

单词 静坐不能

See also:


sit-in (demonstration)
sit quietly


should not
must not


cannot but

External sources (not reviewed)

与此同时,我们必须确保野 蛮的暴力行为不会蔓延,在边境地区维护和平与静,防止有能导致不可预测后果的情绪、感情及极 端主义的爆发。
At the same time, we had to ensure that the
brutal violence would not spread
[...] and to preserve peace and calm in the border areas, preventing [...]
any outbreak of emotions,
passions and extremism that could lead to unpredictable results.
21 世纪议程呼吁所有国家:(a) 把土地使用规划和交通规划结合起来,以鼓 励减少运输需求的发展模式;(b) 酌情采用坐率高 的城市交通方案;(c) 通过 酌情在各国城市和郊区中心提供安全的自行车道和步行道,鼓励采用非机动车交 通工具;(d) 特别关注有效的交通管理、公共交通的高效运营和公共基础设施的 维护;(e) 促不同国 家和代表性地区和大城市地区交流信息;(f) 重新评估目 前的消费和生产模式,以减能源和自然资源的使用。
In Agenda 21, all countries were called upon to (a) integrate land use and transportation planning in order to encourage development patterns that reduce transport demand; (b) adopt urban
transport programmes
[...] favouring high occupancy, as appropriate; (c) encourage non-motorized modes of transport by furnishing safe cycleways and footways in urban and suburban centres in countries, as appropriate; (d) devote particular attention to effective traffic management, efficient operation of public transport and maintenance of public infrastructure; (e) promote the exchange of information among countries and representatives of local and metropolitan areas; and (f) re-evaluate current consumption and production patterns in order to reduce the use of energy and natural resources.
一些代表团认为,地静止轨道是有 能 饱 和 的有限资源,因而应当合理 利用,将具有长期前景的活动放在优先位置,为实现千年发展目标(A/56/326, 附件)服务,同时考虑到所有国家平等的条件, 不 论 其 现时的航 能 力如 何。
Some delegations expressed the view
[...] that, as the geostationary orbit was a limited resource at risk of becoming saturated, its use should be streamlined, giving priority to activities with a long-term perspective, leading to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (A/56/326, annex), while taking into account the conditions of equality of all countries irrespective of their current space capacities.
做一些像经常把脚举起和放下之类的基础锻炼 能 预 防 DVT( 静 脉 血栓)的形成, 静 脉 血 栓是人们在很长时间里 坐不 动 时容易出现的一种常见的健康风险。
Basic exercise, like frequently moving feet up and down, can
[...] prevent the chances of DVT (deep vein thrombosis), which is a common risk when sitting still for extended stretches of time.
没有理由轻率并过度使用致命武力和重武器,包括在城市部署坦克,来 平息街头示威活动或清除抗议静坐 示 威 者。
There can be no justification for the hasty resort to excessive use of lethal force and
heavy weaponry, including the deployment of tanks in cities, to quell street demonstrations
[...] or to clear out protest sit-ins.
在整个这段期 间,特别法庭支持的那些候选人继续要求实行所有 62 个变动,为此在喀布尔举行
[...] 了一系列示威,而一个主要由反对党议会成员及其支持者组成的联盟反对哪怕一个 变动,在国民议会所在地举行了几个星期 静坐 示 威,以表示自己 不 满。
Throughout the period, the candidates who were backed by the Special Court continued to demand, at a series of demonstrations in Kabul, that all 62 changes be implemented, while a coalition composed largely of opposition Members of the National Assembly
and their supporters rejected
[...] every single change and held a sit-in for several weeks on the [...]
grounds of the National Assembly
to voice their dissatisfaction.
乘客根據本 2.1.1 條文所述在截止入
[...] 閘時間之前抵達入閘櫃檯/閘口但是因辦理出境手續延誤以致無 法在其關閉前抵達碼頭登船閘口時可選擇乘坐之後的有空餘座 位的航班,並且如乘客因此而能乘 坐 比 船 票上所示等級要低的 座位時,乘客不會獲 得任何退款或補償。
A Passenger who has arrived at check-in counter/gate before deadline as per Article 2.1.1 here but fails to arrive at the boarding gate of the terminal before its closing as a consequence of delay in finishing immigration formalities may choose to take the next sailing subject to the
availability of the seat and in case the Passenger has to travel on a lower
[...] class than that stated on the Ticket, the Passenger will not be refunded or reimbursed in any kind.
不能坐在这 张会议桌 前的 177 个国家而言,参与安理会的工作能确保这种 [...]
For the 177 countries
[...] that cannot sit at this table, [...]
participation in the Council’s work ensures that commitment, and regard
to our voices encourages that investment.
最后,我们希望强调,各方以及区域和国际社会 中的所有伙伴负有共同责任,把现阶段这种 能 被称 为脆弱的静局势的不可持 续现状转变为阿以冲突 的全面和持久解决,这也要求采取果断步骤,促进以 色列与叙利亚和以色列与黎巴嫩达成解决办法。
In conclusion, we wish to underline the shared responsibility of all parties, as well as all partners in the region and in the international community, to transform the unsustainable status quo of what can, at this stage, only be called a situation of fragile calm into a comprehensive and durable settlement of the ArabIsraeli conflict, which also requires decisive steps towards a settlement between Israel and Syria and Israel and Lebanon.
(c) 确保设不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的使用或捕鱼活 动集中的区域。
(c) Ensure that
[...] installations are not established where interference [...]
may be caused to the use of recognized sea lanes essential
to international navigation or in areas of intense fishing activity.
就算不是很 喜欢水上运动,卡文还是有众 能 够 享受 宁 静 的 地方——可以沿着风景秀丽的乡村骑在马背上观光,或是在美丽的高尔夫球场打球,再或者步行穿过爱尔兰西北部地区最美丽的一些山峰和峡谷。
