单词 | 青铜器 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 青铜器 —refers ancient bronze artifacts, from c. 2,000 BCless common: bronze implement Examples:青铜器时代—the Bronze Age See also:铜器 n—bronze n 铜器—bronze ware • copper ware 铜 n—copper n • brass n 铜—copper (chemistry)
些文物(陶器碎片、完整陶器、石器以 及 青铜器 ) 可以追溯到公元前 1000 到 1300 年。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The items (pottery shards, complete [...] potteries, stone and bronze objects) date from [...]1,000 BC to 1,300 BC. unesdoc.unesco.org |
考古学家在船上发现了水果和干果等各种有机物质,还发现了陶瓷器皿、金 银 器 、青 铜器和武器。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Archaeologists found organic matter such as fruit and nuts aboard the ship, as well as pottery, gold [...] and silver jewellery, bronze tools and arms. unesdoc.unesco.org |
厅内悬挂着著名的编钟 - 史上最大的青铜乐器。 shangri-la.com | Opened in 1953, the museum has 200,000 cultural relics from Wuhan. shangri-la.com |
独特的举世杰作座钟是印度的法国商行总经理约瑟夫-弗朗索瓦迪普莱克斯订购的,他本想把它赠送给一位印度王子:座钟由帕斯芒(Passemant)设计,1754年由钟表匠约瑟夫-莱奥纳尔洛克 和 青铜器 匠 人弗朗索瓦-托马斯日耳曼制作。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | The extraordinary clock of the Creation of the world was commissioned by Joseph-François Dupleix, managing director of the French trading posts in India, who wanted to offer it to an Indian prince: designed by Passemant, it was created in 1754 by clockmaker Joseph-Léonard Roque and bronzesmith François-Thomas Germain. en.chateauversailles.fr |
博物馆中设有金银饰物室、青铜器室 、 货币室、古物展览室、史前展览室、木器展览室、民俗展览室、东印度公司陈列室等,其中包括30万年前爪哇猿人头骨化石、三四千年前中国青铜时代的鼎和鬲、中国古代的陶瓷器和古币、爪哇岛上的象首人身佛像、苏门答腊岛独特的房屋模型以及皮影戏、木偶戏道具等。 shangri-la.com | Its broad and fascinating collections covers all of Indonesia's territory and almost all of its history. shangri-la.com |
该发现是距今5000-500年,并记录约30文化团体的新 石 器 时 代 , 青铜 时 代和早期铁器时代。 swissworld.org | These submerged structures provide first-rate archaeological evidence of prehistoric settlements. Built between 5000 and 500 B.C., these [...] sites would have been [...] inhabited by up to 30 different cultural groups from the Neolithic period, the Bronze Age and the early [...]Iron Age. swissworld.org |
这种漂亮而高大的树木,叶子呈绿色 和 青铜 色 , 果实像大而圆的苹果,故常作装饰用。 clarinsusa.com | This beautiful, tall tree [...] with green and bronze leaves and fruit [...]that resembles large, perfectly round apples, is often used for decorative purposes. clarinsusa.com |
摩利亚哈加达(Moriah Haggadah)由以色列艺术家艾弗纳•摩利亚(Avner [...] Moriah)创作,他绘画的范本来自埃及和亚述的壁画以 及 青铜 和 铁 器 时 代 早期的小雕像,该时期正是最初的逾越节故事开展的时期。 wdl.org | The Moriah Haggadah was created by Israeli artist Avner Moriah, who drew his models from Egyptian [...] and Assyrian wall paintings and [...] figurines from the early Bronze and Iron ages, the [...]period in which the original Passover story unfolds. wdl.org |
Expertissim [...] 与38位知名的资深专家合作,覆盖超过19个艺术领域:古典油画,印象派及现代艺术,古董家具,珠宝首饰,银,手表 , 青铜 , 陶 瓷,版画和雕刻, 武 器 和 铠 甲,20世纪装饰艺术。 cn.expertissim.com | Expertissim works with 38 renown experts covering over 19 collecting fields of the art market : Old Master paintings, Impressionnist and modern paintings, [...] antique [...] furniture, jewelry, silver, watches, bronzes, ceramics, prints and engravings, [...]arms and armour, 20th Decorative Arts. en.expertissim.com |
