单词 | 青花瓷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 青花瓷—blue and white porcelainSee also:青花—blue and white (porcelain) 青瓷n—celadonn 青瓷—celadon (pottery) 瓷n—porcelainn
设计 灵感来源于元朝的青花瓷器,并且还将 Sunbrella 织物融合 于此。 glenraven.com | The design was inspired [...] by thebluewhiteporcelain of the Yuan Dynasty, [...]and Sunbrella fabrics were incorporated into the offering. glenraven.com |
为呈现最纯正的潮州风味,潮江燕在装潢上也煞费苦心,餐厅内随处可见象徵英姿焕发的视觉元素「马」,潮江燕更订作又称「英雄花」的潮州市市花「木棉」为主的地毯、并使用潮州瓷器着称的青花瓷食器等等,同时潮州菜与潮州功夫茶更互为表里,餐厅中可见两座潮州功夫茶墙错落有致地展现各式茶具之丰姿,用餐宾客更能欣赏功夫茶的泡茶仪式,并享用道地铁观音。 taiwantaste.net | Presents the most authentic Chaozhou flavor tide Jiangyan in decorating is also at pains restaurant anywhere visible symbol of the heroic bearing of the visual elements, "Ma" tide Jiangyan set for the Chaozhou city flower, also known as the [...] "Hero spend" kapok "Lord [...] carpets, Chaozhou porcelain blueandwhite porcelain knownfor food, [...]etc., at the same time Chaozhou [...]Chaozhou Gongfu tea is more complementary to each other, the restaurant can be seen two Chaozhou Gongfu tea wall patchwork show luxuriant kinds of tea, dining guests more appreciate the tea of the martial arts tea ceremony, and enjoy the Road subway Goddess of Mercy. taiwantaste.net |
画铜红图案的陶瓷,比相似的青花器少得多,主要是因为铜红釉不容易控制。 e-yaji.com | Underglaze-redwares are generally rarer than their underglaze-blue counterparts, [...] primarily because the colour was more difficult to control. e-yaji.com |
青花菜是纤维含量最高的蔬菜之一-一杯切好的水煮青花菜约有6克可以满足饥饿感的纤维。 health.herbalife.com.tw | Broccoli is one of the highest fibre vegetables -one cup of chopped cooked broccoli has 6 grams [...] of hunger-busting fibre. healthyliving.herbalife.co.uk |
国际展能节中包括各式各样职业、业余及生活技能竞赛,例如绘画、海报设计、 珠宝制作、陶瓷、木雕、烹饪、花艺。 daccess-ods.un.org | A variety of vocational, leisure and living skills like [...] painting, poster [...] designing, jewellery making,ceramics,woodcarving, cooking, [...]floral art are included in the contests of IA. daccess-ods.un.org |
考古学家在船上发现了水果和干果等各种有机物质,还发现了陶瓷器皿、金银器、青铜器和武器。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Archaeologists found organic matter such as fruit and nuts aboard the ship, as well as pottery, gold and silverjewellery,bronze tools and arms. unesdoc.unesco.org |
青花菜-蔬菜也是强烈推荐的饱足感食物之一,因为含有丰富无热量的纤维及水分-所以可以让您吃饱,但不会吃胖。 health.herbalife.com.tw | Broccoli-Vegetables are [...] high on the list of filling foods because they’re full of fibre and water – so they fill you up, not out. healthyliving.herbalife.co.uk |
珠宝艺术家Tom Rucker花费14个月的时间雕塑了一座由陶瓷、铂金和黑宝石制成的纳尔逊·曼德拉的半身雕像,在其复杂的生产工艺中使用了瓦克的双组分硅橡胶。 wacker.com | Tom Rucker, a jewelry artist, spent14 months sculpting [...] a unique bust of Nelson Mandela in porcelain, platinumand black diamonds. wacker.com |
经第三方体外分析证实,山竹果浸泡水拥有高浓度的氧杂葱酮、前花青素、儿茶素与其他重要的植物营养素*。 xango.com.hk | The mangosteen-infused water has been shown in third party in-vitro analysis to host concentrated amounts of xanthones, proanthocyanidins, catechins and other vital phytonutrients. xango.ca |