Even if a holiday near or by the water doesn’t suit, there’s a whole host of ways to enjoy this peaceful county – try trekking on horseback through the charming countryside, playing a round of golf at a scenic course, or walking through the hills and valleys of one of the  North West’s most scenic spots.
静坐和游行等和平示威公共场所撤出从小型枪支到火箭发射器的所 有武器,并确保其支持者或听其指挥 不 在 和 平示威活动中开火从而 使示威者有受到回击的危险
from public areas of peaceful demonstrations such as sit ins and marches, and ensure that none of their supporters or those under their command open fire from [...]
within peaceful demonstrations
thereby putting the demonstrators at risk of return fire.
一些代表团认为,各国按“先到先得”使用地 静 止 轨道 是 不能 接 受 的, 因此,小组委员会应当按照和平利用外层空间和不把外层空间据为己有的原 [...]
Some delegations expressed the
[...] view that the utilization by States of the geostationary orbit on [...]
the basis of “first come, first
served ” was unacceptable and that the Subcommittee should therefore develop a legal regime ensuring that States had equitable access to orbital positions, in accordance with the principles of peaceful use and non-appropriation of outer space.
bean 的业务方法必须是公开的,而且 不能 是 最终 或 静 态 的
RemoteException. The business methods of the bean
[...] must be public and must not be final or static.
专卖巴厘岛独有的古董艺术品和纺织品、疗愈水晶、用 静坐 冥 想的瑪喇佛珠、平 能 量 的珠宝和巴厘岛式的Usadha 草药和精油产品。
Selling Balinese antique artefacts and
textiles, healing crystals,
[...] mala beads for mantra meditation, energy-balancing jewellery and Balinese-made [...]
‘Usadha’ herbal
remedies and essential oil products.
这些 都是巨额投资。该地区国家及其商业伙 不能坐 视海盗分子和海上武装抢劫者威胁对该地区国家经济生 存具有至关重要意义的这些设施。
Those represent very heavy investments, and the countries of the region and their business partners cannot afford to watch while pirates and armed robbers at sea threaten facilities that are vital to the economic survival of the countries of the region.
当你们地区刮 起自由和民主之风,你不能坐视不 动 ”
You cannot remain immobile when this wind of freedom and democracy is blowing in your region”.
需要指出的是,实现透明度和问责的方式必须是动态的, 能 回 应四年任期的需要,不是静态的 和设定在固定的时间点的。
It should be noted that rather than being static and set at a fixed point in time, the modalities to achieve transparency and accountability must be dynamic and able to respond over a four-year mandate.
用联合国妇女署主任米歇尔巴切莱特女 士的话说,如果妇女代不能坐在谈 判桌旁参加谈 判,就没有人代表社会自身。
In the words of UN-Women chief, Michelle Bachelet, if women are not represented at the negotiating table, society itself is not represented.
不断考 验整个联合国教科文组织“大家庭”达成共识的能力问题,是就政治敏感 性问题进行沟通的方式,在这些问题中,国际外交习惯和做法 能 地 寻求 平 静 和 隐 秘。
One matter that has constantly tested the ability of the UNESCO “community” as a whole to have a common understanding is the manner in which to communicate on politically sensitive issues where the habits and practices of international diplomacy instinctively seek calm and privacy.
愿这个美好的约定能够成真,也愿更多 能 来 关 注像 静 这 样 的智障人士!因为流淌在血液中的爱将我们每个人都紧紧地连在一起,在充满爱的世界里,“他们”和“我们”并 不 同 ,他们就是我们。
May this beautiful promise come true one day and that more and more people care about people with intellectual disabilities like Lai Jing!
国际社会和直接相关的各方的作用 必须是确保这种事不再发 生,而且各 能 够 以 平静 的心态和专业的方式予以处理,以使科索沃居民能够 过上他们都盼望的正常生活。
The role of the international community and the parties directly involved must
be to ensure that such
[...] incidents do not recur and that they are dealt with calmly and professionally [...]
so that the inhabitants
of Kosovo can live the normal life to which they all aspire.
STATIRON DX多能静电测 定器应用: 半导体IC、硬盘磁头等电子设备的带电电位的测定基板、液晶面板的带电电位的测定各种除电器(室内用、台面使用、离子气枪等)的特性评价监视空间内离子平衡显示人体带电的峰值电压对摩擦生电以及静电感应等进行检测对各种静电防护用品(手套以及工具等)进行评价特点:该便携式静电检测器可 不 接 触带电物体便可以测得带电物体的电位,并可数位显示测得资料。
[...] multi-determination of static applications: semiconductor IC, the hard disk heads, and other electronic devices Potential charged the determination of substrate, liquid crystal panel charged the determination of the potential addition to a variety of electrical appliances (indoor use, the use of the table, ion air guns, etc.) Evaluation of the characteristics of space to monitor the human body charged ion balance showed a peak voltage of friction, as well as static electricity, and other sensors to detect a variety of electrostatic protective equipment (gloves, and tools, etc.) to evaluate the characteristics: the portable electrostatic detector can not touch objects [...]
can be charged Measured
the potential of charged objects and digital information display measured.
瑙鲁海洋资源还保证设不坐落在可 能 干 扰 国际航行必经的公认航道的地 点或捕鱼活动集中的区域,并保证在开始勘探之前,将与国际海底管理局和赞助 [...]
It is also ensured that no installations
[...] will be established where interference is caused [...]
to the use of recognized sea lanes
essential to international navigation or in areas of intense fishing activity, and that prior to the commencement of exploration a training programme will be drawn up in cooperation with ISA and the sponsoring State, and submitted to ISA for approval.




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