(摩加迪沙西南 178 [...] 公里处的)巴拉维港和(摩加迪沙西南 70 公里处的) 马尔卡港不像基斯马尤港那样活跃,但是 给 青 年 党运 武 器 的 次 要入境点。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ports of Baraawe (178 km south-west of Mogadishu) and Marka (70 km [...] south-west of Mogadishu) are not as active as Kismaayo, but serve as secondary [...] points of entry for weapons going to Al-Shabaab. daccess-ods.un.org |
然后,他们可以去把在现实世界,那里的线索将在页面的外观,如游泳池,台球桌 , 青铜 斑 块 ,高档时装服装衣架传统和非传统广告数百藏匿地点。 technologeeko.com | They can then in turn go look for the pages in the real world, where clues will be stashed in hundreds of [...] traditional and nontraditional advertising locations such as [...] pools, pool tables, bronze plaques, and high-fashion [...]clothing racks. technologeeko.com |
有带增强抗腐蚀性的青铜背衬 的种类 2010年3月 新INA滑动轴承的标准材料是不含铅的,因此是环保的(根据欧盟报废汽车指令 2000/53/EG和欧盟报废电子电器设备 指令2002/95/EG)。 schaeffler.cn | Also available with bronze backing for increased anti-corrosion protection March 2010 All standard materials for the new INA plain bearings are lead-free and, therefore, environmentally friendly (In accordance [...] with EU Directives 2000/53/EG for End of Life Vehicles and 2002/95/EG for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment). schaeffler.cn |
由于喷泉是由青铜制成 的,它被认为金属和水的平衡,为成功铺平了道路。 servcorp.com.sg | As the fountain is made of bronze, it is believed [...] that the balance of metal and water paves the way for success. servcorp.com.sg |
如图所示,这样一台K 101 压缩机在战争期间要用所谓的铁和 青铜 配 额 才可以买到。 bauergroup.com | In the post-war economy, a compressor, such as the K [...] 101 shown here, can only be obtained with ration [...] cards for iron and bronze, which had been [...]issued by the Allied Forces. bauergroup.com |
(c) 铜与铜合金,例如黄铜、青铜或炮 铜,不得用于制造储藏设施、油轮货舱或接触油 脂的运货用公路/铁路油罐车,例如,管道、管道接口、密封件、阀门、加热线圈、过滤 器、泵、温度计或抽样装置。 codexalimentarius.org | (c) Copper and its alloys such as brass, bronze or gun metal should not be used in the construction of the storage installation or in a ship or road/rail tanker used for transport that has contact with the oils or fats such as piping, pipe connections, seals, valves, heating coils, strainers, pumps, temperature gauges or in sampling apparatus. codexalimentarius.org |
我在认真地考虑购买青铜款的Tool Watch。 iontime.ch | I’m seriously [...] considering to buy the Tool Watch in bronze. iontime.ch |
娇韵诗又一款广受赞誉的美黑露,这款产品就像液态 的 青铜 一 般 ,是特殊活动或急切呼唤健康光彩时刻的完美用品。 clarinsusa.com | Perfect for special events or when you want a healthy glow quickly. clarinsusa.com |
委員建議,政府當局應考慮透過學校推行公民教育,向 青年灌輸捐贈器官是 救人生命的善舉;鑒於獲家庭接納甚為重 [...] 要,新的推廣運動應更着重以家庭為中心;在醫院/診所傳達 器官捐贈信息;向登記死後捐贈器官的人致送不昂貴的紀念 品;鼓勵電視台在節目中宣揚器官捐贈信息,以及善用熱門網 [...]站宣揚器官捐贈信息。 legco.gov.hk | Members suggested that consideration should be [...] given to instilling in youths that organ donation was [...]a charitable life-saving act through [...]civic education in schools; making the new promotion campaign more family-centred having regard to the importance of family's acceptance; disseminating organ donation message in hospitals/clinics; giving out inexpensive souvenirs to people registered to donate organs after death; encouraging television stations to spread the organ donation message in their programmes, and making use of popular websites to disseminate the message of organ donation. legco.gov.hk |