瓷胎,无色釉里青花纹饰,釉上施珐琅彩;平唇、略凸底足;绘绕壶花园景观,一正面绘三学士围桌而坐,其後有湖石与二棵树,一树开花而花枝也从另一正面煮茶景致图上缘垂下,景观上下以釉里青花纹饰为饰边, [...] 上边为如意云头,下边为莲瓣 ,收腰颈绘一圈海棠纹,在青花勾线上均加饰釉上金彩,底铁红书“嘉庆年制”四字篆款;唇描金,器内壁施釉 e-yaji.com | Famille rose enamels on colourless [...] glaze on cobalt on porcelain; withaflat lip [...]and slightly convex foot; painted with [...]a continuous garden scene, with three scholars seated around a rectangular table in front of two trees, one blossoming, a red lantern set on a pole beside the table, while one servant on the opposite side of the bottle fans a brazier with a kettle on it and another holds a tray with a cup beneath a lantern suspended between two flowering tree branches; the scene framed top and bottom in underglaze-blue, detailed in gold enamel, with a formalized design of a band of lotus petals around the base and lingzhi around the shoulders beneath a neck-band of flower heads, the foot inscribed in iron-red seal script, Jiaqing nian zhi (Made during the Jiaqing period); the lip painted gold, the interior glazed e-yaji.com |
Expertissim [...] 与38位知名的资深专家合作,覆盖超过19个艺术领域:古典油画,印象派及现代艺术,古董家具,珠宝首饰,银,手表,青铜,陶瓷,版画和雕刻,武器和铠甲,20世纪装饰艺术。 cn.expertissim.com | Expertissim works with 38 renown experts covering over 19 collecting fields of the art market : Old Master paintings, Impressionnist and modern [...] paintings, antique furniture, jewelry, silver, [...] watches, bronzes,ceramics,printsand engravings, [...]arms and armour, 20th Decorative Arts. en.expertissim.com |
第一设有白色漆面表盘,通过它的治疗,如瓷用贴花黑色罗马数字和铁路分钟。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The first features a white lacquered dial, which by [...] its treatment, likeporcelain with decals black Romannumerals [...]and railway for minutes. en.horloger-paris.com |
来自亚洲各地的商品种类繁多,有瓷罐和瓷花瓶、香料、纺织品(丝绸、亚麻织物和绵 布)、扇子、梳子、镶饰盒、挂毯、小地毯、手绢、橱柜、象牙雕像、药品(麝香、硼砂和 [...] 樟脑)等,这些商品被运送到马尼拉,并在那里被装上大型货船,亦称大帆船。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Merchandise from various parts [...] of Asia suchas porcelainjars and vases, spices, [...]textiles (silk, linen, and cotton), fans, [...]combs, inlaid boxes, tapestries, rugs, handkerchiefs, chests, ivory statues, “drugs” (musk, borax, and camphor), among many others, were brought to Manila where they were loaded aboard large ships called galleons. unesdoc.unesco.org |
瓷胎上湖绿、青紫、黑釉;模制金鱼,表面,包括一部分唇,涂釉,以黑釉点瞳,内壁不施釉 e-yaji.com | Turquoise-blue, aubergine-purple, and black glaze on porcelain; mouldedin the [...] form of a fan-tailed goldfish; the exterior [...]surfaces, including part of the lip, glazed, with the pupils of the eyes picked out in black; the interior unglazed e-yaji.com |
巴西莓丰富的抗氧化酵素,是人体无法自行合成的,加上花青素、多酚类及类黄酮等,可保护身体因自由基造成的伤害以及提升免疫系统,巴西莓是现代人最佳的保健材料。 sfgourmet.com | Containing anthocyanin, polyphenols [...] and flavonoids, Brazilian Acai protects the body against the harm done by free radicals [...]and strengthens the immune system and is certainly the best ingredient for health care for city dwellers. sfgourmet.com |
蓝莓中所含的蓝色色素花青素, 可以帮助缓解视力衰退 organicmama.com.hk | Blue pigment in [...] blueberries anthocyanins, can help ease [...]the vision loss organicmama.com.hk |
这是一种主要由花青素原组成的物质,具有独特的抗自由基的功效。在医药领域,海岸松主要用来改善循环系统、心血管及眼科问题。 clarinsusa.com | Used in medicine to improve circulatory, cardiovascular and ophthalmic problems, Pycnogenol® is an important active ingredient used in cosmetics. clarinsusa.com |
发表在医学杂志在2009年的研究报告阐述,有证据表明,花青素和花青素可能具有神经保护和抗炎活动的镇痛特性。 aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com | Research, as published in the Journal of Medicine in 2009, [...] evidence suggests that anthocyanins andanthocyanidins [...]may possess analgesic properties in [...]addition to neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory activities. aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com |
