单词 | 静脉曲张 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 静脉曲张 —varicose veinsSee also:静脉—vein 静脉 adj—venous adj • intravenous adj 曲张 adj—varicose adj 曲张 n—thrombosis n 静静 adv—quietly adv
静脉曲张患者 经常会在走路或站立时感觉腿部沉重或肿胀,尤其是在他们长时间坐下之后。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Patients often feel their legs are heavy or swollen when walking or standing, especially after sitting for long periods of time. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
人们常常把蛛状静脉与静脉曲张混为 一谈,但 是 静脉曲张 可 能 发展成为严重的疾病,而蛛状静脉造成的问题却很小,甚至没有症状。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | These are often confused with varicose veins but although varicose veins may develop into serious medical conditions, spider veins have minimal or no symptoms. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
不过有必要注明的是,这些治疗方法无法逆 转 静脉曲张 的 病 程。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | It is important to note that these treatments [...] will not reverse the varicose process. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
宋医生以前曾经写过一篇关于 静脉曲张 及 各种治疗方法的文章,您可以点击此处阅读该文。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Dr. Song previously wrote [...] an article on varicose veins and its various [...]treatments you can access here. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
这种病被称为“慢性静脉功能不全”,可能会导 致 静脉曲张 的 疼 痛症状。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | This condition, [...] called chronic venous insufficiency, subsequently leads to the potentially painful symptoms of varicose veins. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
静脉曲张的主 要特点是血管突出皮肤表面,它不只是一种难看的症状,还可能引起疼痛。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Unsightly and potentially painful veins that are enlarged, twisted and bulge at [...] the surface of the skin typically in the [...]legs and feet (but can occur anywhere) are termed “varicose veins”. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
自从去年在上海和睦家医院首度亮相之后,用静脉腔内激光术(EVLT)治 疗 静脉曲张 业 已 成为很受欢迎的一种解除病痛的方法。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Since debuting last year at Shanghai United Family [...] Hospital & Clinics (SHU), Endo Venous Laser [...] Treatment (EVLT) for varicose veins has become a [...]popular solution for the painful condition. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
通常,血液流动变慢会造成衰老的常 [...] 见现象,如皮肤色素沉着/雀斑、白内障、 麻 痹 、 肌 肉 酸 痛 、 静 脉 曲 张 、 脉 搏 不 正 常,或者高血压。 cdn.c3a.com.sg | Typically, blood stasis causes common [...] signs of ageing such as skin pigmentation, cataract, [...] numbness, muscle pain, varicose veins, abnormal pulse [...]or hypertension. cdn.c3a.com.sg |
静脉曲张—— 外观问题抑或痛苦的症状? shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Varicose Veins: Cosmetic Flaw [...] or Painful Condition? shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
2008年,澳大利亚医疗服务顾问委员会报告称,采用静脉腔内激光术治 疗 静脉曲张 显 示 出在短期内疗效更为显著,一般情况下至少和传统手术疗法同样有效。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | In 2008, the Australian Medical [...] Services Advisory Committee reported [...] that EVLT for varicose veins appears to be [...]more effective in the short term and generally [...]at least as effective as traditional surgical treatment. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
静脉曲张的早 期症状可经由非手术的保守治疗来加以控制。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Initial symptoms of varicose veins can be controlled [...] with conservative, non-surgical treatments. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
静脉曲张是指,难看的静脉血管发生扩张和扭曲、突出皮肤表面,这种现象一般发生在腿部和足部。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Varicose veins – unsightly veins that are enlarged, [...] twisted and bulge at the surface of the skin, typically in the legs [...]and feet – are commonly seen in people who stand for long periods of time at work, especially school teachers. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
您第一次接受的传统静脉曲张手术 是在您右腿上进行的。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | You first [...] had traditional varicose vein surgery on your [...]right leg. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
轻微的静脉曲张最初只是无害的外观问题,而严重 的 静脉曲张 却 会 危害血液循环,并引起重大并发症。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Mild varicose veins are initially unthreatening cosmetic flaws but severe varicosities compromise [...] blood circulation and [...]can lead to major complications. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
我母亲也有静脉曲张,因 此我认为自己 的 静脉曲张 有 一 部分是遗传的,也有一部分是由于我的工作性质而加剧的。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | My mum also had bad varicose veins, so I think my varicose veins are partially hereditary and partially exacerbated by my job. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