这台K 101价值 160马克和10个还有1个青铜的配额。 bauergroup.com | The K 101 compressor cost DM 160 and [...] 10 iron and 1 bronze ration cards. bauergroup.com |
作为马诺河联盟(利比里亚、科特迪瓦、几内亚和塞拉利昂)、国际联络 [...] 小组和相关联合国国家工作队建立的协商进程的一部分,定期举行了会议,以共 同解决与青年失业、小武器、非 法毒品、贩运人口、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、小儿麻 痹症和其他疾病、粮食保障、解除武装、复员和重返社会方案的统一协调、边界 [...] [...] 管理和管制、难民、境内流离失所者以及全面加强马诺河联盟伙伴关系有关的各 种问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | As part of the consultative processes established in the context of the Mano River Union (Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea and Sierra Leone), the International Contact Group and the relevant United Nations country teams, regular meetings are [...] held to jointly address regional [...] issues relating to youth unemployment, small arms, illegal drugs, [...]human trafficking, HIV/AIDS, [...]poliomyelitis and other diseases, food security, the harmonization of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes, border management and control, refugees, internally displaced persons and the strengthening in general of the Mano River Union partnerships. daccess-ods.un.org |
具有纪念碑特点的迎宾门与其后的迎宾厅之间是 5 扇 青铜 大 门。 global.tbmm.gov.tr | One can pass from the Honorary Entrance into the Honorary Hall [...] through five huge bronze gates. global.tbmm.gov.tr |
2011年,赫斯特特别为英国摇滚乐队Squeeze设计了一组乐器的图纹,乐队使用这组 乐 器 在 伦敦 「 青 少 年 癌症信托基金」慈善筹款音乐会上演出。 ravenelart.com | Utilizing this internationally recognized series, Hirst joined forces with British band Squeeze in 2011 to create an [...] exclusive set of customized instruments on which the band performed at the charity [...] fundraiser Concerts for Teenage Cancer Trust. ravenelart.com |
在集市狭窄却又琳琅满目的巷子里,您会找到售卖各种香水、披肩、手镯、家具 、 铜器 和 珠 宝的小店。 shangri-la.com | Amongst its narrow, kaleidoscopic lanes, you can find little shops selling everything from perfumes, shawls, bangles [...] to furniture, brassware and beads. shangri-la.com |
因此,以色列向 一个已经被断水、饥饿、倍受残酷战争机器削弱的平 民人口发起进攻,这个战争机器不分 青 红 皂 白地轰炸 居民住宅区、难民营、宗教场所、学校、大学、联合 国设施、人道主义援助车队、救护车以及救援人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, Israel has attacked a civilian population that has been deprived of water, starved and weakened by a blind war machine that indiscriminately bombs residential areas, refugee camps, houses of worship, schools and universities, United Nations facilities, humanitarian assistance convoys, ambulances and rescue personnel. daccess-ods.un.org |
发起这些行动的人可能来自以下几个 方面:试图在西部重整旗鼓的带武器混入阿比让平民的前共和国卫队的许多士兵 以及从阿比让溃退的支持巴博的民兵、雇佣军和前国防军人员;仍有机会获得武 器的“青年爱 国者”组织和科特迪瓦学生和学者联合会成员以及带武器藏匿的“隐 形突击队”人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | These could be initiated by the many ex-Republican Guard soldiers who have melted into the civilian population in Abidjan together with their weapons, as well as the pro-Gbagbo militias, mercenaries and former FDS personnel routed from Abidjan, who [...] are attempting to [...] regroup in the west, Young Patriots and Fédération estudiantine et scolaire de Côte d’Ivoire (FESCI) members who still have access to arms and elements [...]of the “Invisible [...]Commandos” who have gone into hiding with their weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |