亚且 母亲为阿尔及利亚籍,但亲为并非 出 生 在阿尔及利亚领土的外籍人士,只要司 [...]
Moreover, a child born in Algeria to an Algerian
[...] mother and a foreign father who was not born [...]
on Algerian territory may, under article
26 of the Algerian Nationality Code, acquire the nationality of the mother providing the Ministry of Justice does not object.




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