单词 | 青出於蓝,而胜於蓝 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 青出于蓝—lit. green is born of blue, but beats blue (idiom); fig. the student becomes superior the master 出于—due to stem from
1996年於纽约举行的国际青年演奏会艺术家选拔赛中 胜出,曾在义大利名指挥家Claudio Abbado领导下,出任欧盟青年管弦乐团单簧管首席,亦为巴黎国家歌剧院管弦乐团及马勒室乐团之单簧管首席,2008年更成为欧洲室乐团之单簧管独奏家。 tomleemusic.com.hk | He was the principal clarinet of the European Union YouthOrchestra, conducted by Claudio [...] Abbado; the Malher Chamber Orchestra [...](MCO) and the first principal clarinet at the "Orchestre National de l'Opera de Paris". tomleemusic.com.hk |
岳士礼先生表现出色未必能让我 青出於蓝,但我依然会依从他过去尽心尽力为视障人士服务之承诺,继续为辅导会作出贡献。 hksb.org.hk | I will do my best to meet the standards that he has set in terms of dedication to the service of the visually impaired, although in that too his record is hard to match. hksb.org.hk |
对於这个转折点的苍穹,随着时间的灰,蓝色青金石无菸煤用於支持天文学家们有用的功能。 zh.horloger-paris.com | For this turning firmament, as the hours, blue lapis lazuli gray anthracite used to support functions useful to astronomers. en.horloger-paris.com |
美国总统选举2012竞猜游戏」的最後竞猜结果为奥巴马得290张选举人票 胜出选举,而罗姆 尼得248张选举人票落败。 hkupop.hku.hk | The final guesstimates for the “US Presidential Election 2012 Guessing Game” put Barack Obama in the lead over Mitt Romney with 290 versus 248 electoral votes. hkupop.hku.hk |
雷曼危机的立即冲击之下,钻石价格确曾下跌近30%,然而反弹 速度远 胜於大多数的资产类别,许多种类的钻石价格更超越2008年的巅峰水准再创新高,例如3克拉以上、成色为D至F级、净度为VS+级的钻石,以及粉红钻、蓝钻等稀有钻石。 ravenelart.com | Particularly, in many categories such as 3+ carats, D to F color, VS+ clarity grades and rare colored diamond such as pinks andblues,prices have surpassed the 2008 peak level. ravenelart.com |
学会和平运动包括:以非暴力为主题,在美国多所学校展开的「战胜暴力」青少年教育计画;於199 7年收集一千三百万人的签名呈交联合国的「废除核武器运动」;收集并出版个 人战时经历等等。 daisakuikeda.org | Examples of these activities include [...] initiatives such astheyouth-driven VictoryOver Violence nonviolence peer education program carried out in schools across the USA; a nuclear abolition campaign that gathered and presented 13 million signatures to the UN in 1997; and the collection and publication of individuals' [...]wartime experiences. daisakuikeda.org |
从1986至1993 年,平治AMG 190E在德国巡回汽车锦标赛胜出50场赛事,而从 1994 至 1996年,平治AMG C系列亦胜出32场赛事,连同於举世 着名的德国房车赛及国际巡回汽车锦标赛夺得两项冠军锦标及两项车手锦标。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | From 1986 to 1993, the Mercedes-AMG 190E won50 races in the German Touring Car Championship. From 1994 to 1996, the motorsport world witnessed 32 wins for the Mercedes-Benz AMG C-Class, plus two championship titles and two driver titles in the DTM and the ITC, one of the most grueling racing series in the world. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
倘核数师的职位因核数师辞任或身故,或在本公司需要其服务时核数师 因病或其他缺陷而不能胜任以致出现空缺,则董事可另觅核数师填补该空缺及厘定就 此获委任核数师的酬金。 winox.com | If the office of auditor becomes vacant by the resignation or death of the Auditor, or by his becomingincapable ofacting by reason of illness or other disability at a time when his services are required, the Directors shall fill the vacancy and fix the remuneration of the Auditor so appointed. winox.com |
一位能令人信服地将这两 种看似矛盾的领导才能集一身的候选人,将会 在2008年的总统选举中胜出─不 仅有能力为美 国公民改变国家面貌,而且同样重要的是,让 世界人民也看到变化。 americancorner.org.tw | The candidate who can convincingly reconcile these seemingly contradictory dimensions of leadership is the candidate who will win the presidency in 2008 — and with it the abilityto transform the nation, both in the eyes of U.S. citizens and, just as important, in the eyes of the world. americancorner.org.tw |
澳门四季酒店的鸣诗餐厅现推出海鲜盛会自助晚餐,於世界各地搜罗精选海鲜,海鲜爱好者可一次过大啖波士顿龙虾、纽西兰 蓝青口、翡翠螺及加拿大雪蟹,可谓一流享受!四季酒店行政总厨高伟士将率领来自不同地方的厨师,炮制各国美食,更会特别设计多款精选甜品,令食客大饱口福。 yp.mo | Not only offering delicious seafood such as Boston Lobsters, New Zealand Blue Lips Mussels, Hokkaido Scallops and Canadian Snow crab, Four Seasons Hotel Macau’s [...] Executive and his international culinary [...]team will present a series of dishes from different countries as well as delightful desserts. yp.mo |
全新八达通转乘计划 : 由E21A(由东涌逸东邨开出)於青屿干线收费广场转乘路线E11(往 铜锣湾方向)或E21(往大角咀方向)或E22(往 蓝田北方向)或E22A(往将军澳方向)或E22P(往油塘方向)或E23(往彩虹方向), 只需保负出与首程车资之差额; 或者由E11(由 铜锣湾开出)或E21(由大角咀开出)或E22(由蓝田北开出)或E22A(由将军澳开出)或E22P(由油塘开出)或E23(由彩虹开出)或E23P(由 彩虹开出)於青屿干 线收费广场转乘路线可免费转乘E21A(往东涌逸东邨) sumtakbus.com | New Octopus Interchange Scheme : Start from E21A (from Tung [...] Chung Yat Tung Estate or [...] Tung Chung North) change to E11 (to Causeway Bay) or E21 (to Tai Kok Tsui) or E22 (to Lam Tin North) or E22A (to Tseung Kwan O) or E22P (to Yau Tong) or E23 (to Choi Hung) in The Lantau Link Toll Plaza, passengers need only top up the full fare difference with Octopus; or Start from E11 (from Causeway Bay) or E21 (from Tai Kok Tsui) orE22 (fromLam TinNorth)or E22A (from Tseung Kwan O) or E22P (from Yau Tong) or E23 (from Choi Hung) or E23P (from Choi Hung change to Route No. E21A(to Tung Chung Yat Tung Estate or Tung Chung North) in The Lantau Link Toll [...]Plaza; passenger can [...]free to interchange Route No. E21A sumtakbus.com |
许多发展中国家正在经历快速经济增长,但若要维持这些成就,则需要对国 际货币和金融体系作出调整,以通过采取促进减缓贫穷和创造体面就业机会的政 策和行动来更好地支持发展,特别是对发达国家和发展中国家的青年而言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many developing countries are witnessing rapid economic growth but sustaining the gains calls for the international monetary and financial [...] systems to be reconfigured [...] to better support development through policies and action that spur poverty reduction and the creation of decent jobs, especially for the youthin both thedeveloped and developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,就巿民如何评价泛民主派於明年立法会选举的胜算方面,最新调查显示,51%相信是次区议会选举的结果会减少他们於明年立法会选举的胜算,15%则认为区选结果会增加他们的胜算,而认为「胜算不变/影响不大」或不知道的百分比分别为10%和24%。 hkupop.hku.hk | Regarding the winning odds of the Pan-democrats in the Legislative Council election next year, findings showed that 51% said the results of the District Council elections have decreased their winning odds, while 15% said [...] their odds have [...] increased. Those whobelieved the District Council elections have"noeffect" on their winning odds or those withoutanydefinite answer [...]accounted for 10% [...]and 24% of the total sample respectively. hkupop.hku.hk |