单词 | 霾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 霾—dust-stormExamples:阴霾n—shadown 烟霾n—smoken 雾霾—smog haze
是全球经济一片阴霾背景下寥寥无几的亮点之 一”——George Soros,投资经理。 alquity.com | One of the few bright spots on the gloomy economic horizon” – George Soros, Investment Manager. alquity.com |
东盟在此方面取得多项成就,如《2002 年东盟跨疆界烟霾协议》、《2004 年打击非法采伐战略联盟》和《2007 年加强森 林执法和治理声明》等。 daccess-ods.un.org | The 2002 Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution, the 2004 Strategic Alliance for Combating Illegal Logging and the 2007 Statement on Strengthening Forest Law Enforcement and Governance are examples of ASEAN achievements in this regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们相信,经过阿富汗政府和人民的努力,并在 国际社会的帮助下,阿富汗一定能够早日摆脱战乱的阴霾,跨入稳定、健康发展的轨道,为地区和平与繁 荣做出积极贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | Government and people and the help of the international community, Afghanistan will emerge from the shadow of war very soon, embark on the path to sustainable development and contribute to regional peace and prosperity. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们藉着是次《雷神奇侠》的慈善首映夜延续关怀爱心,为日本受灾的人走出阴霾重燃希望,期望客户能大力支持。 aia.com.hk | The participation and donations of our customers to the Gala Premiere Night of “THOR” is much needed to bring hope to people there. aia.com.hk |
在全球金融危机的阴霾下,双方的这一贸易关系继续发展壮大,充分体现了贸易关系的稳定,2008-09 年度,西澳州对华出口增长同比增长50%以上。 australiachina.com.au | This trade relationship has proven its stability by continuing to grow despite the GFC – in 2008–09, WA’s exports to China increased by over 50 per cent from the previous year. australiachina.com.au |
可是,在下一场活动中,我所 报导的那位候选人指出,他的对手在最新竞选活 动中提出了一个令人置疑的观点,即树叶吐出的 二氧化碳是造成美国东部一个山脉出现雾霾的原因,并因此而对环境政策发表了评论。 americancorner.org.tw | At the next event, however, my candidate pointed out that his opponent had opened his current campaign tour with a questionable assertion that carbon dioxide emitted by tree leaves was the cause of haze and smog in an eastern U.S. mountain range, thus igniting a critical discussion of his environmental policies. americancorner.org.tw |
同样搭上低价直下式与侧光式LED TV商机,晶元光电、璨圆、新世纪光电等LED晶粒厂商于2013年1月营收表现不俗,晶元光电的营收突破2012年的阴霾,达到新台币13.5亿元;璨圆与新世纪光电也分别达到新台币3亿元与新台币2.7亿元的营收水准。 jxlcd.com | Get on the same low direct the type and side light type LED TV business opportunities, crystal yuan photoelectric, ladies round, such as the new century photoelectric LED grain manufacturers in January 2013 revenue performance not common, crystal yuan photoelectric revenue hit 2012 years of haze to nt $1.35 billion; Ladies circle and the new century photoelectric also reached nt $300 million and nt $270 million in revenue level. jxlcd.com |
简介 首播日期: 2007.09.30 中摩根哥妹走出冰柜车杀手的阴霾,而德克斯特因为第三者莱拉而和丽塔闹翻;同时德克斯特藏屍点被发现FBI介入调查,而警局的同事多克斯觉得德克斯特肯定藏了什麽秘密,而经受压力的德克斯特也在考虑要不要自首。 justlatte.com | Synopsis Release Date: 2007.09.30 At the start of Season 2, the psychological fallout from killing Brian (his brother) and the constant surveillance by Sgt. justlatte.com |
其他考虑事项是阴霾和海面产生的光反射,这可 能会影响对油类的能见度。 itopf.com | Other considerations are haze and light reflection off the sea, which can affect visibility of the oil. itopf.com |
澳大利亚金融体系,尤其是银行业,是支撑澳大利亚走出全球金融危机阴霾的重要因素。 australiachina.com.au | The strength of Australia’s financial system, particularly the banking sector, has been an important factor in cushioning Australia from the impact of the Global Financial Crisis. australiachina.com.au |
美国肺部协会「2012空气状态」调查也出现好消息,在全国霾害最严重的城市里,逾半数改善状况达历年之最,可惜同份调查另提到,美国四成民众仍居住在空气污染危害健康的地区。 thisbigcity.net | An American Lung Association 2012 State of the Air survey unveiled good news, too: More than half of the country’s most-smog-polluted cities just experienced their best year yet. thisbigcity.net |
另外,文章亦指出,非典型肺炎事件反映了「(特区政府的)管治班子愈来愈封闭」,令香港「失去了本来的优势」,并强调只有政府官员果断开放,配合社会各界求真求知的精神,方可带领香港走出阴霾,立足世界。 hkupop.hku.hk | Besides, the article criticized that "(the HKSAR Government's) leading team (was) becoming more and more conservative and old-fashioned" as reflected by its handling of the calamity, such that Hong Kong has "lost the advantages we once owned". hkupop.hku.hk |
但在 2012 年,世界经济增长前景转弱,发达经济体的进口需求下降,使世界贸易前景蒙上阴霾。 daccess-ods.un.org | The outlook for world trade in 2012 is overshadowed by the weakened world economic growth prospects, which have dampened import demand in developed economies. daccess-ods.un.org |