如果静脉瓣膜的功能减弱,血液就会渗漏回静脉中,淤积在那里造 成 静脉 “ 曲张 ”。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | If the valves become weak, blood can leak back into the veins and collect there [...] resulting in dilated “varicose” veins. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
5HT阳性纤维起源于少量的细胞体, 但在其视叶不同纤维网中有广泛的分布,呈现明显 的 静脉曲张 状。 actazool.org | All neuropil regions of the optic lobe, the lamina, medulla and lobula, contain 5-HT immunoreactive varicose fibers, which were distinct in morphology and degree of staining. actazool.org |
静脉曲张常见 于工作时长时间站立的人,尤其是学校教师。上海和睦家医院负责操作新型静脉腔内激光术的资深外科医生是宋科瑛医生,他领导一支医疗小组,为患者的安全和这种革命性治疗方法的疗效提供了保障。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | SHU’s senior Surgeon responsible for the new EVLT [...] procedure is Dr. Song Keying, who leads [...]a small team of medical professionals [...]that ensure patient safety and the efficacy of this revolutionary treatment. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
这种治疗方式通常以处方的形式被内科医生用来治静脉炎、血栓症及手术、硬化治疗和其他形式静脉治疗后的护理,并且减轻各种慢性静脉疾病(粗腿 , 静脉曲张 , 水肿,腿部溃疡),也可以防止孕期或长途旅行静脉疾病的发生。 sigvaris.cn | This treatment is prescribed by a physician to treat phlebitis, thrombosis and care following surgery, sclerotherapy and any other forms of varicose vein treatment, and also to relieve all conditions of chronic venous disease (heavy legs, varicose veins, oedemas, leg ulcers..). sigvaris.cn |
曲张的静脉发展 成为蛛网状,透过皮肤即可看到,还会开始膨胀,泛青或泛紫。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Varicose veins develop a spider [...] web-like pattern that can be seen through the skin and can start to bulge and turn blue or purple. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
窦 性心动过速及Ⅰ度 AV 传导阻滞常导致心房提前收缩,此 时舒张期二尖瓣及肺静脉血流 速度尚未回到基线。 asecho.org | Sinus tachycardia and first-degree AV block often result in the start [...] of atrial contraction occurring [...] before diastolic mitral and pulmonary venous flow velocity [...]has declined to the zero baseline. asecho.org |
生长迅速的恶性肿瘤常表现为弥散性肿胀,并有压痛,皮肤发热, 浅 静脉 怒 张。 asiancancer.com | Malignant tumors of rapid growth often present as a diffuse swelling, tenderness, skin [...] fever, superficial venous engorgement. asiancancer.com |
塔吉克斯坦还是毒品贸易的路线之一,这就更加重了打击腐败的挑战,并使通过 静脉注射 吸毒传播艾滋病毒/艾滋病成为一个关切。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Tajikistan is also a route for the drug trade which complicates the challenge of tackling corruption and makes the spread of HIV/AIDS through injecting drug users a concern. unesdoc.unesco.org |
4、局部皮肤温度高,静脉怒张,骨骼中的肿块生长迅速,肿块受压时会感到疼痛,骨骼出现病理性骨折和关节功能障碍等,同样属于骨癌的诊断依据。 asiancancer.com | 4. Symptoms, such as temperature rising [...] on local skin, venous engorgement, rapid growth of bone tumor [...]and with pain under compression, [...]pathologic fracture and dysfunction of joints, are also bases of bone cancer diagnosis. asiancancer.com |
注:A:心房收缩时二尖瓣血流峰值流速; A Dur:心房收缩时二尖瓣血流持续时间;Ar Dur:心房收缩时肺静脉逆向血流持续时间;D:心室 舒 张 期 肺 静脉 前向血流峰值流速;DT:减速时间;E:心室舒张早期二尖瓣血流峰值流速;IVRT:等容舒张时间;MV:二尖 瓣;PV:肺静脉;S:心室收缩期肺静脉前向血流峰值流速。 asecho.org | A, Peak mitral flow velocity during atrial contraction; A Dur, time duration of mitral flow during atrial contraction; Ar Dur, time [...] duration of retrograde [...] pulmonary venous flow during atrial contraction; D, peak antegrade pulmonary venous flow velocity during ventricular diastole; DT, deceleration [...]time; E, peak mitral [...]flow velocity during early ventricular diastole; IVRT, isovolumic relaxation time; MV, mitral valve; PV, pulmonary vein; S, peak antegrade pulmonary venous flow velocity during ventricular systole. asecho.org |
发达国家的一些弱点有可能在今后几年造成“二次探底”衰退:缺乏就业增 [...] 长;金融部门不愿意贷款给生产性投资;许多国家政府停止财政刺激方案,将妨 碍就业状况改善;扭曲的货币扩张带 来负面影响,因为大量流动性不是帮助富国 增长,而是流向较贫穷的国家,削弱货币并破坏商品价格稳定;最后是一些国家 [...] [...] 的报复性汇率干预,以及因此可能造成的保护主义应对措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Several weaknesses in the developed countries pose a threat of “double-dip” recession in the coming years: the lack of employment growth; the reluctance of the banking sector to lend any money for productive investment; the halting by many Governments of fiscal stimulus programmes, which will impede any improvement in the [...] employment situation; the [...] negative effects of a distorted monetary expansion in which large [...]amounts of liquidity, rather [...]than helping growth in the rich countries, are simply being moved to the poorer ones, weakening currencies and destabilizing commodity prices; and finally, the retaliatory exchange rate interventions by some countries, with attendant risks of protectionist measures in response. daccess-ods.un.org |