蓝莓含花青素,有助抗衰老、强化微细血管、眼部功能,从而保护视力 sfgourmet.com | Blueberriescontain anthocyanins, help anti-aging, [...] strengthen the tiny blood vessels & eye function and thereby protecting the eyesight sfgourmet.com |
钛金表壳、底盖上镌刻"Royal Oak Offshore Limited Edition-Sébastien Buemi [...] (皇家橡树离岸型限量版- Sébastien Buemi) "铭文以及蓝宝石水晶底盖上的"Buemi"移画印花标志、黑色陶瓷表圈和黑色橡胶表带。 audemarspiguet.com | Titanium case, caseback engraved with the legend «Royal Oak Offshore [...] Limited Edition-Sébastien Buemi», Buemi [...] logo printed onthesapphire caseback,black ceramic bezel,black rubber strap. audemarspiguet.com |
这群建筑建于20世纪20年代,其英式新古典内部装修包括宽阔的大理石楼梯、拱形天花板、枝形吊灯和拼花瓷砖地板。 australia.com | Built in the 1920s, the English neo-classical interior includes a sweeping marble [...] staircase, vaultedceilings,chandeliers and mosaic-tiledfloor. australia.com |
其他关注包括从陶瓷及金属器皿迁移出的重金属(如铅及镉),从塑胶袋迁移出的邻苯二甲酸酯,以及食 [...] 物接触材料有较高水平的杂质迁移。 cfs.gov.hk | Other concerns included heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, [...] migrated from ceramic and metal ware, [...]and phthalates from plastic bags, as well [...]as higher level of overall migration from food contact materials. cfs.gov.hk |
UM心脏外科医生兼心肌实验室主管史蒂文·博林(Steven [...] Bolling)医学博士说:“食用水果和蔬菜的好处已经得到了很好的研究,但我们的调查结果显示出蓝莓含有天然化学物质,如花青素,能够减轻这些心脏疾病。 kyaniscience.com | Steven Bolling, M.D., a U-M heart surgeon and head of the Cardioprotection Laboratory, says: “The benefit of eating fruit and vegetables has been well-researched, but our findings in regard to blueberries show [...] the naturally occurring chemicals they [...] contain,such as anthocyanins, show promise [...]in mitigating these heart conditions. kyaniscience.com |
米色陶胎青瓷色、棕色釉;微凸唇,平敛底,突出凸面圈足;模制柳编纹里壶形瓶,篮子具两把兽首衔环耳 ;肩、颈、唇、内颈、底、圈足皆施青瓷色釉,内壁不施釉 e-yaji.com | Celadon-green andbrown glazes on beige porcelain; witha slightly convex lip and recessed flat foot surrounded by a protruding convex footrim; moulded in the form of a hu-shaped vase wrapped in a protective basketweave container with two mask-and-ring handles on the basket, which is all glazed brown; the shoulders, neck, lip, inside of the neck, foot, and footrim all covered in celadon green glaze that [...] extends into the inner neck; the interior unglazed e-yaji.com |
使两个连接头链接在一起,通常安装在电柜或墙柜上面,我们提供SC,FC,ST,LC,MTRJ,E2000,MTP喝交互适配器,有陶瓷套筒或磷青铜套筒,符合当前所有国际适配器类型标准。 fibrefab.com | Used to mate two connectors together and usually mounted in a distribution panel or wall box, we offer SC, FC, ST, LC, [...] MTRJ, E2000, MTP and Hybrid Adaptor [...] types with phosphor bronze,ceramic sleeves or polymer [...]which comply with all current international standards. fibrefab.com |
公司的产品包括放大器、衰减器、环形器、隔离器、探测 器(检波器)、二极管、定向耦合器、前端模块、混合器件、基础架构射频子系统、混频器/解调 [...] 器、光耦合器、光隔离器、移相器、PLL(锁相环)/频综/VCO(压控振荡器)、功率分配器/合 路器、接收器、开关和工业陶瓷。skyworksinc.com | The Company’s portfolio includes amplifiers, attenuators, circulators, detectors, diodes, directional couplers, front-end modules, hybrids, infrastructure RF subsystems, isolators, lighting and display solutions, mixers/demodulators, optocouplers, optoisolators, phase shifters, [...] PLLs/synthesizers/VCOs, power dividers/combiners, power management devices, receivers, [...] switches, andtechnicalceramics. skyworksinc.com |