我不知道,他应该来自冰岛,如这个小国一样在阴霾密布的天空下孤独,倦怠地浮游在北大西洋上。 think-silly.com | He is probably from Iceland, floating on a land that is so vast and grey. think-silly.com |
环保人士与关心环境的城市居民始终关心,车辆碳排放对城市有何影响,美国洛杉矶等城市幅员广大,容易出现霾害,反观纽约、波士顿等城市较多人步行,较少出现霾害警讯,碳排放量危害也较低。 thisbigcity.net | Environmentalists and conscientious city dwellers have long been concerned about the effects of vehicle emissions on the cities in which they live. thisbigcity.net |
由烟雾、臭氧、碳氢化合物、氮氧化物以及其他化学反应的化合物组成,在一定的天气和阳光条件下,可能产生阴暗的棕色阴霾,会造成不良健康影响。 socalgas.com | A combination of smoke, ozone, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and other chemically reactive compounds which, under certain conditions of weather and sunlight, may result in a murky brown haze that causes adverse health effects. socalgas.com |
除市况疲弱外,由於全球股市及经济环境为未来多种不明朗因 素的阴霾所笼罩,证券业内许多的科技采购决定被押後,以致本集团二零一二年的营业额减少。 hklistco.com | In addition to the weak market conditions, many technology purchase decisions in the securities industry were delayed due to global stocks market and economic climate clouded with various uncertainty of the future which resulted in diminish turnover in 2012. hklistco.com |
全球经济在二零一二年初再一次陷入了不稳定的阶段,美国经济复苏疲弱、欧元区经济阴霾不散、日本经济停滞不前、中国经济增速大幅放缓、同时世界某些角落的地缘政治风险 依然存在,这些都对世界经济自二零零八年金融危机以来本已脆弱的复苏态势构成压力, 并可能将各国经济再次拖入衰退的深渊。 parksongroup.com.cn | Global economy in the year 2012 started with the return of uncertainties, the economic recovery in the United States was losing steam, worry of economic collapse in the European Union (“EU”) region resurfaced, the Japanese economic growth was essentially stalled, the economic growth in PRC slowed considerably and geopolitical risk in selected corners of the world have all added pressures to the already weak and fragile recovery of the world economy from the 2008 financial crisis and threaten a relapse that will again put the world economy right back into recession. parksongroup.com.cn |
华北阴霾天气备受国际关注,我们估计政府很快会着手解决问题,因此对清洁能源业看高一 线。 principal.com.hk | Smog in Northern China hit global headlines and we expect the government will address this soon meaning clean energy sectors may be interesting investment alternatives. principal.com.hk |
就晶圆代工而言,2005Q2摆脱第一季的阴霾,在下游客户调整库存告一段落下,晶圆代工持续成长,高阶制程需求热络,高阶制程占营收比率持续提升,汉磊、世界先进等二线代工厂受惠於高压制程需求暴增下,营收季成长率成长超过两成,反倒是IC制造业中表现最为亮眼的一群。 tsia.org.tw | Benefited from the strong demand for high-voltage process, the second-tier foundries such as Episil and Vanguard became the out-performers and had an over 20% quarterly growth. tsia.org.tw |
在各大制造厂执行的实验室评定和现场测试已证实,这种技术可在实际生产条件下显着减少油雾的形成以及工厂环境中因油雾产生的雾霾。 cn.lubrizol.com | Laboratory evaluations and field tests done at major manufacturing plants have shown that this technology can be used under actual production conditions to dramatically reduce mist generation and haze due to oil mist in the plant environment. lubrizol.com |
施大卫先生续道:「一些出版商在2010年仍在金融危机的阴影下争扎求存,但我们亦看到,部份同业已走出经济下滑的阴霾,业绩逐步上扬,从印刷页数的增加、新科技的广泛应用和广告费的增长,都反映出业界的整体营商环境已在逐步改善。 sopasia.com | While 2010 was a year where some publishers still struggled, the second half saw an improvement in the industry as a whole with more pages added, an industry-wide embracement of new enabling technologies and an increase in ad rates that all reflected an improving operational environment. sopasia.com |
HASSELL董事部主席邓勤近日接受彭博社采访,对笼罩北京等中国城市的有害雾霾发表看法,并谈论了城市规划将如何帮助减少汽车使用需求,以及公共交通在缓解环境影响方面扮演的角色。 hassellstudio.com | HASSELL, together with Arup and Aurecon, are the engineering, light rail systems and urban design team commissioned by Transport for NSW to deliver the new light rail project in Sydney's CBD and South Eastern suburbs. hassellstudio.com |
展望九十九年度,虽然整体经 济已走出金融风暴的阴霾,惟主管机关国家传播通讯委员会 (NCC)二度强制调降行动资 费,其所带来的营收冲击与经营 压力无可避免,我们将着重其他 具成长性的业务,在行动、固 网、有线电视的整合平台上, 推出更丰富的媒体娱乐内容, 相信定能发挥综效,打造用户 全方位数位生活,进而创造股 东最大利益! corp.taiwanmobile.com | Although the global economy is gradually emerging from the financial crisis, the National Communications Commission’s announcement of the second round of the mandatory tariff cuts will inevitably weigh on the telecom industry’s operations and revenue. english.taiwanmobile.com |